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<font size="4"><b>BIONLP 2017</b></font>
An ACL 2017 Workshop associated with the SIGBIOMED special interest group, featuring an associated task: BioASQ ( http://www.bioasq.org/)
Vancouver, Canada, Friday August 4, 2017
*Submission deadline: Wednesday April 26, 2017 11:59 PM Eastern US
*Notification of acceptance: Monday May 22, 2017
*Camera-ready copy due from authors:  Friday May 26, 2017
*Workshop: Friday August 4, 2017
Two types of submissions are invited: full papers and short papers.
Submissions are due by 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday April 26, 2017.
Full papers should not exceed eight (8) pages of text, plus two pages of references. These are intended to be reports of original research. BioNLP aims to be the forum for interesting, innovative, and promising work involving biomedicine and language technology, whether or not yielding high performance at the moment. This by no means precludes our interest in and preference for mature results, strong performance, and thorough evaluation.  Both types of research and combinations thereof are encouraged. 
Short papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited references. Appropriate short paper topics include preliminary results, application notes, descriptions of work in progress, etc.
Electronic Submission
Submissions must be electronic and in PDF format, using the Softconf START conference management system at https://www.softconf.com/acl2017/bionlp/
We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files tailored for this year's conference. Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines. Style files and other information about paper formatting requirements are available on the conference website, http://acl2017.org/. 
Submissions need to be anonymous.
Dual submission policy: papers may NOT be submitted to  the BioNLP 2017 workshop if they are or will be concurrently submitted to another meeting or publication.
Over the course of the past fifteen years, the ACL BioNLP workshop associated with the SIGBIOMED special interest group has established itself as the primary venue for presenting foundational research in language processing for the biological and medical domains. The workshop serves as both a venue for bringing together researchers in bio- and clinical NLP and exposing these researchers to the mainstream ACL research, and a venue for informing the mainstream ACL researchers about the fast growing and important domain.
The workshop will continue presenting work on a broad and interesting range of topics in NLP.
The active areas of research include, but are not limited to:
* Entity identification and normalization for a broad range of semantic categories
* Extraction of complex relations and events
* Semantic parsing
* Discourse analysis
* Anaphora /Coreference resolution
* Text mining
* Literature based discovery
* Summarization
* Question Answering
* Resources and novel strategies for system testing and evaluation
* Infrastructures for biomedical text mining
* Processing and annotation platforms
* Translating NLP research to practice
* Theoretical underpinnings of biomedical language processing
* Research Reproducibility
<b>Program Committee:</b>
  * Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK
  * Ion Androutsopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
  * Emilia Apostolova, Language.ai, USA
  * Eiji Aramaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
  * Alan Aronson, US National Library of Medicine
  * Asma Ben Abacha, US National Library of Medicine
  * Olivier Bodenreider, US National Library of Medicine
  * Leonardo Campillos Llanos, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Juan Miguel Cejuela, Technische Universit&auml;t M&uuml;nchen, Germany
  * Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
  * Nigel Collier, University of Cambridge, UK
<!-- * Aaron Cohen, Oregon Health and Science University -->
  * Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine
  * Patrick Gallinari, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
  * Filip Ginter, University of Turku, Finland
  * Graciela Gonzalez, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  * Cyril Grouin, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Antonio Jimeno Yepes, IBM, Melbourne Area, Australia
  * Aris Kosmopoulos, NCSR Demokritos, Greece
  * Halil Kilicoglu, US National Library of Medicine
  * Robert Leaman, US National Library of Medicine
  <!-- * Ulf Leser, Humboldt-Universit&auml;t zu Berlin, Germany -->
  * Zhiyong Lu, US National Library of Medicine
  * Prodromes Malakasiotis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
  * Timothy Miller, Children’s Hospital Boston, USA
  * Makoto Miwa, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
  * Jim Mork, National Library of Medicine, USA
  * Danielle L Mowery, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, USA
  * Yassine M'Rabet, US National Library of Medicine
  * Henning M&uuml;ller, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
  * Claire Nédellec, INRA, France
  * Anastasios Nentidis, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece
  * Aurelie Neveol, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Mariana Neves, Hasso Plattner Institute and University of Potsdam, Germany
  * Nhung Nguyen, The University of Manchester, UK
  * Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University, Japan
  * Georgios Paliouras, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece
  * John Prager, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM, USA
  * Sampo Pyysalo, University of Cambridge, UK
<!--  * Bastien Rance, Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou, France -->
  * Francisco J. Ribadas-Pena, University of Vigo, Spain
  * Fabio Rinaldi,  University of Zurich, Switzerland
<!--  * Thomas Rindflescht, US National Library of Medicine -->
  * Kirk Roberts, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
  * Angus Roberts, The University of Sheffield, UK
<!--  * Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, University of Tokyo, Japan -->
  * Hagit Shatkay, University of Delaware, USA
  * Pontus Stenetorp, University College London, UK
  * George Tsatsaronis, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
  * Karin Verspoor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
  * Byron C. Wallace,  University of Texas at Austin, USA
  * W John Wilbur, US National Library of Medicine
  * Hai Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
  * Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine
  Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine
  Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK
  Jun-ichi Tsujii, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan and University of Manchester, UK
===ACL Anti-Harassment Policy===
If you have any concerns  or experience harassment or hostile behavior please contact Dina Demner-Fushman,  Kevin Bretonnel Cohen or any current member of the ACL Executive Committee.
==BIONLP 2016 ==
An ACL 2016 Workshop associated with the [[SIGBIOMED]] special interest group Featuring two associated tasks: [http://www.bioasq.org/workshop/  BioASQ] (http://www.bioasq.org/workshop) and [http://2016.bionlp-st.org/  BioNLP-ST]  (http://2016.bionlp-st.org).
Berlin, Germany, August 12 -13, 2016
* Submission deadline: Sunday, May 8, 2016, 11:59 PM Eastern US
* Notification of acceptance: Monday, June 13, 2016
* Camera-ready copy due from authors:  Wednesday, June 22, 2016
* BioNLP workshop: Friday, August 12, 2016
* BioNLP-ST and BioASQ workshop: Saturday August 13, 2016
==BIONLP 2016 Workshop Schedule==
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0"><tr><td colspan=2 style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Friday August 12, 2016</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>8:30&#8211;8:40</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Opening remarks</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>8:40&#8211;10:30</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Session 1: Entity extraction and representation</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>8:40&#8211;9:00</td><td valign=top align=left><i>A Machine Learning Approach to Clinical Terms Normalization</i><br>
Jose Castano, Mar&iacute;a Laura Gambarte, Hee Joon Park, Maria del Pilar Avila Williams, David Perez, Fernando Campos, Daniel Luna, Sonia Benitez, Hernan Berinsky and Sof&iacute;a Zanetti</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>9:00&#8211;9:20</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Improved Semantic Representation for Domain-Specific Entities</i><br>
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar and Nigel Collier</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>9:20&#8211;9:40</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Identification, characterization, and grounding of gradable terms in clinical text</i><br>
Chaitanya Shivade, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Eric Fosler-Lussier and Albert M. Lai</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>9:40&#8211;10:00</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Graph-based Semi-supervised Gene Mention Tagging</i><br>
Golnar Sheikhshab, Elizabeth Starks, Aly Karsan, Anoop Sarkar and Inanc Birol</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>10:00&#8211;10:30</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Invited Talk: <i>The BioNLP-ST challenges on information extraction and knowledge acquisition in biology</i> <br> Speakers:  Robert Bossy and Jin-Dong Kim</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>10:30&#8211;11:00</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b><em>Coffee Break</em></b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>11:00&#8211;12:30</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Session 2: Event and Relation Extraction</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>11:00&#8211;11:20</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Feature Derivation for Exploitation of Distant Annotation via Pattern Induction against Dependency Parses</i><br>
Dayne Freitag and John Niekrasz</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>11:40&#8211;12:00</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Inferring Implicit Causal Relationships in Biomedical Literature</i><br>
Halil Kilicoglu</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>12:00&#8211;12:20</td><td valign=top align=left><i>SnapToGrid: From Statistical to Interpretable Models for Biomedical Information Extraction</i><br>
Marco A. Valenzuela-Esc&aacute;rcega, Gus Hahn-Powell, Dane Bell and Mihai Surdeanu</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>12:20&#8211;12:40</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Character based String Kernels for Bio-Entity Relation Detection</i><br>
Ritambhara Singh and Yanjun Qi</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>12:40&#8211;14:00</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b><em>Lunch break</em></b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>14:00&#8211;15:40</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Session 3: Disambiguation, Classification, and more</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>14:00&#8211;14:20</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Disambiguation of entities in MEDLINE abstracts by combining MeSH terms with knowledge</i><br>
Amy Siu, Patrick Ernst and Gerhard Weikum</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>14:20&#8211;14:40</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Using Distributed Representations to Disambiguate Biomedical and Clinical Concepts</i><br>
Stephan Tulkens, Simon Suster and Walter Daelemans</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>14:40&#8211;15:00</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Unsupervised Document Classification with Informed Topic Models</i><br>
Timothy Miller, Dmitriy Dligach and Guergana Savova</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>15:00&#8211;15:20</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Vocabulary Development To Support Information Extraction of Substance Abuse from Psychiatry Notes</i><br>
Sumithra Velupillai, Danielle L Mowery, Mike Conway, John Hurdle and Brent Kious</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>15:20&#8211;15:40</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Syntactic analyses and named entity recognition for PubMed and PubMed Central __ up-to-the-minute</i><br>
Kai Hakala, Suwisa Kaewphan, Tapio Salakoski and Filip Ginter</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>15:40&#8211;16:00</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b><em>Coffee Break</em></b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>16:00&#8211;16:30</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Invited Talk: <i> BioASQ: A challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering</i> <br> Speaker: Anastasia Krithara</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>16:30&#8211;17:30</b></td><td valign=top style="padding-top: 14px;"><b>Poster Session</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Improving Temporal Relation Extraction with Training Instance Augmentation</i><br>
Chen Lin, Timothy Miller, Dmitriy Dligach, Steven Bethard and Guergana Savova</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Using Centroids of Word Embeddings and Word Mover&rsquo;s Distance for Biomedical Document Retrieval in Question Answering</i><br>
Georgios-Ioannis Brokos, Prodromos Malakasiotis and Ion Androutsopoulos</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Measuring the State of the Art of Automated Pathway Curation Using Graph Algorithms - A Case Study of the mTOR Pathway</i><br>
Michael Spranger, Sucheendra Palaniappan and Samik Gosh</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Construction of a Personal Experience Tweet Corpus for Health Surveillance</i><br>
Keyuan Jiang, Ricardo Calix and Matrika Gupta</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Modelling the Combination of Generic and Target Domain Embeddings in a Convolutional Neural Network for Sentence Classification</i><br>
Nut Limsopatham and Nigel Collier</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>PubTermVariants: biomedical term variants and their use for PubMed search</i><br>
Lana Yeganova, Won Kim, Sun Kim, Rezarta Islamaj Do&#287;an, Wanli Liu, Donald C Comeau, Zhiyong Lu and W John Wilbur</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>This before That: Causal Precedence in the Biomedical Domain</i><br>
Gus Hahn-Powell, Dane Bell, Marco A. Valenzuela-Esc&aacute;rcega and Mihai Surdeanu</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Syntactic methods for negation detection in radiology reports in Spanish</i><br>
Viviana Cotik, Vanesa Stricker, Jorge Vivaldi and Horacio Rodriguez</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>How to Train good Word Embeddings for Biomedical NLP</i><br>
Billy Chiu, Gamal Crichton, Anna Korhonen and Sampo Pyysalo</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>An Information Foraging Approach to Determining the Number of Relevant Features</i><br>
Brian Connolly, Benjamin Glass and John Pestian</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Assessing the Feasibility of an Automated Suggestion System for Communicating Critical Findings from Chest Radiology Reports to Referring Physicians</i><br>
Brian E. Chapman, Danielle L Mowery, Evan Narasimhan, Neel Patel, Wendy Chapman and Marta Heilbrun</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Building a dictionary of lexical variants for phenotype descriptors</i><br>
Simon Kocbek and Tudor Groza</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Applying deep learning on electronic health records in Swedish to predict healthcare-associated infections</i><br>
Olof Jacobson and Hercules Dalianis</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Identifying First Episodes of Psychosis in Psychiatric Patient Records using Machine Learning</i><br>
Genevieve Gorrell, Sherifat Oduola, Angus Roberts, Tom Craig, Craig Morgan and Rob Stewart</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Relation extraction from clinical texts using domain invariant convolutional neural network</i><br>
Sunil Sahu, Ashish Anand, Krishnadev Oruganty and Mahanandeeshwar Gattu</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top align=left><i>Results of the 4th edition of BioASQ Challenge</i><br>Anastasia Krithara, Anastasios Nentidis, Georgios Paliouras and Ioannis Kakadiaris</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>&nbsp;</td> <td><b>All  August 13 talks are also presented as posters on August 12 and August 13</b></td></tr>
==BioASQ / BioNLP-ST Workshop Program, August 13==
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>'''9:00-9:15'''</td> <td><b>Welcome</b></td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>'''9:15-10:15'''</td> <td>'''Invited speaker: Sherri Matis-Mitchell''' <br>Solving Problems and Supporting Decisions in Pharma R&D using Text Analytics: A Recent History</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>10:15-10:30</td> <td>'''Overview of BioASQ'''</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>10:30-11:00</td> <td><b>Coffee break</b></td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>11:00-12:30</td> <td><b>BioASQ participant session</b></td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>11:00-11:15</td> <td>Using Learning-To-Rank to Enhance NLM Medical Text Indexer Results<br>Ilya Zavorin, James Mork and Dina Demner-Fushman</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>11:15-11:30</td> <td>LABDA at the 2016 BioASQ challenge task 4a: Semantic Indexing by using ElasticSearch <br>Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Adrián Carruana and Paloma Martínez</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>11:30-11:45</td> <td>Learning to Answer Biomedical Questions: OAQA at BioASQ 4B<br>Zi Yang, Yue Zhou and Eric Nyberg</td></tr>
        <tr><td valign=top width=100>11:45-12:00</td> <td>HPI Question Answering System in BioASQ 2016 <br>Frederik Schulze, Ricarda Schuler, Tim Draeger, Daniel Dummer, Alexander Ernst, Pedro Flemming, Cindy Perscheid, Mariana Neves</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>12:00-12:15</td> <td>KSAnswer: Question-answering System of Kangwon National University and Sogang University in the 2016 BioASQ Challenge<br>Hyeon-gu Lee, Minkyoung Kim, Harksoo Kim, Juae Kim, Sunjae Kwon, Jungyun Seo, Yi-Reun Kim and Jung-Kyu Choi</td></tr>
  <tr><td valign=top width=100>12:15-12:30</td> <td>Large-Scale Semantic Indexing and Question Answering in Biomedicine <br>Eirini Papagiannopoulou, Yiannis Papanikolaou, Dimitris Dimitriadis, Sakis Lagopoulos, Grigorios Tsoumakas, Manos Laliotis, Nikos Markantonatos and Ioannis Vlahavas</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top width=100>'''12:30-14:00'''</td> <td><b>Lunch break</b></td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>'''14:00-14:15'''</td> <td><b>Overview of BioNLP-ST</b></td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>'''14:15-15:30'''</td> <td>'''BioNLP-ST participant session 1'''</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>14:15-14:30</td> <td>LitWay, discriminative extraction for different bio-events<br>Chen Li, Zhiqiang Rao and Xiangrong Zhang</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>14:30-14:45</td> <td>VERSE: Event and relation extraction in the BioNLP 2016 Shared Task<br>Jake Lever and Steven JM Jones</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>14:45-15:00</td> <td>A dictionary- and rule-based system for identification of bacteria and habitats in text<br>Helen Cook, Evangelos Pafilis and Lars Juhl Jensen</td></tr>
    <tr><td valign=top width=100>15:00-15:15</td> <td>Extraction of Regulatory Events Using Kernel-based Classifiers and Distant Supervision<br>Andre Lamurias, Miguel J. Rodrigues, Luka A. Clarke and Francisco M Couto</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>15:15-15:30</td>  <td>Deep Learning With Minimal Training Data: TurkuNLP Entry in The BioNLP Shared Task 2016<br>Farrokh Mehryary, Jari Björne, Sampo Pyysalo, Tapio Salakoski and Filip Ginter</td></tr>
    <tr><td valign=top width=100>'''15:30-16:00'''</td> <td>'''Coffee break'''</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>16:00-17:00</td> <td>'''BioNLP-ST participant session 2'''</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>16:00-16:15</td><td>Identification of mentions and relations between bacteria and biotope from PubMed abstracts<br>Cyril Grouin</td></tr>
  <tr><td valign=top width=100>16:15-16:30</td> <td>SeeDev Binary Event Extraction Using SVMs and a Rich Feature set<br>Nagesh Panyam Chandrasekarasastry, Gitansh Khirbat, Karin Verspoor, Trevor Cohn and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>16:30-16:45</td> <td>Ontology Based Categorization of Bacteria and Habitat Entities using Information Retrieval Techniques<br>Mert Tiftikci, Hakan Şahin, Berfu Büyüköz, Alper Yayıkçı and Arzucan Özgür</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>16:45-17:00</td> <td>DUTIR in BioNLP-ST 2016: Utilizing convolutional network and distributed representation to extract complicate relations<br>Honglei Li, Jianhai Zhang, Jian Wang, Hongfei Lin and Zhihao Yang</td></tr>
      <tr><td valign=top width=100>'''17:00-17:30'''</td> <td><b>Closing session</b></td></tr>
Over the course of the past fourteen years, the ACL BioNLP workshop associated with the SIGBIOMED special interest group has established itself as the primary venue for presenting foundational research in language processing for the biological and medical domains. The workshop serves as both a venue for bringing together researchers in bio- and clinical NLP and exposing these researchers to the mainstream ACL research, and a venue for informing the mainstream ACL researchers about the fast growing and important domain. 
The workshop will continue presenting work on a broad and interesting range of topics in NLP. 
The active areas of research include:
* Entity identification and normalization for a broad range of semantic categories
* Extraction of complex relations and events
* Semantic parsing
* Discourse analysis
* Anaphora /Coreference resolution
* Text mining
** Literature based discovery
* Summarization
* Question Answering
* Resources and novel strategies for system testing and evaluation
** Infrastructures for biomedical text mining
* Processing and annotation platforms
* Translating NLP research to practice
* Theoretical underpinnings of biomedical language processing
We invite two types of submissions: full papers and short papers.
Submissions are due by 11:59 PM EST on Sunday May 8, 2016.
Full papers should not exceed eight (8) pages of text, plus unlimited references. These are intended to be
reports of original research. BioNLP aims to be the forum for interesting, innovative, and promising work
involving biomedicine and language technology, whether or not yielding high performance at the moment.
This by no means precludes our interest in and preference for mature results, strong performance, and thorough evaluation.  Both types of research and combinations thereof are encouraged. 
Short papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited references.
Appropriate short paper topics include preliminary results, application notes, descriptions of work in progress, etc.
<h6>Electronic Submission</h6>
Submissions must be electronic and in PDF format, using the Softconf START conference management system at [https://www.softconf.com/acl2016/BioNLP16/ https://www.softconf.com/acl2016/BioNLP16/]
We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files tailored for this year's conference. Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines. Style files and other information about paper formatting requirements will be made available on the conference website,[http://acl2016.org http://acl2016.org].
<b>Submissions should be anonymous. </b>
Dual submission policy: papers may <b>NOT</b> be submitted to  the BioNLP 2016 workshop if they are or will be concurrently submitted to another meeting or publication. -->
<b>Program Committee:</b>
  * Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK
  * Eiji Aramaki, University of Tokyo, Japan
  * Alan Aronson, US National Library of Medicine
  * Asma Ben Abacha, US National Library of Medicine
  * Olivier Bodenreider, US National Library of Medicine
  * Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA
  * Aaron Cohen, Oregon Health and Science University
  * Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine
  * Filip Ginter, University of Turku, Finland
  * Cyril Grouin, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Antonio Jimeno Yepes, IBM, Melbourne Area, Australia
  * Halil Kilicoglu, US National Library of Medicine
  * Robert Leaman, US National Library of Medicine
  * Ulf Leser, Humboldt-Universit&auml;t zu Berlin, Germany
  * Zhiyong Lu, US National Library of Medicine
  * Timothy Miller, Children’s Hospital Boston, USA
  * Makoto Miwa, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
  * Danielle L Mowery, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, USA
  * Yassine M'Rabet, US National Library of Medicine
  * Aurelie Neveol, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Nhung Nguyen, The University of Manchester, UK
  * Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University, Japan
  * Sampo Pyysalo, University of Cambridge, UK
  * Bastien Rance, Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou, France
  * Fabio Rinaldi,  University of Zurich, Switzerland
  * Thomas Rindflescht, US National Library of Medicine
  * Kirk Roberts, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
  * Angus Roberts, The University of Sheffield, UK
  * Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, University of Tokyo, Japan
  * Karin Verspoor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
  * Byron C. Wallace,  University of Texas at Austin, USA
  * W John Wilbur, US National Library of Medicine
  * Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine
  * Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine
  * Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK
  * Jun-ichi Tsujii, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
<h5>The BioNLP Shared Task (BioNLP-ST) and the BioASQ Challenge associated with the workshop</h5>
The <b>BioNLP Shared Task (BioNLP-ST)</b> has been organized three times so far, leading to the development of information extraction systems for molecular biology and medicine in 2009, 2011 and 2013. One of the major contributions of BioNLP-ST is the availability of resources such as high quality manually curated corpora, tools, and evaluation services.
<b>Shared Task Organizers:</b>
* Jin-Dong Kim, Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS), Japan
* Claire Nedellec, INRA, France
* Robert Bossy, INRA, France
The second equally successful shared task, the <b>BioASQ challenge</b> on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering has been running on an annual basis since 2012. The results of the challenge were presented in a workshop, which has so far been taking place in conjunction with the CLEF conference and was extremely well-attended.
BioASQ assesses the performance of information systems in supporting two tasks that are central in the biomedical question answering process: (a) the indexing of large volumes of unlabeled data, primarily scientific articles, with biomedical concepts, (b) the processing of biomedical questions and the generation of answers and supporting material.  BioASQ has been making publicly available the following benchmark data and tools: more than 1300 questions and related answers, as well as online "oracle" for objective evaluation of any system throughout the year, not only during the challenge.
<b>BioASQ Organizers:</b>
* Georgios Paliouras NCSR "Demokritos", Greece and University of Houston, USA
* Ioannis Kakadiaris University of Houston, USA
* Anastasia Krithara, NCSR "Demokritos", Greece
<!-- ==BIONLP 2015 Workshop Schedule==
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">
<tr><td colspan=2><b>Thursday, July 30</b></td></tr>
<tr><td style="width:10%; vertical-align:top">8:00&#8211;8:20</td><td valign=top><b> Opening remarks</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top><b>Session 1: Reading biomedical literature</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>8:20&#8211;8:40</td><td>Complex Event Extraction using DRUM<br><em>James Allen<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Will de Beaumont<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Lucian Galescu<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Choh Man Teng<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and University of Rochester, <sup>2</sup>Institute for Human and Machine Cognition</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>8:40&#8211;9:00</td><td>Making the most of limited training data using distant supervision<br><em>Roland Roller and Mark Stevenson</em><br>University of Sheffield</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>9:00&#8211;9:20</td><td>An extended dependency graph for relation extraction in biomedical texts<br><em>Yifan Peng<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Samir Gupta<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Cathy Wu<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Vijay Shanker<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Computer and Information Sciences,  University of Delaware,&nbsp;<sup>2</sup>University of Delaware</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>9:20&#8211;9:40</td><td>Event Extraction in pieces:Tackling the partial event identification problem on unseen corpora<br><em>Chrysoula Zerva and Sophia Ananiadou</em><br>University of Manchester</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>9:40&#8211;10:00</td><td>Extracting Biological Pathway Models From NLP Event Representations<br><em>Michael Spranger<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Sucheendra Palaniappan<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Samik Ghosh<sup>3</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc., <sup>2</sup>INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France, <sup>3</sup>The Systems Biology Institute, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>10:00&#8211;10:20</td><td>Shallow Training is cheap but is it good enough? Experiments with Medical Fact Coding<br><em>Ramesh Nallapati and Radu Florian</em><br>IBM T. J. Watson Research Center</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>10:30&#8211;11:00</td><td valign=top><b>Coffee Break</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>11:00&#8211;11:45</td><td valign=top><b><font face="verdana" color="#000080"> Keynote: "Machine Reading: Attempting to model and understand biological processes" - Christopher Manning</font></b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>11:45&#8211;12:30</td><td valign=top><b><font face="verdana" color="#000080"> Keynote: “The DARPA Big Mechanism Program” - Kevin Knight</font></b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>12:30&#8211;14:00</td><td valign=top><b>Lunch</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>14:00&#8211;15:00</td><td valign=top><b>Poster session</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>15:00&#8211;15:30</td><td valign=top><b><font face="verdana" color="#000080"> Invited Talk: “Overview of BioCreative V Challenge Tasks” - Zhiyong Lu</font></b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>15:30&#8211;16:00</td><td valign=top><b>Coffee Break</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top><b>Session 2: Clinical text processing</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>16:00&#8211;16:20</td><td>Stacked Generalization for Medical Concept Extraction from Clinical Notes<br><em>Youngjun Kim and Ellen Riloff</em><br>University of Utah</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>16:20&#8211;16:40</td><td>Extracting Disease-Symptom Relationships by Learning Syntactic Patterns from Dependency Graphs<br><em>Mohsen Hassan<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Olfa Makkaoui<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Adrien Coulet<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Yannick Toussain<sup>1</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>LORIA (CNRS, Inria NGE, Universit&eacute;  de Lorraine), <sup>2</sup>LORIA (Inria NGE)</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>16:40&#8211;17:00</td><td>Extracting Time Expressions from Clinical Text<br><em>Timothy Miller<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Steven Bethard<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Dmitriy Dligach<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Chen Lin<sup>3</sup>,&nbsp;Guergana Savova<sup>4</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, <sup>2</sup>University of Alabama at Birmingham, <sup>3</sup>Boston Children's Hospital, <sup>4</sup>Harvard</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>17:00&#8211;17:20</td><td>Exploiting Task-Oriented Resources to Learn Word Embeddings for Clinical Abbreviation Expansion<br><em>Yue Liu<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Tao Ge<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Kusum Mathews<sup>3</sup>,&nbsp;Heng Ji<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Deborah McGuinness<sup>1</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, <sup>2</sup>Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, Peking University, <sup>3</sup>Departments of Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>17:20&#8211;17:40</td><td>Semantic Type Classification of Common Words in Biomedical Noun Phrases<br><em>Amy Siu and Gerhard Weikum</em><br>Max Planck Institute for Informatics</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>17:40&#8211;18:00</td><td>CoMAGD: Annotation of Gene-Depression Relations<br><em>Rize Jin<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Jinseon You<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Jin-Woo Chung<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Hee-Jin Lee<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Maria Wolters<sup>3</sup>,&nbsp;Jong Park<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, <sup>2</sup>KAIST, <sup>3</sup>The University of Edinburgh</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>18:00</td><td valign=top><b>Closing remarks</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top><b>Posters</b></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Lexical Characteristics Analysis of Chinese Clinical Documents<br><em>Meizhi Ju<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Haomin Li<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Huilong Duan<sup>1</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China., <sup>2</sup>The Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China;The Institute of Translational Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Using word embedding for bio-event extraction<br><em>Chen Li<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Runqing Song<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Maria Liakata<sup>3</sup>,&nbsp;Andreas Vlachos<sup>4</sup>,&nbsp;Stephanie Seneff<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Xiangrong Zhang<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Massachusetts Institute of Technology, <sup>2</sup>Xidian University, <sup>3</sup>University of Warwick, <sup>4</sup>University College London</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Measuring the readability of medical research journal abstracts<br><em>Samuel J. Severance<sup>1</sup> and K. Bretonnel Cohen<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>School of Education, Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado, <sup>2</sup>U. Colorado School of Medicine</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Translating Electronic Health Record Notes from English to Spanish: A Preliminary Study<br><em>Weisong Liu<sup>1</sup> and Shu Cai<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>UMass Medical School, <sup>2</sup>Information Sciences Institute</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Automatic Detection of Answers to Research Questions from Medline Abstracts<br><em>Abdulaziz Alamri<sup>1</sup> and Mark Stevenson<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>PhD Student, The university of Sheffield, <sup>2</sup>University of Sheffield</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>A preliminary study on automatic identification of patient smoking status in unstructured electronic health records<br><em>Jitendra Jonnagaddala<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Hong-Jie Dai<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Pradeep Ray<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Siaw-Teng Liaw<sup>1</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>UNSW Australia, <sup>2</sup>Taipei Medical University</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Restoring the intended structure of Hungarian ophthalmology documents<br><em>Borbala Siklosi<sup>1</sup> and Attila Novak<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Pazmany Peter Catholic University, <sup>2</sup>MTA-PPKE Hungarian Language Technology Research Group, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Evaluating distributed word representations for capturing semantics of biomedical concepts<br><em>MUNEEB TH<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Sunil Sahu<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Ashish Anand<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>IIT GUWAHATI, <sup>2</sup>Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Investigating Public Health Surveillance using Twitter<br><em>Antonio Jimeno Yepes<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Andrew MacKinlay<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Bo Han<sup>2</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>IBM, <sup>2</sup>IBM Research</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Clinical Abbreviation Disambiguation Using Neural Word Embeddings<br><em>Yonghui Wu<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Jun Xu<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Yaoyun Zhang<sup>3</sup>,&nbsp;Hua Xu<sup>1</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, <sup>2</sup>School of Biomedical Informatics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, <sup>3</sup>University of Texas School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>&nbsp;</td><td valign=top>Representing Clinical Diagnostic Criteria in Quality Data Model Using Natural Language Processing<br><em>Na Hong<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Dingcheng Li<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Yue Yu<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Hongfang Liu<sup>1</sup>,&nbsp;Christopher G. Chute<sup>2</sup>,&nbsp;Guoqian Jiang<sup>1</sup></em><br><sup>1</sup>Mayo Clinic, <sup>2</sup>Johns Hopkins University</td></tr>
==BIONLP 2015 Call for Papers==
==BIONLP 2015 Call for Papers==
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Submissions should be anonymous.
Submissions should be anonymous.
<h5>Program committee:</h5>
* Emilia Apostolova, DePaul University, Chicago, USA
* Eiji Aramaki, University of Tokyo
* Alan Aronson, National Library of Medicine
* Sabine Bergler, Concordia University, Canada
* Olivier Bodenreider, National Library of Medicine
* Aaron Cohen, Oregon Health and Science University
* Nigel Collier, EBI, the National Institute of Informatics
* Noémie Elhadad, Columbia University
* Marcelo Fiszman, National Library of Medicine
* Filip Ginter, University of Turku
<!--* Graciela Gonzalez, Arizona State University -->
* Cyril Grouin, LIMSI - CNRS, France
* Antonio Jimeno Yepes, IBM, Melbourne Area, Australia
* Halil Kilicoglu, National Library of Medicine
* Jin-Dong Kim, Database Center for Life Science, Japan
<!-- * Alexander Koller, University of Potsdam -->
* Robert Leaman, National Library of Medicine
* Zhiyong Lu, National Library of Medicine
* Timothy Miller, Children's Hospital Boston
* Makoto Miwa, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
* Aurelie Neveol, LIMSI - CNRS, France
* Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University
* Jong Park, KAIST
* Sampo Pyysalo, University of Turku
* Bastien Rance, Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou
* Thomas Rindflesch, National Library of Medicine
* Kirk Roberts, National Library of Medicine
* Andrey Rzhetsky, University of Chicago
* Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Karin Verspoor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
* John Wilbur, National Library of Medicine
* Pierre Zweigenbaum,  LIMSI - CNRS, France
  * Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine
  * Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine
  * Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK
  * Jun-ichi Tsujii, Microsoft Research Asia
==BIONLP 2014 Workshop Schedule==
==BIONLP 2014 Workshop Schedule==

Revision as of 10:36, 29 April 2017



An ACL 2017 Workshop associated with the SIGBIOMED special interest group, featuring an associated task: BioASQ ( http://www.bioasq.org/)

Vancouver, Canada, Friday August 4, 2017


  • Submission deadline: Wednesday April 26, 2017 11:59 PM Eastern US
  • Notification of acceptance: Monday May 22, 2017
  • Camera-ready copy due from authors: Friday May 26, 2017
  • Workshop: Friday August 4, 2017


Two types of submissions are invited: full papers and short papers. Submissions are due by 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday April 26, 2017.

Full papers should not exceed eight (8) pages of text, plus two pages of references. These are intended to be reports of original research. BioNLP aims to be the forum for interesting, innovative, and promising work involving biomedicine and language technology, whether or not yielding high performance at the moment. This by no means precludes our interest in and preference for mature results, strong performance, and thorough evaluation. Both types of research and combinations thereof are encouraged.

Short papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited references. Appropriate short paper topics include preliminary results, application notes, descriptions of work in progress, etc.

Electronic Submission Submissions must be electronic and in PDF format, using the Softconf START conference management system at https://www.softconf.com/acl2017/bionlp/ We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files tailored for this year's conference. Submissions must conform to the official style guidelines. Style files and other information about paper formatting requirements are available on the conference website, http://acl2017.org/

Submissions need to be anonymous.

Dual submission policy: papers may NOT be submitted to the BioNLP 2017 workshop if they are or will be concurrently submitted to another meeting or publication.


Over the course of the past fifteen years, the ACL BioNLP workshop associated with the SIGBIOMED special interest group has established itself as the primary venue for presenting foundational research in language processing for the biological and medical domains. The workshop serves as both a venue for bringing together researchers in bio- and clinical NLP and exposing these researchers to the mainstream ACL research, and a venue for informing the mainstream ACL researchers about the fast growing and important domain. The workshop will continue presenting work on a broad and interesting range of topics in NLP.

The active areas of research include, but are not limited to:

  • Entity identification and normalization for a broad range of semantic categories
  • Extraction of complex relations and events
  • Semantic parsing
  • Discourse analysis
  • Anaphora /Coreference resolution
  • Text mining
  • Literature based discovery
  • Summarization
  • Question Answering
  • Resources and novel strategies for system testing and evaluation
  • Infrastructures for biomedical text mining
  • Processing and annotation platforms
  • Translating NLP research to practice
  • Theoretical underpinnings of biomedical language processing
  • Research Reproducibility

Program Committee:

 * Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK 
 * Ion Androutsopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
 * Emilia Apostolova, Language.ai, USA
 * Eiji Aramaki, University of Tokyo, Japan 
 * Alan Aronson, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Asma Ben Abacha, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Olivier Bodenreider, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Leonardo Campillos Llanos, LIMSI - CNRS, France
 * Juan Miguel Cejuela, Technische Universität München, Germany
 * Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA 
 * Nigel Collier, University of Cambridge, UK 
 * Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Patrick Gallinari, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
 * Filip Ginter, University of Turku, Finland 
 * Graciela Gonzalez, University of Pennsylvania, USA
 * Cyril Grouin, LIMSI - CNRS, France 
 * Antonio Jimeno Yepes, IBM, Melbourne Area, Australia
 * Aris Kosmopoulos, NCSR Demokritos, Greece
 * Halil Kilicoglu, US National Library of Medicine
 * Robert Leaman, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Zhiyong Lu, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Prodromes Malakasiotis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
 * Timothy Miller, Children’s Hospital Boston, USA 
 * Makoto Miwa, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan 
 * Jim Mork, National Library of Medicine, USA
 * Danielle L Mowery, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System, USA
 * Yassine M'Rabet, US National Library of Medicine
 * Henning Müller, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
 * Claire Nédellec, INRA, France
 * Anastasios Nentidis, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece 
 * Aurelie Neveol, LIMSI - CNRS, France 
 * Mariana Neves, Hasso Plattner Institute and University of Potsdam, Germany
 * Nhung Nguyen, The University of Manchester, UK
 * Naoaki Okazaki, Tohoku University, Japan 
 * Georgios Paliouras, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece 
 * John Prager, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM, USA
 * Sampo Pyysalo, University of Cambridge, UK 
 * Francisco J. Ribadas-Pena, University of Vigo, Spain
 * Fabio Rinaldi,  University of Zurich, Switzerland 
 * Kirk Roberts, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA 
 * Angus Roberts, The University of Sheffield, UK 
 * Hagit Shatkay, University of Delaware, USA 
 * Pontus Stenetorp, University College London, UK
 * George Tsatsaronis, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
 * Karin Verspoor, The University of Melbourne, Australia 
 * Byron C. Wallace,  University of Texas at Austin, USA 
 * W John Wilbur, US National Library of Medicine 
 * Hai Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
 * Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI - CNRS, France


 Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, University of Colorado School of Medicine
 Dina Demner-Fushman, US National Library of Medicine
 Sophia Ananiadou, National Centre for Text Mining and University of Manchester, UK
 Jun-ichi Tsujii, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan and University of Manchester, UK

ACL Anti-Harassment Policy


If you have any concerns or experience harassment or hostile behavior please contact Dina Demner-Fushman, Kevin Bretonnel Cohen or any current member of the ACL Executive Committee.