Employment opportunities, postdoctoral positions, summer jobs

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Postdoctoral Fellow Machine Reading, KU Leuven, Belgium

Employer: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium http://www.kuleuven.be/

  • Rank or Title: Postdoctoral fellow
  • Specialty: Natural language processing and machine learning
  • Location: Leuven, Belgium
  • Deadline: July 5, 2013
  • Date Posted: June 9, 2013
  • Contact email: Sien.Moens@cs.kuleuven.be


Applications are invited for the position of a postdoctoral research fellow specialized in natural language processing and machine learning to join the Language Intelligence and Information Retrieval group of Prof. Marie-Francine Moens at the Department of Computer Science at KU Leuven, Belgium. The work will be conducted in the framework of the EU FP7 MUSE research project (http://www.muse-project.eu/) granted under the Future and Emerging Technologies ICT call. The MUSE project introduces a new way of exploring and understanding information by “bringing text to life” through 3D interactive storytelling. Taking as input natural language text like children’s stories or medical patient education materials, MUSE will process the natural language, translate it into formal knowledge that represents the actions, actors, plots and surrounding world, and then render these as virtual 3D worlds in which the user can explore the text through interaction, re-enactment and guided game play. The focus of the postdoctoral research at KU Leuven will be on semi-supervised and unsupervised models for machine reading (MR) when translating the content of text to knowledge representations. A possible additional focus is on scalable inference and learning. The position ideally starts September 1, 2013. Funding for this position is currently available for 2 years.


Applicants have a PhD degree in computer science or related areas, and a strong background in NLP and machine learning. Research experience is desirable in one or more of the following fields: information extraction, semi- and unsupervised parsing, graphical models, structured learning, language modeling, and related domains. The candidate has excellent English language skills (written and spoken), good communication skills especially for guiding master and PhD students, good programming skills (e.g., Java, C++, MATLAB, Python) and has the capability to work independently and in a team.


For more information contact Marie-Francine Moens, tel.: +3216325383, mail: sien.moens@cs.kuleuven.be. You can apply for the postdoctoral position by sending your CV and publication list to: sien.moens@cs.kuleuven.be.

Research Scientist Positions, NLP and Speech

Employer: Educational Testing Service http://www.ets.org/

  • Rank or Title: Research Scientist
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Princeton, NJ or San Francisco, CA
  • Deadline: Until position is filled
  • Date Posted: 22 May 2013
  • Contact email: dyanchuk@ets.org

Headquartered in Princeton, NJ, ETS is the world’s premier educational measurement institution and a leader in educational research. As an innovator in developing achievement and occupational tests for clients in business, education, and government, we are determined to advance educational excellence for the communities we serve.

ETS Research & Development has openings for Research Scientists at all levels in Natural Language Processing and Speech Group. The ongoing projects in this group focus on natural language processing for topics including automated evaluation of writing and speaking assessments. ETS aims to expand these current research directions, as well as pursuing groundbreaking research in new areas:

  • The incoporation of interactive tasks into assessment environments, using technologies for dialog management and analysis.
  • The automated induction of rhetorical structures from student responses, including argumentation strategies, narrative organization, and topical analyses.
  • Automated analysis of process data related to student performance on immersive assessment tasks (such as in a game-based environment).

This is an excellent opportunity to be a part of a research and development team and have a significant impact on existing and next generation assessments.


• Pursue or collaborate in interdisciplinary projects, transferring techniques to a new context or connecting scientific fields that are usually separate. Successful candidates are self-motivated and self-driven, and have a strong interest in emerging technology that can contribute to education in assessment and instructional settings.

• Provide scientific and technical skills to conceptualize, design, obtain support for, conduct, and manage new research projects, grants, or parts of existing projects.

• Generate or contribute to new or modified methods that support research and development in the automated analysis of student responses as well as other written or spoken materials relevant in assessment and instructional settings.

• Design and conduct scientific studies, functioning as an expert in the major facets of the projects; respond as a subject matter expert in presenting the results of acquired knowledge and experience. Consult and collaborate on problems arising from research and/or testing programs, or corporate management concerns.

• Develop or assist in developing proposals for external and internal research grants and obtain financial support for new or continuing research activities. Prepare initial and final proposal and project budgets.

• Participate in dissemination activities through the publications of research papers in peer-reviewed journals and in the ETS Research Report series, the issuing of progress and technical reports, the presentation of seminars at major conferences and at ETS, or the use of other appropriate communication vehicles, including books and chapters, that impact practice in the field or at ETS.

• Develop professional relationships as a representative, consultant or advisor to external advisory and policy boards and councils, research organizations, educational institutions and educators.

• Consult on ETS projects or external contracts that related to the research focus of the group.

Required Experience:


A Doctorate in computer science, linguistics, cognitive psychology, or a related field is required. Research experience in education is desirable. Candidates should be very skilled in programming and be able to work effectively as a research team member.


A Doctorate in computer science, linguistics, cognitive psychology, or a related field is required. Research experience in education is desirable. Candidates should be very skilled in programming and be able to work effectively as a research team member. Three years of progressively independent substantive research in the area of computer science, linguistics, cognitive psychology, or education are required.


A Doctorate in computer science, linguistics, cognitive psychology, or a related field is required. Research experience in education is desirable. Candidates should be very skilled in programming and be able to work effectively as a research team member. Eight years of progressively independent substantive research in the area of computer science, linguistics, cognitive psychology, or education are required.

About the Center for Assessment Innovation: The NLP and Speech Group focuses on automated scoring of text and speech, support for technologically-enhanced assessment methods, and the application of NLP and speech technology to educational problems generally. The group builds partnerships and collaborations with other institutions. External grants are pursued, and internally-funded fundamental research and capability development is also supported.

ETS offers competitive salaries, outstanding benefits, a stimulating work environment, and attractive growth potential. ETS is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

Research Assistant Positions, NLP

Employer: Educational Testing Service http://www.ets.org/

  • Rank or Title: Research Assistant
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Princeton, NJ
  • Deadline: Until position is filled
  • Date Posted: 22 May 2013
  • Contact email: dyanchuk@ets.org

ETS Research & Development has an opening for a Research Assistant in the Natural Language Processing Group. A primary focus of the area is to contribute to externally-funded projects as well as provide service to the program areas of ETS, including new applications of automated scoring technologies. The successful candidate will contribute to internal projects aimed at developing assessment and automated scoring innovations. The successful candidate will also contribute to external projects aimed at developing methodologies to support natural language processing technologies.


Project Management/Leadership

Complete Linguistic annotations of text, develop and apply scoring schemes to short answer responses, assist research scientitsts in constructing models and documenting procedures.

Coordinate discrete phases of research projects (e.g., scheduling, testing, data collection, coding, and/or analysis activities of support and field staff).

Recruit, contact, and select potential research sites and subjects. Schedule meetings with school personnel, research subjects, and outside groups.

Schedule services with other ETS departments, staff and vendors.

Assist in arranging meetings with clients, committees, and consultants, as well as seminars and workshops. Attend meetings, take notes, and maintain records.

Research Design, Data Collection and Analysis

Assist in developing and refining research instruments.

Assist in developing procedures for data collection. Edit and proof coding systems and manuals.

Administer research instruments such as assessments, surveys, observations, and interviews.

Instruct support staff on procedures for data collection, data entry and check work.

Organize and prepare data for entry; Clean and recode data from existing datasets; Perform basic coding of new data.

Perform basic data analyses; Compile simple results.

Prepare charts, tables, figures, and graphics for reports and presentations.


Conduct literature searches and prepare reference lists with brief summaries of articles, including logic models.

Conduct searches of current educational practices, policies, reforms, and competitors to inform development, grant and proposal writing, etc.

Prepare initial drafts of study results. Edit and proofread research reports, proposals, websites, and external communication.

Assist in developing presentations and present as part of a team.

Experience in using scholarly search engines, conducting literature searches, and writing research summaries or results.

Experience in using data analyses software.

Required Experience:


A Bachelor's degree in linguistics or a closely related field, with coursework in statistics or research methods, phonetics & phonology, syntax & semantics, and/or language acquisition is necessary.


Six months of research-related experience is necessary.

Knowledge of introductory research methodology and statistics sufficient to analyze and interpret research study results.

ETS offers competitive salaries, outstanding benefits, a stimulating work environment, and attractive growth potential. ETS is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

Senior Research Scientist - Xerox Research Centre Europe

  • Employer: Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) http://www.xrce.xerox.com/
  • Rank or Title: Senior Research Scientist
  • Specialty: Statistical Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
  • Location: Grenoble, France
  • Deadline: 31 July 2013 or until position is filled
  • Date Posted: 2 May 2013
  • Contact email: James.Henderson@xrce.xerox.com

Position Description

The Parsing & Semantics research area at Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) is currently looking for an experienced researcher in statistical natural language processing (NLP), with a deep understanding of machine learning for NLP. The ideal candidate would have experience or knowledge of parsing, information extraction, weak supervision, textual entailment, and combining machine learning with expert knowledge. Awareness of the healthcare domain is a plus. The applicant should have a strong publication record and good coding skills. The seniority of the appointment will depend on qualifications.

The successful candidate will be expected to identify challenging problems, develop novel solutions, and work with business and development teams to ensure that these solutions have a significant impact. Senior researchers are expected to also lead research projects. We work together with top academic partners and expect our researchers to publish results in top-tier conferences and journals. We also have multiple open innovation collaborations with academic partners world-wide.

The Parsing & Semantics group concentrates on automatically understanding text using syntactic and semantic analysis. The group focuses on natural language processing methods for robust parsing, semantic analysis, and information discovery, including the role of context in determining meaning. We are particularly interested in statistical models that exploit many sources of information, such as context, corpora, domain knowledge, knowledge bases, and task performance. The Parsing & Semantics group collaborates closely with the Machine Learning for Services group and the Machine Learning for Document Access and Translation group. We are also interested in applying research results to practical applications and real-world problems. Our general application focus is on converting unstructured text into structured information, including facts and opinions. The solutions we develop play a key role in Xerox's next generation document and business process outsourcing services in domains such as customer care, health care, financial services, and market analysis.

XRCE is located in Grenoble, France, in the heart of the French Alps. Grenoble offers an excellent quality of life and a large scientific community. For more information, please see http://www.xrce.xerox.com/About-XRCE/Career-opportunities/Senior-Research-Scientist-in-Statistical-Natural-Language-Processing.


  • PhD in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics
  • NLP knowledge and experience
  • Machine learning knowledge or experience
  • Strong publication record
  • Programming skills
  • Strong written and oral communications skills in English

Application instructions

Applications will be considered as they are received. To ensure that an application receives full consideration it should be submitted by July 31, 2013. Applications will be considered beyond this date until the position is filled.

Informal inquiries can be made to James.Henderson@xrce.xerox.com or Tonya.Love@xerox.com.

To submit an application, please send your CV and cover letter to both xrce-candidates@xrce.xerox.com and to Tonya.Love@xerox.com. You should also include in your CV at least three referees we can contact for letters of recommendation.

Internship Opportunities in Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI)

  • Employer: Qatar Computing Research Institute (http://www.qcri.qa)
  • Rank or Title: Intern/Research associate/Research assistant
  • Specialty: Information retrieval, text mining, natural language processing
  • Location: Doha, Qatar
  • Deadline: May 31, 2013
  • Date Posted: March 15, 2013
  • Contact email: kdarwish@qf.org.qa, wmagdy@qf.org.qa, wgao@qf.org.qa


The NLP/IR group at the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) is looking for 3 interns to work on a project that involves the search and visualization of social content (e.g. tweets, Facebook posts and comments). Underlying technologies for the project include information retrieval, text mining, and natural language processing.


  • Development of effective techniques for information filtering from social media
  • Diversity analysis, categorization, and summarization of search results
  • Development of effective techniques for processing the social Arabic/English language for real-time indexing and search
  • Web design/development of visualization schemes for social search results
  • Conducting project-related research work supervised by scientists in the team


  • PhD/Master students in computer science or related field
  • At least 1-year research experience
  • Familiarity with open-source search engines and large-scale text processing (e.g. Lucene, Solr, Casandra, and Hadoop) is desirable.
  • Background in social network analysis and/or natural language processing is a plus
  • Basic knowledge of Arabic language can help but is not mandatory
  • Web development/design experience is essential for one of the positions (fresh graduates are encouraged to apply for this position)


Interns are expected to contribute novel ideas and techniques to the project. The interns will have the opportunity to tap massive amount of data and to release their work in a public facing site. It is highly encouraged to publish the performed research work in top tier conferences. Also, novel ideas are potentially filed as patents.

Prospective interns are expected to spend between 3 to 6 months in QCRI. During the period, the intern is provided with free fully-serviced accommodation, a car for transportation (driving license is required), and a competitive tax-free salary paid on a monthly bases. Internship can start anytime during the year.


Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) was established in 2010 by Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (http://www.qf.org.qa), a private, non-profit organization that is supporting Qatar’s transformation from traditionally carbon-based economy to sustainably knowledge-based one.

QCRI supports Qatar Foundation’s mission by helping to build Qatar’s innovation and technology capacity. It is focused on tackling large-scale computing challenges that address national priorities for growth and development. In doing this, QCRI conducts world-class multidisciplinary computing research that is relevant to the needs of Qatar, the wider Arab region, and the world. We perform cutting-edge research in such areas as Arabic language technologies, social computing, data analytics, distributed/cloud computing and so on. The research work we are conducting at QCRI is aligned with the Qatar National Research Strategy, and supports the strategic priorities outlined in Qatar National Vision 2030.


Please send CV to kdarwish@qf.org.qa, wmagdy@qf.org.qa, wgao@qf.org.qa. Alternatively, you can apply at http://qcri.qa/join-us/apply-now/apply-now

For more information, please visit: http://www.qcri.qa http://qcri.qa/our-research/arabic-language-technologies

Postdoctoral fellow -- KU Leuven

  • Employer: Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Rank or Title: Postdoctoral fellow
  • Specialty: Information extraction, natural language understanding, machine reading
  • Location: Leuven, Belgium
  • Deadline: Until position fills
  • Date Posted: April 13, 2013
  • Contact email: Sien.Moens@cs.kuleuven.be

Position description The Language Intelligence and Information Retrieval group, which is part of the Department of Computer Science at KU Leuven (http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/groups/liir/), has an open postdoctoral position for a motivated researcher with interest and expertise in information extraction from text. The work will be conducted in the framework of the EU FP7 MUSE research project (http://www.muse-project.eu/) granted under the Future and Emerging Technologies ICT call. The candidate is holder of a PhD degree, and can show his or her expertise through several publications in major conferences or journals in the fields of computational linguistics, machine learning and/or artificial intelligence. The position will be for two years starting in the Summer of 2013 or earlier. The candidate has excellent English language skills (written and spoken), good communication skills especially for guiding master and PhD students, good programming skills (e.g., Java, C++, MATLAB, Python) and has the capability to work independently and in a team.

Application instructions

Please send your application to Marie-Francine Moens (Sien.Moens@cs.kuleuven.be).

Other considerations

Situated in the heart of Western Europe, KU Leuven has been a centre of learning for almost six centuries. KU Leuven is a research-intensive, internationally oriented university that carries out both fundamental and applied research. It is strongly inter- and multidisciplinary in focus and strives for international excellence. To this end, KU Leuven works together actively with its research partners at home and abroad.

Post-doctoral fellows -- University of Alberta

  • Employer: Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
  • Rank or Title: Post-doctoral fellow
  • Specialty: Information Extraction
  • Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
  • Deadline: March 15 2013, but applications are accepted until positions are filled
  • Date Posted: 26 February 2013
  • Contact email: denilson@ualberta.ca

Position Description

The Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta is seeking applicants for post-doctoral fellows to work on a project related to information extraction. The ideal candidates are recent PhDs in Computer Science with strong background in information retrieval, linked open data, natural language processing, and information extraction from the web. Other areas where expertise is desirable include graph data management, network analysis, data analytics, and the semantic web.

The projects will be conducted in the context of the NSERC Business Intelligence Network (http://bin.cs.utoronto.ca/), a collaborative research initiative involving several top Canadian Universities and key industrial partners IBM Canada, SAP Canada, and Palomino System Innovations Inc.

The fellows will work under the supervision of PI Denilson Barbosa, within a team of PhD and MSc students, and build on ongoing work in information extraction with applications in business and environmental data. These positions will require the development of practical prototypes and proof-of-concept systems, as well as dissemination of research results in top venues. As such, emphasis should be given on the application materials to hands-on experience with large-scale datasets.

Qualified candidates must hold a PhD at the time of appointment. The stipend will be in accordance with NSERC standards (CAD$ 40,000 plus benefits), with the possibility of a 10-20% top-up depending on qualifications.

Application instructions

To apply, send an updated CV, cover letter, and the names and official contact information (university or company email and phone number) of three references to Denilson Barbosa <denilson@ualberta.ca>.

Applications received by March 15, 2013 will receive full consideration, but applications will be considered until the positions are filled.

Other Considerations

The University of Alberta, one of Canada's largest research universities is situated in Edmonton, a metropolitan area of over one million people with a vibrant research community and an excellent standard of living. The Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta is widely recognized as a leading CS department, both within Canada and worldwide.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.

Research Scientist - Xerox Research Centre Europe

  • Employer: Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) http://www.xrce.xerox.com/
  • Rank or Title: Research Scientist
  • Specialty: Statistical Natural Language Processing
  • Location: Grenoble, France
  • Deadline: Applications accepted until position is filled
  • Date Posted: 14 February 2013
  • Contact email: James.Henderson@xrce.xerox.com

Position Description

The Parsing & Semantics research area at Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) is currently looking for an experienced researcher in statistical natural language processing (NLP), with a deep understanding of machine learning and/or information extraction (e.g. event extraction). The ideal candidate would also have experience or knowledge of textual entailment, knowledge representation, and combining machine learning with expert knowledge. The applicant should have good coding skills (e.g. Java programming), with the ability to develop research prototypes and pilots.

The successful candidate will be expected to identify challenging problems, develop new solutions, and work with business and development teams to ensure that these solutions have a significant impact. We work together with top academic partners and expect our researchers to publish results in top-tier conferences and journals. We also have multiple open innovation collaborations with academic partners world-wide.

The Parsing & Semantics group concentrates on automatically making sense of electronic documents using semantic analysis. The group focuses on natural language processing methods for robust parsing, semantic analysis, and information discovery, including the role of context in determining meaning. We are particularly interested in theoretical models of communication, language, computation, learning and inference which take into account the context in which these activities occur. The Parsing & Semantics group collaborates closely with the Machine Learning for Services group and the Machine Learning for Document Access and Translation group. We are also interested in applying research results to practical applications and real-world problems. Our general application focus is on converting unstructured text into structured information. The solutions we develop are expected to play a key role in Xerox’ next generation document and business process outsourcing services in domains such as customer care, healthcare, and financial services.

See also http://www.xrce.xerox.com/About-XRCE/Career-opportunities


* PhD in Computer Science or Computational Linguistics
* NLP knowledge and experience
* Knowledge or experience in machine learning or information extraction
* Object oriented programming skills (e.g. java)
* Strong written and oral communications skills in English

Application instructions

The application deadline is March 1, 2013, but applications will be considered beyond this date until the position is filled.

Informal inquiries can be made to James.Henderson@xrce.xerox.com or Tonya.Love@xerox.com. To submit an application, please send your CV and cover letter to both xrce-candidates@xrce.xerox.com and to Tonya.Love@xerox.com. You should also include in your CV at least three referees we can contact for letters of recommendation.

15 Research Positions (MT, Parsing, IR/E, Text Analytics, NLP) at CNGL at DCU

  • Employer: CNGL, Dublin City University http://www.cngl.ie
  • Rank or Title: PhD, Post-Doc and Research Programmer
  • Specialty: Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Parsing, Information Retrieval/Extraction, Text Analytics
  • Location: Dublin, Ireland
  • Deadline: February 25, 2013
  • Date Posted: January 30, 2013
  • Start Date: March, 2013
  • Duration: 3 year (PhD), up to 2.5 years (Post-Doc)
  • Contact email: dgroves@computing.dcu.ie

For More Details


Position Description

CNGL is a €50M+ Academia-Industry partnership, funded jointly by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and our industry partners, and is entering its second cycle of funding. CNGL is looking to fill multiple posts associated with its second phase which will focus on expansion of our work into the challenging areas of social text sources and multimedia content.

CNGL is an active collaboration between researchers at Dublin City University (DCU), Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Dublin (UCD), University of Limerick (UL), as well as 10 industrial partners, including SMEs, Microsoft, Symantec, Intel, DNP, and Welocalize.

CNGL comprises over 100 researchers across the various institutions developing novel technologies addressing key challenges in the global digital content and services supply chain. CNGL is involved in a large number of European FP7 projects, as well as commercial projects in the areas of language technologies, information retrieval and digital content management. CNGL provides a world class collaborative research infrastructure, including excellent computing facilities, and administrative, management and fully integrated and dedicated on-site commercialisation support.

The successful candidates will become part of the research team based at DCU, joining two leading academic MT/NLP/IR and Translation research groups (www.nclt.dcu.ie/, cttsdcu.wordpress.com/). The team’s location at DCU, minutes from Dublin city centre, offers a highly conducive environment for research, collaboration and innovation with a wealth of amenities on campus.

DCU is ranked in the TOP 50 of young universities worldwide (under 50 years old) (QS Ranking) and in the TOP 100 under the Times Higher Education (under 50 years) ranking scheme.

The research is supervised by Dr. Jennifer Foster, Dr. Sharon O'Brien, Dr. Gareth Jones, Prof. Qun Liu and Prof. Josef van Genabith.

PhD Studentships

  • Parsing, Analytics and Information Extraction:
    • Tuning Text Analytics to User-Generated Content: Parse quality estimation and targeted self-training.
    • Extracting Events and Opinions from User-Generated Content: Deep parsing-based methods.
  • Information Retrieval:
    • Self-Managing Information Retrieval Technologies: Query, search technique and parameter selection in information retrieval applications
    • Indexing and Search for Multimodal (Spoken/Visual) Content: Locating relevant content in multimodal sources
    • Application of Text Analytics in Information Retrieval: Enhancing information retrieval using features from text analysis
    • Investigating Human-Computer Interaction Issues for Search and Discovery with Multimodal (spoken/Visual) Content
  • Machine Translation:
    • Syntax- and Semantics-Enhanced Machine Learning Based MT
    • Domain Adaptation Based on Multi-Dimensional Quality Estimation, Similarity Metrics, Clustering and Search
    • Human interaction with MT output: Usability, Acceptability, Post-editing Research
    • MT and Multimodal Interaction
    • MT for Multimodal Cross Language Information Retrieval

Post-Doctoral Positions

  • Parsing, Analytics and Information Extraction:
    • Extracting Events and Opinions from User-Generated Content: Parsing-based deep methods (up to 2 year contract)
    • Extracting Events and Opinions from UGC: Shallow methods, including unsupervised methods (up to 2.5 year contract)
  • Machine Translation:
    • User/Human Centric MT (up to 2.5 year contract)

Post-Doctoral Positions

  • Research Programmer (up to 2.5 year contract)

For more information please see: http://www.cngl.ie/vacancies.html

Assistant Professor Position in Computational Linguistics in NAIST (Nara, Japan)

  • Employer: Nara Insititute of Science and Technology


  • Rank or Title: Assistant Professor
  • Specialty: Foundation and/or Application areas of Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Web Mining and Grammatical Error Correction/Detection
  • Location: Nara, Japan
  • Deadline: February 28, 2013
  • Date Posted: January 30, 2013
  • Start Date: after April, 2013
  • Duration: 5 years (reappointment is possible)
  • Contact email: matsu@is.naist.jp

For Detailed Description


Researchers - AT&T Labs Research

  • Employer: AT&T Labs - Research
  • Rank or Title: Researchers and Research Software Engineers
  • Specialty: Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing, Machine Learning
  • Location: NJ
  • Deadline: Applications accepted until position is filled
  • Date Posted: 8 January 2013
  • Contact email: vkumar@research.att.com

Position Description

AT&T Research, one of the premier industrial research laboratories in the world, is looking for talented individuals to make a difference in the world of communications. Our researchers and research software engineers are dedicated to solving real problems in speech and language processing, and are involved in inventing, creating and deploying innovative services. We also explore fundamental research problems in these areas. Outstanding Ph.D.-level candidates at all levels of experience are encouraged to apply. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in research, a collaborative spirit and strong communication and software skills.

Areas of particular interest are

   * Large-vocabulary automatic speech recognition
   * Acoustic and language modeling
   * Robust speech recognition
   * Signal processing
   * Text-to-speech synthesis
   * Natural language understanding and dialog
   * Machine translation (speech and text)
   * Speaker biometrics
   * Voice and multimodal search
   * Software engineering for speech and language processing

Speech and language positions are based in Bedminster, NJ; New York, NY and Middletown, NJ (note: we are moving from our Florham Park office).

Outstanding PhD-level candidates at all levels of experience and experienced M.S. candidates are encouraged to apply. Interviews will be conducted in early 2013. For more information, visit http://www.research.att.com/ and click on "Working with us", or access the page directly:


Candidates must demonstrate a proven research track record and the ability to identify technical problems and research opportunities. Candidates with strong analytical and programming skills (Python, C, C++) are desired. Access to massive amounts of real-world data, the ability to work with internal and external collaborators across departments, the possibility of making an impact by developing solutions that will be used by millions, and the freedom to publish your results are some of the reasons AT&T Labs - Research is an exciting place to work.

AT&T Companies are Equal Opportunity Employers. Applications will continue to be considered until positions are filled.

Subject Matter Expert - Linguistics

Employer: Assured Information Security, Inc
Rank or Title: Subject Matter Expert
Specialty: Linguistics
Location: Rome, NY 13441
Deadline: July 17, 2013
Date Posted: June 17, 2013
Link to website: http://www.Click2Apply.net/6q7549z

AIS, Inc. is currently seeking a Subject Matter Expert in SIGINT for their Rome, NY office to support customers in the areas of requirements development, testing, and system training. The candidate(s) will support and coordinate the activities of AIS research and development programs.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Analysis of ongoing operations to identify and document end user requirements
  • Identification of operational scenarios to be used in evaluating candidate prototype technologies
  • Testing and analysis of the interim prototype systems against operational data sets
  • Conduct the demonstration and evaluation of interim prototype systems to operational users
  • Coordination of program activities with operational site personnel
  • Aggregation of operational data sets to be used in support of prototype evaluations
  • Provide training and technical support of the prototype systems for the end users
  • Creation of user documentation for the products developed within the research program
  • Coordination with other contractors in the integration of prototype systems
  • Assistance with the transition of prototype capabilities into the operational environment


  • Candidate must have 10 or more years of SIGINT experience to include field operations, analysis and reporting, training, and evaluation
  • Expertise in one or more SIGINT - related disciplines
  • Operational SIGINT qualifications in collection and management positions
  • Instructor and examiner experience
  • Presentation development experience
  • Demonstrated experience with research and analysis techniques
  • Strong interpersonal and oral/written communication skills including the ability to write progress reports, make oral presentations, and to implement or influence implementation of operating standards, policies and procedures in the project
  • Experience in working with diverse groups is desired
  • Recent operational SIGINT field experience is highly desired

Qualifications and Education Requirements

An active Top Secret/SCI security clearance and current investigation are required.

Preferred: Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related program with 8 - 12 years experience; Master's Degree in Computer Science or related program with 4 - 7 years of experience; or 16 + years of job related experience.

Additional Notes

AIS is an equal opportunity employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, disability, Vietnam era or other eligible veteran status, or any other protected factor.

EEO/AA employer

Apply Here