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* Please post your job ad below.
* Jobs are listed in chronological order of posting: '''first is newest, last is oldest'''.
* '''Please remove your posting when the position is filled.'''  
* '''[[Instructions for Posting Job Ads]]'''
* Please include the following information:
** Employer
** Rank or Title
** Specialty (e.g., Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation)
** Location
** Deadline
** Date Posted
** Contact email or link to website
* See also the [http://linguistlist.org/jobs/index.html Linguist Job List].
* See also the [http://linguistlist.org/jobs/index.html Linguist Job List].
* Archived postings:
* Archived postings:
** [[Employment opportunities posted 2010]]
** [[Employment opportunities posted 2014|2014]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2013|2013]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2012|2012]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2011|2011]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2010|2010]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2009|2009]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2008|2008]] - [[Employment opportunities posted 2007|2007]]
** [[Employment opportunities posted 2009]]
** [[Employment opportunities posted 2008]]
** [[Employment opportunities posted 2007]]
<!-- END OF HEADER -->
== Senior Research Positions (Machine Translation) at the CNGL, Dublin City University ==
==PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics==
* Employer: CNGL, Dublin City University
* Employer: UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
* Rank or Title: Professor / Assoc. Professor (5 years, first 2 years research exclusively), Senior Research Fellow / Research Fellow (3 years)
* Title: PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics
* Specialty: Machine Translation, NLP, Computational Linguistics
* Topics: Natural Language Processing, Summarization, Opinion Mining
* Location: Dublin, Ireland
* Location: Darmstadt (Germany)
* Deadline: 3rd October (Senior Research Fellow / Research Fellow); 7th October (Professor / Assoc. Professor)
* Deadline: open until the position is filled
* Date Posted: 20th September 2011
* Date Posted: March 4, 2015
* Contact email: (for informal enquiries) josef@computing.dcu.ie, psheridan@computing.dcu.ie
* Contact: Prof. Iryna Gurevych apply-for-aiphes(a-t)ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
* Website: http://www.cngl.ie
'''Job Description'''
At the Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL), Dublin, Ireland, we have a number of exciting career opportunities available and are seeking to recruit a Professor / Associate Professor and a Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow who have an established international track record and reputation in the area of Machine Translation (MT).
The newly established Research Training Group „[http://www.aiphes.tu-darmstadt.de Adaptive Information Processing of Heterogeneous Content]“ (AIPHES) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg is filling several positions for three years, starting as soon as possible:
The Professor/Associate Professor is a 5 year appointment and is based within the School of Computing at Dublin City University (DCU), with the first 2 years focused exclusively on research/leadership within the CNGL MT group. Subsequently, the successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the normal teaching and administrative functions of a senior member of academic staff with the School but with continued contribution to the CNGL.
PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics
The Research Fellow / Senior Research fellow position is a 3 year appointment and the successful candidate will join the centre’s team to take a leading role in creating and establishing research projects in MT within the centre’s research programme.
The positions provide the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree with an emphasis within one of the following guiding themes:
These positions provide an excellent opportunity for strong and ambitious researchers to further develop their careers and to join a highly-regarded, dynamic and well-funded research centre in the area of language technology research.  
* A3: Opinion and Sentiment - extrapropositional aspects of discourse (Univ. of Heidelberg)
* B1: Structured summaries of complex contents (TU Darmstadt)
We are interested in hearing from a wide range of applicants from a variety of backgrounds, focused around MT and related technologies.
* B2: Content selection based on linked lexical resources (TU Darmstadt)
* D1: Multi-level models of information quality in online scenarios (TU Darmstadt)
* D2: Manual and Automatic Quality Assessment of Summaries from Heterogeneous Sources (TU Darmstadt)
The funding follows the guidelines of the DFG, and the positions are paid according to the E13 public service pay scale.  
The successful candidates will become part of the existing research team based at DCU, joining one of the world’s largest academic MT research groups comprising over 20 researchers, and together with CNGL’s PIs will co-lead/lead research teams and contribute to the supervision of postgrads and PhD students.
The goal of AIPHES is to conduct innovative research on multi-document summarization in a cross-disciplinary context. To that end, methods in computational linguistics, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis, and automated quality assessment will be developed. AIPHES will investigate a novel summarization scenario for information preparation from heterogeneous sources. There will be close interaction with end users who prepare textual documents in an online editorial office, and who should therefore profit from the results of AIPHES. In-depth knowledge in one of the above areas is desirable but not a prerequisite.  
The post-holders will have the benefit of interaction and collaboration with the wider CNGL research teams, including the significant body of researchers working on other aspects of Language Technology across the four partner universities (DCU, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, University of Limerick) at the CNGL.
Participating research groups at the Technische Universität Darmstadt are Knowledge Engineering (Prof. Fürnkranz), Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (Prof. Gurevych, Dr. Eckle-Kohler), Algorithmics (Prof. Weihe), Language Technology (Prof. Biemann), Multimedia Communications (Dr. Rensing). Participants at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg are the Institute for Computational Linguistics (Prof. Frank) and the Natural Language Processing Group (Prof. Strube) of Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). Cooperating partners are the Institute for Communication and Media of the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and other partners in the area of online media.  
AIPHES will emphasize close contact between students and their advisors, have regular joint meetings, a co-supervision by professors and younger scientists in the research groups, and an intensive exchange as part of the research and qualification program. The training group has the goal of publishing its results at leading scientific conferences and will actively support its doctoral researchers in this endeavor. The software that will be developed in the course of AIPHES should be put under the open source Apache Software License 2.0 if possible. Moreover, the research papers and datasets should be published with open access models.
For more details please see the full job specifications at:
We are looking for exceptionally qualified candidates with a degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, or a related study program. We expect ability to work independently, personal commitment, team and communication abilities, as well as the willingness to cooperate in a multi-disciplinary team. Desirable is experience in scientific work. Applicants should be able to work with German-language texts, and, if necessary, to acquire German language skills during the training program. We specifically invite applications of women. Among those equally qualified, handicapped applicants will receive preferential consideration. International applications are particularly encouraged.  
The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the top ones in respective rankings of German universities. Its unique research initiative "Knowledge Discovery in the Web” emphasizes natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, as well as scalable infrastructures for assessment and aggregation of knowledge. The Institute for Computational Linguistics (ICL) of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg is one of the large centers for computational linguistics both in Germany and internationally. The ICL and the NLP department of the HITS jointly run the graduate program „Semantic Processing“ with an integrated research training group “Coherence in language processing: Semantics beyond the sentence”, which has a close connection to the topics in computational linguistics of AIPHES.  
Applications should include
'''Indicative Salary (subject to experience and qualifications)''':
* a motivational letter that refers to one of the above listed guiding themes,
* a CV with information about the applicant’s scientific work,
**Professor:  €113,064 - €145,952
* certifications of study and work experience,
**Assoc. Professor:  €82,974 - €110,062
* as well as a thesis or other publications in electronic form.
They should be submitted until March 23th, 2015 to the spokesperson of the research training group, Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych (Fachbereich Informatik, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt) using the e-mail address apply-for-aiphes(a-t)ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de. The interviews may start any time. The positions are open until filled.
**Senior Research Fellow:  €63,125 - €68,817
**Research Fellow:  €42,394 - €56,442
'''For informal enquiries please contact''':
Centre Director
Prof. Josef Van Genabith, CNGL, DCU
==Research staff position in Natural Language Processing==
* Employer: UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
* Title: Research staff position in Natural Language Processing
* Topics: Natural Language Processing, Question Answering
* Location: Darmstadt (Germany)
* Deadline: open until the position is filled
* Date Posted: March 4, 2015
* Contact: Nicolai Erbs erbs@ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Phone: 353 (0)1 7006700
'''Job Description'''
E-mail: josef@computing.dcu.ie
The [https://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab] (UKP Lab) at the Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt, Germany, has an opening for a research staff position (TV-TU E13 German payscale) with a focus on question answering and summarization of social media content. This DFG-funded basic [https://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/research/current-projects/qa-eduinf research project] conducts research integrating semantic text analysis, such as semantic role labeling (SRL), into higher-level applications in information access to improve their overall results (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych). Thereby, we pay special attention to graph-based techniques.  
Associate Director
The selected candidate will work with a large corpus from a social question-answer platform on the Web. He/she will be expected to identify interesting research problems, research ways of utilizing semantic role labeling in novel NLP tasks, and develop means and resources to evaluate the results. The newly established Research Training Group “[http://www.aiphes.tu-darmstadt.de Adaptive Information Processing of Heterogeneous Content]” (AIPHES) funded by the DFG [3] provides an excellent research environment for this kind of work. The funding is available for the duration of at least two years with an option for extension.
Dr. Páraic Sheridan, CNGL, DCU
Phone: 353 (0)1 7006707
We ask for applications from applicants in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics, preferably with completed PhD and research publications. Experience in Question Answering or a related field like summarization or information retrieval is a definite advantage. Excellent graduates of these disciplines willing to work towards a PhD are also encouraged to apply. Ideally, the candidates should have strong research skills as well as demonstrable experience in designing and implementing complex natural language processing (NLP) applications in Java and/or with graph-based algorithms. A very good command of German is a definite plus, since the target corpus is in the German language. Excellent communication skills in English and the ability to work in a team are required.
E-mail: psheridan@computing.dcu.ie
Applications should include a CV, a motivation letter, an outline of research experience, as well as names and addresses of two referees. Applications from women are particularly encouraged.  All other things being equal, candidates with disabilities will be given preference. Please send the application to: erbs@ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de by 23.03.2015. The position is open until filled.
'''To Apply''':
Application forms are available from http://www.dcu.ie/vacancies/APPLICATION_FORM_8pg.doc
==PhD-position in NLP/Text Mining==
* Employer: UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
* Title: PhD-position in NLP/Text Mining
* Natural Language Processing, Text Mining
* Location: Darmstadt (Germany)
* Deadline: open until the position is filled
* Date Posted: March 4, 2015
* Contact:  Richard Eckart de Castilho (eckart (at) ukp (dot) informatik (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de)
Email the completed application form, together with your CV, to: hr.applications@dcu.ie
'''Job Description'''
The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) at the Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt, Germany, has an opening for a PhD student (TV-TU E13 German payscale) in a research project in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for a computer scientist or computational linguist. The project focusses on building an open text-mining infrastructure at the European level (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych).
Thereby, major NLP and Text Mining platforms, including UIMA and GATE, should be made interoperable and applied to knowledge discovery in scientific literature, e.g. entity disambiguation and linking to a background knowledge repository. In the past, the UKP Lab has developed several frameworks such as the Darmstadt Knowledge Processing Repository (DKPro) and UBY. They form the foundation for the research and implementation work to be done. The graduate program Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Literature provides further research environment for the work to be carried out.
== NLP and text-mining researchers for a NLP centre of excellence at eBay-Research ==
* Employer: eBay
* Rank or Title: Research Scientist (at various levels)
* Specialty: Computational Linguistics, NLP, Text-mining
* Location: San Jose, CA, USA
* Deadline: Until filled
* Date Posted: 12 September 2011
* Contact email: researchlabs@ebay.com
* Website: http://labs.ebay.com
eBay Research Labs is a team of domain-area experts and researchers. With hundreds of millions of buyers and sellers, and hundreds of millions of live listings at any point of time, millions of daily transactions and billions of daily queries on eBay, the labs provides an amazing playground for researchers to work with data and conduct experiments at scale. The labs is currently starting a Natural Language Processing center of excellence and is hiring NLP and text mining experts. We have many positions available from post-doc and visiting faculty (why not spending your sabbatical with eBay?) to junior and senior permanent researchers.
Applicants in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics must have demonstrable experience in designing and implementing complex natural language processing (NLP) systems or NLP-based applications and the programming language Java as well as strong research skills. Excellent communication skills in English and the ability to work in a team are required. Experience in open-source software development is a plus.
'''Primary Job Responsibilities'''
The following academic qualification is necessary: completion of an M.A./M.Sc. in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, or a related field.
* Conduct world-class research in the area of NLP and text mining
* Support the research activities of other members of the research labs
* Develop rapid prototypes to show-case new business ideas or the capabilities of emerging enabling technologies
* Participate in evolving business and technology innovation ideas and developing them to align with the business strategies
'''Job Requirements'''
Pending the successful completion of the ongoing administrative steps for the project, funding of this position is available from June 1st, 2015 for the duration of three years.
* Ph.D. or equivalent in NLP or text mining
* Excellent hands-on algorithmic, server-side, and client-side programming skills
* Highly creative and innovative in problem solving and willing to experiment with new ideas and technologies
* Strong leadership skills, an ability to learn quickly, and a "can-do" attitude
* Excellent interpersonal skills and presentation skills, including the ability to communicate effectively in small and large groups, and at various levels of the organization
If you yearn to drive invention and innovation across eBay Marketplaces, Paypal, and beyond, and are looking for employment opportunities, please submit your resume at researchlabs@ebay.com.  
Applications should include a CV, a motivation letter, an outline of research experience, as well as names and addresses of two referees.
== Assistant/Associate Professor in Computational Linguistics, The Ohio State University ==
Interviews may start at any time and will continue until the position has been filled. Email address for inquiries and applications: eckart (at) ukp (dot) informatik (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de
** Employer: The Ohio State University
** Rank or Title: Assistant or Associate Professor
** Specialty: Computational Linguistics
** Location: Columbus, OH, USA
** Deadline: 15 December 2011
** Date Posted: 26 August 2011
** Contact email: mwhite@ling.ohio-state.edu
** Website: http://linguistics.osu.edu/clannounce
The Department of Linguistics at the Ohio State University seeks candidates for a tenure-track Assistant Professor or tenured Associate Professor position in computational linguistics, starting Autumn 2012. Candidates should have a strong background in statistical modeling and machine learning, but otherwise the area of specialization within computational linguistics is open. Candidates are expected to have their Ph.D. completed by the time of the appointment.
The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the top ones in respective rankings of German universities. The UKP Lab is also home to the unique research initiative "Knowledge Discovery in the Web” which emphasizes natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, as well as scalable infrastructures for assessment and aggregation of knowledge.  
The new assistant or associate professor will be expected to be active in research and publication, to meet standard departmental teaching requirements and to perform service duties as required by the department and the university.
The Technische Universität Darmstadt promotes gender equality and in particular encourages women to apply. Preference will be given to physically handicapped persons if they are equally qualified.
Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled.
Dossiers consisting of a letter of interest, current curriculum vitae and the names of three references should be sent to:
==Internship position available in Natural Language Processing at Adobe Research==
* Employer: Adobe Systems Incorporated
* Title: NLP Scientist Intern
* Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Dialog Systems.
* Location: San Jose, CA
* Deadline: open until the position is filled
* Date Posted: February 24, 2015
* Trung Bui: bui@adobe.com
Computational Linguistics Search Committee <br/>
Department of Linguistics <br/>
We are looking for an NLP scientist intern who will work on exploring deep learning for mapping between natural language queries and logic form and/or SQL.
The Ohio State University <br/>
222 Oxley Hall <br/>
1712 Neil Avenue <br/>
Columbus, OH 43210-1298
For questions, please contact Michael White (mwhite@ling.ohio-state.edu). For information about the Computational Linguistics and Language Technology group and the Department of Linguistics, please visit http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/cllt/ and http://linguistics.osu.edu.
'''Key Qualifications'''
*Experience with semantic parsing, dialog systems.
*Experience with machine learning, deep learning.
*Good programming skills in Java and/or Python
The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women, minorities, Vietnam-era veterans, disabled veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.  
M.S. or PhD student in Computer Science or related field
== Computational Linguist Expert in SMT ==
'''Additional Requirements'''
** Employer : Sogeti Luxembourg
** Rank or Title : Consultant
== Postdoc in Advanced Machine Learning (with an Emphasis on NLP) ==
** Specialty : Computational Linguist expert in SMT
** Location : Luxembourg, Europa
** Deadline : 1 September 2011
** Date Posted : 17 August 2011
** Contact email : laurent.marquis@sogeti.lu
We are looking for experts in statistical machine translation (SMT) for an
*Employer:  University of Notre Dame
important project in the European Public Sector.
*Job Number:  4015639
Required experience and qualifications:  
*Date Posted: 02/17/2015
- PhD or MSc/Diploma in computational linguistics or computer science with
*Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
excellent knowledge of machine translation (MT) and/or machine learning for
*Online application: http://www.postdocjobs.com/jobs/jobdetail.php?jobid=4015639
natural language processing
- Familiarity with recent developments in SMT and the motivation to apply novel
approaches emanating from ongoing research to practical translation tasks in
many languages and to systematically evaluate their suitability
- Ability to write scientific papers and technical documents in English
- Open-mindedness and the will to collaborate closely within an international,
multidisciplinary team, motivation to work with a multilingual user community
- Experience in designing and running large-scale experiments, including the
necessary skills to manage large data sets and long-running experiments in a
distributed computational environment would be highly desirable, interest in
developing such skills is mandatory
- Experience with both statistical and grammar-based approaches to MT would
be highly desirable
- Good oral and written command of English is required; familiarity with
additional EU languages (preferrably Eastern/Northern European) is a strong
If you match with the profile, feel free to contact me at laurent.marquis@sogeti.lu
'''Job Description'''
The Computer Science Department at the University of Notre Dame in collaboration with the Institute for Intelligent Systems at the University of Memphis anticipates hiring a postdoctoral fellow starting as early as April 1st 2015 for one year and renewable for a second year. The position includes a full time salary and benefits and is jointly funded by sponsored research split between the University of Notre Dame and the University of Memphis. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.
== Research Associate in Statistical Natural Language Processing ==
The successful candidate will conduct research in machine learning applied to dialog-centered natural language understanding. He/she will participate in the development and application of machine learning techniques in the hierarchical and temporal domains to multi-party speech data collected in authentic educational contexts.
** Employer : University of Geneva
** Rank or Title : Post-doctoral Research Associate
** Specialty : Statistical Natural Language Understanding
** Location : Geneva, Switzerland
** Deadline : 1 September 2011
** Date Posted : 9 August 2011
** Contact email : James.Henderson@unige.ch
The University of Geneva, Department of Computer Science, invites applications for a post-doctoral research associate position in natural language processing.  The successful candidate will be part of the EU-funded project PARLANCE.  He/she will investigate statistical methods for natural language understanding, including spoken language understanding.
The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Sidney D’Mello, who has joint appointments in the Departments of Computer Science and Psychology at Notre Dame, and Dr. Andrew Olney in the Institute for Intelligent Systems at the University of Memphis.
The PARLANCE project will design and build mobile applications that approach human performance in conversational spoken interaction, targeting interactive search and information provision applications. The PARLANCE systems will be based on probabilistic inference procedures and incremental dialog processing.  Systems will be developed for English, Spanish and Mandarin.  The other project partners are Cambridge University, Heriot-Watt University, CRSA, iSoco, and Yahoo! Iberia.
The position offers a unique postdoctoral training experience and unsurpassed publishing opportunities within a multi-department multi-institution grant-funded project. The postdoc will be encouraged to build advanced technical skills, strengthen their research portfolios via peer-reviewed publications, develop leadership skills by mentoring students, and gain expertise in authoring collaborative grant proposals.
At the University of Geneva, the project will be lead by James Henderson (Department of Computer Science) and Paola Merlo (Department of Linguistics) within the research group Computational Learning and Computational Linguistics (http://clcl.unige.ch/).  Work will focus on incremental models of spoken language understanding which integrate domain-general statistical models of syntactic-semantic parsing, as well as open-domain information extraction.  The successful candidate will be expected to participate in this project, plus engage in research of their own choosing.
Applicants should have received a PhD in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics by the start of the project.  The ideal candidate will have a background in natural language processing, statistical methods, machine learning, and spoken language understanding. Good programming skills are required. Fluency in either English or French is required.
(1) Ph.D. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field at the time of hire; (2) Research experience in advanced machine learning techniques for sequential and hierarchical domains (e.g., probabilistic graphical models, sequence tagging, deep learning) ; (3) Evidence of a strong publication record in the aforementioned areas
The appointment is initially for a fixed term of 3 years, with a start date of 1 November 2011 or soon thereafter.  Competetive salary, according to qualifications.
Review of applications will begin immediately, but will continue until the position is filled.  Applications received by 1 September 2011 will be guaranteed full consideration.
(1) Research experience in one or more of the following research areas (acoustic signal processing, automatic speech recognition, natural language understanding, discourse modeling) ; (2) Experience working on interdisciplinary projects and/or on educational research; (3) Experience mentoring graduate and undergraduate students
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interest, and names and addresses of at least 3 references to James Henderson at James.Henderson@unige.ch, with PARLANCE Postdoc as the subject line.
For more information see the application link above.
Informal inquiries can be addressed to James Henderson (James.Henderson@unige.ch) or to Paola Merlo (Paola.Merlo@unige.ch). The University of Geneva wishes to increase the proportion of female academic staff and, for this reason, especially welcomes applications from women.
== Software Engineer/NLG Specialist in Sydney, Aus - Natural Lanaguage Generation==
*Employer: Macquarie Group
*Title: Software Engineer/NLG Specialist
*Specialties: Natural Language Generation, Application Development, Linguistics
*Location: Sydney, Australia
*Date posted: 29 January 2015
*Contact information: andy.logan@macquarie.com
*Online application: http://www.careers.macquarie.com/cw/en/job/923649/software-engineers-nlpnlg-programming-equities-research
'''Job Description'''
*Unique opportunity within the Equities Research space for a Engineer with strong NLG experience
*New Systems Implementation with Opportunity to push the envelope within Research
*Permanent Opportunity – Sydney CBD Location
== Electronic Health Record Data and Text Mining Postdoctoral Fellowship Position ==
'''About the role'''
** Employer: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
** Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
** Specialty: Data and Text Mining
** Deadline: Until filled
** Date Posted: 7/27/2011
** Contact Email: imre.solti@cchmc.org
** Website: https://research.cchmc.org/solti
- Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate position in Clinical Informatics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.
- Predictive modeling of patients' clinical outcomes based on the content including narrative notes of the electronic health record.
- Building stochastic and knowledge based models to predict changes in the patients clinical status and predict prognosis.
Further information and instructions to apply at: https://research.cchmc.org/solti/open-positions</p>
We are seeking a Software Engineer to join our Equities Research business team. This is a truly unique opportunity for someone to join Macquarie working on a pioneering project within the business which could be a big game changer. The role will utilise your strong NLG/NLP experience and you will be responsible for building and developing the NLG functionality within the team. If you are interested in gaining commercial experience with NLG, have excellent written communications and have a flair for English grammar, have a passion for finance and in particular Equities Trading and want the opportunity to really pioneer something, then this could be the position for you.
== Practical Natural Language Processing and Text Mining Professional ==
'''Key Responsibilities'''
** Employer: ComplaintLink
*Design and Develop our first NLG/NLP Application within Equities Research
** Specialty: Specialty: entity named extraction, text mining, sentiment analysis, machine learning algorithms
*Work closely with the vendor to understand the application limitations and functionality
** Location: H.O. in Toronto but you can work off-site anywhere in the world
*Drive the development with the Head of Research as well as industry analysts
** Deadline: Applications accepted until the position is filled
*Mature the offering and look for further areas of development within the business
** Date Posted: July 14, 2011
** Start Date: ASAP
** Duration: contract postion - 3 to 6 momths
<p><strong>Position: Complaint Link Inc. is interested in hiring an off-site skilled NLP professional to work on a software project in the area of natural language processing, machine learning algorithms and sentiment analysis. </strong></p> <p>About the employer: ComplaintLink is a web start-up with a relatively simple user-interface and very complicated analytical software that will incorporate machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, entity named extraction, search algorithms and other data mining and business intelligence functionality. The website is structured much like a sophisticated forum with a social-networking component. The data being analyzed will be from user-generated textual discussions around a multitude of topics that will continuously be updated.
</p><p>Description of project: The successful candidate will be working with other LAMP developers to bring an online business to fruition. The candidate will, using open source resources, intelligence and imagination, develop original and proprietary software that will function as the brains behind this online business.</p><p>The software being developed will access our site’s database and have the ability, without any manual keyword input for direction, to mine all textual data and present clearly which are the most 'important' or ‘passionate’ conversations and issues and be able to extract what those issues are and what related significant information is involved in those discussions. It will be able to identify and draw associations between significant pieces of information and present the information extracted in a way that provides a clear picture of the activity on the site in a practical and meaningful manner.</p><p>Degree and expertise:  This project requires someone with a passion for machine learning algorithms and natural language processing. Ideally the candidate will be a postdoctoral fellow or at least someone as smart and experienced as one in the area of Natural Language Processing, machine learning algorithms, sentiment analysis, and data extraction and analysis. You must be able to work in a LAMP environment, be skilled with MySQL, be smart, reliable, and a self-starter with excellent problem solving and analytical abilities. You must have a solid grasp of English – written and verbal.</p><p>If you are interested in this opportunity please contact us at the following address:  developers  {at}  ComplaintLink  {dot} {com}  Please include your CV and a short description of your past work and studies and interests.</p>
'''About You'''
== Japanese Computational Linguist == 
To be successful in this role as a Software Engineer you will possess a University Degree in Computer Science/Mathematics and would have probably undertaken further studies of some sort (Masters/PhD) and have previous Natural Language Generation/Processing experience in either a commercial or research environment. You will have a passion and flair for the English Language as well as having a interest in financial services and in particular traded products. Previous OO Development experience would be highly regarded. In addition you will possess the following:
** Employer : Appen Butler Hill
** Rank or Title : Japanese Computational Linguist
** Specialty : computational linguistics
** Location  : Global - consultants may be based anywhere
** Deadline : Applications accepted until the position is filled
** Date Posted : May 27, 2011
** Contact email or link to website : http://tbe.taleo.net/NA5/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=BUTLERHILL&cws=4&rid=195
Job Description:  A text analysis team focusing on Information Extraction technologies seeks a Computational Linguist for a nine month contract position to enhance a Japanese language module to process unstructured text. This person will enhance the Japanese language module component in a linguistic foundation application and an entity and fact extraction solution. The focus will be on the creation, maintenance and augmentation of machine-readable dictionaries, grammar rules and parsing algorithms. Effective linguists will know how to use finite-state technology to code grammatical patterns and be able to use a data manipulation language such as Perl or Python.
*Tenacity to produce different If Statements and to develop the platform further
*Strong interest in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Based Learning.
*Keen interest in finance
*Self Starter and strong attention to detail to really drive uptake of the platform
Primary Duties:<br>
This is a unique opportunity within Macquarie and quite possibly a pioneering project within the Investment Banking space. We are looking to hire two developers into the team and are flexible across career levels from recent Grads to Senior Engineers. Here at Macquarie we truly believe in you owning your future, at Macquarie you’ll own it. Find out more at the new Careers website: '''macquarie.com/career'''
-Builds, Tests and Enhances the Japanese language module<br>
-An in-depth understand of the algorithms<br>
-Meets product roadmap requirements<br>
-Participates in formal inspections<br>
-Contributes to the team with positive ideas in design discussions<br>
-Provides support, consultation and training to other areas of the company<br>
Required Skills:<br>
-B.A. in Computational Linguistics or equivalent<br>
-Native or near-native knowledge of written Japanese<br>
-Fluent in English<br>
-Strong background in syntax and morphology<br>
-Proficiency in at least one data manipulation language (Perl preferred)<br>
-Familiarity with modern quantitative techniques in NLP<br>
Additional Information:<br>
If you meet the above requirements, please apply via the following link. Alternatively to find out more about the position and a confidential discussion, please contact '''Andy Logan on 02 8237 8472 or andy.logan@macquarie.com'''
Projects require excellent English reading, writing and communication skills. Strong computer skills in a Windows environment and greater than average comfort with software and technology are expected. US residents must have US work authorization (US citizen or permanent resident). Unfortunately, Butler Hill Group cannot sponsor employment visas at this time. You will be required to sign a legally binding non-disclosure agreement at the time of contract negotiation.
This is a full-time contract position.
We offer a competitive, hourly pay rate DOE (to be paid as 1099 self-employment income).
== PostDoc Position in Heidelberg (NLP, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning)==
*Employer: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH (HITS)
*Title: PostDoc
*Specialties: Natural Language Processing, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning
*Location: Heidelberg, Germany
*Deadline: 20 February 2015
*Date posted: 29 January 2015
*Contact information: michael.strube (at) h-its.org
*Online application: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1
== Associate Research Engineer, Natural Language Processing == 
'''Job Description'''
** Employer : ETS (Educational Testing Service)
PostDoc position available in the NLP group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) in Heidelberg, Germany
** Rank or Title : Associate Research Engineer
** Specialty : Natural Langauge Processing
** Location  : Princeton, New Jersey
** Deadline : Applications accepted until the position is filled
** Date Posted : May 6, 2011
** Contact email or link to website : http://www.Click2Apply.net/q536shx
'''ETS (Educational Testing Service)''', with headquarters in '''Princeton, NJ''', is a global $1.3B not for profit organization. Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development. As a nonprofit corporation and an innovator in developing tests for clients in education, government and business, we are dedicated to advancing educational excellence for the communities we serve.
One position is available for a PostDoc working in Natural Language Processing, in particular in the areas of Entity Linking, Cross-document Coreference Resolution, Coreference Resolution, Word Sense Disambiguation. The position is within a newly funded project on "Scalable Author Name Disambiguation in Bibliographic Databases". Project partners are DBLP (http://dblp.org/db/) and zbMATH (https://zbmath.org/), the two leading bibliographic databases in computer science and mathematics which will also supply the data to be disambiguated and the gold standard. The project will be funded for three years starting June 1st, 2015.
In this team-oriented role, the selected candidate will assist with the implementation of natural language processing (NLP) components of medium- to large-scale, complex research projects for ETS researchers, testing program areas and external clients. You will be offered the opportunity to consult with research scientists in the application, modification, and documentation of such systems and contribute to the implementation and support of new NLP methodologies to support research system development.
The candidate should have a strong background in Natural Language Processing and possess a PhD in either Computational Linguistics or Computer Science. Experience with machine learning, databases, parallel programming, big data and networks as well as strong programming skills are required.
Be prepared to further assist in the preparation of NLP development components of proposals and cost/resource estimates, implement components of technical documentation of NLP software systems, solutions and results and regularly attend area-wide staff training and development sessions.
HITS gGmbH is a private non-profit research institute carrying out multidisciplinary research in the computational sciences. It receives its base funding from the HITS Stiftung.
The NLP group (http://www.h-its.org/en/research/nlp/) at HITS is an interdisciplinary research group that works on applications in the area of discourse and dialogue, in particular coreference resolution, entity linking, automatic summarization, and knowledge extraction from semistructured input. The NLP group at HITS works closely together with the Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Heidelberg.
In addition to exceptional verbal/written communication skills, our qualifications include:
To apply, please enter your application via the following link: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1 (reference Postdoc NLP HITS-01-2015)
    * Master's degree in Computer Science, NLP, Language Technology, Computational Linguistics, Linguistics or a closely related field
Applications must be submitted by February 20, 2015. Please note that applications not submitted via the online system will not be considered. Inquiries about the position can be directed at Michael Strube (michael.strube (at) h-its.org).
    * A strong programming background, in languages such as Perl, Java, Python, and C, and facility with computational algorithms are essential
    * Coursework in statistics and experience in using machine learning toolkits are highly desirable
    * Ability to maintain continuing awareness of recent advances in natural language processing (including speech processing), machine learning, and software development methodologies
    * Knowledge of UNIX and Windows computing environments
    * Familiarity with UNIX tools and scripting languages and  algorithms, methods and data structures in common use in the processing of speech and language data
We offer a competitive salary and excellent compensation package including medical, dental, vision, 403(b) retirement plan, life and disability insurance, paid time off and an employee assistance program. Please apply online at:
==Postdoc position in Cardiff (NLP, IR, machine learning)==
*Employer: Cardiff University
*Title: Postdoc
*Specialties: Natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning, distributional models, relation extraction, commonsense resoning
*Location: Cardiff, UK
*Deadline: 3 February 2015
*Date posted: 9 January 2015
*Contact information: SchockaertS1@cardiff.ac.uk
'''Job Description'''
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate post in the School of Computer Science & Informatics at Cardiff University. This is a full-time, fixed-term post for 30 months, starting on 1 May 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.
== Research Scientist (Natural Language Processing) == 
The main aim of this project is to learn fine-grained semantic relations from large text corpora. Initially such relations will be obtained in an unsupervised way, by identifying semantic relations with spatial relations between vector-space representations. Subsequently, open-domain, supervised relation extraction methods will be developed which use the output of the unsupervised methods as training data. This research will be part of an ERC funded project on the use of semantic relations between natural language terms in logics for commonsense reasoning. You will work closely with Dr Steven Schockaert. You will possess a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related area, or have equivalent experience.
** Employer : Language Computer Corporation (LCC)
** Rank or Title : Research Scientist
** Specialty : Natural Langauge Processing (or related discipline)
** Location  : Richardson, Texas
** Deadline : Applications accepted until the position is filled
** Date Posted : May 2, 2011
** Contact email or link to website : jobs2011@languagecomputer.com
Language Computer Corporation (LCC) is a privately-owned company committed to the development of next-generation natural language processing technologies. Since our founding in 1995, we've provided both government and commercial customers with intelligent, semantically-informed search and discovery software. These tools unlock value by actually understanding the information stored in large collections of text. LCC has spun off two semantic technology startups, including Swingly, a Web-scale answer engine, and Extractiv, a high-performance content harvesting service.
'''Essential criteria'''
We are currently seeking research scientists for R&D in natural language processing and retrieval. Candidates must possess a Ph.D, significant experience in NLP, effective software development skills, and a track-record of publicationSuccessful candidates will work with a team of researchers and engineers to improve existing products as well as develop brand new technologies.
*Proven ability to undertake research in a relevant research area (e.g. natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning) at an international level, as evidenced by research output.  
*Excellent programming skills (java or C/C++).
*A demonstrable history of contributing to excellent publications in relevant top-tier conferences (e.g. ACL, EMNLP, SIGIR, CIKM, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML) and journals (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, ACM Trans. Information Systems, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering).
*Proven ability to communicate specialist ideas clearly in English using written media.
*Excellent organisational skills with a proven ability to work independently and be self-managing, to prioritise your work and meet deadlines within the framework of an agreed programme.
*A PhD in Computer Science or closely related area, or equivalent experience.
'''Desirable criteria'''
** Ph.D in NLP or a related discipline, such as computational linguistics, data mining, or artificial intelligence
** Strong programming skills on the Java platform
** Education: BS or MS in Computer Science
** Knowledge of development under Unix/Linux
** U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident
** Good communication skills
** Patience necessary to work in a team environment
Desirable Qualities:
*Knowledge of statistical natural language processing.
** Industry R&D experience
*Knowledge of unsupervised and semi-supervised learning.
** Product development experience
*Knowledge of relation extraction.  
** Database programming/development
*Experience with analysing large text corpora using a high-performance computing environment.
** Other programming languages: Python, Ruby, Scala, Clojure
*Experience with dimensionality reduction methods such as multi-dimensional scaling, singular-value decomposition, and non-negative matrix factorisation.
** Source code management (e.g. SVN, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar)
** Web Application experience
** Multi-threaded / distributed applications
** Understanding of design concepts such as abstraction, modularization, coupling, and maintainability
** Unit testing and integration testing
** Talent for writing time- and memory-sensitive code
** Agile software development methodologies
'''More information'''
For more details about the project and instructions on how to apply, please go to www.cardiff.ac.uk/jobs and search for job 2972BR.
==Post‐Doctoral and all levels of Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence==
*Employer: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
*Title: Post-doc/Research Scientist
*Specialties (one or more): Natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, question answering and explanation
*Location: Seattle, WA
*Deadline: N/A, we are hiring throughout 2015
*Date posted: 12/9/2014
*Contact information: ai2-info@allenai.org, allenai.org
== Research Engineer - Natural Language Processing == 
'''Job Description'''
** Employer: Ask.com
The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is a non-profit research institute in Seattle founded by Paul Allen and headed by Professor Oren EtzioniThe core mission of (AI2) is to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. We are actively seeking Post Docs and Research Scientists at all levels who are passionate about AI and who can help us achieve this core mission by teaming to construct AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities.  
** Rank or Title: Research Engineer - Natural Language Processing  
** Specialty: Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing
** Location: Oakland, CA
** Deadline: Applications accepted until position is filled
** Date Posted: April 22, 2011
** Contact email or link to website: www.ask.com/careers
About Us
'''Position Summary'''
Join the #1 brand and top Web property focused on answering people’s questions. At Ask.com, we’re building a next-generation Q&A service – spanning both the Web and mobile devices -- that combines the power of search with insight from real users. Our proprietary algorithms crawl the web for question and answer pairs (400 million and growing), fueling one of the biggest Q&A databases on the Web.  This unique technology, combined with answers from real users in our community, makes Ask.com the most comprehensive Q&A service around. At Ask, we empower each individual to succeed, communicate their ideas, and take action. When you work here, you know your contributions will have a direct and immediate impact on the company. We are serious about creating and maintaining a company culture that is both innovative and fun, and we’re looking for great people to come join our team.
AI2 currently has projects in the following areas:
*Language and Vision
*Information extraction and semantic parsing
*Question answering
*Language and reasoning
*Machine learning and theory formation
*Semantic search
*Diagram understanding
AI2 Research Scientists will have a primary focus in one of these specific areas but will also have the opportunity to contribute and engage in a variety of other areas critical to our research and mission.  These include opportunities to participate in or lead select R&D projects, work with management to develop the long term vision for knowledge systems R&D, take a leading role in overseeing and implementing software systems supporting the research, author and present scientific papers and presentations for peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and help develop collaborative and strategic relationships with relevant academic, industrial, government, and standards organizations.
Ask.com is looking for a software engineer to join a research-oriented team in the Oakland, CA office.  The research engineer will join a horizontal team supporting the Ask.com core language technologies, which power the search- and database-driven question answering solutions as well as the algorithmic language processing infrastructure for the Q&A community and mobile applications.
Applicants for Research Scientist at AI2 should have a strong foundation (typically PhD level) in one or more of the following areas: natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, or question answering and explanation. We look favorably upon extensive work experience demonstrating application of your research.
** Natural language processing / computational linguistics background.  Ideal: information retrieval and machine learning applications
** Python and/or Perl, shell scripting, XML. Ideal: some Java and/or C/C++, familiarity with SQL and relational databases
** Ph.D. in computational linguistics / natural language processing or related areas.
Skills and Experience:
'''Application Process'''
** 3+ plus years experience in natural language processing / computational linguistics in industry or large scale academic research project.
** Expertise in at least some of the following specific NLP areas and topics: question answering, lexical semantics, collocations, terminology extraction, multi-word expressions, (shallow) parsing, named entity recognition, lexical acquisition, paraphrasis acquisition, information extraction, text classification, evaluation methodologies.
** In general, experience is desired in web analytics, both in terms of using the web as corpus (including the family of related approaches, techniques, issues) and in terms of search engine query logs analysis / user behavior modeling.
** Familiarity with existing data resources and tools: Wordnet, POS taggers, parsers, LingPipe, SVMLight, NLTK, Weka, and similar tools.
** Ideal: practical experience with Lucene/Solr, Mahout and the Hadoop ecosystem.
** Ideal: experience with ontologies, RDF, other semantic web resources or tools.
** Ability to develop prototypes based on proprietary or open source tools.
** Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and adapt to shifting conditions, priorities, deadlines.
** The ideal candidate should be able to refer to products and/or research prototypes that they have developed or to which they have contributed, or to their contributions to sites like StackOverflow.
Location: Downtown Oakland (near 12th St. BART Station)
All candidates are required to submit a resume, an expression of interest, and the names and contact information of at least 2 references (including email addresses) through our website: http://allenai.github.io/ai2website/jobs.html. We particularly welcome applications from women, people of color, members of the LGBT communities, and people with disabilities. Visa sponsorship is available.
Apply at: www.ask.com/careers
==Internship and Full-time positions available in Natural Language Processing at Apple Inc. (Siri)==
* Employer: Apple Inc.
* Title: Language Understanding / Dialog Scientist
* Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Semantic Parsing, Dialog Systems.
* Location: Cupertino, CA
* Deadline: rolling
* Date Posted: December 2, 2014
* Thomas Kollar: tkollar@apple.com
Play a part in the next revolution in human-computer interaction. Contribute to a product that is redefining mobile computing. Create groundbreaking technology for large scale systems, spoken language understanding, big data, and artificial intelligence.  And work with the people who created the intelligent assistant that helps millions of people get things done — just by asking. Join the language understanding and dialog team at Apple. The Siri team is looking for exceptionally skilled and creative scientists and engineers eager to get involved in hands-on work improving the Siri experience.
'''Key Qualifications'''
*Experience with semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction, question answering, semantic web, syntactic parsing, machine translation, language modeling, sentiment analysis or speech processing.
*Experience with supervised, weakly-supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
*Exceptional analytical, troubleshooting and problem solving skills
*Ability to implement algorithms in Java and C++ in addition to performing experiments using scripting languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, bash).
*Strong software engineering skills
*Experience working with multilingual datasets
*Large scale data analysis experience using distributed clusters (e.g. Pig, Spark, GraphLab, GraphX, MapReduce) a plus
== Natural Language Generation Expert ==
** Employer: Stripes39 (a domain specific content management startup)
You will be a part of a team that's responsible for a wide variety of natural language processing and spoken dialog systems research and development activities, including semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction and question answering. Traditionally these conversational understanding applications have been focused on developing algorithms for a particular domain or language. Here at Siri, you will use large amounts of training data from Siri requests and the web to solve these problems across languages and domains. You are passionate about using your skills to implement and improve algorithms in order to create the phenomenal products. Because you'll be working closely with engineers from a number of other teams at Apple, you’ll need to be a team player who thrives in a fast paced environment.
** Rank or Title: Lead developer / architect
** Specialty: Natural Language Generation
** Location: Seattle, WA (downtown)
** Deadline: Applications accepted until the position is filled
** Date Posted: April 21, 2011
** Start Date: as soon as possible
** Duration: indefinite
Stripes39 is a well-funded Seattle startup with an NLG engine as a part of its core technology. The position will entail leading a team of computational linguists, architecting the NLG system, designing and managing the ontology, and testing of the NLG system output.  
M.S. or PhD in Computer Science or related field
** education:  Ph.D. (preferred) or M.S./M.A. with strong leadership record
'''Additional Requirements'''
** experience with NLG system design and testing (required)
2+ years of experience in natural language processing, speech processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence or dialog systems is desired.
** knowledge of recent NLP tools and techniques (required)
** large system development skills essential, including experience with Python and Java
Send email with resume to
==Multiple Tenure-Track Positions (w/focus in Data Analytics) at The Ohio State University Department of Computer Science and Engineering==
    Scott Farrar (farrar@uw.edu)
* Employer: The Ohio State University
* Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
    Parmeshta Jain (parmeshtajain@stripes39.com)
* Specialty: open, two positions in Data Analytics
* Location: Columbus, OH, USA
* Deadline: January 31, 2015 (Consideration starts November 2014)
* Date Posted: November 17, 2014
* Website: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi
Please indicate in your cover letter your specific qualifications with NLG.
The Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Ohio State University expects to fill multiple tenure-track positions and seeks applicants in all areas of computer science.
Particular emphasis will be placed on filling two open rank positions in conjunction with a broad university-wide research initiative on Data Analytics (https://discovery.osu.edu/focus-areas/data-analytics/collaborative.html), and a recently announced undergraduate program in Data Analytics (https://data-analytics.osu.edu). Areas of interest for these positions include (but are not limited to): data mining, big data management, cloud computing systems, data analytics; application of machine learning or data mining or data visualization to problems in network science (including social networks), health, and climate science.
== Postdoctoral Researcher, Natural Language Processing (information extraction) ==
The department is committed to enhancing faculty diversity; women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.
** Employer:  New York University
** Rank or Title:  Post-doctoral researcher
** Specialty: Natural Language Processing (information extraction)
** Location:  New York, NY
** Deadline: Applications accepted until the position is filled
** Date Posted: March 24, 2011
** Start Date: September 1, 2011
** Duration: 1 year, renewable
The Proteus Project (New York University Dept. of Computer Science) anticipates an opening for a computational linguist to conduct and support its research in information extraction, including in particular the analysis of trends in large collections of scientific articles and patents.
Applicants should hold or be completing a Ph.D. in CSE or a closely related field, have a commitment to and demonstrated record of excellence in research, and a commitment to excellence in teaching.
** education: Ph.D. (preferred) or M.S. with strong research record
To apply, please submit your application via the online database. The link can be found at: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi.
** strong publication record
** experience with NLP tools for English required
** experience with NLP tools for German and/or Chinese a plus
** experience with citation analysis, sentiment analysis, terminology extraction a plus
** large system development skills essential, including experience with Unix and Java
** target start date 1 September 2011, with some flexibility for an earlier or later start
Send email with c.v. and links to publications to
Review of applications will begin in November 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.
    Prof. Ralph Grishman (grishman@cs.nyu.edu)
    Prof. Adam Meyers (meyers@cs.nyu.edu)
Indicate in your response your specific qualifications which match the requirements listed above.
The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
== Postdoctoral Researcher, Semantic Parsing ==
** Employer: CCLS, Columbia University
** Specialty: Semantic parsing, parsing, German NLP
** Location: New York, NY
** Deadline: Applications accepted until the position is filled.
** Date Posted: March 16, 2011
Position available: Postdoc in Natural Language Processing (Semantic Parsing)
Start Date: September 1, 2011 (possibly earlier)
Duration: 1 year, renewable for a second year
Description: the postdoc will work in the context of a large, multi-site project which aims at predicting the emergence of technical trends from scientific literature in English, German, and Chinese.  The specific issues the postdoc will work on revolve around natural language processing (NLP) tasks, in particular semantic parsing, and detecting degree of commitment.  The postdoc will also be involved in issues of system integration, working with a full-time programmer.
Required background:
* Ph.D. in hand in computer science, linguistics, or related discipline.  (Note: in exceptional circumstances, a candidate with only a masters degree could be considered as a "pre-doc".)
* Programming skills.
* Ability to work in a group.
Desired background:
* Knowledge of German, German linguistics, and/or German NLP.
* Acquaintance with FrameNet.
* Knowledge of parsing.
* Knowledge of machine learning techniques.
Location: Center for Computational Learning Systems, Columbia University, New York City
If interested, please mail to Owen Rambow, rambow@ccls.columbia.edu, a CV along with a short note explaining how you meet each of the required and desired background elements above.  (A bulleted list would be fine, with a sentence per background element.)
== Senior Research Scientist, Natural Language Processing ==
** Employer: ETS (Educational Testing Service)
** Specialty: Research
** Location: Princeton, New Jersey, 08540
<p><strong>ETS (Educational Testing Service</strong>), with headquarters in Princeton, NJ, is a global $1.3B not for profit organization. Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development. As a nonprofit corporation and an innovator in developing tests for clients in education, government and business, we are dedicated to advancing educational excellence for the communities we serve.</p> <p>In the context of this position, we will turn to your skills and scientific/technical expertise to conceptualize, design, obtain support for, conduct and manage major research and/or development projects, particularly those in which natural language processing (NLP) techniques are applied to problems in education or assessment. Your responsibilities would include planning a long-term substantive research agenda, designing/conducting complex scientific studies, disseminating results and implications of projects and functioning as an expert in the major facets of the program. This position further offers the opportunity to generate or contribute to new or modified NLP theories and methodology and provide leadership for the development of new products or services for education and for the conduct of major projects in automated scoring and NLP.</p><p>Our qualifications include:</p> <ul> <li>A Ph.D in Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics or Computer Science</li> <li>Eight years of independent research experience providing evidence of continuing and substantial contributions to a field of study</li> <li>A strong statistical and machine learning background</li> <li>Demonstrable contributions to new and/or modified theories of Natural Language Processing and their implementation in automated systems</li> <li>Practical expertise with NLP tools and fluency in at least one major programming language (e.g. Java, Perl, C/C++, Python)</li> <li>The ability to lead the development of proposals for major research, development, or large-scale NLP projects,</li> <li>Ability to develop, promote and maintain professional relationships as representative, consultant or advisor to external advisory or policy boards and councils, research organizations, educational institutions and educators </li> <li>Familiarity with the application of NLP tools to educational problems</li> <li>Demonstrated ability to lead project teams and to work collaboratively with a diverse set of contributors</li> </ul> <p>We offer a competitive salary and excellent compensation package including medical, dental, vision, 403(b) retirement plan, life and disability insurance, paid time off and an employee assistance program. <strong>Please apply online at: http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=104122&type=&cfcend</strong></p> <p>EOE</p><P>[http://www.Click2Apply.net/dm5y53s Apply Here]
== Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Specialists for eBay ==
** Employer: eBay
** Rank: Applied Researcher
** Speciality: Information Retrieval & Text Mining / NLP
** Location: San Jose, CA, USA
** Deadline: Until filled
** Date Posted: 2/25/2011
** Contact email: smohan@ebay.com
eBay is looking for experts in web-scale Information Retrieval and Text Mining / Natural Language Processing to join the Search Science team.
Bring your ideas, energy, and dedication to improve search experience on eBay.  The world class search engine at the heart of eBay serves more than 350 million queries every day.  The Search Science team is passionate about building the query services and relevance factors that will match our users’ needs to the products in the world's largest online marketplace, and we are looking for top-notch applied researchers.
·        Ph.D. in Computer Science or related field plus 4 years of relevant software industry R&D experience required.
·        Expertise in Information Retrieval and Nature Language Processing.
·        Strong statistical and machine learning background.
·        Experience and proficiency in Java and/or C++, Perl or similar scripting languages, and distributed processing of documents and web logs using Hadoop.
·        Track record of deploying cutting edge technology in an industrial setting.
·        Use your knowledge, skills, and passion for improving search to find opportunities in eBay's log data and search results.
·        Use deep domain expertise to individually drive innovative ideas.
·        Participate in brainstorming and discovery exercises to determine new ideas.
·        Build experimental frameworks and gather data from across the company to support your work.
·        Conduct experiments, write prototypes, write specifications, and optionally write production code to deploy new features and methods that improve search quality.
·        Lead projects and collaborate with other researchers, engineers, and product teams to develop strategic and tactical enhancements to search.
·        Provide technical leadership and mentoring to other team members.
·        Lead and contribute to multiple small team projects.
·        Communicate your methodology and results to a community of researchers, developers, analysts, and product managers working in search. Communicate to technical and nontechnical audiences inside and outside the search team.
·        Participate in meetings with other eBay groups to document best practices and facilitate a knowledge base.
== Freelance British English, Japanese, and Mexican Spanish computational linguists==
** Employer: The Lingua Team
** Rank: Freelance contractor
** Speciality: Speech & Natural Language Processing
** Location: Seattle, WA (work can be done remotely)
** Deadline: 5/1/2011
** Date Posted: 2/12/2011
** Contact email: http://www.thelinguateam.com
The Lingua Team, a company based in the Seattle area, dedicated to linguistic services is always looking for a computational linguists with native or near native knowledge of the most common languages to do freelance work remotely. Please, visit our site and email your resume for consideration.
== French computational linguist==
** Employer: The Lingua Team
** Rank: Language support contractor
** Speciality: Speech recognition
** Location: Seattle, WA (work can be done remotely)
** Deadline: 03/04/2011
** Date Posted: 12/28/2010
** Contact email: http://www.thelinguateam.com
The Lingua Team, a Seattle area based company, dedicated to linguistic services is looking for a French computational linguist to create computational grammars in xml format. Knowledge of French is a must. Please, email your resume for consideration.
== Senior Research Assistant, Natural Language Processing ==
** Employer: ETS (Educational Testing Service)
** Speciality: Research
** Location: Princeton, New Jersey 08540
** Date Posted: 02/21/2011
** Please apply online: http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=100522&type=True&cfcend
<p><strong>ETS (Educational Testing Service)</strong>, with headquarters in <strong>Princeton, NJ</strong>, is a global $1.3B not for profit organization.  Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development. As a nonprofit corporation and an innovator in developing tests for clients in education, government and business, we are dedicated to advancing educational excellence for the communities we serve.</p>
<b>Job Description:</b>
Educational Testing Service has an opening for a Senior Research Assistant position in the Applied Research and Development Group. The successful candidate will primarily provide support to Research Scientists working on a branch of computer science and computational linguistics known as Natural Language Processing (NLP) by assisting in all phases of research projects, including research design, project management, data collection and analysis. He or she will also collaborate with researchers in preparing study results for publication or presentation, including literature searches, producing charts and graphs, writing and editing.</p>
<b>Basic Functions and Responsibilities:</b>
Coordinate research project workflow including planning and designing pilot and field testing; data collection, analysis, and presentation; preparation, production, and distribution of proposals and reports; maintaining data files; and producing workshop materials. Schedule services with other ETS departments and project staff. Act as liaison between project directors and field staff, support staff, and research community, as assigned. Plan, manage, and perform annotations for a variety of projects.
<li>Collect, organize, and verify data; analyze, synthesize, and interpret data; perform statistical calculations.
<li>Monitor activities of temporary and support staff and data collection centers to control budgets, workflow, quality of coding operations, and project activities.
<li>Develop coding systems, procedures, and manuals; research instruments; statistical analyses; and files of current resource materials for workshops and projects.
<li>Write, revise, edit, and proofread research instruments, project documents and publications, memoranda, and correspondence.
<li>Contribute to formal reports and proposals (or sections thereof).
<li>Update publications and prepare graphics, tables, charts, graphs, figures, and visual aids. Administer tests, research instruments, interviews, and surveys.
<li>Conduct literature searches and prepare reference lists, evaluating and selecting materials to be included.
<li>Operate computer terminal to enter, edit, and update data; program and utilize sophisticated statistical packages for data analysis; act as data custodian for cost center.
<li>Select and train field staff; instruct support staff.
<li>Arrange and attend meetings with clients, committees, and consultants.
<li>Meet with clients to plan or interpret guidelines, as assigned.
<b>Required Experience:</b>
<p>EDUCATION A Bachelor's degree in a behavioral or social science with coursework in Statistics is necessary. Coursework or experience working in linguistics, computer science and/or natural language processing (NLP) technologies preferred.</p>
<p>EXPERIENCE A successful candidate will have exemplary written, grammatical, and technical skills. Three years of research-related experience in an academic or professional setting is necessary.
== Associate Research Engineer, Natural Language Processing ==
** Employer: ETS (Educational Testing Service)
** Speciality: Research
** Location: Princeton, New Jersey 08540
** Date Posted: 01/07/2011
** Link to website: http://www.Click2Apply.net/xymwg8p
<p><strong>ETS (Educational Testing Service)</strong>, with headquarters in <strong>Princeton, NJ</strong>, is a global $1.3B not for profit organization.  Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development. As a nonprofit corporation and an innovator in developing tests for clients in education, government and business, we are dedicated to advancing educational excellence for the communities we serve.</p> <p>In this team-oriented role, the selected candidate will assist with the implementation of natural language processing (NLP) components of medium- to large-scale, complex research projects for ETS researchers, testing program areas and external clients. You will be offered the opportunity to consult with research scientists in the application, modification, and documentation of such systems and contribute to the implementation and support of new NLP methodologies to support research system development.</p> <p>Be prepared to further assist in the preparation of NLP development components of proposals and cost/resource estimates, implement components of technical documentation of NLP software systems, solutions and results and regularly attend area-wide staff training and development sessions.</p><p>In addition to exceptional verbal/written communication skills, our qualifications include:</p> <ul> <li>Master's degree in Computer Science, NLP, Language Technology, Computational Linguistics, Linguistics or a closely related field</li> <li>A strong programming background, in languages such as Perl, Java, Python, and C, and facility with computational algorithms are essential</li> <li>Coursework in statistics and experience in using machine learning toolkits are highly desirable</li> <li>Ability to maintain continuing awareness of recent advances in natural language processing (including speech processing), machine learning, and software development methodologies</li> <li>Knowledge of UNIX and Windows computing environments</li> <li>Familiarity with UNIX tools and scripting languages and  algorithms, methods and data structures in common use in the processing of speech and language data</li> </ul> <p>We offer a competitive salary and excellent compensation package including medical, dental, vision, 403(b) retirement plan, life and disability insurance, paid time off and an employee assistance program. Please apply online at:</p> <p>[http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=99822&type=&cfcend http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=99822&type=&cfcend]</p> <p>EOE</p><p>[http://www.Click2Apply.net/xymwg8p Apply Here]
== Associate Research Scientist, Speech ==
** ETS (Educational Testing Service)
** Research
** Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 08540
** 02/06/2011
** 01/07/2011
** http://www.apply-for-job.net/c/jobclick.cfm?site=10875&job=7348049
<strong>ETS (Educational Testing Service),</strong> with headquarters in Princeton, NJ, is a global $1.3B not for profit organization.  Our mission is to advance quality and equity in education by providing fair and valid assessments, performing educational research and influencing policies that promote learning, performance, education and professional development. As a nonprofit corporation and an innovator in developing tests for clients in education, government and business, we are dedicated to advancing educational excellence for the communities we serve.</p> <p>In this integral position, the selected candidate will apply their scientific and technical skills to conceptualize, design, obtain support for, conduct, manage and disseminate the results of research projects in the field of automated speech assessment, or portions of large-scale research studies or programs in the same field. <br /><br />You will be offered the opportunity to develop and/or modify theories to conceptualize and implement new capabilities in automated scoring and speech-based analysis and evaluation systems used to improve assessments, learning tools and test development practices. Be prepared to design/conduct research studies and capability development, oversee select portions of research proposals and project budgets and function as an expert in major facets of the projects.</p><p>Our requirements include:</p> <ul> <li>Ability to participate in dissemination activities through the publications of research papers, progress and technical reports, the presentation of seminars or other appropriate communication vehicles</li> <li>Must be able to develop professional relationships as a representative, consultant or advisor to external advisory and policy boards and councils, research organizations, educational institutions and educators </li> <li>Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related areas, with strong emphasis on speech technology, natural language processing, and machine learning, and preferably some education in linguistics </li> <li>Evidence of substantive research experience and/or experience in developing and deploying speech capabilities</li> <li>Demonstrable contributions to new and/or modified theories of speech processing and their implementation in automated system</li> <li>Expertise in the application of speech recognition systems and fluency in at least one major programming language (e.g. Java, Python, Perl), as well as strong experience in Unix scripting</li> </ul> <p>We offer a competitive salary and excellent compensation package including medical, dental, vision, 403(b) retirement plan, life and disability insurance, paid time off and an employee assistance program. Please apply online at: </p> <p>[http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=97431&type=&cfcend http://ets.pereless.com/careers/index.cfm?fuseaction=83080.viewjobdetail&CID=83080&JID=97431&type=&cfcend]</p> <p>EOE</p>[http://www.apply-for-job.net/c/jobclick.cfm?site=10875&job=7348049 Apply Here]

Revision as of 03:33, 4 March 2015

PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics

  • Employer: UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Title: PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics
  • Topics: Natural Language Processing, Summarization, Opinion Mining
  • Location: Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Deadline: open until the position is filled
  • Date Posted: March 4, 2015
  • Contact: Prof. Iryna Gurevych apply-for-aiphes(a-t)ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de

Job Description

The newly established Research Training Group „Adaptive Information Processing of Heterogeneous Content“ (AIPHES) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg is filling several positions for three years, starting as soon as possible:

PhD-level Researchers in Language Technology or Computational Linguistics

The positions provide the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree with an emphasis within one of the following guiding themes:

  • A3: Opinion and Sentiment - extrapropositional aspects of discourse (Univ. of Heidelberg)
  • B1: Structured summaries of complex contents (TU Darmstadt)
  • B2: Content selection based on linked lexical resources (TU Darmstadt)
  • D1: Multi-level models of information quality in online scenarios (TU Darmstadt)
  • D2: Manual and Automatic Quality Assessment of Summaries from Heterogeneous Sources (TU Darmstadt)

The funding follows the guidelines of the DFG, and the positions are paid according to the E13 public service pay scale.

The goal of AIPHES is to conduct innovative research on multi-document summarization in a cross-disciplinary context. To that end, methods in computational linguistics, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis, and automated quality assessment will be developed. AIPHES will investigate a novel summarization scenario for information preparation from heterogeneous sources. There will be close interaction with end users who prepare textual documents in an online editorial office, and who should therefore profit from the results of AIPHES. In-depth knowledge in one of the above areas is desirable but not a prerequisite.

Participating research groups at the Technische Universität Darmstadt are Knowledge Engineering (Prof. Fürnkranz), Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (Prof. Gurevych, Dr. Eckle-Kohler), Algorithmics (Prof. Weihe), Language Technology (Prof. Biemann), Multimedia Communications (Dr. Rensing). Participants at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg are the Institute for Computational Linguistics (Prof. Frank) and the Natural Language Processing Group (Prof. Strube) of Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). Cooperating partners are the Institute for Communication and Media of the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt and other partners in the area of online media.

AIPHES will emphasize close contact between students and their advisors, have regular joint meetings, a co-supervision by professors and younger scientists in the research groups, and an intensive exchange as part of the research and qualification program. The training group has the goal of publishing its results at leading scientific conferences and will actively support its doctoral researchers in this endeavor. The software that will be developed in the course of AIPHES should be put under the open source Apache Software License 2.0 if possible. Moreover, the research papers and datasets should be published with open access models.


We are looking for exceptionally qualified candidates with a degree in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, or a related study program. We expect ability to work independently, personal commitment, team and communication abilities, as well as the willingness to cooperate in a multi-disciplinary team. Desirable is experience in scientific work. Applicants should be able to work with German-language texts, and, if necessary, to acquire German language skills during the training program. We specifically invite applications of women. Among those equally qualified, handicapped applicants will receive preferential consideration. International applications are particularly encouraged.

The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the top ones in respective rankings of German universities. Its unique research initiative "Knowledge Discovery in the Web” emphasizes natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, as well as scalable infrastructures for assessment and aggregation of knowledge. The Institute for Computational Linguistics (ICL) of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg is one of the large centers for computational linguistics both in Germany and internationally. The ICL and the NLP department of the HITS jointly run the graduate program „Semantic Processing“ with an integrated research training group “Coherence in language processing: Semantics beyond the sentence”, which has a close connection to the topics in computational linguistics of AIPHES.

Applications should include

  • a motivational letter that refers to one of the above listed guiding themes,
  • a CV with information about the applicant’s scientific work,
  • certifications of study and work experience,
  • as well as a thesis or other publications in electronic form.

They should be submitted until March 23th, 2015 to the spokesperson of the research training group, Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych (Fachbereich Informatik, Hochschulstr. 10, 64289 Darmstadt) using the e-mail address apply-for-aiphes(a-t)ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de. The interviews may start any time. The positions are open until filled.

Research staff position in Natural Language Processing

  • Employer: UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Title: Research staff position in Natural Language Processing
  • Topics: Natural Language Processing, Question Answering
  • Location: Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Deadline: open until the position is filled
  • Date Posted: March 4, 2015
  • Contact: Nicolai Erbs erbs@ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de

Job Description

The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) at the Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt, Germany, has an opening for a research staff position (TV-TU E13 German payscale) with a focus on question answering and summarization of social media content. This DFG-funded basic research project conducts research integrating semantic text analysis, such as semantic role labeling (SRL), into higher-level applications in information access to improve their overall results (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych). Thereby, we pay special attention to graph-based techniques.

The selected candidate will work with a large corpus from a social question-answer platform on the Web. He/she will be expected to identify interesting research problems, research ways of utilizing semantic role labeling in novel NLP tasks, and develop means and resources to evaluate the results. The newly established Research Training Group “Adaptive Information Processing of Heterogeneous Content” (AIPHES) funded by the DFG [3] provides an excellent research environment for this kind of work. The funding is available for the duration of at least two years with an option for extension.


We ask for applications from applicants in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics, preferably with completed PhD and research publications. Experience in Question Answering or a related field like summarization or information retrieval is a definite advantage. Excellent graduates of these disciplines willing to work towards a PhD are also encouraged to apply. Ideally, the candidates should have strong research skills as well as demonstrable experience in designing and implementing complex natural language processing (NLP) applications in Java and/or with graph-based algorithms. A very good command of German is a definite plus, since the target corpus is in the German language. Excellent communication skills in English and the ability to work in a team are required.

Applications should include a CV, a motivation letter, an outline of research experience, as well as names and addresses of two referees. Applications from women are particularly encouraged. All other things being equal, candidates with disabilities will be given preference. Please send the application to: erbs@ukp.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de by 23.03.2015. The position is open until filled.

PhD-position in NLP/Text Mining

  • Employer: UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Title: PhD-position in NLP/Text Mining
  • Natural Language Processing, Text Mining
  • Location: Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Deadline: open until the position is filled
  • Date Posted: March 4, 2015
  • Contact: Richard Eckart de Castilho (eckart (at) ukp (dot) informatik (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de)

Job Description

The Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing Lab (UKP Lab) at the Department of Computer Science of the Technische Universität (TU) Darmstadt, Germany, has an opening for a PhD student (TV-TU E13 German payscale) in a research project in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for a computer scientist or computational linguist. The project focusses on building an open text-mining infrastructure at the European level (Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Iryna Gurevych).

Thereby, major NLP and Text Mining platforms, including UIMA and GATE, should be made interoperable and applied to knowledge discovery in scientific literature, e.g. entity disambiguation and linking to a background knowledge repository. In the past, the UKP Lab has developed several frameworks such as the Darmstadt Knowledge Processing Repository (DKPro) and UBY. They form the foundation for the research and implementation work to be done. The graduate program Knowledge Discovery in Scientific Literature provides further research environment for the work to be carried out.


Applicants in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics must have demonstrable experience in designing and implementing complex natural language processing (NLP) systems or NLP-based applications and the programming language Java as well as strong research skills. Excellent communication skills in English and the ability to work in a team are required. Experience in open-source software development is a plus.

The following academic qualification is necessary: completion of an M.A./M.Sc. in Computer Science, Computational Linguistics, or a related field.

Pending the successful completion of the ongoing administrative steps for the project, funding of this position is available from June 1st, 2015 for the duration of three years.

Applications should include a CV, a motivation letter, an outline of research experience, as well as names and addresses of two referees.

Interviews may start at any time and will continue until the position has been filled. Email address for inquiries and applications: eckart (at) ukp (dot) informatik (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de

The Department of Computer Science of TU Darmstadt is regularly ranked among the top ones in respective rankings of German universities. The UKP Lab is also home to the unique research initiative "Knowledge Discovery in the Web” which emphasizes natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, as well as scalable infrastructures for assessment and aggregation of knowledge.

The Technische Universität Darmstadt promotes gender equality and in particular encourages women to apply. Preference will be given to physically handicapped persons if they are equally qualified.

Internship position available in Natural Language Processing at Adobe Research

  • Employer: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Title: NLP Scientist Intern
  • Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Dialog Systems.
  • Location: San Jose, CA
  • Deadline: open until the position is filled
  • Date Posted: February 24, 2015
  • Trung Bui: bui@adobe.com

Description: We are looking for an NLP scientist intern who will work on exploring deep learning for mapping between natural language queries and logic form and/or SQL.

Key Qualifications

  • Experience with semantic parsing, dialog systems.
  • Experience with machine learning, deep learning.
  • Good programming skills in Java and/or Python

Education M.S. or PhD student in Computer Science or related field

Additional Requirements No.

Postdoc in Advanced Machine Learning (with an Emphasis on NLP)

Job Description

The Computer Science Department at the University of Notre Dame in collaboration with the Institute for Intelligent Systems at the University of Memphis anticipates hiring a postdoctoral fellow starting as early as April 1st 2015 for one year and renewable for a second year. The position includes a full time salary and benefits and is jointly funded by sponsored research split between the University of Notre Dame and the University of Memphis. Review of applications will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.

The successful candidate will conduct research in machine learning applied to dialog-centered natural language understanding. He/she will participate in the development and application of machine learning techniques in the hierarchical and temporal domains to multi-party speech data collected in authentic educational contexts.

The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Sidney D’Mello, who has joint appointments in the Departments of Computer Science and Psychology at Notre Dame, and Dr. Andrew Olney in the Institute for Intelligent Systems at the University of Memphis.

The position offers a unique postdoctoral training experience and unsurpassed publishing opportunities within a multi-department multi-institution grant-funded project. The postdoc will be encouraged to build advanced technical skills, strengthen their research portfolios via peer-reviewed publications, develop leadership skills by mentoring students, and gain expertise in authoring collaborative grant proposals.


(1) Ph.D. in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or a related field at the time of hire; (2) Research experience in advanced machine learning techniques for sequential and hierarchical domains (e.g., probabilistic graphical models, sequence tagging, deep learning) ; (3) Evidence of a strong publication record in the aforementioned areas


(1) Research experience in one or more of the following research areas (acoustic signal processing, automatic speech recognition, natural language understanding, discourse modeling) ; (2) Experience working on interdisciplinary projects and/or on educational research; (3) Experience mentoring graduate and undergraduate students

For more information see the application link above.

Software Engineer/NLG Specialist in Sydney, Aus - Natural Lanaguage Generation

Job Description

  • Unique opportunity within the Equities Research space for a Engineer with strong NLG experience
  • New Systems Implementation with Opportunity to push the envelope within Research
  • Permanent Opportunity – Sydney CBD Location

About the role

We are seeking a Software Engineer to join our Equities Research business team. This is a truly unique opportunity for someone to join Macquarie working on a pioneering project within the business which could be a big game changer. The role will utilise your strong NLG/NLP experience and you will be responsible for building and developing the NLG functionality within the team. If you are interested in gaining commercial experience with NLG, have excellent written communications and have a flair for English grammar, have a passion for finance and in particular Equities Trading and want the opportunity to really pioneer something, then this could be the position for you.

Key Responsibilities

  • Design and Develop our first NLG/NLP Application within Equities Research
  • Work closely with the vendor to understand the application limitations and functionality
  • Drive the development with the Head of Research as well as industry analysts
  • Mature the offering and look for further areas of development within the business

About You

To be successful in this role as a Software Engineer you will possess a University Degree in Computer Science/Mathematics and would have probably undertaken further studies of some sort (Masters/PhD) and have previous Natural Language Generation/Processing experience in either a commercial or research environment. You will have a passion and flair for the English Language as well as having a interest in financial services and in particular traded products. Previous OO Development experience would be highly regarded. In addition you will possess the following:

  • Tenacity to produce different If Statements and to develop the platform further
  • Strong interest in Artificial Intelligence/Machine Based Learning.
  • Keen interest in finance
  • Self Starter and strong attention to detail to really drive uptake of the platform

This is a unique opportunity within Macquarie and quite possibly a pioneering project within the Investment Banking space. We are looking to hire two developers into the team and are flexible across career levels from recent Grads to Senior Engineers. Here at Macquarie we truly believe in you owning your future, at Macquarie you’ll own it. Find out more at the new Careers website: macquarie.com/career

If you meet the above requirements, please apply via the following link. Alternatively to find out more about the position and a confidential discussion, please contact Andy Logan on 02 8237 8472 or andy.logan@macquarie.com

PostDoc Position in Heidelberg (NLP, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning)

  • Employer: Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH (HITS)
  • Title: PostDoc
  • Specialties: Natural Language Processing, Networks, Databases, Machine Learning
  • Location: Heidelberg, Germany
  • Deadline: 20 February 2015
  • Date posted: 29 January 2015
  • Contact information: michael.strube (at) h-its.org
  • Online application: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1

Job Description PostDoc position available in the NLP group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) in Heidelberg, Germany

One position is available for a PostDoc working in Natural Language Processing, in particular in the areas of Entity Linking, Cross-document Coreference Resolution, Coreference Resolution, Word Sense Disambiguation. The position is within a newly funded project on "Scalable Author Name Disambiguation in Bibliographic Databases". Project partners are DBLP (http://dblp.org/db/) and zbMATH (https://zbmath.org/), the two leading bibliographic databases in computer science and mathematics which will also supply the data to be disambiguated and the gold standard. The project will be funded for three years starting June 1st, 2015.

The candidate should have a strong background in Natural Language Processing and possess a PhD in either Computational Linguistics or Computer Science. Experience with machine learning, databases, parallel programming, big data and networks as well as strong programming skills are required.

HITS gGmbH is a private non-profit research institute carrying out multidisciplinary research in the computational sciences. It receives its base funding from the HITS Stiftung.

The NLP group (http://www.h-its.org/en/research/nlp/) at HITS is an interdisciplinary research group that works on applications in the area of discourse and dialogue, in particular coreference resolution, entity linking, automatic summarization, and knowledge extraction from semistructured input. The NLP group at HITS works closely together with the Computational Linguistics Department at the University of Heidelberg.

To apply, please enter your application via the following link: https://application.h-its.org/intern/register.php?id=o51kdq1 (reference Postdoc NLP HITS-01-2015)

Applications must be submitted by February 20, 2015. Please note that applications not submitted via the online system will not be considered. Inquiries about the position can be directed at Michael Strube (michael.strube (at) h-its.org).

Postdoc position in Cardiff (NLP, IR, machine learning)

  • Employer: Cardiff University
  • Title: Postdoc
  • Specialties: Natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning, distributional models, relation extraction, commonsense resoning
  • Location: Cardiff, UK
  • Deadline: 3 February 2015
  • Date posted: 9 January 2015
  • Contact information: SchockaertS1@cardiff.ac.uk

Job Description

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate post in the School of Computer Science & Informatics at Cardiff University. This is a full-time, fixed-term post for 30 months, starting on 1 May 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The main aim of this project is to learn fine-grained semantic relations from large text corpora. Initially such relations will be obtained in an unsupervised way, by identifying semantic relations with spatial relations between vector-space representations. Subsequently, open-domain, supervised relation extraction methods will be developed which use the output of the unsupervised methods as training data. This research will be part of an ERC funded project on the use of semantic relations between natural language terms in logics for commonsense reasoning. You will work closely with Dr Steven Schockaert. You will possess a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related area, or have equivalent experience.

Essential criteria

  • Proven ability to undertake research in a relevant research area (e.g. natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning) at an international level, as evidenced by research output.
  • Excellent programming skills (java or C/C++).
  • A demonstrable history of contributing to excellent publications in relevant top-tier conferences (e.g. ACL, EMNLP, SIGIR, CIKM, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML) and journals (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, ACM Trans. Information Systems, IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering).
  • Proven ability to communicate specialist ideas clearly in English using written media.
  • Excellent organisational skills with a proven ability to work independently and be self-managing, to prioritise your work and meet deadlines within the framework of an agreed programme.
  • A PhD in Computer Science or closely related area, or equivalent experience.

Desirable criteria

  • Knowledge of statistical natural language processing.
  • Knowledge of unsupervised and semi-supervised learning.
  • Knowledge of relation extraction.
  • Experience with analysing large text corpora using a high-performance computing environment.
  • Experience with dimensionality reduction methods such as multi-dimensional scaling, singular-value decomposition, and non-negative matrix factorisation.

More information For more details about the project and instructions on how to apply, please go to www.cardiff.ac.uk/jobs and search for job 2972BR.

Post‐Doctoral and all levels of Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • Employer: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
  • Title: Post-doc/Research Scientist
  • Specialties (one or more): Natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, question answering and explanation
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Deadline: N/A, we are hiring throughout 2015
  • Date posted: 12/9/2014
  • Contact information: ai2-info@allenai.org, allenai.org

Job Description

The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) is a non-profit research institute in Seattle founded by Paul Allen and headed by Professor Oren Etzioni. The core mission of (AI2) is to contribute to humanity through high-impact AI research and engineering. We are actively seeking Post Docs and Research Scientists at all levels who are passionate about AI and who can help us achieve this core mission by teaming to construct AI systems with reasoning, learning and reading capabilities.

Position Summary

AI2 currently has projects in the following areas:

  • Language and Vision
  • Information extraction and semantic parsing
  • Question answering
  • Language and reasoning
  • Machine learning and theory formation
  • Semantic search
  • Diagram understanding

AI2 Research Scientists will have a primary focus in one of these specific areas but will also have the opportunity to contribute and engage in a variety of other areas critical to our research and mission. These include opportunities to participate in or lead select R&D projects, work with management to develop the long term vision for knowledge systems R&D, take a leading role in overseeing and implementing software systems supporting the research, author and present scientific papers and presentations for peer-reviewed journals and conferences, and help develop collaborative and strategic relationships with relevant academic, industrial, government, and standards organizations.


Applicants for Research Scientist at AI2 should have a strong foundation (typically PhD level) in one or more of the following areas: natural language processing, machine reading, automatic knowledge base construction, large-scale textual inference and entailment, knowledge representation and reasoning, or question answering and explanation. We look favorably upon extensive work experience demonstrating application of your research.

Application Process

All candidates are required to submit a resume, an expression of interest, and the names and contact information of at least 2 references (including email addresses) through our website: http://allenai.github.io/ai2website/jobs.html. We particularly welcome applications from women, people of color, members of the LGBT communities, and people with disabilities. Visa sponsorship is available.

Internship and Full-time positions available in Natural Language Processing at Apple Inc. (Siri)

  • Employer: Apple Inc.
  • Title: Language Understanding / Dialog Scientist
  • Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Semantic Parsing, Dialog Systems.
  • Location: Cupertino, CA
  • Deadline: rolling
  • Date Posted: December 2, 2014
  • Thomas Kollar: tkollar@apple.com

Description: Play a part in the next revolution in human-computer interaction. Contribute to a product that is redefining mobile computing. Create groundbreaking technology for large scale systems, spoken language understanding, big data, and artificial intelligence. And work with the people who created the intelligent assistant that helps millions of people get things done — just by asking. Join the language understanding and dialog team at Apple. The Siri team is looking for exceptionally skilled and creative scientists and engineers eager to get involved in hands-on work improving the Siri experience.

Key Qualifications

  • Experience with semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction, question answering, semantic web, syntactic parsing, machine translation, language modeling, sentiment analysis or speech processing.
  • Experience with supervised, weakly-supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
  • Exceptional analytical, troubleshooting and problem solving skills
  • Ability to implement algorithms in Java and C++ in addition to performing experiments using scripting languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, bash).
  • Strong software engineering skills
  • Experience working with multilingual datasets
  • Large scale data analysis experience using distributed clusters (e.g. Pig, Spark, GraphLab, GraphX, MapReduce) a plus

Description You will be a part of a team that's responsible for a wide variety of natural language processing and spoken dialog systems research and development activities, including semantic parsing, dialog modeling, information extraction and question answering. Traditionally these conversational understanding applications have been focused on developing algorithms for a particular domain or language. Here at Siri, you will use large amounts of training data from Siri requests and the web to solve these problems across languages and domains. You are passionate about using your skills to implement and improve algorithms in order to create the phenomenal products. Because you'll be working closely with engineers from a number of other teams at Apple, you’ll need to be a team player who thrives in a fast paced environment.

Education M.S. or PhD in Computer Science or related field

Additional Requirements 2+ years of experience in natural language processing, speech processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence or dialog systems is desired.

Multiple Tenure-Track Positions (w/focus in Data Analytics) at The Ohio State University Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Employer: The Ohio State University
  • Title: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
  • Specialty: open, two positions in Data Analytics
  • Location: Columbus, OH, USA
  • Deadline: January 31, 2015 (Consideration starts November 2014)
  • Date Posted: November 17, 2014
  • Website: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi

The Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Ohio State University expects to fill multiple tenure-track positions and seeks applicants in all areas of computer science.

Particular emphasis will be placed on filling two open rank positions in conjunction with a broad university-wide research initiative on Data Analytics (https://discovery.osu.edu/focus-areas/data-analytics/collaborative.html), and a recently announced undergraduate program in Data Analytics (https://data-analytics.osu.edu). Areas of interest for these positions include (but are not limited to): data mining, big data management, cloud computing systems, data analytics; application of machine learning or data mining or data visualization to problems in network science (including social networks), health, and climate science.

The department is committed to enhancing faculty diversity; women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply.

Applicants should hold or be completing a Ph.D. in CSE or a closely related field, have a commitment to and demonstrated record of excellence in research, and a commitment to excellence in teaching.

To apply, please submit your application via the online database. The link can be found at: https://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/portal/fsearch/apply.cgi.

Review of applications will begin in November 2014 and will continue until the positions are filled.

The Ohio State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.