Online NLG demos

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This page lists demos of NLG systems available online.

Pollen Forecast for Scotland

Ross Turner's Pollen Forecast for Scotland NLG demo takes as input a pollen value for each of 6 areas of Scotland, and generates a textual pollen forecast.


RISK – 10 Year Coronary Heart Disease Predictor aims to show various ways of presenting data. Input: medical data values. Output: tabular overview, textual summary, visual (comic-like), and chart diagram. Java applet.

Spatial descriptions for Kirklees in West Yorkshire

Ross Turner's Spatial descriptions for Kirklees in West Yorkshire NLG demo takes as input a latitude and a longitude value, and generates a short spacial description relative to other places in the area.

STOP produces personalised smoking-cessation leaflets, based on responses to a smoking questionnaire. The online version of STOP is a simplified version of the main STOP system, which is based on paper input and output.


SumTime-Mousam generates textual weather forecasts from numerical weather data. This demo shows how textual descriptions of changes in wind speed and direction are generated from wind data.

There is a corresponding dataset called SumTime-Meteo available.

A related demo generates pollen forecasts for Scotland. This may be easier for non-meteorologists to understand, and the demo shows the human corpus texts as well as the computer-generated texts.

TEMSIS automatically generates air quality reports for the Franco-German border area in the Moselle-Saar region.

currenty offline

ILEX is a virtual museum system; it automatically produces descriptions of museum items, taking into account the educational importance of particular aspects of the objects. (NLG functionality currently unavailable?)

Peba-II is an on-line animal encyclopedia that produces descriptions and comparisons of animals as web pages.

Power is another virtual museum which dynamically generates descriptions of museum objects.


PERSONAGE can produce utterances expressing various personality types on a continuous scale. You can compare and recommend various restaurants in New York City, and vary the personality trait parameters to produce a new output utterance.

Project Reporter (link exists, but servlet seems to be down) generates dynamic web-based project status reports from files created with Microsoft Project or other compatible project management software. Reports feature hyperlinked textual descriptions sbobetof project elements, as well as coordinated multimodal display with an interactive Gantt chart applet.

StockReporter is a system which produces descriptions of stock market data.

XIG - CStar Italian Generator is a system for generating Italian sentences from the interlingua content representation Interchange Format) adopted inside the C-STAR II project, whose target is to build a speech to speech translation system able to treat spontaneous speech. The application domain is tourist information.

Siggen-logo.gif This page was imported semi-automatically from the NLG Resources Wiki which was run by ACL SIGGEN in the years 2005–2009. Please correct conversion errors and help update its contents.

Now this page is associated with the Natural Language Generation Portal.