2010Q3 Reports: SIGMORPHON

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2009-2010 Annual Report SIGMORPHON (Computational Morphology, Phonology, and Phonetics) Jason Eisner


SIGMORPHON is ACL's special interest group for computational morphology, phonology, and phonetics. Membership currently stands at 105, up from 55/73/90/96 in July 2006/2007/2008/2009 respectively.


We have customarily held workshops in even-numbered years. Our 11th SIGMORPHON Workshop will be held at ACL 2010. The program committee accepted 12 of 26 submissions, including a paper analyzing 5 years of the "Morpho Challenge" shared task.

Online Activities

sigmorphon.org serves the community by maintaining a mailing list and (outdated) online bibliographies at its website. We are considering adding some tutorial materials for newcomers to the field. We also plan to continue advertising the SIG's expanded scope in order to recruit new members to the SIG and increase discussion on its mailing list.


Elections for the new executive committee are currently in progress. Most of the existing officers agreed to stand again, and the nomination period is open.