RTE6 - Ablation Tests

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The following table lists the results of the ablation tests (a mandatory track since the RTE5 campaign), submitted by participants to RTE6 .

Participants are kindly invited to check if all the inserted information is correct and complete.

Ablated Component Ablation Run[1] Resource impact - F1 Resource Usage Description
WordNet BIU1_abl-1 0.9 No Word-Net. On Dev set: 39.18% (compared to 40.73% when WN is used)
CatVar BIU1_abl-2 0.63 No CatVar. On Dev set achieved about 40.20% (compared to 40.73% when CatVar is used)
Coreference resolver BIU1_abl-3 -0.88 No coreference resolver

On Dev set 41.62% (Compared to 40.73% when Coreference resolver is used). This ablation test is an unusual ablation test, since it shows that the co-reference resolution component has a negative impact.

DIRT Boeing1_abl-1 3.97 DIRT removed
WordNet Boeing1_abl-2 4.42 No WordNet
Name Normalization budapestcad2_abl-2 0.65 no name normalization was performed (e.g. George W. Bush -> Bush).
Named Entities Recognition budapestcad2_abl-3 -1.23 no NER
WordNet budapestcad2_abl-4 -1.11 No WordNet. (In the original run, WordNet was used to find the synonyms of words in the triplets, and additional triplets were generated from all possible combinations.)
WordNet deb_iitb1_abl-1 8.68 Wordnet is albated in this test.No change of code required only wordnet module is removed while matching.
VerbOcean deb_iitb1_abl-2 1.87 VerbOcean is albated in this test.No change of code required only VerbOcean module is removed while matching.
WordNet deb_iitb2_abl-1 7.9 Wordnet is albated in this test.No change of code required only wordnet module is removed while matching.
VerbOcean deb_iitb2_abl-2 0.94 VerbOcean is albated in this test.No change of code required only VerbOcean module is removed while matching.
WordNet deb_iitb3_abl-1 11.43 Wordnet is albated in this test. No change of code required only wordnet module is removed while matching.
WordNet deb_iitb3_abl-2 2.54 VerbOcean is albated in this test.No change of code required only VerbOcean module is removed while matching.
POS-Tagger DFKI1_abl-4 4.99 No wordform/POS-tags included for the comparison.
POS-Tagger DFKI1_abl-6 2.22 No named entity recognition for the comparison.
WordNet DFKI1_abl-7 -0.23 No WordNet similarity for the comparison.
Coreference resolver DFKI1_Main -1.54 Coreference resolution used for the comparison.
WordNet DirRelCond23_abl-1 8.43 WordNet removed. Only basic word comparison used instead of word relations.
Wikipedia FBK_irst3_Main -23.91 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from Wikipedia
Wikipedia FBK_irst3_Main -3.58 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from Wikipedia with probability above 0.7
Proximity similarity dictionary of Dekang Lin FBK_irst3_Main -7.79 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from proximity similarity dictionary of Dekang Lin
WordNet FBK_irst3_Main -3.21 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from WordNet
WordNet FBK_irst3_Main -2.08 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from WordNet with probability above 0.7
VerbOcean FBK_irst3_Main -4 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from Verbocean
Dependency similarity dictionary of Dekang Lin FBK_irst3_Main -13.56 This run is produced by the system configuration for run3 and uses rules extracted from dependency similarity dictionary of Dekang Lin
Dictionary of Named Entities Acronyms and Synonyms IKOMA2_abl-3 -0.76 Remove synonym dictionaries: as acronym dictionary constructed automatically from the corpus and a synonym dictionary that contains geographical terms.
WordNet JU_CSE_TAC1_abl-1 13.29 The Run-1 is based on the composition of lexical based RTE methods and Syntactic RTE Method. The lexical based RTE methods are: WordNet based unigram match, bigram match, longest common sub-sequence, skip-gram and stemming. Here we ablated the WordNet based unigram match only.
WordNet JU_CSE_TAC2_abl-1 10.19 The Run-2 is based on the composition of lexical based RTE methods, Syntactic RTE Method, Chunk and Named Entity Methods. The lexical based RTE methods are: WordNet based unigram match, bigram match, longest common sub-sequence, skip-gram and stemming. Here we ablated the WordNet based unigram match only.
WordNet JU_CSE_TAC3_abl-1 3.86 The Run-3 is based on the Support Vector Machine that uses twenty five features for lexical similarity, the output tag from a rule based syntactic two-way TE system as feature, and output from a rule based Chunk Module and Named Entity Module. The important lexical features that are used in the present system are: WordNet based unigram match, bigram match, longest common sub-sequence, skip-gram, stemming and lexical distance (17 features). Here we ablated the WordNet based unigram match only.
LingPipe co-reference PKUTM2_abl-1 0.17 Lingpipe co-reference are removed, the experiment was based on named-entity, wordnet, verbocean
VerbOcean PKUTM2_abl-2 1.02 Verbocean are removed, the experiment was based on named-entity, wordnet, co-reference
LingPipe Named Entities PKUTM2_abl-3 13.84 Lingpipe named-entity are removed, the experiment was based on wordnet, co-reference, verbocean
WordNet saicnlp1_abl-1 -0.02 Ablation run, with WordNet stubbed.


  1. For further information about participants, click here: RTE Challenges - Data about participants

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