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Rajeev Raizada is an assistant professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester. He received his PhD from Boston University in computational neuroscience. His research asks how neural representations are structured in the brain and how they underlie people's behaviour. To explore these issues, he uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), behavioral testing, and computational modeling. Some of the questions that he is working to address include: How can we use fMRI to provide us with additional diagnostic or predictive information about people's mental states over and above what we can measure from behavior? How can the similarity structure of neural representations help us to understand how people are able to solve cognitive problems? How is semantic information represented in the brain, for example, the meanings of words and sentences? What type of structure is shared across different people's neural representations, and what kinds of individual differences are there? More information about his research and downloadable publications can be found at .