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Welcome to the Wiki of the SIGFSM, the ACL Special Interest Group on Finite-State Methods
to facilitate the sharing of information on all aspects of Computational Linguistics
32,049,068 visits to 2,551 pages in the ACL Wiki as of Friday, September 20, 2024
started on July 26th, 2012

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SIGFSM — ACL SIG on Finite-State Methods

See also SIGFSM.


  • FSMNLP 2011 / CIAA 2011 in Blois, France
    • Prior FSMNLP workshops: Pretoria (2009), Ispra (2008), Potsdam (2007), Helsinki (2005), Budapest (2003), Helsinki (2001), Ankara (1998), Budapest (1996)
  • Participation to related meetings/events encouraged: SIGMORPHON, ATANLP, WATA, CIAA, ...

Elected officers (Spring 2010 - Spring 2012)

  • President: Anssi Yli-Jyrä, Treasurer: Thomas Hanneforth, Secretary: Laurette Pretorius

Other representatives

  • The non-elected posts are appointed by the President, Treasurer and Secretary after hearing the SIG members.
  • International Advisory Committee: Matthieu Constant (Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France), Colin de la Higuera (Nantes University, France), Lauri Karttunen (Stanford University, USA), Kevin Knight (USC/Information Sciences Institute, USA), András Kornai (Harvard University, USA & Budapest Institute of Technology, Hungary), Andreas Maletti (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain), Jakub Piskorski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), Bruce W. Watson (University of Pretoria, SA & Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands), Menno van Zaanen (Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Lynette van Zijl (Stellenbosch University, SA) + the elected officers
  • Resource Manager(s): Thomas Hanneforth (web site, mailing list etc.) + other volunteers
  • Liaison Representative in ACL Meetings: Andreas Maletti (2011), Anssi Yli-Jyrä (2010), Jason Eisner (2009)


  • There is a mailing list (contact Thomas Hanneforth)
  • Planned: Workshop proceedings to the ACL Anthology (we wait permissions from publishers)
  • Planned: Bibliography