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Software for Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing.
(alphabetical order)
* [http://www.delph-in.net/ DELPH-IN], Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar)
For languages other than English, see [[List of resources by language]].
* [http://www.linguastream.org LinguaStream]
* [http://opennlp.sf.net OpenNLP]
* [http://wordnet.princeton.edu/ WordNet], English lexicon
==Other lists of NLP software==
For tools and software not bound by any particular language, see [[Multilingual Tools and Software]].
(alphabetical order)
See also [[Multilingual resources]].
==By NLP Topic==
<!-- Please keep this list in alphabetical order -->
* [[Automatic Summarization]]
* [[Cognate identification software]]
* [[Dialectometrics software]]
* [[Educational software]]
* [[Information retrieval software for English|Information retrieval software]]
* [[Knowledge representation software]]
* [[Language modeling software]]
* [[Lexicon extraction software]]
* [[Machine translation software]]
* [[Morphology software for English|Morphology software]]
* [[Named entity recognizers]]
* [[Downloadable NLG systems]] (natural language generation software)
* [[Natural language interfaces]]
* [[NLP Component Management Frameworks]]
* [[Phonology software]]
* [[Parsers for English|Parsers]]
* [[Morphology software for English|Part of speech tagging]]
* [[Semantics software for English|Semantics software]]
* [[Shallow semantic parsing]]
* [[Speech software]]
* [[Syntax software|Syntax and grammar]]
* [[Uncategorized software|Uncategorized and miscellaneous]] - ''please help us by moving links into categories; create new categories if needed''
==Misc Software==
* [[Evaluation software]]
* [[Visualization software]]
* [[Fonts]]
* [[Uncategorized tools]]
==Other lists of CL and NLP software==
<!-- Please keep this list in alphabetical order -->
* [http://registry.dfki.de/ ACL Software Registry], DFKI in Saarbrücken
* [http://registry.dfki.de/ ACL Software Registry], DFKI in Saarbrücken
* [http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/latex4ling/ LaTeX for Linguists]
* [http://www.exmaralda.org/annotation Linguistic Annotation WiKi]
* [http://linguistlist.org/sp/Software.html Linguist List Software Area]
* [http://linguistlist.org/sp/Software.html Linguist List Software Area]
* [http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~rpnlpir/ Natural Language Processing / Information Retrieval Software Repository], National University of Singapore
* [http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~rpnlpir/ Natural Language Processing / Information Retrieval Software Repository], National University of Singapore
[[Category:Resources for English]]

Revision as of 09:52, 18 September 2012