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Please post your job ad below. Jobs are listed in chronological order of posting. Please remove your posting when the position is filled. Please include the following information:
* '''[[Instructions for Posting Job Ads]]'''
* See also the [http://linguistlist.org/jobs/index.html Linguist Job List].
* Archived postings:
** [[Employment opportunities posted 2013|2013]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2012|2012]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2011|2011]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2010|2010]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2009|2009]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2008|2008]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2007|2007]]
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* Employer
== PostDoc Position in Heidelberg (NLP, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning)==
* Rank or Title
*Employer: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH (HITS)
* Specialty (e.g., Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation)
*Title: PostDoc
* Deadline
*Specialties: Natural Language Processing, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning
* Date Posted
*Location: Heidelberg, Germany
* Contact email or link to website
*Deadline: 20 February 2015
*Date posted: 29 January 2015
*Contact information: michael.strube (at) h-its.org
*Online application: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1
See also the [http://linguistlist.org/jobs/index.html Linguist Job List].
'''Job Description'''
PostDoc position available in the NLP group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) in Heidelberg, Germany
== Internship on Textual Entailment Applied to Statistical Machine Translation, Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble - France ==
One position is available for a PostDoc working in Natural Language Processing, in particular in the areas of Entity Linking, Cross-document Coreference Resolution, Coreference Resolution, Word Sense Disambiguation. The position is within a newly funded project on "Scalable Author Name Disambiguation in Bibliographic Databases". Project partners are DBLP (http://dblp.org/db/) and zbMATH (https://zbmath.org/), the two leading bibliographic databases in computer science and mathematics which will also supply the data to be disambiguated and the gold standard. The project will be funded for three years starting June 1st, 2015.
The main research lines within the Cross Language Technologies (CLT) area at XRCE are Statistical Machine Translation, Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Machine Learning Techniques for Cross-Lingual Applications. CLT is currently coordinating the European Project SMART (Statistical Multilingual Analysis for Retrieval and Translation) [http://www.smart-project.eu].  
The candidate should have a strong background in Natural Language Processing and possess a PhD in either Computational Linguistics or Computer Science. Experience with machine learning, databases, parallel programming, big data and networks as well as strong programming skills are required.
XRCE has received funding from the PASCAL-2 Network of Excellence [http://pascallin2.ecs.soton.ac.uk] for conducting, in partnership with Bar-Ilan University in Israel, a "Pump Priming" project on the topic of "Context Models for Textual Entailment and their Application to Statistical Machine Translation". One of the goals of the project is to investigate situations in which, while a translation system may not have enough knowledge to adequately translate a source text into a target text, it may be able to do so based on entailment rules learned from monolingual data.  
HITS gGmbH is a private non-profit research institute carrying out multidisciplinary research in the computational sciences. It receives its base funding from the HITS Stiftung.
We are looking for preferably one (in this case the internship would be for 10 months ) or two interns (in this case each internship would last 5 months with the first starting at the beginning of 2009) to work on this topic under the supervision of XRCE researchers, and in collaboration with our partners. The focus of the work will be on the following topics:
The NLP group (http://www.h-its.org/en/research/nlp/) at HITS is an interdisciplinary research group that works on applications in the area of discourse and dialogue, in particular coreference resolution, entity linking, automatic summarization, and knowledge extraction from semistructured input. The NLP group at HITS works closely together with the Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Heidelberg.
* Integration of existing paraphrase and entailment resources into SMT settings, and assessment of their applicability in this domain;
To apply, please enter your application via the following link: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1 (reference Postdoc NLP HITS-01-2015)
* Development (in collaboration with our partners) of novel models for assessing the validity of entailment rules in context and implementation of SMT-based modules that are able to exploit such rules;
* Methodology and measures for controlling the use of directional and bi-directional entailment rules in SMT;
* Use of entailment knowledge for evaluating the performance of SMT systems.
The ideal candidate will be a strong Master or Ph.D. student with background in statistical machine translation and/or statistical methods in NLP. The candidate will be fluent in C/C++ and/or Python. Some knowledge and practice of Machine Learning models and tools will be a plus, as will be some previous acquaintance with work on Textual Entailment.
Applications must be submitted by February 20, 2015. Please note that applications not submitted via the online system will not be considered. Inquiries about the position can be directed at Michael Strube (michael.strube (at) h-its.org).
* Lucia Specia: lucia.specia@xrce.xerox.com
==Postdoc position in Cardiff (NLP, IR, machine learning)==
* Marc Dymetman: marc.dymetman@xrce.xerox.com
*Employer: Cardiff University
*Title: Postdoc
*Specialties: Natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning, distributional models, relation extraction, commonsense resoning
*Location: Cardiff, UK
*Deadline: 3 February 2015
*Date posted: 9 January 2015
*Contact information: SchockaertS1@cardiff.ac.uk
For more information: http://www.xrce.xerox.com/internships/LS-MD.TE-SMT_2009.2008.html
'''Job Description'''
== Machine Learning Winter Internship, Google New York ==
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate post in the School of Computer Science & Informatics at Cardiff University. This is a full-time, fixed-term post for 30 months, starting on 1 May 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.
We are looking for a masters or PhD student to work on a large ML infrastructure project at Google New York. Good coding abilities and graduate level course work or research experience in ML is desirable. This is a great opportunity to see machine learning and classification at work in a leading technology company.
The main aim of this project is to learn fine-grained semantic relations from large text corpora. Initially such relations will be obtained in an unsupervised way, by identifying semantic relations with spatial relations between vector-space representations. Subsequently, open-domain, supervised relation extraction methods will be developed which use the output of the unsupervised methods as training data. This research will be part of an ERC funded project on the use of semantic relations between natural language terms in logics for commonsense reasoning. You will work closely with Dr Steven Schockaert. You will possess a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related area, or have equivalent experience.
The period of the internship will be for 3-6 months with a flexible starting date. If interested, please send an email to ryanmcd+wi@google.com with a resume and any date constraints you may have.
'''Essential criteria'''
Ryan McDonald, Google Research, New York
*Proven ability to undertake research in a relevant research area (e.g. natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning) at an international level, as evidenced by research output.
*Excellent programming skills (java or C/C++).
*A demonstrable history of contributing to excellent publications in relevant top-tier conferences (e.g. ACL, EMNLP, SIGIR, CIKM, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML) and journals (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, ACM Trans. Information Systems, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data  Engineering).
*Proven ability to communicate specialist ideas clearly in English using written media.
*Excellent organisational skills with a proven ability to work independently and be self-managing, to prioritise your work and meet deadlines within the framework of an agreed programme.
*A PhD in Computer Science or closely related area, or equivalent experience.
== Research Position at Stanford CSLI: Robust Dialogue Understanding and Dialogue Management ==
'''Desirable criteria'''
The Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) at Stanford University is seeking a Research Scientist to work on multimodal spoken-language dialogue systems, starting as soon as possible, preferably 1 September 2008.
*Knowledge of statistical natural language processing.
*Knowledge of unsupervised and semi-supervised learning.
*Knowledge of relation extraction.
*Experience with analysing large text corpora using a high-performance computing environment.
*Experience with dimensionality reduction methods such as multi-dimensional scaling, singular-value decomposition, and non-negative matrix factorisation.
The ideal candidate is a Computational Linguist with an interest in the computational semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, with experience in formally-inspired and/or statistical/machine-learning approaches to natural language processing and dialogue modeling. The position requires a Ph.D. in computational linguistics, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, or a related field. Applicants should have a demonstrated capacity to define and implement a research plan, and to conduct individual and collaborative research consonant with the dialogue-systems projects underway at CSLI.
'''More information'''
For more details about the project and instructions on how to apply, please go to www.cardiff.ac.uk/jobs and search for job 2972BR.
Current research into dialogue at CSLI includes human-human, human-computer and human-robot dialogue modeling, and employs a variety of techniques, including symbolic and stochastic, theory and data-driven. Proficiency in multiple approaches relevant to current CSLI application areas will be highly valued, as will an ability to  participate in implementation.
==Post‐Doctoral and all levels of Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence==
*Employer: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
*Title: Post-doc/Research Scientist
*Specialties (one or more): Natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, question answering and explanation
*Location: Seattle, WA
*Deadline: N/A, we are hiring throughout 2015
*Date posted: 12/9/2014
*Contact information: ai2-info@allenai.org, allenai.org
Research topics of particular interest include:
'''Job Description'''
* robust semantic interpretation from noisy data (e.g. fragment parsing, role detection);
* robust context-based pragmatic interpretation (e.g. anaphora/ellipsis/fragment resolution, dialogue act detection);
* multi-party discourse modeling (e.g. group decision-making, collaborative task planning, addressee detection);
* multimodal dialogue management;
* multimodal incremental processing;
* probabilistic dialogue state/activity modeling and tracking.
The successful candidate will work with faculty, postdoctoral, and student researchers in the Dialogue Systems Group at CSLI, performing novel research and developing core infrastructure for natural multimodal conversational systems for a range of interactions and applications. Responsibilities will include supervising student research assistants and participating in proposal-preparation to attract new funding.
The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is a non-profit research institute in Seattle founded by Paul Allen and headed by Professor Oren Etzioni.  The core mission of (AI2) is to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. We are actively seeking Post Docs and Research Scientists at all levels who are passionate about AI and who can help us achieve this core mission by teaming to construct AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities.  
The CSLI Dialogue Systems Group consists of about fifteen people, and is involved in a number of projects including close collaboration with other Stanford departments, numerous other academic institutions, government agencies such as NASA, not-for-profit research organizations such as SRI, and various commercial enterprises. Current projects include: understanding multi-party conversational interaction; speech-enabled intelligent tutoring systems;  collaborative control of teams of robotic devices; and situated human-robot interaction.
'''Position Summary'''
The position is initially for 1 year, renewable for up to 3 years (contingent on continued funding). Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience, but is expected to be in a range starting from $70,000 for a junior appointee, to $90,000 for a senior appointee.
AI2 currently has projects in the following areas:
*Language and Vision
*Information extraction and semantic parsing
*Question answering
*Language and reasoning
*Machine learning and theory formation
*Semantic search
*Diagram understanding
Applicants should submit a letter of application and a full resume or curriculum vitae with names and email addresses of at least three references. Please contact [http://godel.stanford.edu/twiki/bin/view/Public/WebHome Stanley Peters] and [http://www.stanford.edu/~raquelfr/ Raquel Fernandez] ({peters,raquelfr}@csli.stanford.edu) for further information.
AI2 Research Scientists will have a primary focus in one of these specific areas but will also have the opportunity to contribute and engage in a variety of other areas critical to our research and mission.  These include opportunities to participate in or lead select R&D projects, work with management to develop the long term vision for knowledge systems R&D, take a leading role in overseeing and implementing software systems supporting the research, author and present scientific papers and presentations for peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and help develop collaborative and strategic relationships with relevant academic, industrial, government, and standards organizations.
Stanford University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
== Job Announcement: Programmer Analyst - Text and Speech Annotation Support, Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia, USA ==
Applicants for Research Scientist at AI2 should have a strong foundation (typically PhD level) in one or more of the following areas: natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, or question answering and explanation.  We look favorably upon extensive work experience demonstrating application of your research.
* Employer: Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
'''Application Process'''
* Title: Programmer Analyst (full-time position)
* Specialty: Corpus Creation, Text and Speech Annotation Support
* New Deadline: Aug 15, 2008 (open until filled)
* Date Posted: July 28, 2008
* LDC website: http://www.ldc.upenn.edu
* See full job description: http://linguistlist.org/jobs/get-jobs.cfm?JobID=57140&SubID=185481
==  Job Announcement: Research Statistician - Data Mining Applications Development, Cary, NC ==
All candidates are required to submit a resume, an expression of interest, and the names and contact information of at least 2 references (including email addresses) through our website: http://allenai.github.io/ai2website/jobs.html. We particularly welcome applications from women, people of color, members of the LGBT communities, and people with disabilities. Visa sponsorship is available.
'''Employer:''' SAS Institute, Inc.
==Internship and Full-time positions available in Natural Language Processing at Apple Inc. (Siri)==
* Employer: Apple Inc.
* Title: Language Understanding / Dialog Scientist
* Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Semantic Parsing, Dialog Systems.
* Location: Cupertino, CA
* Deadline: rolling
* Date Posted: December 2, 2014
* Thomas Kollar: tkollar@apple.com
'''Title:''' Research Statistician - Data Mining Applications Development-08002151
Play a part in the next revolution in human-computer interaction. Contribute to a product that is redefining mobile computing. Create groundbreaking technology for large scale systems, spoken language understanding, big data, and artificial intelligence.  And work with the people who created the intelligent assistant that helps millions of people get things done — just by asking. Join the language understanding and dialog team at Apple. The Siri team is looking for exceptionally skilled and creative scientists and engineers eager to get involved in hands-on work improving the Siri experience.
'''Specialty:''' Computational Linguistics
'''Key Qualifications'''
*Experience with semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction, question answering, semantic web, syntactic parsing, machine translation, language modeling, sentiment analysis or speech processing.
*Experience with supervised, weakly-supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
*Exceptional analytical, troubleshooting and problem solving skills
*Ability to implement algorithms in Java and C++ in addition to performing experiments using scripting languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, bash).
*Strong software engineering skills
*Experience working with multilingual datasets
*Large scale data analysis experience using distributed clusters (e.g. Pig, Spark, GraphLab, GraphX, MapReduce) a plus
'''Deadline:''' Until Filled
You will be a part of a team that's responsible for a wide variety of natural language processing and spoken dialog systems research and development activities, including semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction and question answering. Traditionally these conversational understanding applications have been focused on developing algorithms for a particular domain or language. Here at Siri, you will use large amounts of training data from Siri requests and the web to solve these problems across languages and domains. You are passionate about using your skills to implement and improve algorithms in order to create the phenomenal products. Because you'll be working closely with engineers from a number of other teams at Apple, you’ll need to be a team player who thrives in a fast paced environment.
'''Date Posted:''' June 30, 2008
M.S. or PhD in Computer Science or related field
'''Website:''' [http://www.sas.com www.sas.com]
'''Additional Requirements'''
2+ years of experience in natural language processing, speech processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence or dialog systems is desired.
==Multiple Tenure-Track Positions (w/focus in Data Analytics) at The Ohio State University Department of Computer Science and Engineering==
* Employer: The Ohio State University
* Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
* Specialty: open, two positions in Data Analytics
* Location: Columbus, OH, USA
* Deadline: January 31, 2015 (Consideration starts November 2014)
* Date Posted: November 17, 2014
* Website: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi
'''Research Statistician - Data Mining Applications Development-08002151'''
The Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Ohio State University expects to fill multiple tenure-track positions and seeks applicants in all areas of computer science.
Particular emphasis will be placed on filling two open rank positions in conjunction with a broad university-wide research initiative on Data Analytics (https://discovery.osu.edu/focus-areas/data-analytics/collaborative.html), and a recently announced undergraduate program in Data Analytics (https://data-analytics.osu.edu). Areas of interest for these positions include (but are not limited to): data mining, big data management, cloud computing systems, data analytics; application of machine learning or data mining or data visualization to problems in network science (including social networks), health, and climate science.
The department is committed to enhancing faculty diversity; women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.
Applicants should hold or be completing a Ph.D. in CSE or a closely related field, have a commitment to and demonstrated record of excellence in research, and a commitment to excellence in teaching.
To apply, please submit your application via the online database. The link can be found at: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi.
Review of applications will begin in November 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.
The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
==Postdoctoral positions in NLP and text/data analytics at Mayo Clinic ==
* Employer: Mayo Clinic
* Title: Postdoctoral
* Specialty: many, see below
* Location:Rochester, MN, USA
* Deadline: December 25, 2014
* Date Posted: November 6, 2014
* Website: http://www.mayo.edu
Mayo Clinic Natural Language Processing (NLP) Program is currently seeking multiple talented postdoctoral candidates with research interest in NLP, text mining, or predictive analytics to join the program. The appointee will join a diverse team of researchers in Mayo Clinic NLP Program to research on information extraction (IE), information retrieval (IR), and predictive analytics  techniques in the big data era for better information access and delivery, document processing, text mining, and advanced analytics in the clinical and biomedical domain.
Key requirements and selection criteria for the position include:
-          PhD in Biomedical Informatics, Computer Science, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Computational Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, or a related discipline
-          Demonstrated expertise in some of the following areas: information retrieval, natural language processing, machine learning, data mining, human computer interaction in an IR setting, knowledge extraction and management
Other desirable skills and selection criteria include:
-          Knowledge of big data techniques is plus.
-          Demonstrated informatics expertise in some of  the following areas: literature mining, clinical natural language processing, clinical terminology and ontology,  clinical data warehouse and secondary use of EMR applications
-          Good interpersonal and communication skills and a demonstrated commitment to working collaboratively inside NLP program and a strong interest and devotion in working with clinicians and biomedical researchers
-          Familiar with Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) framework and programming skills in a variety of languages
-          Demonstrated experience in machine learning and statistical techniques and/or experimental design and analysis for clinical and biomedical studies
Team: Mayo NLP program is a hybrid program which aims to conduct the state-of-the-art NLP research and translating NLP research into practical NLP algorithms to facilitate clinical research and practice. The program consists of seven postdoctoral NLP experts and a handful of NLP software engineers. The program plays a significant role in multiple institutional initiatives including i) NLP infrastructure enabled by Big Data, ii) applied informatics in delivering enhanced analytics to the practice, iii) practice analytics which aims to deliver systematic approaches for quality improvement and comparative effectiveness analysis, and iv) knowledge discovery and management which aims to discover and manage domain knowledge and translate it into executable applications in practice.
Terms:  The position is available immediately. Mayo Clinic offers an attractive salary (commensurate with qualifications) and benefits package. Mayo Clinic is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and strongly encourages applications from all qualified applicants, including women and minorities.
Application Process: Please email Dr Hongfang Liu with your (1) resume/CV, (2) letter of application/cover letter, and (3) contact information for three references including mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number.
As a member of the SAS Enterprise Miner Development team, you will develop state-of-the-art algorithms to solve problems in text and data mining.
Hongfang Liu, PhD (liu.hongfang@mayo.edu)
NLP Program Director
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Your primary responsibility will be to develop algorithms to analyze tone and sentiment in textual documents, and to develop learning techniques to perform Boolean rule induction for textual categorization.  In this role, you will collaborate with applications developers, senior statistical researchers, product marketing, systems engineers, and technical support personnel; and work with testing and documentation staff to develop test plans and contribute to product documentation. You will also research data mining applications; plan and develop implementations; and author papers and presentations on your work.  
Mayo Clinic | Department of Health Sciences Research | Division of Biomedical Statistics & Informatics
200 First Street SW | Rochester, MN  55905 | 507-293-0057 (office)
==Faculty Position at UC Berkeley School of Information (Assistant, Associate, Full) ==
* Employer: UC Berkeley
* Title: Professor (Assistant, Associate, or Full)
* Specialty: many, see below
* Location: Berkeley, CA, USA
* Deadline: December 15, 2014
* Date Posted: October 10, 2014
* Website: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/about/ischooljobs/faculty-info-org
The UC Berkeley School of Information is seeking a tenured or tenure-track professor with expertise in information organization.
Candidates should have a demonstrated record of relevant research, with expertise in one or more of the following:
search and information retrieval
- automated content analysis, including
- applications to normalizing data and creating metadata, and/or applications to analyzing social science text, such as political text, or other information rich text such as - biomedical, legal, or marketing text;
- practical computational approaches for analyzing information in non-textual formats;
- conceptual modeling of information systems;
- computational approaches to cognition;
- semantic representation and annotation;
- vocabulary and metadata design;
- classification and standardization including policy considerations;
- category learning at scale;
- data wrangling.
A successful candidate will possess appropriate technical expertise and research excellence, and be committed to working on issues related to information and/or information system design and development in a multidisciplinary setting. Relevant professional or industry experience, including hands-on experience with large-scale collections, is also desirable.
Additionally, a successful candidate must be able to teach a course in the design, structure, and use of category systems, data architecture and design for information systems, metadata creation and normalization, and data interchange formats and standards. Additional instructional topics that are desired but not required are database design, natural language processing, and information retrieval and ranking.
Applications are due December 15, 2014.
For more details, see the full job description at: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/about/ischooljobs/faculty-info-org
==Post-doctoral position at McMaster University, Canada ==
* Employer: McMaster University
* Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
* Specialty: natural language processing, sentiment analysis, computational linguistics.
* Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
* Deadline: December 20, 2014
* Date Posted: October 23, 2014
* Website: http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~fchiang/misc/postdoc.pdf
Applications are solicited for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Cognitive Science of Language graduate program at McMaster University for the topic of developing psychologically grounded tools for sentiment analysis. Applicants would have their primary affiliation and work location in the Department of Linguistics and Languages at McMaster University, and will be working closely with a vibrant cross-faculty team of linguists, psychologists and computer scientists. The selected candidate will contribute to a research program that explores individual and group (gender, age) variability in perception and regulation of emotion. You will be expected to participate in a research program that explores individual and group (gender, age) variability in perception and regulation of emotion.
Primary responsibilities will include investigating new algorithmic techniques for identifying fine-grained sentiment on textual data, and semi-structured data, including social media. Primary responsibilities will include investigating new algorithmic techniques for identifying fine-grained sentiment on textual data, and semi-structured data. Equally important to the project is the development of lexical-semantic tools allowing big data analyses of text corpora for the purposes of text classification, topic modeling, development of semantic networks, and estimation of semantic similarity.
Please see the following web page for further details and the application procedure:
== Post-doc in Bio-NLP Social Media Mining for Adverse Drug Reactions ==
* Employer: University of Liverpool
* Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate
* Specialty: Bio-NLP, Natural Language Processing, Social Media Mining, Web Mining
* Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
* Deadline: November 14, 2014 17:00 GMT
* Date Posted: October 23, 2014
You will work on the IMI project, WEB-RADR.  This is a highly innovative project involving collaboration across the EU and with researchers in the USA which will evaluate the use of social media in identifying adverse reactions to drugs.  You will be working between two Faculties (Science & Engineering, and Health & Life Sciences) and the project will be inherently inter-disciplinary.  Practical experience of software development, and good knowledge of Bio-NLP tasks such as NER, text classification, and social media analysis are essential to the role. You should have a PhD Level in NLP, Data/Web/Text Mining, or Machine Learning. The post is available until 31 August 2017.
Please see the following web page for further details including job specifications and application form.
==Tenure-track Faculty Position at University of Michigan School of Information==
* Employer: University of Michigan
* Title: Assistant Professor
* Specialty: Information Analysis and Retrieval
* Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
* Deadline: November 15, 2014 preferred
* Date Posted: October 22, 2014
The School of Information at the University of Michigan (UMSI) seeks a tenure-track professor at the assistant professor level in the areas of information analysis, information retrieval, or “big data.” While we encourage applications from all areas of information analysis and retrieval, we are particularly interested in candidates with strong interest and expertise in creating novel techniques for mining large-scale text, behaviors, and scientific data and in developing visualizations or other interactive tools for data analysis. Applications of particular interest include, but are not limited to, scientific and health data analysis, text analysis, social media analysis and digital humanities.
The mission of the School of Information is to create and share knowledge to help people use information -- with technology -- to build a better world. A successful candidate will be committed to, and will directly contribute to our goal of being the best research and teaching institution for the understanding and design of information and its technologies in service of people and society.
The School is home to vibrant research and teaching programs, with 36 FTE professors, and over 400 students. We offer a Ph.D., a Master of Science in Information, a Master of Health Informatics (joint with the School of Public Health), and a Bachelor of Science in Information.
Founded in 1817, the University of Michigan has a long and distinguished history as one of the first public universities in the nation. It is one of only two public institutions consistently ranked among the nation's top universities. The University has one of the largest health care complexes in the world and one of the best library systems in the United States. With more than $1 billion in research expenditures annually, the University has the second largest research expenditure among all universities in the nation. The University has an annual general fund budget of more than $1.7 billion and an endowment valued at more than $7.6 billion.
* Ph.D. in an area such as computer science, information science, statistics, informatics, computational linguistics, or related fields concerned with information analysis and retrieval
* Demonstrated potential and strong commitment to successful teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level
* Demonstrated potential for high scholarly impact
* A strong commitment to connecting information, technology, and people that values interdisciplinary research, and cultural diversity
Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. For questions about potential fit and your application please contact Dr. Qiaozhu Mei (qmei@umich.edu).
Application materials required: cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV), research statement, teaching statement, three representative publications, and contact information for three references. For more information or to apply, please visit http://apply.interfolio.com/27182.
In addition to this position, the UMSI is also looking for applicants in the area of human-computer interaction, communication and technology, and health informatics.
==Asst/Assc/Full Professor, Ames, Iowa==
* Employer: Iowa State University
* Title: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing
* Location: Ames, Iowa, USA
* Deadline: December 3, 2014
* Date Posted: October 21, 2014
Iowa State University has launched the Presidential High Impact Hires Initiative to support targeted faculty hiring in areas of strategic importance. As part of the initiative, the Department of English and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences invite applications for an Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in natural language processing with an emphasis in educational applications, particularly analysis of students’ linguistic production. At the undergraduate level, the selected faculty will teach basic courses in English and Linguistics, and at the graduate level, courses in Applied Linguistics and Technology and in Human-Computer Interaction. Potential graduate course content includes programming for NLP, computational analysis of English, statistical analysis of language, discourse analysis, second language acquisition, sentiment analysis, language-based analytics, speech-driven user interfaces or automated content analysis, according to specialty. Research areas of particular interest are pedagogical applications of natural language processing, assessment of learners’ developing language ability, second language acquisition, statistical approaches to the study of language, and the analysis of discipline-specific language.  The position begins August 2015.
The Applied Linguistics and Technology and the Human-Computer Interaction programs attract forward-looking students, who create an exciting intellectual environment. The programs are part of the Department of English, which offers BA degree programs in English, Literature, Rhetorical Studies, and Speech Communication; a BS degree in Technical Communication; as well as—in partnership with the Department of World Languages and Cultures—a minor in World Film Studies. On the graduate level, the department offers MA degrees in Literature; Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication; TESL/Applied Linguistics; as well as an MFA program in Creative Writing and the Environment. The department also offers two PhD programs in Applied Linguistics and Technology and Rhetoric and Professional Communication. The Department of English is committed to diversity among faculty, staff and students who can enrich University objectives in the areas of research, teaching, and service. For more information, see http://www.engl.iastate.edu/.
Iowa State University is classified as a Carnegie Foundation Doctoral/Research University-Extensive, a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), and ranked by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top public universities in the nation. Over 34,000 students are enrolled, and served by over 6,100 faculty and staff (see www.iastate.edu). Ames, Iowa is a progressive community of 60,000, located approximately 30 minutes north of Des Moines, and recently voted second best most livable small city in the nation (see www.amescvb.com).
Iowa State University is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and strongly encourages applications from all qualified applicants, including women, underrepresented minorities, and veterans. ISU is responsive to the needs of dual career couples, is dedicated to work-life balance through an array of policies, and is an NSF ADVANCE institution.
All faculty members are expected to exhibit and convey good citizenship within the program, the department, college, and university activities and collegial interactions, and maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior.
A PhD by time of appointment in computational linguistics, natural language processing, or related field for all ranks.  Assistant Professor, tenure-track- The potential for excellence in research and effectiveness in teaching;  Associate Professor – A demonstrated record of accomplishments in scholarship, including an outstanding publication record, demonstrated ability to obtain research funding and effectiveness in teaching;  Full Professor – A demonstrated record of intellectual leadership through high-impact scholarship, including an outstanding publication record, program of funded research and effectiveness in teaching.  Language teaching experience and language assessment experience preferred.
Please apply for this position through the Iowa State University website at www.iastatejobs.com (Posting #400050) or by visiting http://www.iastatejobs.com/postings/7815 and click on "Apply to this Job". Please be prepared to enter or attach the following: a letter of application/cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching/research interests, transcript or list of graduate courses taken, and contact information for three references. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by December 3, 2014. 
Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, marital status, disability, or protected veteran status, and will not be discriminated against. Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity, 3350 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.
==Computational Linguist, Wrocław, Poland==
* Employer: Wrocław University of Technology
* Title: Computational Linguist
* Specialty: Natural Language Engineering, Computational Linguistics
* Location: Wrocław, Poland/other
* Deadline: until filled
* Date Posted: October 15, 2014
The academic group G4.19  brings together those interested in linguistics, computational linguistics, and natural language engineering. The Group develops and implements tools for natural language processing. The main focus is on the development of basic tools and language resources for Polish. The Group participates in a number of research projects, among others it coordinates the CLARIN-PL project: http://www.clarin-pl.eu.
'''Job description'''
* designing algorithms for the analysis of natural language texts, based on the combination of linguistic knowledge and methods of artificial intelligence (including machine learning, rule-based methods and methods of statistical analysis),
* developing computer systems related to natural language processing and coordinating the work of small teams of programmers (conducting test and research experiments),
* active participation in the ongoing research projects (planning and realisation of experiments , data processing, realisation of dedicated research tasks of varying complexity),
* active participation in preparing applications for new research grants,
* active participation in writing research papers.
* enthusiastic approach to research and development of language technology for Polish,
* good knowledge of at least one of the languages: C ++, Python or Java,
* very welcome good knowledge of Polish,
* knowledge of English sufficient for reading scientific publications and technical documentation,
* welcome knowledge of Linux, Git, UML,
* the preferred candidates should hold PhD degree in computer science, but we do not exclude  candidates holding PhD degree in a different field or those at the advanced stage of work on their PhD.
'''We offer'''
* participation in large research projects at national and international level,
* good basis for a scientific career and an opportunity of writing a dissertation,
* for PhD students: possibility of employment on a research assistant post,
* choice of form of employment (contract or other),
* attractive salary (in terms of market, not university wages),
* interesting job in a dynamic team,
* flexible working hours,
* flexible working time.
If interested, please send your CV and list of publications to: clarin-pl@pwr.edu.pl
The application must include a statement: "I hereby agree for processing my personal data for the purpose of the recruitment process (in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 133, item 883)."
We kindly inform you that we will contact selected candidates only.
==Language Processing, Edinburgh, Scotland==
* Employer: Daxtra Technologies (http://www.daxtra.com)
* Title: Research Application Developer
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing
* Location: Musselburgh, nr Edinburgh, Scotland
* Deadline: until filled
* Date Posted: October 10, 2014
'''Job Description:'''
Daxtra Technologies are looking for people with a background in applied language/text processing to join the R&D team in Edinburgh. Daxtra (a spin-out from the University of Edinburgh) is the leading provider of Natural Language Processing techniques
You will be involved in multilingual grammar engineering, development of statistical text classifiers and search/retrieval components. Apart from a strong background in text processing you will need to demonstrate good experience in computer programming.
Daxtra Technologies headquarters in Musselburgh, nr Edinburgh, Scotland
'''How to Apply:'''
For further details or to send us your CV/resume, please contact a.nazarov@daxtra.com
==Computational Linguists==
* Employer: The Lingua Team
* Title: Computational Linguist
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing
* Location: Seattle or remotely
* Deadline: ASAP
* Date Posted: September 22, 2014
We are looking for several candidates (one for each of the languages advertised) with an advanced degree in Linguistics, or with Computational linguist background. The projects involve morphology tagging and/or linguistic analysis, but they can be done remotely. Languages: French, German, Spanish, US English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish, or Polish. Please, provide a resume with your email application.
* Computational Linguistics and/or advanced Linguistics degree
* Experience drafting grammars or adapting an existing grammar to a second language
* Programming experience desirable
* Full understanding of inflectional and derivational morphology, POS, lemmatization, etc.
Seattle, WA or remote
'''How to Apply:'''
Send your resume to info@thelinguateam.com
== Visiting Student Position in Spoken Language Understanding (NLP+Speech+ML) / TTI-Chicago / Chicago, IL ==
* Employer: Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
* Title: Visiting student researcher
* Specialty: Machine learning, NLP, speech
* Location: Chicago, IL, United States, 60637
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: Sept 10, 2014
'''Job Description'''
Applications are sought for a paid visiting student position as part of a broad interdisciplinary project on spoken language understanding involving natural language processing, speech processing, and machine learning. The visiting student will work primarily with TTI-Chicago faculty Mohit Bansal (http://ttic.edu/bansal), Karen Livescu (http://ttic.edu/livescu), and Kevin Gimpel (http://ttic.edu/gimpel), and will also have opportunities to collaborate with other TTIC and University of Chicago faculty/researchers as relevant.
The position will be based at TTI-Chicago, a computer science graduate institute located on the University of Chicago campus, with vibrant research groups in machine learning, speech and language processing, and computer vision. The duration of the position is flexible (6 to 18 months).
The target start date is Fall or Winter 2014. Compensation includes stipend and tuition (if applicable). The position will remain open until filled.
The broad goal of the work is to advance text-based NLP tasks (e.g., syntactic parsing) via speech cues, using and developing deep learning and multi-view learning techniques. The specific focus of the student’s project will be determined by mutual agreement based on the student's background and interests.
Applicants are expected to have strong qualifications in machine learning (preferably deep or multi-view learning), and ideally also natural language processing (preferably syntactic parsing) or speech processing. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in a related field, preferably pursuing a MS/PhD degree. There are no citizenship requirements for this position.
'''How to Apply'''
Please direct questions and interest in the position to slu-job@ttic.edu. Complete applications should be sent to the same address and consist of:
* brief cover letter, describing your interest in and qualifications for the position
*  curriculum vitae including publication list
* two or more letters of reference (preferably directly emailed to slu-job@ttic.edu, or contacts who can supply letters on request)
Please see http://ttic.edu/bansal/slu-job.html for more information.
== NLP-Speech Data Scientist / Civis Analytics / Chicago, IL, USA ==
* Employer: Civis Analytics
* Title: Data Scientist
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing / Speech Processing / Machine Learning
* Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
* Deadline: Rolling
* Date Posted: July 7, 2014
'''Who We Are:'''
Our Company is a Chicago-based Big Data analytics firm born in a large windowless back room of President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. We called it “The Cave.”
Beginning with the campaign, our mission as a team has been clear: help great organizations use their Big Data to solve their biggest problems.  We are now applying our analytical expertise, specialized software, and innovative technological approach to help companies, non-profits, and campaigns leverage their data to develop smarter strategies, make better decisions, and build stronger, data-driven organizations. In the year since our company’s founding, we have helped solve problems as diverse as enrolling individuals for health insurance, optimizing TV ad purchases to reach more targets, and pinpointing individuals who want to sign up for a clean energy utility company.
We are not a group of spreadsheet management consultants; we are an inventive team of the best statisticians, scientists, engineers, and technologists in our fields building things that have never been built before. And we’re looking to add to our team.
We are already solving some of the world’s most demanding and complex problems with Big Data – working with organizations to analyze and understand their individual level intelligence to improve outcomes and implement organizational change. We work on teams with diverse skill sets to apply and invent new data science techniques, putting us at the forefront of innovation in our field as we solve problems that have never been solved before.
We are smart, fun, and a little bit weird. Does this sound like you?
'''Job Description:'''
The Research and Development team is responsible for developing the fundamental data science methods, techniques, and best practices that power the mission of our company.  Our diverse work includes predictive analytics, algorithm development, experimental design, visualization, and survey research. As a Data Scientist on our Chicago-based Research and Development team, you will work closely and collaboratively with analysts and engineers to develop and operationalize the techniques that quantify and solve big, meaningful problems. Our team dives deeply into big problems and works in a variety of areas.
With a specialization in unstructured data, this Data Scientist role will apply techniques from fields such as machine learning, applied statistics, natural language processing, computer vision, and speech processing to the growing unstructured datasets being collected at CivisBecause the majority of the world’s information is unstructured, being able to leverage these diverse and voluminous data sources adds tremendous value to Civis products and research. In this role, you will be a critical voice shaping both how unstructured data informs existing Civis products and services, and how it leads to the development of entirely new ways of serving our clients, novel to the industry as a whole.
We are looking for individuals from a diversity of backgrounds with demonstrated quantitative and problem-solving skills. We value creativity, hard work, and on-the-job-excellence and offer competitive compensation and benefits packages. In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States.
'''Minimum Qualifications:'''
* Master’s degree in a quantitative field, such as computer science, statistics, machine learning, or electrical engineering, or a Bachelor’s degree and outstanding work experience
* Knowledge of and practical experience in applying the methodology of one or more unstructured data analysis fields, such as natural language processing, speech processing, or computer vision.
* Familiarity with statistical packages such as R, Stata, or in the Python scientific stack (NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, pandas)
* Experience with common toolkits for unstructured data analysis, such as Theano, Torch, open-cv, the Stanford NLP tools, HTK, and Kaldi
* Experience with SQL databases
* Strong programming skills
* Experience identifying and correcting for problems in imperfect data
* An ability and eagerness to constantly learn and teach others
'''Preferred Qualifications:'''
* PhD in a quantitative field such as computer science, statistics, machine learning, or electrical engineering
* Ability to expand upon modern statistical learning methods
* Significant work experience in applying the methodology of one or more unstructured data analysis fields
* High proficiency in programming with Python, Go, Java, Lua, C, or other languages used for high-performance statistical computing
* Familiarity with architectures for scaling statistical computing to big data applications, such as Hadoop and Spark
* Theoretical understanding sufficient to independently implement complex neural network architectures
This posting is for a position in Civis’ Chicago headquarters.
We are hiring for multiple positions and will evaluate candidates as applications are received.
'''How to Apply:'''
Applications may be submitted at http://www.civisanalytics.com/apply/entry/data-scientist-chicago-il.
Specific inquiries may be directed to Derrick Higgins: [mailto:dhiggins@civisanalytics.com dhiggins@civisanalytics.com].
== Postdoc in Natural Language Processing / Aix-Marseille University / Marseille, France ==
* Employer: Aix-Marseille University
* Title: Postdoc
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing
* Location: Luminy, Marseille, France
* Deadline: July 1st, 2014
* Date Posted: June 12, 2014
'''Job Description:'''
We are looking for an outstanding research scientist to join the "SENSEI" european project (http://www.sensei-conversation.eu/). You
will contribute to conversation analysis summarization research to
allow the exploitation of large quantity of comments in social
media and spoken conversations.
You will contribute to the design and development of speech and text
summarization technologies for conversational data such as social
media comments and tweets. There will be three components to the
system: linguistic analysis of the conversations, content selection
and aggregation, and generation of the summaries (text or other
media). The approach is expected to make use of recent machine
learning advances such as deep learning, and focus on limiting the
quantity of supervision needed. The prototype will be evaluated by
end-user professionals in ecological conditions.
The applicant must hold a PhD degree, preferably in the field of
natural language processing or machine learning. He/she should:
* Be proficient in one of Java / C++ programming and python or php scripting
* Have experience with developing efficient NLP / machine learning systems.
* Be keen on researching the literature and writing papers
* Enjoy team work and be autonomous
You will work at the LIF computer science lab at Aix-Marseille
University in France, at the Luminy campus next to the
Interviews will be held in July 2014, the Postdoc will start in
september / october 2014 and last one year.
'''How to Apply:'''
Enquiries and applications should be sent to Benoit Favre: benoit.favre@lif.univ-mrs.fr
== Executive Director / CLARIN ERIC / Utrecht University, the Netherlands ==
* Employer: CLARIN ERIC through Utrecht University
* Title: Executive Director
* Specialty: Research Infrastructures
* Location: Utrecht University, the Netherlands
* Deadline: August 15, 2014
* Date Posted: June 10, 2014
'''Job Description:'''
CLARIN is one of the two big humanities pan-European research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap with global ambitions, expected to expand rapidly in the near future. It currently has about 25 centres in 10 countries and the number is growing. At the same time CLARIN is participating actively in several emerging global data infrastructure initiatives (e.g. RDA, EUDAT). In addition it is actively pursuing its collaboration with other international humanities research infrastructures such as DARIAH.
As our current Executive Director is retiring, CLARIN is looking for an inspiring person to continue this successful enterprise and lead it to the next level.
The main challenges the new executive director needs to lead on in the next years are: the expansion and the sustainability of CLARIN, to balance the central and distributed activities, increase outreach to new user communities, new collaboration partners and new continents, and to promote collaboration with commercial partners.
* Leading the Board of Directors of the CLARIN ERIC
* Building on prior work, drafting strategy, work programme, budget and staff plan for CLARIN
* Planning the technical development together with the Technical Director, overseeing the implementation and operation of the distributed infrastructure and coordinating centre cooperation
* Ensuring the long-term sustainability of CLARIN and guiding its European and global expansion
* Building strong pan-European and international relationships with a broad range of stakeholders within and outside the consortium. This includes CLARIN members, the relevant ministries and funding bodies, external language resource providers, the EU, and international bodies, including research infrastructures on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmaps as well as other research infrastructures
* Leading the international fundraising efforts for CLARIN
* Monitoring and measuring CLARIN’s activities and reporting to General Assembly
* Specifically, monitoring the adherence of the national consortia to the operational rules and standards for CLARIN-related operations, and developing recommendations for counter-measures for any irregularities
* Ensuring that CLARIN’s services comply with appropriate ethical, legal and societal norms and principles
* Planning, organizing, and managing the main office in Utrecht, which includes recruitment
* Facilitating and supporting the operation of CLARIN’s governance bodies
* A higher university degree or equivalent qualifications and an international interdisciplinary network
* Relevant experience in the European Research Area, international arena, as well as in European level funding mechanisms and understanding of the ESFRI process
* An understanding of current and emerging agendas and challenges in data management and curation in the humanities domain
* Excellent communicative skills
* A proven fundraising record
* A record of relevant academic excellence
* The ability to understand organisational and technical issues involved in building, maintaining, and federating digital repositories, catalogues, authentication services, and similar infrastructure components based on modern information technologies
'''How to Apply'''
For more information, please visit http://www.clarin.eu/news/vacancy-advertisement-executive-director
== Research Scientist in Natural Language Technologies / Bosch Research & Technology Center / Palo Alto, California ==
* Employer: Bosch Research & Technology Center
* Title: Research Scientist in Natural Language Technologies (PhD)
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing
* Location: Palo Alto, California, United States, 94304
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: May 19, 2014
'''Job Description:'''
The Language Interaction and Knowledge Engineering group of Bosch Research in Palo Alto, CA is responsible for shaping the future user experience of Bosch products by creating cutting-edge technologies. We collaborate closely with leading universities on solutions to hard challenges in speech, language, knowledge topics to enable natural, intuitive and intelligent communication between humans and computers.  We work with internal partners to transfer our ideas and solutions into future products. Over the years, we have already developed innovative world-leading technologies in the areas of human machine interaction (HMI) systems.
To strengthen the Language Interaction and Knowledge Engineering team in our Palo Alto office we are seeking enthusiastic and creative researcher with a strong desire to drive technology development in this area.
* Develop large-scale natural language technologies and components, and improve the state-of-the-art HMI system performance with various methods
* Together with a team of experts, adapt and integrate language processing components into Bosch HMI system for different business areas
* Communicate with business departments about the technology potentials as well as identify potential areas of business values.
* Ph.D. in Computer Science or related fields
* Strong research background in natural language technology development and applications, text mining, machine learning, and statistics
* Hands-on experience with natural language processing, text mining and machine learning algorithm implementation
* Strong skills in coding (C/C++ or Java), algorithms and system design
* Very good communication skill together with good quality publication
* Experience in text summarization research and development is a plus
* Experience in large system development and speech technology is a plus
'''How to Apply'''
For more information, and to apply online, please visit http://bit.ly/1k8UZ57
== Post-doc in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Language Processing applied to Sign Language Analysis / TTI-Chicago / Chicago, IL ==
* Employer: Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
* Title: Post-doctoral scholar
* Specialty: Machine learning, NLP, computer vision, speech
* Location: Chicago, IL, United States, 60637
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: May 12, 2014
'''Job Description'''
Applications are sought for a post-doctoral position as part of a project on automatic sign language analysis and recognition. The post-doc will work primarily with TTI-Chicago (TTIC) faculty Greg Shakhnarovich and Karen Livescu. The work is part of a broad interdisciplinary project including both recognition and linguistics of American Sign Language (ASL), in collaboration with U. Chicago linguistics faculty Diane Brentari and Jason Riggle. The post-doc will also have opportunities to collaborate with other TTIC and the University of Chicago researchers as relevant, and should be able to interact with colleagues in a broad range of disciplines.
The post-doc will be based at TTI-Chicago, a computer science graduate institute located on the University of Chicago campus, with vibrant research groups in machine learning, computer vision, and speech and language processing. The position is for 2 years, contingent on annual reappointment.
The target start date is Fall 2014, with some flexibility. Compensation includes a competitive salary and benefits plan.  The position will remain open until filled.
The goal of the work is to advance automatic recognition and analysis of American Sign Language (ASL), in part through development of core methods for learning and vision. The specific focus of the post-doc's research will be determined by mutual agreement based on the post-doc's background and interests, and may include any of: new graphical models and learning techniques; articulated hand pose tracking and estimation constrained by the grammar of sign; domain adaptation/normalization for different subjects and signing styles; techniques inspired by speech recognition and NLP; and work with new data sources beyond video, including depth sensors (e.g. Kinect) and motion capture. Prior knowledge of and interest in ASL is preferred.
Advising and teaching opportunities are likely to be available if desired, but this is not a requirement of the position.
Applicants are expected to have strong qualifications in machine learning or related fields, and ideally also computer vision and/or speech and language processing. Applicants should have a PhD or expected PhD (by the end of 2014) in computer science, electrical engineering, statistics, or a related field. There are no citizenship requirements.
'''How to Apply'''
Please direct questions and interest in the position to ASL-postdoc@ttic.edu. Complete applications should be sent to the same address and consist of:
* brief cover letter, describing your interest in and qualifications for the position
* curriculum vitae including publication list
* contact information for two or more researchers who can provide letters of reference
Please see http://ttic.edu/livescu/ASL-postdoc.html for more information.
== Postdoctoral Fellow / INRIA / Saclay ==
* Employer: Institut National de Recherche dans l'informatique et l'Automatisme (INRIA)
* Title: PostDoc (12 months)
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing
* Location: Palaiseau, Ile-de-France, France
* Deadline: June 30, 2014
* Date Posted: May 6, 2014
'''Job Description'''
The principal mission of the postdoctoral candidate is to find new ways of inducing taxonomies and semantic dimensions from user generated and user captured personal data, integrating textual, quantified, geolocalized, image, sound and video data. The postdoc will also assist the TRACES team in developing algorithms and technology for creating a platform for private, personal information management.
• Ph.D. degree in statistics, computational linguistics, computer science, or a related quantitative field
Reporting to the Dr. Gregory Grefenstette, your
typical duties will include the following:
* Implement recent taxonomy/ontology induction algorithms, adapting them to the problem of personal information, applying them to personal data contributed by TRACES team members, evaluating results, and present their results in an international conference or workshop;
* Aid TRACES members in the construction of a private personal information platform based on open source information retrieval systems (Lucene/SolR);
* Discover and adapt existing open data taxonomies to the platform;
* Study how GPS information and other quantified personal data can be integrated into and augment the personal semantic structures induced from textual sources
'''Equivalent Essential'''
• Master's degree in statistics, computational linguistics, computer science or a related quantitative field
'''Required Qualifications'''
• 2 years of experience developing statistical algorithms
The candidate must possess a recent PhD degree (granted 2013 or 2014) in computer
science, computational linguistics or a related discipline.
* Experience with natural language processing (e.g., Stanford Parser)
* Experience with ontologies/taxonomies (e.g., MeSH, FreeBase)
* Experience with classification algorithms
* Familiarity with dealing with large, noisy data sets
* Experience with web crawler, information retrieval systems (e.g., Lucene/Solr/ElasticSearch)
* Desire to produce functioning end-to-end systems, life-scale live demos
* Scientific rigour
* Imagination
'''How to Apply'''
Follow the instructions on the page: http://www.inria.fr/en/institute/recruitment/offers/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/campaign-2014/(view)/details.html?ContractType=4546&LG=EN&nPostingID=8473&nPostingTargetID=14242
• Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills
Security and Defense procedure: In the interests of protecting its scientific and technological assets, Inria is a restricted-access establishment. Consequently, it observes special regulations for welcoming foreign visitors from outside of the Schengen area. The final acceptance of each candidate thus depends on applying this security and defense procedure.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
'''About Us'''
• Ability to work independently, as well as with a team
Public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria's 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. Educated at leading international universities, they creatively integrate basic research with applied research and dedicate themselves to solving real problems, collaborating with the main players in public and private research in France and abroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovative companies. The researchers at Inria published over 4,800 articles in 2010. They are behind over 270 active patents and 105 start-ups. In 2010, Inria's budget came to 252.5 million euros, 26% of which represented its own resources..
• Knowledge of predictive modeling methods and applications
For more information, please visit http://www.inria.fr/en/institute/recruitment/offers/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/campaign-2014
== Postdoctoral Fellow / Bioinformatics Technology Lab / Genome Sciences Centre ==
* Employer: University of British Columbia and BC Cancer Agency
* Title: PostDoc
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
* Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: March 26, 2014
'''Job Description'''
• 3 years of experience developing statistical algorithms
The Genome Sciences Centre is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow for the Bioinformatics
Technology Lab to conduct scientific research in the areas of bioinformatics and
genomics, specifically related to automated analysis and annotation of cancer
research literature.
• 2 years of experience programming in C
The successful applicant will work with trainees and research scientists in a team
that develops tools for a clinical genomics pipeline based on primary sequence
analysis, to build natural language processing and machine learning tools that
interpret identified mutations for their biological significance as they relate
to reports in the relevant literature.
• Experience with SQL programming in relational database environments
• Experience with SAS platform technologies, such as Stored Process Development
Reporting to the Head of Bioinformatics Technology Lab, Dr. Inanc Birol, your
typical duties will include the following:
* Building natural language processing and machine learning tools for automated literature survey
* Analysis and annotation of data from genomics studies as they relate to the literature
* Collaborating with biologists and clinical researchers on the accuracy of the results
* Reporting research methods and results in meetings, seminars and conferences
* Contribution to and leading scientific publications and research proposals
'''Additional Information'''
'''Required Qualifications'''
The level of this position will be determined based upon the applicant's education, skills and experience.
The ideal candidate should possess a PhD degree and recent proven experience in computer
science, electrical engineering or a related discipline. A strong publication record in
Resumes may be considered in the order they are received.
the field, and demonstrated technical writing skills are highly desirable. Prior research
experience in bioinformatics is also desirable, but not required.
More experienced candidates will be considered for a Staff Scientist position, pending
successful funding.
'''How to Apply'''
'''Job:''' Software R&D
Please send your resume with cover letter to bcgscjobs@bcgsc.ca
We request that you specify the position you are applying for by identifying the Job Code
only ("PDFBTL 14-03-27") in the subject line of your emailed application.
'''Primary Location:''' US-NC-Cary
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent
residents will be given priority.
'''Organization:''' SAS Institute Inc.
'''About Us'''
'''Classification:''' Full-time
Genome Sciences Centre is a leading international institution for genomics and bioinformatics
research. Our mandate is to advance knowledge about cancer and other diseases, to improve human
health through disease prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic approaches, and to realize the
social and economic benefits of genomics research.
== Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Researcher in Natural Language Processing, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh ==
For more information, please visit www.bcgsc.ca
== PostDoc / NLP, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics / Worcester MA ==
* Employer: University of Massachusetts Medical School
* Title: PostDoc
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
* Location: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 01605
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: March 26, 2014
'''Job Details'''
*Job Reference  3009188
*Department      Informatics 
*Job Title      Research Associate
*Job Function    Academic
*Job Type        Fixed Term: 36 months
*Expiry Date    15 July 2008
*Salary Scale    GBP 28,290-33,779
'''Job Description'''
'''Job Description'''
The School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh invites
We are seeking 1~2 highly motivated postdoctoral research associate to
applications for the post of researcher on the project ``Global
join the Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP) group at
Inference for Summarization Using Integer Linear Programming'', funded
UMass Medical School and UMass Amherst. This position will primarily
by the EPSRC. This project will design and implement novel models for
be located at the UMass Medical School in Worcester, MA. The BioNLP
summarization that break away from the sentence extraction
group is actively pursuing many exciting projects including:
paradigm. The overall aim is to utilize global inference algorithms
information retrieval, information extraction, summarization, question
for the summarization task and demonstrate their superiority over
answering, data mining, and patient-centered research. A highly
traditional local optimization methods.
productive candidate may transition to a faculty position.
The position is suitable for a candidate with a PhD in Natural
Language Processing, computer science, mathematics, or a related
discipline. The successful applicant will have strong programming
skills and experience with natural language processing techniques and
machine learning. Experience with summarization and/or optimization
methods is also desirable. He or she will be responsible for
developing summarization models (both extractive and abstractive)
within a global inference framework evaluation and for their
evaluation. The starting date will be 01 September 2008, or as soon as
possible thereafter.
Informal inquiries can be made by email to Mirella Lapata
(mlap@inf.ed.ac.uk). Further particulars for this position can be
found at:
The successful candidates will help investigate new algorithms to
support our current research thrusts. This will require extensive
experience with data mining (DM) and natural language processing (NLP).
The closing date for applications is 15 July 2008. Please submit your
application online at the URL given above or in hardcopy to the
following address, quoting job reference 3009188:
Ms. Avril Heron
HCRC, University of Edinburgh
2 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW
United Kingdom
School of Informatics
==  Job Announcement: Natural Language Processing expert, Market Sentinel Ltd, London, UK ==
Candidates for this position should have a PhD in Computer Science or
related field and a significant research record including
publications in top conferences and journals in:
* Employer: Market Sentinel Ltd, 9 Wigton Place, London SE11 4AN, UK +44 (0) 20 7793 1575
* Natural Language Processing
* Title: Natural Language Processing expert (contract)
* Machine Learning
* Deadline: May 30, 2008 (open until filled)
* Data Mining or Data Analysis
* Date Posted: May 14th, 2008
* Market Sentinel website: http://www.marketsentinel.com
* We're a London-based company with a focus on social network analysis.
* We offer a rare opportunity to join a young, fast-growing company.
* The raw materials we process are online conversations, so we're looking for someone with expertise in natural language processing to join our team.
* Our aim is to improve the ability of our platform to understand the text it encounters.
* We're looking for a smart, self-motivated problem-solver whose keen to apply computational linguistics technology to the real world.
* Knowledge of agile software development on a Linux platform would be helpful, as would experience of Python, Java, Perl and XML processing.
* As we're an agile team, we like eloquent people who can communicate as well with other people as they can with machines.
* We want more than just a developer, someone who can research problems, identify solutions and implement them. Your talents will help construct an emerging enterprise. If such challenges excite you, we'd love to hear from you.
* Mail a CV to joinmarketsentinel [AT] gmail [DOT} com or call us to know more on the number above
Proficiency in quantitative analytical methods and strong programming
skills (e.g., python, matlab, java, C/C++, weka, etc.), along with
extensive research experience in hands-on machine learning (ML) and
data mining (DM), is essential. Additional experience in
bioinformatics or figure search and analysis is desirable.
== Job Announcement: Programmer Analyst - Arabic Treebank, Linguistic Data Consortium, Philadelphia, USA ==
Successful applicants will join a vibrant collaborative research
environment, will work closely with clinical investigators and senior
personnel in the lab, and should have the ability to work effectively
both independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team. The
position will be for one year, renewable annually, starting Summer or Fall 2014.
* Employer: Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
* Title: Programmer Analyst (full-time position)
* Specialty: Corpus Creation, Arabic Treebank
* New Deadline: August 15, 2008 (open until filled)
* Date Posted: April 9, 2008
* LDC website: http://www.ldc.upenn.edu
* See full job description: http://linguistlist.org/jobs/get-jobs.cfm?JobID=53141&SubID=174250
== Job Announcement: Post-Doc in NLP, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain  ==
'''How to Apply'''
* Employer: Database Group, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Please apply by email to Prof. Hong Yu <hong.yu@umassmed.edu> and
* Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
include a brief letter of introduction, a CV including list of
* Specialty: PhD in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, Information Science, Knowledge Management or similar fields. Position is funded by MAVIR (Improving the accessibility and visibility of multilingual information in Internet for the Region of Madrid, http://www.mavir.net )
publications in PDF format, and names and email addresses of 2-3 referees.
* Deadline: February 15 2008
* Date Posted: January 25, 2007
* Group website: http://basesdatos.uc3m.es
* See full job description: http://basesdatos.uc3m.es/fileadmin/Investigacion/postdoc_MAVIR_2008_en.pdf
== Job Announcement:  Computational Linguistics/Text Mining, Three three-year Postdoc positions, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia ==
* Employer: Centre for Language Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Please see http://www.bio-nlp.org/postdoc-ad-2014.txt for more information.
* Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (three positions)
* Specialty: Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics or a related area.  The project is funded by the Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre, which recently received a renewal of its funding from the Australian Government.  The aim of the project is to build a sophisticated platform for
exhaustive extraction from large text collections.
* Deadline: January 21 2008
* Date Posted: January 5, 2007
* Group website: http://www.clt.mq.edu.au
* Application process: Applications must be made online via the Macquarie University website at
http://www.hr.mq.edu.au/, where you can also find out more about the positions: search for position 19478 via the 'Positions Vacant' link.
* More information: Informal enquiries can be made to Robert Dale at rdale@ics.mq.edu.au.
== Job Announcement:  Computational Linguistics, Assistant Professor-Tenure Track, San Jose State University, San Jose CA ==
Competitive Salary based on experience.
* Employer: San Jose State University, Department of Linguistics & Language Development, San Jose CA, USA
== Research Director NLP and Speech Processing / Educational Testing Service / Princeton, New Jersey ==
* Title: Assistant Professor - Tenure Track
* Specialty: Ph.D. in linguistics with a specialization in Computational Linguistics.  ABDs may be considered if doctorate is completed by August 2008.  Required:  Applicants must present evidence of teaching ability, scholarly activity and awareness of and sensitivity to the educational goals of a multicultural population as might have been gained in cross-cultural study, training, teaching, and other comparable experience.
* Deadline: February 1, 2008
* Date Posted: December 6, 2007
* Department website: http://linguistics.sjsu.edu
* See full job description at http://linguistics.sjsu.edu/pub/Public/WebHome/compling.pdf
== Job Announcement: 2 Research Associates, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece ==
* Employer: Educational Testing Service
* Title: Research Director NLP and Speech Processing
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing / Speech Processing
* Location: Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 08541
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: March 12, 2014
'''Job Description:'''
ETS (Educational Testing Service), is headquartered in Princeton, NJ. Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development.
Currently we are seeking a Research Director of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Speech Group to lead a team of 26 scientists and engineers in the research and development of innovative technologies to improve assessment. The Director also leads research that encourages the appropriate use of these technologies in operational settings and advances the state of the art in NLP and speech processing research in the education domain.
Specifically, you will be responsible for conceptualizing and pursuing a research agenda of fundamental and applied research in NLP and speech processing that will address current needs and anticipate future needs of education and assessment. This includes the development of technologies to automate or facilitate scoring of open-ended responses, support practices for developing tests and learning materials, safeguard the security and validity of assessments, enable technology-rich environments for assessment and learning, and provide automated performance feedback.
In addition, you will assume responsibility for the enhancement of a variety of existing ETS technologies that include e-rater (for automated scoring of essays), c-rater (for scoring content-based short answers), and SpeechRater (for scoring the spontaneous speech of English Language Learners), as well as the development of fundamentally new systems and methods.
Also, you be responsible for leading efforts to expand the use of ETS NLP and speech technologies. The Director will actively seek out opportunities for operational use of these technologies for both internal and external clients. This includes coordinating with ETS business units to understand market and client needs/trends, identify appropriate use contexts, develop the necessary research evidence to support operational use, and establish procedures for the transition of research technologies to production environments.
* Employer: Language Technology Applications Department, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece
* Title: Research Associates, Full-time for up to 3 years.
* Specialty: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Machine Learning for Language Technology Applications respectively; experience with Ontologies and Multimedia Processing desirable
* Deadline: 15 December 2007
* Date Posted: 21 November, 2007
* [http://www.ilsp.gr/jobvacancy_eng.html/ More information]
== Job Announcement: Visiting Research Scientist/Post-Doctoral Fellow ==
To qualify, you must possess:
* A Doctoral degree in computer science, computational linguistics, linguistics, electrical engineering, or a related field
* Eight years of progressively more independent research experience providing evidence of continuing and substantial contributions to a field of study are necessary, with experience managing research staff and transitioning the outcomes of research into operational practice desirable.
* Excellent verbal and written communications skills, including public speaking, interpersonal and public relations skills, and writing and editing skills.
* Employer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, USA
'''How to Apply:'''
* Title: Visiting Research Scientist or Post-Doctoral, Full-time for up to 2 years.
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing, experience with clinical text desired
Please apply online at: http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=160741&BUID=2538
'''Information about the institute:'''
We offer a competitive salary and excellent compensation package including medical, dental, vision, 403(b) retirement plan, life and disability insurance, paid time off and an employee assistance program.
With more than 3,400 global employees worldwide, ETS develops, administers and scores more than 50 million tests annually in more than 180 countries, at 9,000+ locations worldwide. In addition to assessments, we conduct educational research, analysis and policy studies and develop a variety of customized services and products for teacher certification, English language learning and elementary, secondary and postsecondary education. Equal Opportunity Employer
== Research Intern in Natural Language Processing (NLP) / Text Mining / Digital Humanities ==
* Employer: The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) in Darmstadt/Frankfurt
* Title: Research Intern
* Specialty: Natural Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities
* Location: Darmstadt/Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* Deadline: Until filled
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: December 18, 2007
* Date Posted: January 20, 2014
* [http://computationalmedicine.org/ More information]
* Contact email: gurevych (at) cs (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de
'''Job Description:'''
The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) offers several exciting internship opportunities in cutting-edge research projects as
* Research Intern in Natural Language Processing (NLP) / Text Mining / Digital Humanities
located either at the Computer Science Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt or at the Information Center for Education at DIPF in Frankfurt (Germany)
The positions are situated within one of the Lab’s projects dealing with automatic text processing, linguistic and machine learning based methods of language analysis, corpus development for novel tasks, or tool support for users in NLP research and humanities. The Lab’s approach to NLP features the hybrid methods in large-scale language processing, real-world text mining, and hands-on skills in the rapid development of scalable systems with practical relevance.
The position is a fixed-term internship contract (6 months) with an option to extend it up to 1 year, provided certain conditions are met. A part-time working arrangement is possible. The internships are funded according to the level of qualification, previous experience, and formal criteria.
We are looking for internship students to work on one of the following areas: computational linguistics, text mining, or machine learning, with substantial theoretical knowledge, excellent problem-solving and programming (Java) skills for language processing, eagerness to apply the knowledge and skills in new contexts, and interest to participate in the Lab’s internationally competitive research. The ability to work independently, personal commitment, teamwork and communication skills, and a readiness to cooperate are required. The ability to speak German as well as previous experience in NLP, text-mining, or digital humanities are beneficial, but is not a job requirement.
We welcome applications of students at all levels of study (bachelor, master) as well as graduate-level applications. The position is ideally suited to acquire research experience abroad (also as required by the ongoing study program of an applicant), or qualify as a Master-, PhD-student, or a research associate at one of the leading universities, and for a competitive industry position.
'''How to Apply:'''
Applications (including CV, details of previous academic work, at least two educational and professional references, and final thesis in electronic form) should be submitted to gurevych (at) cs (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de.
==Job Announcement: Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, College Park ==
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland,
'''Information about the institute:'''
College Park, MD, USA invites applications for a position in Natural
Language Processing at the rank of assistant professor (tenure-track).
Applications from women and minority candidates are especially
The Computer Science Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the best in Germany. The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) in Darmstadt/Frankfurt (http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/) led by Professor Iryna Gurevych offers an excellent research environment. The distinguishing features of its research are novel linked lexical semantic resources, algorithms for semantic language analysis (for example, word sense disambiguation, or semantic role labeling), and text-mining (for example, topic recognition, or opinion analysis). The ongoing research projects closely cooperate with users of the developed technologies in humanities, e.g. in educational research, text interpretation in philosophy, corpus linguistics, or history sciences. Within the graduate program “Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Literature” (http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de/), the UKP Lab is networked with multiple groups in machine learning, statistical NLP and information management.
welcome. Candidates with established research programs will be
considered for joint appointments between the Department and the
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, the Department of Electrical
Engineering, and the Institute for Systems Research.
Candidates should submit their application (curriculum vitae and
research summary) online at: hiring.cs.umd.edu and have their
references upload their letters to that site.  At least three research
letters and one teaching letter are required.  We will begin the
review of candidates by January 14, 2008; therefore, we encourage your
early application.
Additional information about academic and research units within the
== Research Scientist for Automated Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main ==
Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland is
available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.cs.umd.edu and at
The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
* Employer: The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)
* Title: Research Scientist
* Specialty: Automated Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities
* Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* Deadline: February 14, 2014
* Date Posted: January 13, 2014
* Contact email: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de
Posted October 8, 2007.
'''Information about the institute:'''
==Job offer: Senior Software Engineer, Stanford CS department, Natural Language Processing group==
The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) (http://www.dipf.de/) n Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is a member of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association of Sciences. As a national centre for educational research and educational information, it is jointly funded by the federal government (Bund) and the states (Länder).
The Natural Language Processing Group ( http://nlp.stanford.edu/ ) at the Stanford Computer Science department is looking for a Senior NLP Software Engineer to work on the Stanford Intellectual Property Clearinghouse project.  
The goal of the Stanford IP Clearinghouse project is to address the broken US Patent System by creating a publicly accessible database of all Intellectual Property documents and building a specialized Semantic Search Engine on top of it. The project will benefit individual inventors, high-tech and bio-tech companies involved in technology transfer, patent policy makers, and legal professionals.  
As a scientific institution and member of the Leibniz Association, DIPF targets high-quality fundamental research as well as a research-based development of innovative scientific services. It addresses education as a public domain with high visibility and high importance. By bringing together competencies, DIPF and Computer Science at TU Darmstadt are setting up a priority domain of knowledge processing and computer science in education. In relevant national rankings, the Computer Science department at TU Darmstadt regularly holds top positions. In 2012, the UKP-DIPF group was established: its unique features include semantic language processing, text mining and information retrieval as well as powerful infrastructures for evaluating and aggregating knowledge.
The project provides a unique corpus for NLP research:
- Large collection of textual documents of multiple types
'''Job Description:'''
- IP domain provides rich imbedded structure within documents
- Many-to-many relationships between different document types
A few words on the Stanford Intellectual Property Clearinghouse:
At DIPF, the research unit “Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab“ at the Information Center for Education (located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is looking for an
- CS Professor Chris Manning is a technical advisor
* Research Scientist for Automated Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities (three-year contract, full time, EG13 TV-H*)
- Intel, Oracle, Cisco, Genentech, SAP and others are funding the effort
- Currently we have $3 million in funding
- There will be an opportunity for commercial spin-offs (startups)
The position is situated in the context of the project “Die Welt der Kinder: Weltwissen und Weltdeutung in Schul- und Kinderbüchern zwischen 1850 und 1918“ [children’s worlds: knowledge and interpretation of the world in  textbooks and children’s books from 1850 to 1918], subject to the Leibniz competition for excellence. Here, DIPF collaborates with the Georg-Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (Brunswick) and the Institute for Language Technology and Information Science (University of Hildesheim).
The candidate will work with Professor Chris Manning on the project. The main responsibility of the Senior Software Engineer is to architect and implement the NLP system. The candidate will also provide technical direction to the project.
The project targets research into historical textbooks and children’s books - and the analysis of world views children grew up with. In the project, classical qualitative methods used in historical sciences to analyse texts that are charged with interpretation will be interlinked with automatic indexing and semantic annotation of historical sources by means of semantic language processing methods. First and foremost, Topic Detection and Opinion Mining methods will be explored and further developed. So far, no training data exist for the analysis of historical texts in German. Thus, the appointment addresses a genuine task in the context of innovative digital humanities, targeting the implementation of unsupervised and adaptive language processing methods. Another innovative aspect concerns the close collaboration with users and the linkage of intellectual with automated methods of analysis.
The position is integrated into a highly dynamic environment at DIPF and TU Darmstadt. At DIPF, the successful candidate will co-operate with researchers in the growing domain of “Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing”, with computer science and educational research groups and information services, e.g. the Research Library for  the History of Education (BBF) at DIPF. At TU Darmstadt, a close co-operation exists concerning the UKP Lab (Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych), and research groups focusing text and data mining as well as partners from digital humanities projects at Darmstadt and at national levels (DARIAH-DE, CLARIN and LOEWE priority “Digital Humanities“ in the state of Hesse).
The ideal candidate must have a PhD or MS in Computer Science in the field of Natural Language Processing or Computational Linguistics. Candidate must also have 5+ years of work experience in building large-scale Natural Language Processing systems.
We invite excellently qualified postgraduates or excellent graduates from relevant study courses to apply (Computer Science, Computational Linguistics or related subjects).
* Expert knowledge of Natural Language Processing field
Owing to the duration of the project, a contract will be signed for three years. TU Darmstadt offers an opportunity for further scientific qualification (i.e. doctoral degree, habilitation). The salary complies with TV-H (public service labour agreement in the state of Hesse). Applicants will principally be able to work part-time.
* Expert knowledge of Machine Learning techniques and algorithms
* Expert knowledge of Graphical Models (Markov Random Fields, HMM, CRF, etc...)
* Knowledge of Semi-supervised Machine Learning algorithms and bootstrapping 
* Expert programming skills in Java (5+ yrs of programming experience)
* Expert knowledge of design and architecture of large-scale NLP systems written in Java
* Experience with rapid development of large-scale NLP systems written in Java
* Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Landes Hessen (labour agreement for public service in the federal state of Hesse)
* Challenging, fun and startup-like environment at Stanford University
* Opportunity to improve US Patent system and change the world
* There will be an opportunity for commercial spin-offs (startups)
* Full benefits (medical, dental, etc...)
* Relocation
* Telecommuting
* Industry competitive salary ($120K - $140K)
For more information contact:
* Doctoral degree or diploma/master degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics or other relevant subjects;
* Preferably very good programming skills in Java and Web technologies; knowledge of UIMA;
* Very good English language skills (written and spoken) and at least basic knowledge of German;
* Ability to work independently, commitment to the task, the ability to work and communicate in a team and readiness to co-operate;
George Grigoryev
Experience in automated language processing, text mining or digital humanities is preferred.
Director of Project Engineering
Natural Language Processing & IR
Stanford Intellectual Property Clearinghouse
george.grigoryev (at) stanford (dot) edu
Women are expressly invited to submit their application. According to the pursuant legal requirements, applicants with disabilities will be preferably treated in the appointment procedure.
==Job offer: NLP/ML Researcher for Start Up, Cambridge, MA, USA==
'''How to apply:'''
'''Company Overview'''
Candidates are requested to submit their application in electronic form (including CV and information regarding scientific work experience, university and work reports/references including electronic versions of the thesis and/or three key publications as well as names of two references), quoting the reference code (Referenz-Nr. IZB 2014-02). Please e-mail by February 14, 2014 to Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Postfach 900270, 60442 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, i.e. office-ukp (at) dipf (dot) de. If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Gurevych by e-mail: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de.
HiveFire is an early stage funded start up located in Kendall Square in Cambridge, MA. HiveFire is in the online news space specializing in technology involving machine learning, natural language processing, information retrieval and human computer interaction. Current team consists of MIT alumni with engineering and research experience at Google, Microsoft, and several start-ups.
'''Location:''' Cambridge, MA
HiveFire is seeking to hire a talented individual with research experience in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and/or Machine Learning. 
* Ability to design, implement and evaluate sophisticated machine learning and text analysis models.
== Research Scientist in scientific coordination and transfer in computer science, knowledge and language processing, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main ==
* Solid understanding of both unsupervised and supervised approaches.
* Familiarity with NLP tasks including but not limited to: summarization, document clustering, co-reference resolution, discourse analysis, transfer learning, text mining, document classification and natural language generation.
* Employer: The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)
* Title: Research Scientist
* Specialty: scientific coordination and transfer in computer science, knowledge and language processing
* Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* Deadline: February 14, 2014
* Date Posted: January 13, 2014
* Contact email: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de
'''Information about the institute:'''
The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) (http://www.dipf.de/) n Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is a member of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association of Sciences. As a national centre for educational research and educational information, it is jointly funded by the federal government (Bund) and the states (Länder).
As a scientific institution and member of the Leibniz Association, DIPF targets high-quality fundamental research as well as a research-based development of innovative scientific services. It addresses education as a public domain with high effectiveness and high importance. In relevant national rankings, the Computer Science department at TU Darmstadt regularly holds top positions. Its unique character is marked by excellent competencies in the fields of knowledge discovery on the web focusing on semantic language technology: text mining and information retrieval. By bringing competencies together, DIPF - with Computer Science at TU Darmstadt - has set up an institutional priority domain on knowledge processing and computer science in education.
'''Job Description:'''
At DIPF, the Information Center for Education (located in Frankfurt am Main) is looking for a
* Research Scientist (two-year contract, full time, EG13 TV-H*)
for tasks in the field of scientific coordination and transfer in computer science, knowledge and language processing.
The position concerns scientific coordination and transfer tasks in the context of the postgraduate programme Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Literature (http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de/), founded in 2013  at DIPF and TU Darmstadt, focusing on computational linguistics and language technology. It is nested in the research priority of “computer science for educational research”, newly established at the Information Centre for Education.  The successful candidate will collaborate closely with the Computer Science Department (Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych) at Technical University Darmstadt; the position is at the core of the newly established institutional focus on knowledge processing (http://www.werc.tu-darmstadt.de/) at DIPF and Technical University Darmstadt.
The successful candidate will be expected to coordinate research in the study and qualification programme of the postgraduate programme, monitor the postgraduate programme and its five students and contribute to the transfer of technology. Furthermore, we expect the successful candidate to actively engage in defining requirements, coordinating the assessment of needs and conducting user workshops.
The position functions as an interface between research on automated analysis of research literature on the one hand and information services respectively information technologies at DIPF on the other. We aim to adapt innovative methods in computer science, language technology and information management to the educational researchers’ needs. These activities target novel means of access to digital science literature and on the web.
We welcome applications from excellently qualified postdoctoral candidates and (in exceptional cases) excellent graduates striving for further qualification in a scientific-technological field and in research management. 
A contract will initially be signed for two years. TU Darmstadt offers an opportunity for further scientific qualification (i.e. doctoral degree, habilitation). The salary complies with TV-H (public service labour agreement in the state of Hesse). Applicants will principally be able to work part-time.
* Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Landes Hessen (labour agreement for public service in the federal state of Hesse)
- A very good or excellent doctoral degree or likewise excellent diploma/masters degree in computer science, computational linguistics or a related subject domain;
- Very good English language skills (written and spoken) and at least basic skills in German;
- Ability to work independently, commitment to the task, the ability to work and communicate in a team and readiness to cooperate;
- Experience in coordinating distributed software development and its Integration;
- Experience in conceptualising and conducting events for scientists, users, and the public.
- Preferably experience in information and text processing, machine learning, very good Java programming skills and knowledge of UIMA, experience with larger-scale software projects.
Candidates are expected to provide certification of their experience in scientific publishing, acquisition of external funding and project management.
Women are expressly invited to submit their application. According to the pursuant legal requirements, applicants with disabilities will be preferably treated in the appointment procedure.
'''How to apply:'''
Candidates are requested to submit their application in electronic form (including CV and information regarding scientific work experience, university and work reports/references including electronic versions of the thesis and/or three key publications as well as names of two references), quoting the reference code (Referenz-Nr. IZB 2014-01). Please e-mail by February 14, 2014 to Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Postfach 900270, 60442 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, i.e. office-ukp (at) dipf (dot) de. If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Gurevych by e-mail: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de.
== Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Natural Language Processing, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan ==
* Employer: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
* Rank or Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Research Fellow
* Specialty: Chinese Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation
* Location: Taipei, Taiwan
* Deadline: Open until filled
* Date Posted: January 7, 2014
* Contact email: recruit@iis.sinica.edu.tw
'''Job Description:'''
Graduate degree in Computer Science is preferred.
The Institute of Information Science (IIS) at Academia Sinica, Taiwan invites all qualified candidates to apply for the positions of junior and senior research fellows of all ranks (equivalent to the ranks of tenure track assistant, associate and full professors in a regular academic department without teaching responsibility) in Chinese natural language processing and knowledge representation. Research on Chinese semantic analysis and parsing is particularly emphasized. Exceptional candidates in all areas of Computer Science are also encouraged to apply.
We offer competitive salary and equity with benefits such as paid vacation and health/dental insurance.
'''Website and Contact:''' http://www.hivefire.com
Academia Sinica is a national academic research institution in Taiwan that conducts research on a broad spectrum of subjects in science and humanities. IIS is committed to high quality research in computer and information science and engineering. In addition to internal research funding supported by Academia Sinica, external funding through government agencies and industry-sponsored institutions is also available. Starting from 2014, we shall launch an International Ph. D. Program in Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing in collaboration with universities.
'''Date Posted:''' July 19, 2007
Full-time research fellows are free to set their own research directions. IIS currently has about 40 full-time research fellows and close to 300 full-time post doctoral fellows and research assistants. The areas of current research include Systems Technology, Bioinformatics, Multimedia, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Network, Theory, and Programming Language.
==Job offer: Post-Doc in NLP, Darmstadt University, Germany==
For additional information about IIS, please visit http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw
* Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Group, Dept. of Telecooperation, Darmstadt University, Germany
'''Required Qualifications:'''
* Post-Doc
* Natural Language Processing related to Web 2.0 / eLearning as an application domain
* open until filled
* 01/01/2007
* gurevych (at) tk (dot) informatik (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de, http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/node/76
==Job offer: Sr Text Analytics Developer, RiverGlass, Chicago or Champaign, IL, USA==
All Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in computer science or closely related fields with a strong research and publication record. Senior candidates must demonstrate strong leadership, and have an international reputation evidenced by publications, patents, industrial experiences, or other academic and scholarly achievements. Salary is commensurate with qualifications.
See full job description at http://www.riverglassinc.com/about/view_career.php?showID=9
Fluency in Chinese is an advantage, but not required.
RiverGlass, Inc. is seeking extremely talented and energetic innovators to help us perfect and advance our text analytics. We are creating some highly innovative applications that leverage sophisticate text and data analytics, and information visualizations to help customers in a variety of markets, ranging from homeland security and law enforcement to financial services.
'''How to Apply:'''
* Expert-level understanding of information extraction, summarizaiton, classification, clustering, tone/sentiment analysis, etc.
All candidates should send detailed curriculum vitae, and at least three letters of recommendation to
* Experience in creation and exploitation of domain and task ontologies in text analytics a plus
* open until filled, multiple positions
* pcarroll (at) riverglassinc (dot) com, http://www.riverglassinc.com/about/view_career.php?showID=9
==Job offer:  Postdoctoral position, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA==
Dr. Wen-Lian Hsu, Director
Postdoctoral Position Available -- News/Blog Analysis
Institute of Information Science
The Lydia project builds a relational model of people, places, and other
Academia Sinica
entities through natural language processing of news sources and the
statistical analysis of entity frequencies and co-locations.  This model
can be used to identify trends and other information flows through this
entity network.  Please visit http://www.textmap.org/ to see our analysis
of recent news and blog postings obtained from over 500 daily online news
Lydia gives us a way to measure the temperature of the political, economic,
Nankang 115, Taipei, Taiwan
and cultural world.  We track hundreds of thousands different entities
arising in these news sources.  We establish temporal and regional biases
in interest, by analyzing the frequency and positive/negative sentiment
of these entity references.  We identify relationships between news entities,
resulting in a massive network where the vertices represent news entities,
with pairs of entities linked if there is a substantive relationship between
A two-year postdoctoral position (potentially extensible to three years or
TEL: 886-2-2788-3799ext.1804
beyond) is now available to join our team. I am looking for someone with a
background in either:
      (1) natural language processing,
      (2) text mining or data mining,
      (3) graph algorithms and the science of networks, or
      (4) data analysis or visualization.
The applicant will be expected to use their expertise to improve the quality
E-mail: recruit@iis.sinica.edu.tw
of our analysis, and help manage a team of roughly ten graduate students
as we shift our focus beyond technological issues to questions of what this
data means and how we can best exploit it.
Applicants *must* be U.S. citizens who will receive their Ph.D. in
== Computational Postdoc position, Johns Hopkins University, Cognitive Science ==
Computer Science, Linguistics, Economics, or a related field no later than
August 2007.  If interested, please send your vita and contact information
electronically to skiena@cs.sunysb.edu or by mail to:
      Steven Skiena
* Employer: Johns Hopkins University
      Department of Computer Science
* Rank or Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
      Stony Brook University
* Specialty: Computational Linguistics/Cognitive Science
      Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400
* Location: Baltimore, MD, USA
* Deadline: February 17, 2014 or until filled
* Date Posted: January 7, 2014
* Contact email: INSPIREpostdoc@jhu.edu
'''Brief Job Description:'''
== Job Opening: Postdoctoral Researcher in Natural Language Processing, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, New York, USA ==
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the department of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University.  
The Semantic Analysis and Integration department at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center is seeking a post-doctoral researcher on its open-domain question answering project. The project focuses on developing general and reusable QA technologies to achieve reproducible high-performing results in open-domain and specialized-domain question answering. This project offers the opportunity to work with more than 20 IBM researchers with backgrounds in NLP, IR, KR&R, and DB  across multiple IBM research labs, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with our university partners. The responsibilities of the post-doc researcher will focus on developing effective techniques for leveraging multiple parsers to better match questions and passages for answer scoring purposes.  
The appointee will play a central role in a recently-founded group project devoted to developing a novel type of computing that fuses neural network and symbolic computation. In this “Gradient Symbolic Computation“, data consists of discrete structures built of symbols that have continuous activation values. The project addresses human syntax and semantics.
The successful candidate should have the following qualifications:
Keywords: computational linguistics, neural network modeling, syntactic processing, vector-space semantics
* Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics
'''Detailed Job Description:'''
* Demonstrated experience in statistical NLP techniques, parsing, and semantic analysis
* Strong Java programming skills
Interested candidates should contact Jennifer Chu-Carroll by emailing jencc (at) us (dot) ibm (dot) com.
The project is funded by NSF’s new INSPIRE program, created to support unusually forward-looking, high-risk/high-return research. The position offers the appointee the opportunity to be a key player in the exciting intellectual environment of a highly interdisciplinary research team of leading faculty members collaborating intensively to break new ground at the foundations of computation and cognition. These faculty members are committed to contributing to the career development of the appointee, who will also have opportunities to pursue their own research projects and to gain experience in teaching. The faculty co-investigators consist of 6 professors from the Cognitive Science and Computer Science Departments at Johns Hopkins (those listed in http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1344269 plus Prof. C. Wilson) as well as Prof. M. Goldrick in the Linguistics Department at Northwestern.
== Tenure Track Faculty Position: Assistant/Associate Professor in Human Computer Interaction, Montclair State University, NJ, USA ==
The ideal appointee will conduct development and extensive testing of:
Vacancy #: VF-22
* general-purpose software to support symbolic-level computation over gradient symbol structures
Department: Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science invites applications for a tenure track position in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Visualization. The Department’s 13 faculty members support the BS in Computer Science with an ABET CAC accredited track, the BS in Information Technology and the MS in Computer Science. The position requires a willingness to teach a variety of computer science and information technology courses at all levels to ethnically diverse students. The position entails the ability to work as a member of interdisciplinary teams as the Department develops and modifies computing undergraduate and graduate programs with a planned doctoral program in computational science. In addition, the successful candidate will develop and maintain an active research program with student involvement.
Qualifications & Requirements: Candidates must have a Ph.D. in computer Science or a very closely related discipline. Candidates must have expertise in Human Computer Interaction with preference to candidates with experience in software engineering, interfaces, and visualization, and research in HCI. Candidates must have good communication skills. We are looking for candidates with experience in teaching undergraduate computing courses and in working as a member of a team. All faculty are expected to have an ongoing research program, to commit to quality teaching, to be involved in professional activities, and to pursue external funding to support their scholarship.
Salary Range: Salary and range is dependent on qualifications.
Anticipated Start Date: September 1, 2009
* general-purpose software for simulating neural network implementations of this gradient symbolic computation
* new machine-learning algorithms, including deep compositional networks
Send letter and resume to (include vacancy # if above): Send hardcopy (no email documents) that includes C.V., at least three professional references, statement of research interests, teaching philosophy with experience,
and professional goals to:
Search Committee — V- F22
* new theories of compositional vector-space semantics and new neural-network architectures for implementing them
Department of Computer Science
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043
(include V number) and professional goals to:
* new psycholinguistic models of human syntactic production and comprehension processes
Search Committee — V- F22
Department of Computer Science
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043
Most critical is the work on general-purpose software. This work will be conducted in close collaboration with faculty whose expertise spans all project areas. Johns Hopkins is a world leader in computational approaches to language science and engineering.  
Apply By: Screening begins immediately and continues until the position is filled.
The initial appointment is for one year, with an expectation of a second year, conditioned on satisfactory progress. Starting date is August 1, 2014.
'''How to Apply:'''
Applications will be processed until the position is filled. For full consideration, applications and letters should be received by February 17, 2014. An application consists of a single PDF file including (i) a cover letter detailing the applicant’s interests in connection with the project, the qualifications they bring to the work, and the training they would like to receive from the position; (ii) a current CV; (iii) a document containing links to their relevant publications (ideally, integrated into the CV); (iv) a research statement describing their past, on-going, and planned future work; and (v) (optional) a statement concerning their teaching experience and interests. The application, along with three letters of recommendation, must be emailed to INSPIREpostdoc@jhu.edu. Please ensure that your name is in the Subject line of all materials that you AND your References submit.
Montclair State is New Jersey’s second-largest and fastest-growing university. It is located in vibrant Montclair, just 14 miles
Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer; minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
away from New York City.

Revision as of 10:11, 28 January 2015

PostDoc Position in Heidelberg (NLP, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning)

  • Employer: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH (HITS)
  • Title: PostDoc
  • Specialties: Natural Language Processing, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning
  • Location: Heidelberg, Germany
  • Deadline: 20 February 2015
  • Date posted: 29 January 2015
  • Contact information: michael.strube (at) h-its.org
  • Online application: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1

Job Description PostDoc position available in the NLP group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) in Heidelberg, Germany

One position is available for a PostDoc working in Natural Language Processing, in particular in the areas of Entity Linking, Cross-document Coreference Resolution, Coreference Resolution, Word Sense Disambiguation. The position is within a newly funded project on "Scalable Author Name Disambiguation in Bibliographic Databases". Project partners are DBLP (http://dblp.org/db/) and zbMATH (https://zbmath.org/), the two leading bibliographic databases in computer science and mathematics which will also supply the data to be disambiguated and the gold standard. The project will be funded for three years starting June 1st, 2015.

The candidate should have a strong background in Natural Language Processing and possess a PhD in either Computational Linguistics or Computer Science. Experience with machine learning, databases, parallel programming, big data and networks as well as strong programming skills are required.

HITS gGmbH is a private non-profit research institute carrying out multidisciplinary research in the computational sciences. It receives its base funding from the HITS Stiftung.

The NLP group (http://www.h-its.org/en/research/nlp/) at HITS is an interdisciplinary research group that works on applications in the area of discourse and dialogue, in particular coreference resolution, entity linking, automatic summarization, and knowledge extraction from semistructured input. The NLP group at HITS works closely together with the Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Heidelberg.

To apply, please enter your application via the following link: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1 (reference Postdoc NLP HITS-01-2015)

Applications must be submitted by February 20, 2015. Please note that applications not submitted via the online system will not be considered. Inquiries about the position can be directed at Michael Strube (michael.strube (at) h-its.org).

Postdoc position in Cardiff (NLP, IR, machine learning)

  • Employer: Cardiff University
  • Title: Postdoc
  • Specialties: Natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning, distributional models, relation extraction, commonsense resoning
  • Location: Cardiff, UK
  • Deadline: 3 February 2015
  • Date posted: 9 January 2015
  • Contact information: SchockaertS1@cardiff.ac.uk

Job Description

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate post in the School of Computer Science & Informatics at Cardiff University. This is a full-time, fixed-term post for 30 months, starting on 1 May 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The main aim of this project is to learn fine-grained semantic relations from large text corpora. Initially such relations will be obtained in an unsupervised way, by identifying semantic relations with spatial relations between vector-space representations. Subsequently, open-domain, supervised relation extraction methods will be developed which use the output of the unsupervised methods as training data. This research will be part of an ERC funded project on the use of semantic relations between natural language terms in logics for commonsense reasoning. You will work closely with Dr Steven Schockaert. You will possess a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related area, or have equivalent experience.

Essential criteria

  • Proven ability to undertake research in a relevant research area (e.g. natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning) at an international level, as evidenced by research output.
  • Excellent programming skills (java or C/C++).
  • A demonstrable history of contributing to excellent publications in relevant top-tier conferences (e.g. ACL, EMNLP, SIGIR, CIKM, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML) and journals (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, ACM Trans. Information Systems, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering).
  • Proven ability to communicate specialist ideas clearly in English using written media.
  • Excellent organisational skills with a proven ability to work independently and be self-managing, to prioritise your work and meet deadlines within the framework of an agreed programme.
  • A PhD in Computer Science or closely related area, or equivalent experience.

Desirable criteria

  • Knowledge of statistical natural language processing.
  • Knowledge of unsupervised and semi-supervised learning.
  • Knowledge of relation extraction.
  • Experience with analysing large text corpora using a high-performance computing environment.
  • Experience with dimensionality reduction methods such as multi-dimensional scaling, singular-value decomposition, and non-negative matrix factorisation.

More information For more details about the project and instructions on how to apply, please go to www.cardiff.ac.uk/jobs and search for job 2972BR.

Post‐Doctoral and all levels of Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • Employer: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
  • Title: Post-doc/Research Scientist
  • Specialties (one or more): Natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, question answering and explanation
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Deadline: N/A, we are hiring throughout 2015
  • Date posted: 12/9/2014
  • Contact information: ai2-info@allenai.org, allenai.org

Job Description

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is a non-profit research institute in Seattle founded by Paul Allen and headed by Professor Oren Etzioni. The core mission of (AI2) is to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. We are actively seeking Post Docs and Research Scientists at all levels who are passionate about AI and who can help us achieve this core mission by teaming to construct AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities.

Position Summary

AI2 currently has projects in the following areas:

  • Language and Vision
  • Information extraction and semantic parsing
  • Question answering
  • Language and reasoning
  • Machine learning and theory formation
  • Semantic search
  • Diagram understanding

AI2 Research Scientists will have a primary focus in one of these specific areas but will also have the opportunity to contribute and engage in a variety of other areas critical to our research and mission. These include opportunities to participate in or lead select R&D projects, work with management to develop the long term vision for knowledge systems R&D, take a leading role in overseeing and implementing software systems supporting the research, author and present scientific papers and presentations for peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and help develop collaborative and strategic relationships with relevant academic, industrial, government, and standards organizations.


Applicants for Research Scientist at AI2 should have a strong foundation (typically PhD level) in one or more of the following areas: natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, or question answering and explanation. We look favorably upon extensive work experience demonstrating application of your research.

Application Process

All candidates are required to submit a resume, an expression of interest, and the names and contact information of at least 2 references (including email addresses) through our website: http://allenai.github.io/ai2website/jobs.html. We particularly welcome applications from women, people of color, members of the LGBT communities, and people with disabilities. Visa sponsorship is available.

Internship and Full-time positions available in Natural Language Processing at Apple Inc. (Siri)

  • Employer: Apple Inc.
  • Title: Language Understanding / Dialog Scientist
  • Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Semantic Parsing, Dialog Systems.
  • Location: Cupertino, CA
  • Deadline: rolling
  • Date Posted: December 2, 2014
  • Thomas Kollar: tkollar@apple.com

Description: Play a part in the next revolution in human-computer interaction. Contribute to a product that is redefining mobile computing. Create groundbreaking technology for large scale systems, spoken language understanding, big data, and artificial intelligence. And work with the people who created the intelligent assistant that helps millions of people get things done — just by asking. Join the language understanding and dialog team at Apple. The Siri team is looking for exceptionally skilled and creative scientists and engineers eager to get involved in hands-on work improving the Siri experience.

Key Qualifications

  • Experience with semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction, question answering, semantic web, syntactic parsing, machine translation, language modeling, sentiment analysis or speech processing.
  • Experience with supervised, weakly-supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
  • Exceptional analytical, troubleshooting and problem solving skills
  • Ability to implement algorithms in Java and C++ in addition to performing experiments using scripting languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, bash).
  • Strong software engineering skills
  • Experience working with multilingual datasets
  • Large scale data analysis experience using distributed clusters (e.g. Pig, Spark, GraphLab, GraphX, MapReduce) a plus

Description You will be a part of a team that's responsible for a wide variety of natural language processing and spoken dialog systems research and development activities, including semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction and question answering. Traditionally these conversational understanding applications have been focused on developing algorithms for a particular domain or language. Here at Siri, you will use large amounts of training data from Siri requests and the web to solve these problems across languages and domains. You are passionate about using your skills to implement and improve algorithms in order to create the phenomenal products. Because you'll be working closely with engineers from a number of other teams at Apple, you’ll need to be a team player who thrives in a fast paced environment.

Education M.S. or PhD in Computer Science or related field

Additional Requirements 2+ years of experience in natural language processing, speech processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence or dialog systems is desired.

Multiple Tenure-Track Positions (w/focus in Data Analytics) at The Ohio State University Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Employer: The Ohio State University
  • Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
  • Specialty: open, two positions in Data Analytics
  • Location: Columbus, OH, USA
  • Deadline: January 31, 2015 (Consideration starts November 2014)
  • Date Posted: November 17, 2014
  • Website: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi

The Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Ohio State University expects to fill multiple tenure-track positions and seeks applicants in all areas of computer science.

Particular emphasis will be placed on filling two open rank positions in conjunction with a broad university-wide research initiative on Data Analytics (https://discovery.osu.edu/focus-areas/data-analytics/collaborative.html), and a recently announced undergraduate program in Data Analytics (https://data-analytics.osu.edu). Areas of interest for these positions include (but are not limited to): data mining, big data management, cloud computing systems, data analytics; application of machine learning or data mining or data visualization to problems in network science (including social networks), health, and climate science.

The department is committed to enhancing faculty diversity; women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

Applicants should hold or be completing a Ph.D. in CSE or a closely related field, have a commitment to and demonstrated record of excellence in research, and a commitment to excellence in teaching.

To apply, please submit your application via the online database. The link can be found at: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi.

Review of applications will begin in November 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.

The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Postdoctoral positions in NLP and text/data analytics at Mayo Clinic

  • Employer: Mayo Clinic
  • Title: Postdoctoral
  • Specialty: many, see below
  • Location:Rochester, MN, USA
  • Deadline: December 25, 2014
  • Date Posted: November 6, 2014
  • Website: http://www.mayo.edu

Mayo Clinic Natural Language Processing (NLP) Program is currently seeking multiple talented postdoctoral candidates with research interest in NLP, text mining, or predictive analytics to join the program. The appointee will join a diverse team of researchers in Mayo Clinic NLP Program to research on information extraction (IE), information retrieval (IR), and predictive analytics techniques in the big data era for better information access and delivery, document processing, text mining, and advanced analytics in the clinical and biomedical domain.

Key requirements and selection criteria for the position include: - PhD in Biomedical Informatics, Computer Science, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Computational Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, or a related discipline - Demonstrated expertise in some of the following areas: information retrieval, natural language processing, machine learning, data mining, human computer interaction in an IR setting, knowledge extraction and management

Other desirable skills and selection criteria include: - Knowledge of big data techniques is plus. - Demonstrated informatics expertise in some of the following areas: literature mining, clinical natural language processing, clinical terminology and ontology, clinical data warehouse and secondary use of EMR applications - Good interpersonal and communication skills and a demonstrated commitment to working collaboratively inside NLP program and a strong interest and devotion in working with clinicians and biomedical researchers - Familiar with Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) framework and programming skills in a variety of languages - Demonstrated experience in machine learning and statistical techniques and/or experimental design and analysis for clinical and biomedical studies

Team: Mayo NLP program is a hybrid program which aims to conduct the state-of-the-art NLP research and translating NLP research into practical NLP algorithms to facilitate clinical research and practice. The program consists of seven postdoctoral NLP experts and a handful of NLP software engineers. The program plays a significant role in multiple institutional initiatives including i) NLP infrastructure enabled by Big Data, ii) applied informatics in delivering enhanced analytics to the practice, iii) practice analytics which aims to deliver systematic approaches for quality improvement and comparative effectiveness analysis, and iv) knowledge discovery and management which aims to discover and manage domain knowledge and translate it into executable applications in practice.

Terms: The position is available immediately. Mayo Clinic offers an attractive salary (commensurate with qualifications) and benefits package. Mayo Clinic is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and strongly encourages applications from all qualified applicants, including women and minorities.

Application Process: Please email Dr Hongfang Liu with your (1) resume/CV, (2) letter of application/cover letter, and (3) contact information for three references including mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number.

Hongfang Liu, PhD (liu.hongfang@mayo.edu) NLP Program Director Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Mayo Clinic | Department of Health Sciences Research | Division of Biomedical Statistics & Informatics 200 First Street SW | Rochester, MN 55905 | 507-293-0057 (office)

Faculty Position at UC Berkeley School of Information (Assistant, Associate, Full)

The UC Berkeley School of Information is seeking a tenured or tenure-track professor with expertise in information organization. Candidates should have a demonstrated record of relevant research, with expertise in one or more of the following:

search and information retrieval - automated content analysis, including - applications to normalizing data and creating metadata, and/or applications to analyzing social science text, such as political text, or other information rich text such as - biomedical, legal, or marketing text; - practical computational approaches for analyzing information in non-textual formats; - conceptual modeling of information systems; - computational approaches to cognition; - semantic representation and annotation; - vocabulary and metadata design; - classification and standardization including policy considerations; - category learning at scale; - data wrangling.

A successful candidate will possess appropriate technical expertise and research excellence, and be committed to working on issues related to information and/or information system design and development in a multidisciplinary setting. Relevant professional or industry experience, including hands-on experience with large-scale collections, is also desirable.

Additionally, a successful candidate must be able to teach a course in the design, structure, and use of category systems, data architecture and design for information systems, metadata creation and normalization, and data interchange formats and standards. Additional instructional topics that are desired but not required are database design, natural language processing, and information retrieval and ranking.

Applications are due December 15, 2014.

For more details, see the full job description at: http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/about/ischooljobs/faculty-info-org

Post-doctoral position at McMaster University, Canada

  • Employer: McMaster University
  • Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Specialty: natural language processing, sentiment analysis, computational linguistics.
  • Location: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  • Deadline: December 20, 2014
  • Date Posted: October 23, 2014
  • Website: http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~fchiang/misc/postdoc.pdf

Applications are solicited for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Cognitive Science of Language graduate program at McMaster University for the topic of developing psychologically grounded tools for sentiment analysis. Applicants would have their primary affiliation and work location in the Department of Linguistics and Languages at McMaster University, and will be working closely with a vibrant cross-faculty team of linguists, psychologists and computer scientists. The selected candidate will contribute to a research program that explores individual and group (gender, age) variability in perception and regulation of emotion. You will be expected to participate in a research program that explores individual and group (gender, age) variability in perception and regulation of emotion.

Primary responsibilities will include investigating new algorithmic techniques for identifying fine-grained sentiment on textual data, and semi-structured data, including social media. Primary responsibilities will include investigating new algorithmic techniques for identifying fine-grained sentiment on textual data, and semi-structured data. Equally important to the project is the development of lexical-semantic tools allowing big data analyses of text corpora for the purposes of text classification, topic modeling, development of semantic networks, and estimation of semantic similarity.

Please see the following web page for further details and the application procedure: http://www.cas.mcmaster.ca/~fchiang/misc/postdoc.pdf

Post-doc in Bio-NLP Social Media Mining for Adverse Drug Reactions

  • Employer: University of Liverpool
  • Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • Specialty: Bio-NLP, Natural Language Processing, Social Media Mining, Web Mining
  • Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • Deadline: November 14, 2014 17:00 GMT
  • Date Posted: October 23, 2014

You will work on the IMI project, WEB-RADR. This is a highly innovative project involving collaboration across the EU and with researchers in the USA which will evaluate the use of social media in identifying adverse reactions to drugs. You will be working between two Faculties (Science & Engineering, and Health & Life Sciences) and the project will be inherently inter-disciplinary. Practical experience of software development, and good knowledge of Bio-NLP tasks such as NER, text classification, and social media analysis are essential to the role. You should have a PhD Level in NLP, Data/Web/Text Mining, or Machine Learning. The post is available until 31 August 2017.

Please see the following web page for further details including job specifications and application form. http://www.liv.ac.uk/working/jobvacancies/currentvacancies/research/r-586752/

Tenure-track Faculty Position at University of Michigan School of Information

  • Employer: University of Michigan
  • Title: Assistant Professor
  • Specialty: Information Analysis and Retrieval
  • Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
  • Deadline: November 15, 2014 preferred
  • Date Posted: October 22, 2014


The School of Information at the University of Michigan (UMSI) seeks a tenure-track professor at the assistant professor level in the areas of information analysis, information retrieval, or “big data.” While we encourage applications from all areas of information analysis and retrieval, we are particularly interested in candidates with strong interest and expertise in creating novel techniques for mining large-scale text, behaviors, and scientific data and in developing visualizations or other interactive tools for data analysis. Applications of particular interest include, but are not limited to, scientific and health data analysis, text analysis, social media analysis and digital humanities.

The mission of the School of Information is to create and share knowledge to help people use information -- with technology -- to build a better world. A successful candidate will be committed to, and will directly contribute to our goal of being the best research and teaching institution for the understanding and design of information and its technologies in service of people and society.

The School is home to vibrant research and teaching programs, with 36 FTE professors, and over 400 students. We offer a Ph.D., a Master of Science in Information, a Master of Health Informatics (joint with the School of Public Health), and a Bachelor of Science in Information.

Founded in 1817, the University of Michigan has a long and distinguished history as one of the first public universities in the nation. It is one of only two public institutions consistently ranked among the nation's top universities. The University has one of the largest health care complexes in the world and one of the best library systems in the United States. With more than $1 billion in research expenditures annually, the University has the second largest research expenditure among all universities in the nation. The University has an annual general fund budget of more than $1.7 billion and an endowment valued at more than $7.6 billion.


  • Ph.D. in an area such as computer science, information science, statistics, informatics, computational linguistics, or related fields concerned with information analysis and retrieval
  • Demonstrated potential and strong commitment to successful teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level
  • Demonstrated potential for high scholarly impact
  • A strong commitment to connecting information, technology, and people that values interdisciplinary research, and cultural diversity

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled. For questions about potential fit and your application please contact Dr. Qiaozhu Mei (qmei@umich.edu).

Application materials required: cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV), research statement, teaching statement, three representative publications, and contact information for three references. For more information or to apply, please visit http://apply.interfolio.com/27182.

In addition to this position, the UMSI is also looking for applicants in the area of human-computer interaction, communication and technology, and health informatics.

Asst/Assc/Full Professor, Ames, Iowa

  • Employer: Iowa State University
  • Title: Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Ames, Iowa, USA
  • Deadline: December 3, 2014
  • Date Posted: October 21, 2014

Iowa State University has launched the Presidential High Impact Hires Initiative to support targeted faculty hiring in areas of strategic importance. As part of the initiative, the Department of English and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences invite applications for an Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in natural language processing with an emphasis in educational applications, particularly analysis of students’ linguistic production. At the undergraduate level, the selected faculty will teach basic courses in English and Linguistics, and at the graduate level, courses in Applied Linguistics and Technology and in Human-Computer Interaction. Potential graduate course content includes programming for NLP, computational analysis of English, statistical analysis of language, discourse analysis, second language acquisition, sentiment analysis, language-based analytics, speech-driven user interfaces or automated content analysis, according to specialty. Research areas of particular interest are pedagogical applications of natural language processing, assessment of learners’ developing language ability, second language acquisition, statistical approaches to the study of language, and the analysis of discipline-specific language. The position begins August 2015.

The Applied Linguistics and Technology and the Human-Computer Interaction programs attract forward-looking students, who create an exciting intellectual environment. The programs are part of the Department of English, which offers BA degree programs in English, Literature, Rhetorical Studies, and Speech Communication; a BS degree in Technical Communication; as well as—in partnership with the Department of World Languages and Cultures—a minor in World Film Studies. On the graduate level, the department offers MA degrees in Literature; Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication; TESL/Applied Linguistics; as well as an MFA program in Creative Writing and the Environment. The department also offers two PhD programs in Applied Linguistics and Technology and Rhetoric and Professional Communication. The Department of English is committed to diversity among faculty, staff and students who can enrich University objectives in the areas of research, teaching, and service. For more information, see http://www.engl.iastate.edu/.

Iowa State University is classified as a Carnegie Foundation Doctoral/Research University-Extensive, a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), and ranked by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top public universities in the nation. Over 34,000 students are enrolled, and served by over 6,100 faculty and staff (see www.iastate.edu). Ames, Iowa is a progressive community of 60,000, located approximately 30 minutes north of Des Moines, and recently voted second best most livable small city in the nation (see www.amescvb.com).

Iowa State University is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity and strongly encourages applications from all qualified applicants, including women, underrepresented minorities, and veterans. ISU is responsive to the needs of dual career couples, is dedicated to work-life balance through an array of policies, and is an NSF ADVANCE institution.

All faculty members are expected to exhibit and convey good citizenship within the program, the department, college, and university activities and collegial interactions, and maintain the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior.

A PhD by time of appointment in computational linguistics, natural language processing, or related field for all ranks. Assistant Professor, tenure-track- The potential for excellence in research and effectiveness in teaching; Associate Professor – A demonstrated record of accomplishments in scholarship, including an outstanding publication record, demonstrated ability to obtain research funding and effectiveness in teaching; Full Professor – A demonstrated record of intellectual leadership through high-impact scholarship, including an outstanding publication record, program of funded research and effectiveness in teaching. Language teaching experience and language assessment experience preferred.

Please apply for this position through the Iowa State University website at www.iastatejobs.com (Posting #400050) or by visiting http://www.iastatejobs.com/postings/7815 and click on "Apply to this Job". Please be prepared to enter or attach the following: a letter of application/cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching/research interests, transcript or list of graduate courses taken, and contact information for three references. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by December 3, 2014.

Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, marital status, disability, or protected veteran status, and will not be discriminated against. Inquiries can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity, 3350 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.

Computational Linguist, Wrocław, Poland

  • Employer: Wrocław University of Technology
  • Title: Computational Linguist
  • Specialty: Natural Language Engineering, Computational Linguistics
  • Location: Wrocław, Poland/other
  • Deadline: until filled
  • Date Posted: October 15, 2014


The academic group G4.19 brings together those interested in linguistics, computational linguistics, and natural language engineering. The Group develops and implements tools for natural language processing. The main focus is on the development of basic tools and language resources for Polish. The Group participates in a number of research projects, among others it coordinates the CLARIN-PL project: http://www.clarin-pl.eu.

Job description

  • designing algorithms for the analysis of natural language texts, based on the combination of linguistic knowledge and methods of artificial intelligence (including machine learning, rule-based methods and methods of statistical analysis),
  • developing computer systems related to natural language processing and coordinating the work of small teams of programmers (conducting test and research experiments),
  • active participation in the ongoing research projects (planning and realisation of experiments , data processing, realisation of dedicated research tasks of varying complexity),
  • active participation in preparing applications for new research grants,
  • active participation in writing research papers.


  • enthusiastic approach to research and development of language technology for Polish,
  • good knowledge of at least one of the languages: C ++, Python or Java,
  • very welcome good knowledge of Polish,
  • knowledge of English sufficient for reading scientific publications and technical documentation,
  • welcome knowledge of Linux, Git, UML,
  • the preferred candidates should hold PhD degree in computer science, but we do not exclude candidates holding PhD degree in a different field or those at the advanced stage of work on their PhD.

We offer

  • participation in large research projects at national and international level,
  • good basis for a scientific career and an opportunity of writing a dissertation,
  • for PhD students: possibility of employment on a research assistant post,
  • choice of form of employment (contract or other),
  • attractive salary (in terms of market, not university wages),
  • interesting job in a dynamic team,
  • flexible working hours,
  • flexible working time.

If interested, please send your CV and list of publications to: clarin-pl@pwr.edu.pl

The application must include a statement: "I hereby agree for processing my personal data for the purpose of the recruitment process (in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997, Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 133, item 883)."

We kindly inform you that we will contact selected candidates only.

Language Processing, Edinburgh, Scotland

  • Employer: Daxtra Technologies (http://www.daxtra.com)
  • Title: Research Application Developer
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Musselburgh, nr Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Deadline: until filled
  • Date Posted: October 10, 2014

Job Description:

Daxtra Technologies are looking for people with a background in applied language/text processing to join the R&D team in Edinburgh. Daxtra (a spin-out from the University of Edinburgh) is the leading provider of Natural Language Processing techniques

You will be involved in multilingual grammar engineering, development of statistical text classifiers and search/retrieval components. Apart from a strong background in text processing you will need to demonstrate good experience in computer programming.


Daxtra Technologies headquarters in Musselburgh, nr Edinburgh, Scotland

How to Apply:

For further details or to send us your CV/resume, please contact a.nazarov@daxtra.com

Computational Linguists

  • Employer: The Lingua Team
  • Title: Computational Linguist
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Seattle or remotely
  • Deadline: ASAP
  • Date Posted: September 22, 2014

Description: We are looking for several candidates (one for each of the languages advertised) with an advanced degree in Linguistics, or with Computational linguist background. The projects involve morphology tagging and/or linguistic analysis, but they can be done remotely. Languages: French, German, Spanish, US English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish, or Polish. Please, provide a resume with your email application.


  • Computational Linguistics and/or advanced Linguistics degree
  • Experience drafting grammars or adapting an existing grammar to a second language
  • Programming experience desirable
  • Full understanding of inflectional and derivational morphology, POS, lemmatization, etc.

Location: Seattle, WA or remote

How to Apply: Send your resume to info@thelinguateam.com

Visiting Student Position in Spoken Language Understanding (NLP+Speech+ML) / TTI-Chicago / Chicago, IL

  • Employer: Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
  • Title: Visiting student researcher
  • Specialty: Machine learning, NLP, speech
  • Location: Chicago, IL, United States, 60637
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: Sept 10, 2014

Job Description

Applications are sought for a paid visiting student position as part of a broad interdisciplinary project on spoken language understanding involving natural language processing, speech processing, and machine learning. The visiting student will work primarily with TTI-Chicago faculty Mohit Bansal (http://ttic.edu/bansal), Karen Livescu (http://ttic.edu/livescu), and Kevin Gimpel (http://ttic.edu/gimpel), and will also have opportunities to collaborate with other TTIC and University of Chicago faculty/researchers as relevant.

The position will be based at TTI-Chicago, a computer science graduate institute located on the University of Chicago campus, with vibrant research groups in machine learning, speech and language processing, and computer vision. The duration of the position is flexible (6 to 18 months).

The target start date is Fall or Winter 2014. Compensation includes stipend and tuition (if applicable). The position will remain open until filled.


The broad goal of the work is to advance text-based NLP tasks (e.g., syntactic parsing) via speech cues, using and developing deep learning and multi-view learning techniques. The specific focus of the student’s project will be determined by mutual agreement based on the student's background and interests.


Applicants are expected to have strong qualifications in machine learning (preferably deep or multi-view learning), and ideally also natural language processing (preferably syntactic parsing) or speech processing. Applicants should have a Bachelor’s degree in a related field, preferably pursuing a MS/PhD degree. There are no citizenship requirements for this position.

How to Apply

Please direct questions and interest in the position to slu-job@ttic.edu. Complete applications should be sent to the same address and consist of:

  • brief cover letter, describing your interest in and qualifications for the position
  • curriculum vitae including publication list
  • two or more letters of reference (preferably directly emailed to slu-job@ttic.edu, or contacts who can supply letters on request)

Please see http://ttic.edu/bansal/slu-job.html for more information.

NLP-Speech Data Scientist / Civis Analytics / Chicago, IL, USA

  • Employer: Civis Analytics
  • Title: Data Scientist
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing / Speech Processing / Machine Learning
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Deadline: Rolling
  • Date Posted: July 7, 2014

Who We Are:

Our Company is a Chicago-based Big Data analytics firm born in a large windowless back room of President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. We called it “The Cave.”

Beginning with the campaign, our mission as a team has been clear: help great organizations use their Big Data to solve their biggest problems. We are now applying our analytical expertise, specialized software, and innovative technological approach to help companies, non-profits, and campaigns leverage their data to develop smarter strategies, make better decisions, and build stronger, data-driven organizations. In the year since our company’s founding, we have helped solve problems as diverse as enrolling individuals for health insurance, optimizing TV ad purchases to reach more targets, and pinpointing individuals who want to sign up for a clean energy utility company.

We are not a group of spreadsheet management consultants; we are an inventive team of the best statisticians, scientists, engineers, and technologists in our fields building things that have never been built before. And we’re looking to add to our team.

We are already solving some of the world’s most demanding and complex problems with Big Data – working with organizations to analyze and understand their individual level intelligence to improve outcomes and implement organizational change. We work on teams with diverse skill sets to apply and invent new data science techniques, putting us at the forefront of innovation in our field as we solve problems that have never been solved before.

We are smart, fun, and a little bit weird. Does this sound like you?

Job Description:

The Research and Development team is responsible for developing the fundamental data science methods, techniques, and best practices that power the mission of our company. Our diverse work includes predictive analytics, algorithm development, experimental design, visualization, and survey research. As a Data Scientist on our Chicago-based Research and Development team, you will work closely and collaboratively with analysts and engineers to develop and operationalize the techniques that quantify and solve big, meaningful problems. Our team dives deeply into big problems and works in a variety of areas.

With a specialization in unstructured data, this Data Scientist role will apply techniques from fields such as machine learning, applied statistics, natural language processing, computer vision, and speech processing to the growing unstructured datasets being collected at Civis. Because the majority of the world’s information is unstructured, being able to leverage these diverse and voluminous data sources adds tremendous value to Civis products and research. In this role, you will be a critical voice shaping both how unstructured data informs existing Civis products and services, and how it leads to the development of entirely new ways of serving our clients, novel to the industry as a whole.

We are looking for individuals from a diversity of backgrounds with demonstrated quantitative and problem-solving skills. We value creativity, hard work, and on-the-job-excellence and offer competitive compensation and benefits packages. In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Master’s degree in a quantitative field, such as computer science, statistics, machine learning, or electrical engineering, or a Bachelor’s degree and outstanding work experience
  • Knowledge of and practical experience in applying the methodology of one or more unstructured data analysis fields, such as natural language processing, speech processing, or computer vision.
  • Familiarity with statistical packages such as R, Stata, or in the Python scientific stack (NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn, pandas)
  • Experience with common toolkits for unstructured data analysis, such as Theano, Torch, open-cv, the Stanford NLP tools, HTK, and Kaldi
  • Experience with SQL databases
  • Strong programming skills
  • Experience identifying and correcting for problems in imperfect data
  • An ability and eagerness to constantly learn and teach others

Preferred Qualifications:

  • PhD in a quantitative field such as computer science, statistics, machine learning, or electrical engineering
  • Ability to expand upon modern statistical learning methods
  • Significant work experience in applying the methodology of one or more unstructured data analysis fields
  • High proficiency in programming with Python, Go, Java, Lua, C, or other languages used for high-performance statistical computing
  • Familiarity with architectures for scaling statistical computing to big data applications, such as Hadoop and Spark
  • Theoretical understanding sufficient to independently implement complex neural network architectures


This posting is for a position in Civis’ Chicago headquarters.


We are hiring for multiple positions and will evaluate candidates as applications are received.

How to Apply:

Applications may be submitted at http://www.civisanalytics.com/apply/entry/data-scientist-chicago-il. Specific inquiries may be directed to Derrick Higgins: dhiggins@civisanalytics.com.

Postdoc in Natural Language Processing / Aix-Marseille University / Marseille, France

  • Employer: Aix-Marseille University
  • Title: Postdoc
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Luminy, Marseille, France
  • Deadline: July 1st, 2014
  • Date Posted: June 12, 2014

Job Description:

We are looking for an outstanding research scientist to join the "SENSEI" european project (http://www.sensei-conversation.eu/). You will contribute to conversation analysis summarization research to allow the exploitation of large quantity of comments in social media and spoken conversations.

You will contribute to the design and development of speech and text summarization technologies for conversational data such as social media comments and tweets. There will be three components to the system: linguistic analysis of the conversations, content selection and aggregation, and generation of the summaries (text or other media). The approach is expected to make use of recent machine learning advances such as deep learning, and focus on limiting the quantity of supervision needed. The prototype will be evaluated by end-user professionals in ecological conditions.


The applicant must hold a PhD degree, preferably in the field of natural language processing or machine learning. He/she should:

  • Be proficient in one of Java / C++ programming and python or php scripting
  • Have experience with developing efficient NLP / machine learning systems.
  • Be keen on researching the literature and writing papers
  • Enjoy team work and be autonomous


You will work at the LIF computer science lab at Aix-Marseille University in France, at the Luminy campus next to the calanques.


Interviews will be held in July 2014, the Postdoc will start in september / october 2014 and last one year.

How to Apply:

Enquiries and applications should be sent to Benoit Favre: benoit.favre@lif.univ-mrs.fr

Executive Director / CLARIN ERIC / Utrecht University, the Netherlands

  • Employer: CLARIN ERIC through Utrecht University
  • Title: Executive Director
  • Specialty: Research Infrastructures
  • Location: Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • Deadline: August 15, 2014
  • Date Posted: June 10, 2014

Job Description:

CLARIN is one of the two big humanities pan-European research infrastructures on the ESFRI roadmap with global ambitions, expected to expand rapidly in the near future. It currently has about 25 centres in 10 countries and the number is growing. At the same time CLARIN is participating actively in several emerging global data infrastructure initiatives (e.g. RDA, EUDAT). In addition it is actively pursuing its collaboration with other international humanities research infrastructures such as DARIAH.

As our current Executive Director is retiring, CLARIN is looking for an inspiring person to continue this successful enterprise and lead it to the next level.

The main challenges the new executive director needs to lead on in the next years are: the expansion and the sustainability of CLARIN, to balance the central and distributed activities, increase outreach to new user communities, new collaboration partners and new continents, and to promote collaboration with commercial partners.


  • Leading the Board of Directors of the CLARIN ERIC
  • Building on prior work, drafting strategy, work programme, budget and staff plan for CLARIN
  • Planning the technical development together with the Technical Director, overseeing the implementation and operation of the distributed infrastructure and coordinating centre cooperation
  • Ensuring the long-term sustainability of CLARIN and guiding its European and global expansion
  • Building strong pan-European and international relationships with a broad range of stakeholders within and outside the consortium. This includes CLARIN members, the relevant ministries and funding bodies, external language resource providers, the EU, and international bodies, including research infrastructures on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmaps as well as other research infrastructures
  • Leading the international fundraising efforts for CLARIN
  • Monitoring and measuring CLARIN’s activities and reporting to General Assembly
  • Specifically, monitoring the adherence of the national consortia to the operational rules and standards for CLARIN-related operations, and developing recommendations for counter-measures for any irregularities
  • Ensuring that CLARIN’s services comply with appropriate ethical, legal and societal norms and principles
  • Planning, organizing, and managing the main office in Utrecht, which includes recruitment
  • Facilitating and supporting the operation of CLARIN’s governance bodies


  • A higher university degree or equivalent qualifications and an international interdisciplinary network
  • Relevant experience in the European Research Area, international arena, as well as in European level funding mechanisms and understanding of the ESFRI process
  • An understanding of current and emerging agendas and challenges in data management and curation in the humanities domain
  • Excellent communicative skills
  • A proven fundraising record
  • A record of relevant academic excellence
  • The ability to understand organisational and technical issues involved in building, maintaining, and federating digital repositories, catalogues, authentication services, and similar infrastructure components based on modern information technologies

How to Apply

For more information, please visit http://www.clarin.eu/news/vacancy-advertisement-executive-director

Research Scientist in Natural Language Technologies / Bosch Research & Technology Center / Palo Alto, California

  • Employer: Bosch Research & Technology Center
  • Title: Research Scientist in Natural Language Technologies (PhD)
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Palo Alto, California, United States, 94304
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: May 19, 2014

Job Description:

The Language Interaction and Knowledge Engineering group of Bosch Research in Palo Alto, CA is responsible for shaping the future user experience of Bosch products by creating cutting-edge technologies. We collaborate closely with leading universities on solutions to hard challenges in speech, language, knowledge topics to enable natural, intuitive and intelligent communication between humans and computers. We work with internal partners to transfer our ideas and solutions into future products. Over the years, we have already developed innovative world-leading technologies in the areas of human machine interaction (HMI) systems.

To strengthen the Language Interaction and Knowledge Engineering team in our Palo Alto office we are seeking enthusiastic and creative researcher with a strong desire to drive technology development in this area.


  • Develop large-scale natural language technologies and components, and improve the state-of-the-art HMI system performance with various methods
  • Together with a team of experts, adapt and integrate language processing components into Bosch HMI system for different business areas
  • Communicate with business departments about the technology potentials as well as identify potential areas of business values.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science or related fields
  • Strong research background in natural language technology development and applications, text mining, machine learning, and statistics
  • Hands-on experience with natural language processing, text mining and machine learning algorithm implementation
  • Strong skills in coding (C/C++ or Java), algorithms and system design
  • Very good communication skill together with good quality publication
  • Experience in text summarization research and development is a plus
  • Experience in large system development and speech technology is a plus

How to Apply

For more information, and to apply online, please visit http://bit.ly/1k8UZ57

Post-doc in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Language Processing applied to Sign Language Analysis / TTI-Chicago / Chicago, IL

  • Employer: Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
  • Title: Post-doctoral scholar
  • Specialty: Machine learning, NLP, computer vision, speech
  • Location: Chicago, IL, United States, 60637
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: May 12, 2014

Job Description

Applications are sought for a post-doctoral position as part of a project on automatic sign language analysis and recognition. The post-doc will work primarily with TTI-Chicago (TTIC) faculty Greg Shakhnarovich and Karen Livescu. The work is part of a broad interdisciplinary project including both recognition and linguistics of American Sign Language (ASL), in collaboration with U. Chicago linguistics faculty Diane Brentari and Jason Riggle. The post-doc will also have opportunities to collaborate with other TTIC and the University of Chicago researchers as relevant, and should be able to interact with colleagues in a broad range of disciplines.

The post-doc will be based at TTI-Chicago, a computer science graduate institute located on the University of Chicago campus, with vibrant research groups in machine learning, computer vision, and speech and language processing. The position is for 2 years, contingent on annual reappointment.

The target start date is Fall 2014, with some flexibility. Compensation includes a competitive salary and benefits plan. The position will remain open until filled.


The goal of the work is to advance automatic recognition and analysis of American Sign Language (ASL), in part through development of core methods for learning and vision. The specific focus of the post-doc's research will be determined by mutual agreement based on the post-doc's background and interests, and may include any of: new graphical models and learning techniques; articulated hand pose tracking and estimation constrained by the grammar of sign; domain adaptation/normalization for different subjects and signing styles; techniques inspired by speech recognition and NLP; and work with new data sources beyond video, including depth sensors (e.g. Kinect) and motion capture. Prior knowledge of and interest in ASL is preferred.

Advising and teaching opportunities are likely to be available if desired, but this is not a requirement of the position.


Applicants are expected to have strong qualifications in machine learning or related fields, and ideally also computer vision and/or speech and language processing. Applicants should have a PhD or expected PhD (by the end of 2014) in computer science, electrical engineering, statistics, or a related field. There are no citizenship requirements.

How to Apply

Please direct questions and interest in the position to ASL-postdoc@ttic.edu. Complete applications should be sent to the same address and consist of:

  • brief cover letter, describing your interest in and qualifications for the position
  • curriculum vitae including publication list
  • contact information for two or more researchers who can provide letters of reference

Please see http://ttic.edu/livescu/ASL-postdoc.html for more information.

Postdoctoral Fellow / INRIA / Saclay

  • Employer: Institut National de Recherche dans l'informatique et l'Automatisme (INRIA)
  • Title: PostDoc (12 months)
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Palaiseau, Ile-de-France, France
  • Deadline: June 30, 2014
  • Date Posted: May 6, 2014

Job Description

The principal mission of the postdoctoral candidate is to find new ways of inducing taxonomies and semantic dimensions from user generated and user captured personal data, integrating textual, quantified, geolocalized, image, sound and video data. The postdoc will also assist the TRACES team in developing algorithms and technology for creating a platform for private, personal information management.


Reporting to the Dr. Gregory Grefenstette, your typical duties will include the following:

  • Implement recent taxonomy/ontology induction algorithms, adapting them to the problem of personal information, applying them to personal data contributed by TRACES team members, evaluating results, and present their results in an international conference or workshop;
  • Aid TRACES members in the construction of a private personal information platform based on open source information retrieval systems (Lucene/SolR);
  • Discover and adapt existing open data taxonomies to the platform;
  • Study how GPS information and other quantified personal data can be integrated into and augment the personal semantic structures induced from textual sources

Required Qualifications

The candidate must possess a recent PhD degree (granted 2013 or 2014) in computer science, computational linguistics or a related discipline.

  • Experience with natural language processing (e.g., Stanford Parser)
  • Experience with ontologies/taxonomies (e.g., MeSH, FreeBase)
  • Experience with classification algorithms
  • Familiarity with dealing with large, noisy data sets
  • Experience with web crawler, information retrieval systems (e.g., Lucene/Solr/ElasticSearch)
  • Desire to produce functioning end-to-end systems, life-scale live demos
  • Scientific rigour
  • Imagination

How to Apply

Follow the instructions on the page: http://www.inria.fr/en/institute/recruitment/offers/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/campaign-2014/(view)/details.html?ContractType=4546&LG=EN&nPostingID=8473&nPostingTargetID=14242

Security and Defense procedure: In the interests of protecting its scientific and technological assets, Inria is a restricted-access establishment. Consequently, it observes special regulations for welcoming foreign visitors from outside of the Schengen area. The final acceptance of each candidate thus depends on applying this security and defense procedure.

About Us

Public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria's 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. Educated at leading international universities, they creatively integrate basic research with applied research and dedicate themselves to solving real problems, collaborating with the main players in public and private research in France and abroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovative companies. The researchers at Inria published over 4,800 articles in 2010. They are behind over 270 active patents and 105 start-ups. In 2010, Inria's budget came to 252.5 million euros, 26% of which represented its own resources..

For more information, please visit http://www.inria.fr/en/institute/recruitment/offers/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/post-doctoral-research-fellowships/campaign-2014

Postdoctoral Fellow / Bioinformatics Technology Lab / Genome Sciences Centre

  • Employer: University of British Columbia and BC Cancer Agency
  • Title: PostDoc
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
  • Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: March 26, 2014

Job Description

The Genome Sciences Centre is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow for the Bioinformatics Technology Lab to conduct scientific research in the areas of bioinformatics and genomics, specifically related to automated analysis and annotation of cancer research literature.

The successful applicant will work with trainees and research scientists in a team that develops tools for a clinical genomics pipeline based on primary sequence analysis, to build natural language processing and machine learning tools that interpret identified mutations for their biological significance as they relate to reports in the relevant literature.


Reporting to the Head of Bioinformatics Technology Lab, Dr. Inanc Birol, your typical duties will include the following:

  • Building natural language processing and machine learning tools for automated literature survey
  • Analysis and annotation of data from genomics studies as they relate to the literature
  • Collaborating with biologists and clinical researchers on the accuracy of the results
  • Reporting research methods and results in meetings, seminars and conferences
  • Contribution to and leading scientific publications and research proposals

Required Qualifications

The ideal candidate should possess a PhD degree and recent proven experience in computer science, electrical engineering or a related discipline. A strong publication record in the field, and demonstrated technical writing skills are highly desirable. Prior research experience in bioinformatics is also desirable, but not required.

More experienced candidates will be considered for a Staff Scientist position, pending successful funding.

How to Apply

Please send your resume with cover letter to bcgscjobs@bcgsc.ca We request that you specify the position you are applying for by identifying the Job Code only ("PDFBTL 14-03-27") in the subject line of your emailed application.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

About Us

Genome Sciences Centre is a leading international institution for genomics and bioinformatics research. Our mandate is to advance knowledge about cancer and other diseases, to improve human health through disease prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic approaches, and to realize the social and economic benefits of genomics research.

For more information, please visit www.bcgsc.ca

PostDoc / NLP, Machine Learning, Medical Informatics / Worcester MA

  • Employer: University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • Title: PostDoc
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
  • Location: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States, 01605
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: March 26, 2014

Job Description

We are seeking 1~2 highly motivated postdoctoral research associate to join the Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP) group at UMass Medical School and UMass Amherst. This position will primarily be located at the UMass Medical School in Worcester, MA. The BioNLP group is actively pursuing many exciting projects including: information retrieval, information extraction, summarization, question answering, data mining, and patient-centered research. A highly productive candidate may transition to a faculty position.


The successful candidates will help investigate new algorithms to support our current research thrusts. This will require extensive experience with data mining (DM) and natural language processing (NLP).


Candidates for this position should have a PhD in Computer Science or related field and a significant research record including publications in top conferences and journals in:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining or Data Analysis

Proficiency in quantitative analytical methods and strong programming skills (e.g., python, matlab, java, C/C++, weka, etc.), along with extensive research experience in hands-on machine learning (ML) and data mining (DM), is essential. Additional experience in bioinformatics or figure search and analysis is desirable.

Successful applicants will join a vibrant collaborative research environment, will work closely with clinical investigators and senior personnel in the lab, and should have the ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team. The position will be for one year, renewable annually, starting Summer or Fall 2014.

How to Apply

Please apply by email to Prof. Hong Yu <hong.yu@umassmed.edu> and include a brief letter of introduction, a CV including list of publications in PDF format, and names and email addresses of 2-3 referees.


Please see http://www.bio-nlp.org/postdoc-ad-2014.txt for more information.

Competitive Salary based on experience.

Research Director NLP and Speech Processing / Educational Testing Service / Princeton, New Jersey

  • Employer: Educational Testing Service
  • Title: Research Director NLP and Speech Processing
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing / Speech Processing
  • Location: Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 08541
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: March 12, 2014

Job Description:

ETS (Educational Testing Service), is headquartered in Princeton, NJ. Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development.

Currently we are seeking a Research Director of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Speech Group to lead a team of 26 scientists and engineers in the research and development of innovative technologies to improve assessment. The Director also leads research that encourages the appropriate use of these technologies in operational settings and advances the state of the art in NLP and speech processing research in the education domain.

Specifically, you will be responsible for conceptualizing and pursuing a research agenda of fundamental and applied research in NLP and speech processing that will address current needs and anticipate future needs of education and assessment. This includes the development of technologies to automate or facilitate scoring of open-ended responses, support practices for developing tests and learning materials, safeguard the security and validity of assessments, enable technology-rich environments for assessment and learning, and provide automated performance feedback.

In addition, you will assume responsibility for the enhancement of a variety of existing ETS technologies that include e-rater (for automated scoring of essays), c-rater (for scoring content-based short answers), and SpeechRater (for scoring the spontaneous speech of English Language Learners), as well as the development of fundamentally new systems and methods.

Also, you be responsible for leading efforts to expand the use of ETS NLP and speech technologies. The Director will actively seek out opportunities for operational use of these technologies for both internal and external clients. This includes coordinating with ETS business units to understand market and client needs/trends, identify appropriate use contexts, develop the necessary research evidence to support operational use, and establish procedures for the transition of research technologies to production environments.


To qualify, you must possess:

  • A Doctoral degree in computer science, computational linguistics, linguistics, electrical engineering, or a related field
  • Eight years of progressively more independent research experience providing evidence of continuing and substantial contributions to a field of study are necessary, with experience managing research staff and transitioning the outcomes of research into operational practice desirable.
  • Excellent verbal and written communications skills, including public speaking, interpersonal and public relations skills, and writing and editing skills.

How to Apply:

Please apply online at: http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=160741&BUID=2538

Information about the institute:

We offer a competitive salary and excellent compensation package including medical, dental, vision, 403(b) retirement plan, life and disability insurance, paid time off and an employee assistance program.

With more than 3,400 global employees worldwide, ETS develops, administers and scores more than 50 million tests annually in more than 180 countries, at 9,000+ locations worldwide. In addition to assessments, we conduct educational research, analysis and policy studies and develop a variety of customized services and products for teacher certification, English language learning and elementary, secondary and postsecondary education. Equal Opportunity Employer

Research Intern in Natural Language Processing (NLP) / Text Mining / Digital Humanities

  • Employer: The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) in Darmstadt/Frankfurt
  • Title: Research Intern
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities
  • Location: Darmstadt/Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Deadline: Until filled
  • Date Posted: January 20, 2014
  • Contact email: gurevych (at) cs (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de

Job Description:

The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) offers several exciting internship opportunities in cutting-edge research projects as

  • Research Intern in Natural Language Processing (NLP) / Text Mining / Digital Humanities

located either at the Computer Science Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt or at the Information Center for Education at DIPF in Frankfurt (Germany)

The positions are situated within one of the Lab’s projects dealing with automatic text processing, linguistic and machine learning based methods of language analysis, corpus development for novel tasks, or tool support for users in NLP research and humanities. The Lab’s approach to NLP features the hybrid methods in large-scale language processing, real-world text mining, and hands-on skills in the rapid development of scalable systems with practical relevance.

The position is a fixed-term internship contract (6 months) with an option to extend it up to 1 year, provided certain conditions are met. A part-time working arrangement is possible. The internships are funded according to the level of qualification, previous experience, and formal criteria.


We are looking for internship students to work on one of the following areas: computational linguistics, text mining, or machine learning, with substantial theoretical knowledge, excellent problem-solving and programming (Java) skills for language processing, eagerness to apply the knowledge and skills in new contexts, and interest to participate in the Lab’s internationally competitive research. The ability to work independently, personal commitment, teamwork and communication skills, and a readiness to cooperate are required. The ability to speak German as well as previous experience in NLP, text-mining, or digital humanities are beneficial, but is not a job requirement.

We welcome applications of students at all levels of study (bachelor, master) as well as graduate-level applications. The position is ideally suited to acquire research experience abroad (also as required by the ongoing study program of an applicant), or qualify as a Master-, PhD-student, or a research associate at one of the leading universities, and for a competitive industry position.

How to Apply:

Applications (including CV, details of previous academic work, at least two educational and professional references, and final thesis in electronic form) should be submitted to gurevych (at) cs (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de.

Information about the institute:

The Computer Science Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the best in Germany. The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) in Darmstadt/Frankfurt (http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/) led by Professor Iryna Gurevych offers an excellent research environment. The distinguishing features of its research are novel linked lexical semantic resources, algorithms for semantic language analysis (for example, word sense disambiguation, or semantic role labeling), and text-mining (for example, topic recognition, or opinion analysis). The ongoing research projects closely cooperate with users of the developed technologies in humanities, e.g. in educational research, text interpretation in philosophy, corpus linguistics, or history sciences. Within the graduate program “Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Literature” (http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de/), the UKP Lab is networked with multiple groups in machine learning, statistical NLP and information management.

Research Scientist for Automated Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main

  • Employer: The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)
  • Title: Research Scientist
  • Specialty: Automated Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities
  • Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Deadline: February 14, 2014
  • Date Posted: January 13, 2014
  • Contact email: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de

Information about the institute:

The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) (http://www.dipf.de/) n Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is a member of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association of Sciences. As a national centre for educational research and educational information, it is jointly funded by the federal government (Bund) and the states (Länder).

As a scientific institution and member of the Leibniz Association, DIPF targets high-quality fundamental research as well as a research-based development of innovative scientific services. It addresses education as a public domain with high visibility and high importance. By bringing together competencies, DIPF and Computer Science at TU Darmstadt are setting up a priority domain of knowledge processing and computer science in education. In relevant national rankings, the Computer Science department at TU Darmstadt regularly holds top positions. In 2012, the UKP-DIPF group was established: its unique features include semantic language processing, text mining and information retrieval as well as powerful infrastructures for evaluating and aggregating knowledge.

Job Description:

At DIPF, the research unit “Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab“ at the Information Center for Education (located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is looking for an

  • Research Scientist for Automated Language Processing / Text Mining / Digital Humanities (three-year contract, full time, EG13 TV-H*)

The position is situated in the context of the project “Die Welt der Kinder: Weltwissen und Weltdeutung in Schul- und Kinderbüchern zwischen 1850 und 1918“ [children’s worlds: knowledge and interpretation of the world in textbooks and children’s books from 1850 to 1918], subject to the Leibniz competition for excellence. Here, DIPF collaborates with the Georg-Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (Brunswick) and the Institute for Language Technology and Information Science (University of Hildesheim).

The project targets research into historical textbooks and children’s books - and the analysis of world views children grew up with. In the project, classical qualitative methods used in historical sciences to analyse texts that are charged with interpretation will be interlinked with automatic indexing and semantic annotation of historical sources by means of semantic language processing methods. First and foremost, Topic Detection and Opinion Mining methods will be explored and further developed. So far, no training data exist for the analysis of historical texts in German. Thus, the appointment addresses a genuine task in the context of innovative digital humanities, targeting the implementation of unsupervised and adaptive language processing methods. Another innovative aspect concerns the close collaboration with users and the linkage of intellectual with automated methods of analysis.

The position is integrated into a highly dynamic environment at DIPF and TU Darmstadt. At DIPF, the successful candidate will co-operate with researchers in the growing domain of “Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing”, with computer science and educational research groups and information services, e.g. the Research Library for the History of Education (BBF) at DIPF. At TU Darmstadt, a close co-operation exists concerning the UKP Lab (Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych), and research groups focusing text and data mining as well as partners from digital humanities projects at Darmstadt and at national levels (DARIAH-DE, CLARIN and LOEWE priority “Digital Humanities“ in the state of Hesse).

We invite excellently qualified postgraduates or excellent graduates from relevant study courses to apply (Computer Science, Computational Linguistics or related subjects).

Owing to the duration of the project, a contract will be signed for three years. TU Darmstadt offers an opportunity for further scientific qualification (i.e. doctoral degree, habilitation). The salary complies with TV-H (public service labour agreement in the state of Hesse). Applicants will principally be able to work part-time.

* Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Landes Hessen (labour agreement for public service in the federal state of Hesse)


  • Doctoral degree or diploma/master degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics or other relevant subjects;
  • Preferably very good programming skills in Java and Web technologies; knowledge of UIMA;
  • Very good English language skills (written and spoken) and at least basic knowledge of German;
  • Ability to work independently, commitment to the task, the ability to work and communicate in a team and readiness to co-operate;

Experience in automated language processing, text mining or digital humanities is preferred.

Women are expressly invited to submit their application. According to the pursuant legal requirements, applicants with disabilities will be preferably treated in the appointment procedure.

How to apply:

Candidates are requested to submit their application in electronic form (including CV and information regarding scientific work experience, university and work reports/references including electronic versions of the thesis and/or three key publications as well as names of two references), quoting the reference code (Referenz-Nr. IZB 2014-02). Please e-mail by February 14, 2014 to Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Postfach 900270, 60442 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, i.e. office-ukp (at) dipf (dot) de. If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Gurevych by e-mail: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de.

Research Scientist in scientific coordination and transfer in computer science, knowledge and language processing, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Frankfurt am Main

  • Employer: The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)
  • Title: Research Scientist
  • Specialty: scientific coordination and transfer in computer science, knowledge and language processing
  • Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Deadline: February 14, 2014
  • Date Posted: January 13, 2014
  • Contact email: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de

Information about the institute:

The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) (http://www.dipf.de/) n Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is a member of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Association of Sciences. As a national centre for educational research and educational information, it is jointly funded by the federal government (Bund) and the states (Länder).

As a scientific institution and member of the Leibniz Association, DIPF targets high-quality fundamental research as well as a research-based development of innovative scientific services. It addresses education as a public domain with high effectiveness and high importance. In relevant national rankings, the Computer Science department at TU Darmstadt regularly holds top positions. Its unique character is marked by excellent competencies in the fields of knowledge discovery on the web focusing on semantic language technology: text mining and information retrieval. By bringing competencies together, DIPF - with Computer Science at TU Darmstadt - has set up an institutional priority domain on knowledge processing and computer science in education.

Job Description:

At DIPF, the Information Center for Education (located in Frankfurt am Main) is looking for a

  • Research Scientist (two-year contract, full time, EG13 TV-H*)

for tasks in the field of scientific coordination and transfer in computer science, knowledge and language processing.

The position concerns scientific coordination and transfer tasks in the context of the postgraduate programme Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Literature (http://www.kdsl.tu-darmstadt.de/), founded in 2013 at DIPF and TU Darmstadt, focusing on computational linguistics and language technology. It is nested in the research priority of “computer science for educational research”, newly established at the Information Centre for Education. The successful candidate will collaborate closely with the Computer Science Department (Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych) at Technical University Darmstadt; the position is at the core of the newly established institutional focus on knowledge processing (http://www.werc.tu-darmstadt.de/) at DIPF and Technical University Darmstadt.

The successful candidate will be expected to coordinate research in the study and qualification programme of the postgraduate programme, monitor the postgraduate programme and its five students and contribute to the transfer of technology. Furthermore, we expect the successful candidate to actively engage in defining requirements, coordinating the assessment of needs and conducting user workshops.

The position functions as an interface between research on automated analysis of research literature on the one hand and information services respectively information technologies at DIPF on the other. We aim to adapt innovative methods in computer science, language technology and information management to the educational researchers’ needs. These activities target novel means of access to digital science literature and on the web. We welcome applications from excellently qualified postdoctoral candidates and (in exceptional cases) excellent graduates striving for further qualification in a scientific-technological field and in research management.

A contract will initially be signed for two years. TU Darmstadt offers an opportunity for further scientific qualification (i.e. doctoral degree, habilitation). The salary complies with TV-H (public service labour agreement in the state of Hesse). Applicants will principally be able to work part-time.

* Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst des Landes Hessen (labour agreement for public service in the federal state of Hesse)


- A very good or excellent doctoral degree or likewise excellent diploma/masters degree in computer science, computational linguistics or a related subject domain; - Very good English language skills (written and spoken) and at least basic skills in German; - Ability to work independently, commitment to the task, the ability to work and communicate in a team and readiness to cooperate; - Experience in coordinating distributed software development and its Integration; - Experience in conceptualising and conducting events for scientists, users, and the public. - Preferably experience in information and text processing, machine learning, very good Java programming skills and knowledge of UIMA, experience with larger-scale software projects.

Candidates are expected to provide certification of their experience in scientific publishing, acquisition of external funding and project management.

Women are expressly invited to submit their application. According to the pursuant legal requirements, applicants with disabilities will be preferably treated in the appointment procedure.

How to apply:

Candidates are requested to submit their application in electronic form (including CV and information regarding scientific work experience, university and work reports/references including electronic versions of the thesis and/or three key publications as well as names of two references), quoting the reference code (Referenz-Nr. IZB 2014-01). Please e-mail by February 14, 2014 to Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych, German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF), Postfach 900270, 60442 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, i.e. office-ukp (at) dipf (dot) de. If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Gurevych by e-mail: gurevych (at) dipf (dot) de.

Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Natural Language Processing, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Employer: Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
  • Rank or Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Research Fellow
  • Specialty: Chinese Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation
  • Location: Taipei, Taiwan
  • Deadline: Open until filled
  • Date Posted: January 7, 2014
  • Contact email: recruit@iis.sinica.edu.tw

Job Description:

The Institute of Information Science (IIS) at Academia Sinica, Taiwan invites all qualified candidates to apply for the positions of junior and senior research fellows of all ranks (equivalent to the ranks of tenure track assistant, associate and full professors in a regular academic department without teaching responsibility) in Chinese natural language processing and knowledge representation. Research on Chinese semantic analysis and parsing is particularly emphasized. Exceptional candidates in all areas of Computer Science are also encouraged to apply.

Academia Sinica is a national academic research institution in Taiwan that conducts research on a broad spectrum of subjects in science and humanities. IIS is committed to high quality research in computer and information science and engineering. In addition to internal research funding supported by Academia Sinica, external funding through government agencies and industry-sponsored institutions is also available. Starting from 2014, we shall launch an International Ph. D. Program in Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing in collaboration with universities.

Full-time research fellows are free to set their own research directions. IIS currently has about 40 full-time research fellows and close to 300 full-time post doctoral fellows and research assistants. The areas of current research include Systems Technology, Bioinformatics, Multimedia, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Network, Theory, and Programming Language.

For additional information about IIS, please visit http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw

Required Qualifications:

All Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in computer science or closely related fields with a strong research and publication record. Senior candidates must demonstrate strong leadership, and have an international reputation evidenced by publications, patents, industrial experiences, or other academic and scholarly achievements. Salary is commensurate with qualifications.

Fluency in Chinese is an advantage, but not required.

How to Apply:

All candidates should send detailed curriculum vitae, and at least three letters of recommendation to

Dr. Wen-Lian Hsu, Director

Institute of Information Science

Academia Sinica

Nankang 115, Taipei, Taiwan

TEL: 886-2-2788-3799ext.1804


E-mail: recruit@iis.sinica.edu.tw

Computational Postdoc position, Johns Hopkins University, Cognitive Science

  • Employer: Johns Hopkins University
  • Rank or Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Specialty: Computational Linguistics/Cognitive Science
  • Location: Baltimore, MD, USA
  • Deadline: February 17, 2014 or until filled
  • Date Posted: January 7, 2014
  • Contact email: INSPIREpostdoc@jhu.edu

Brief Job Description:

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the department of Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University.

The appointee will play a central role in a recently-founded group project devoted to developing a novel type of computing that fuses neural network and symbolic computation. In this “Gradient Symbolic Computation“, data consists of discrete structures built of symbols that have continuous activation values. The project addresses human syntax and semantics.

Keywords: computational linguistics, neural network modeling, syntactic processing, vector-space semantics

Detailed Job Description:

The project is funded by NSF’s new INSPIRE program, created to support unusually forward-looking, high-risk/high-return research. The position offers the appointee the opportunity to be a key player in the exciting intellectual environment of a highly interdisciplinary research team of leading faculty members collaborating intensively to break new ground at the foundations of computation and cognition. These faculty members are committed to contributing to the career development of the appointee, who will also have opportunities to pursue their own research projects and to gain experience in teaching. The faculty co-investigators consist of 6 professors from the Cognitive Science and Computer Science Departments at Johns Hopkins (those listed in http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1344269 plus Prof. C. Wilson) as well as Prof. M. Goldrick in the Linguistics Department at Northwestern.

The ideal appointee will conduct development and extensive testing of:

  • general-purpose software to support symbolic-level computation over gradient symbol structures
  • general-purpose software for simulating neural network implementations of this gradient symbolic computation
  • new machine-learning algorithms, including deep compositional networks
  • new theories of compositional vector-space semantics and new neural-network architectures for implementing them
  • new psycholinguistic models of human syntactic production and comprehension processes

Most critical is the work on general-purpose software. This work will be conducted in close collaboration with faculty whose expertise spans all project areas. Johns Hopkins is a world leader in computational approaches to language science and engineering.

The initial appointment is for one year, with an expectation of a second year, conditioned on satisfactory progress. Starting date is August 1, 2014.

How to Apply:

Applications will be processed until the position is filled. For full consideration, applications and letters should be received by February 17, 2014. An application consists of a single PDF file including (i) a cover letter detailing the applicant’s interests in connection with the project, the qualifications they bring to the work, and the training they would like to receive from the position; (ii) a current CV; (iii) a document containing links to their relevant publications (ideally, integrated into the CV); (iv) a research statement describing their past, on-going, and planned future work; and (v) (optional) a statement concerning their teaching experience and interests. The application, along with three letters of recommendation, must be emailed to INSPIREpostdoc@jhu.edu. Please ensure that your name is in the Subject line of all materials that you AND your References submit.

Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer; minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.