2015Q3 Reports: Local Arrangements Committee

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ACL 2015 local arrangements have been going smoothly as scheduled. The local team members are all from the Chinese Information Processing Society of China (CIPS), the only first-rank society on natural language processing in China. ACL 2015 local arrangements received strong support for financial management and volunteer coordination from CIPS. The duties of team members are listed as follows.

Name Affiliation Duty
Le Sun Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences All aspects of local arrangements.
Yang Liu Tsinghua University All aspects of local arrangements.
Erhong Yang Beijing Language and Culture University Student volunteer coordination.
Dong Yu Beijing Language and Culture University Student volunteer coordination.
Kang Liu Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Conference handbook editing and local printing.
Xianpei Han Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences Conference handbook editing and local printing.
Yiqun Liu Tsinghua University Local Sponsorship.
Zhiyuan Liu Tsinghua University Webmaster (conference website).
Qi Zhang Fudan University Webmaster (registration website for participants from mainland China).
Binyang Li University of International Relations Entertainment, social event, and dinner.
Jiajun Zhang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences Space management (Audio/Video equipment, wifi, videotaping, etc.).
Wenbin Jiang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Space management (welcome reception, lunch, poster dinner, etc.).
Qiuye Zhao Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Space management (welcome reception, lunch, poster dinner, etc.).
Yi Han Tsinghua University Graphic design (conference website, logo, etc.)
Ying Lin Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Graphic design (conference website)
Yu Shen China International Conference Center for Science and Technology Professional conference organizer (hotel booking, registration, visa, etc.).

Here is a list of most important tasks done by the local team by now:

  • Make a detailed budget for local costs
  • Book and confirm locations for tutorials, main conference, and workshops
  • Book and confirm hotels near the conference venue
  • Local sponsorship
  • Design, set up and maintain the conference website
  • Open an email account to answer general questions
  • Arrange additional collocated meetings (ACL exec, exec++ dinner, wrap-up meeting, etc.)
  • Handle all the invitation letter requirements for visa processing
  • Arrange sightseeing for attendees
  • Liaise with workshop organizers to meet their special requirements (reception, lunch, etc.)
  • Set up a website for registration for attendees from China mainland

This list of ongoing work is as follows:

  • Design conference logo and other conference materials
  • Arrange conference social program: reception, student lunch, catering, music
  • Book and confirm A/V for all events at the conference
  • Design and order conference bags
  • Allocate meeting rooms, poster boards for all conference sessions, workshops, tutorials
  • Arrange the printing of tutorial notes
  • Recruit and train student volunteers
  • Collect all materials for conference bags (sponsorship materials, local maps, etc.)

We will keep working hard next month and try to make ACL 2015 a successful event.