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* [http://www.statmt.org/wmt10/training-giga-fren.tar 10^9 French-English corpus]
* [http://atilf.atilf.fr/dmf.htm Base Textuelle de Moyen Francais]
* [http://atilf.atilf.fr/dmf.htm Base Textuelle de Moyen Francais]
* [http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/ French plain text and Co-occurrences at LCC]
* [http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/ French plain text and Co-occurrences at LCC]
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* [http://w3.univ-tlse2.fr/erss/verbaction/main.html Lexique Verbaction]
* [http://w3.univ-tlse2.fr/erss/verbaction/main.html Lexique Verbaction]
* [http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~gparis/LMD-TAZ_corpus/ Le Monde Diplomatique-Die Tageszeitung Translation Corpus] - French-German, aligned (parallel)
* [http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~gparis/LMD-TAZ_corpus/ Le Monde Diplomatique-Die Tageszeitung Translation Corpus] - French-German, aligned (parallel)
* [http://www.euromatrixplus.net/multi-un/ UN parallel corpora]
* [http://www.statmt.org/wmt13/translation-task.html#download WMT corpora], including [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europarl_corpus Europarl], News Commentary, and News Crawl
* [http://88milsms.huma-num.fr/ Large SMS corpus in French (88milSMS)]
== Grammars/parsers ==
== Grammars/parsers ==

Revision as of 19:25, 29 July 2014



Free software

  • HPSG FroG (under the LGPLLR according to this presentation)
  • WOLF – Wordnet Libre du Français, distribuée sous licence Cecill-C (compatible LGPL)
  • Lefff – (Lexique des Formes Fléchies du Français) est un lexique morphologique et syntaxique à large couverture, distribué sous licence libre LGPL-LR (Lesser General Public License For Linguistic Resources), see also Alexina
  • Morfette data driven PoS tagger and lemmatizer, New BSD License
  • Apertium has analysers/generators in the lttoolbox format for French, along with statistical disambiguation models, see e.g. the files in fr-ca, fr-es and br-fr

Unknown licence

Morphology, dictionaries

Free software

  • Flemmv3.1 - inflectional morphology parser for French -- perl, GPL license.