COLING 1996 Volume 2: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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COLING 1996 Volume 2: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

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Extraction of Lexical Translations from Non-Aligned Corpora
Kumiko Tanaka | Hideya Iwasaki

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Segmenting Sentences into Linky Strings Using D-bigram Statistics
Shiho Nobesawa | Junya Tsutsumi | Sun Da Jiang | Tomohisa Sano | Kengo Sato | Masakazu Nakanishi

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Good Bigrams
Christer Johansson

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Goal Formulation based on Communicative Principles
Kristiina Jokinen

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Towards a Syntactic Account of Punctuation
Bernard Jones

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Coordination in Tree Adjoining Grammars: Formalization and Implementation
Anoop Sarkar | Aravind Joshi

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A Portable & Quick Japanese Parser: QJP
Masayuki Kameda

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Parallel Replacement in Finite State Calculus
Andre Kempe | Lauri Karttunen

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Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars for Efficient Parsing
Walter Kasper | Hans-Ulrich Krieger

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Statistical Method of Recognizing Local Cohesion
Naoto Katoh | Tsuyoshi Morimoto

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An Empirical Architecture for Verb Subcategorization Frame - a Lexicon for a Real-world Scale Japanese-English Interlingual MT
Naoyuki Nomura | Kazunori Muraki

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An Evaluation Semantics for DATR Theories
Bill Keller

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Identifying the Coding System and Language of On-line Documents on the Internet
Gen-itiro Kikui

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Top-Down Predictive Linking and Complex-Feature-Based Formalisms
James Kilbury

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Computing Prosodic Morphology
George Anton Kiraz

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An Underspecified HPSG Representation for Information Structure
Jonas Kuhn

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Linguistic Indeterminacy as a Source of Errors in Tagging
Gunnel Kallgren

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Arguments desperately seeking Interpretation: Parsing German Infinitives
Christopher Laenzlinger | Martin S. Ulmann | Eric Wehrli

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A Generalized Reconstruction Algorithm for Ellipsis Resolution
Shalom Lappin | Hsue-Hueh Shih

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Computation of Relative Social Status on the Basis of Honorification in Korean
Done-Young Lee

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An ascription-based approach to Speech Acts
Mark Lee | Yorick Wilks

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Automatic English-to-Korean Text Translation of Telegraphic Messages in a Limited Domain
Clifford Weinstein | Dinesh Tummala | Young-Suk Lee | Stephanie Seneff

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TSNLP - Test Suites for Natural Language Processing
Sabine Lehmann | Stephan Oepen | Sylvie Regnier-Prost | Klaus Netter | Veronika Lux | Judith Klein | Kirsten Falkedal | Frederik Fouvry | Dominique Estival | Eva Dauphin | Herve Compagnion | Judith Baur | Lorna Balkan | Doug Arnold

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Saussurian analogy: a theoretical account and its application
Yves Lepage | Shin-ichi Ando

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An Earley-type recognizer for dependency grammar
Vincenzo Lombardo | Leonardo Lesmo

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On the Structural Complexity of Natural Language Sentences
Dekang Lin

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Building Knowledge Bases for the Generation of Software Documentation
Cecile Paris | Keith Vander Linden

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Learning dialog act processing
Stefan Wermter | Matthias Lochel

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MULTITALE: linking medical concepts by means of frames
Isa Maks | Willy Martin

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An HPSG-Based Generator for German An Experiment in the Reusability of Linguistic Resources
Johannes Matiasek | Harald Trost

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Reversible delayed lexical choice in a bidirectional framework
Graham Wilcock | Yuji Matsumoto

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Automatic Detection of Omissions in Translations
I. Dan Melamed

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Learning Part-of-Speech Guessing Rules from Lexicon: Extension to Non-Concatenative Operations
Andrei Mikheev

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An Agreement Corrector for Russian
Leonid Mitjushin

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Zero Pronouns and Conditionals in Japanese Instruction Manuals
Tatsunori Mori | Hiroshi Nakagawa

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Multiple Discourse Relations on the Sentential Level in Japanese
Yoshiki Mori

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Document Classification Using Domain Specific Kanji Characters Extracted by X2 Method
Yasuhiko Watanabe | Masaki Murata | Masahito Takeuchi | Makoto Nagao

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Yet Another Paper about Partial Verb Phrase Fronting in German
Stefan Muller

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Context-Based Spelling Correction for Japanese OCR
Masaaki Nagata

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Anaphora Resolution of Japanese Zero Pronouns with Deictic Reference
Hiromi Nakaiwa | Satoshi Shirai

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Content-Oriented Categorization of Document Images
Takehiro Nakayama

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Full-text processing: improving a practical NLP system based on surface information within the context
Tetsuya Nasukawa

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GLOSSER-RuG: in Support of Reading
John Nerbonne | Petra Smit

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HMM-Based Word Alignment in Statistical Translation
Stephan Vogel | Hermann Ney | Christoph Tillmann

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Adjectival Modification in Text Meaning Representation
Victor Raskin | Sergei Nirenburg

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A Computational Model for Generating Referring Expressions in a Multilingual Application Domain
Elena Not

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A Constraint-based Case Frame Lexicon
Kemal Oflazer | Okan Yllmaz

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Error-tolerant Tree Matching
Kemal Oflazer

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Analyzing Japanese Double-Subject Construction having an Adjective Predicate
Masahiro Oku

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Zero Pronoun Resolution in Japanese Discourse Based on Centering Theory
Manabu Okumura | Kouji Tamura

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POS Tagging Using Relaxation Labelling
Lluis Padro

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Learning Linear Precedence Rules
Vladimir Pericliev

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Aspect and Aktionsart: Fighting or Cooperating?
Allan Ramsay

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Handling Sparse Data by Successive Abstraction
Christer Samuelsson

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Disambiguation by Prioritized Circumscription
Ken Satoh

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Semantic Construction from Parse Forests
Michael Schiehlen

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Modeling Topic Coherence for Speech Recognition
Satoshi Sekine

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Generation of Paraphrases from Ambiguous Logical Forms
Hadar Shemtov

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Multi-Modal-Method: A Design Method for Building Multi-Modal Systems
Hideo Shimazu | Yosuke Takashima

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A Self-Learning Universal Concept Spotter
Tomek Strzalkowski | Jin Wang

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Anaphor Resolution and the Scope of Syntactic Constraints
Roland Stuckardt

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Decision Tree Learning Algorithm with Structured Attributes: Application to Verbal Case Frame Acquisition
Hideki Tanaka

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Computing Phrasal-signs in HPSG prior to Parsing
Kentaro Torisawa | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Positioning Unknown Words in a Thesaurus by Using Information Extracted from a Corpus
Naohiko Uramoto

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A Unified Theory of Irony and Its Computational Formalization
Akira Utsumi

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Sense Classification of Verbal Polysemy based-on Bilingual Class/Class Association
Takehito Utsuro

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A Method for Abstracting Newspaper Articles by Using Surface Clues
Hideo Watanabe

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On Inference-Based Procedures for Lexical Disambiguation
Jurgen Wedekind

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Fast Generation of Abstracts from General Domain Text Corpora by Extracting Relevant Sentences
Klaus Zechner

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The Power of Words in Message Planning
Michael Zock

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“Is Speech Language?”
Joseph Mariani | Steven Krauwer

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DISTORTION OR IMPROVEMENT - Effects of information technology on the development of natural languages
Hans Karlgren

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Evaluation of NLP systems
Bente Maegaard

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Computational Linguistics and its Use in Real World: the Case of Computer Assisted-Language Learning
Michael Zock

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Human Language Technology can modernize writing and grammar instruction
Gerard Kempen

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Yes! NLP-based FL-ITS will be Important
Henry Hamburger

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CALL: The Potential of Lingware and the Use of Empirical Linguistic Data
Dan Tufis

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The Internet a “natural” channel for language learning
Kentaro Inui

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The Internet a “natural” channel for language learning
Kentaro Inui

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NL Domain Explanations in Knowledge Based MAT
Galia Angelova | Kalina Bontcheva

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Machine Translation Method Using Inductive Learning with Genetic Algorithms
Hiroshi Echizen-ya | Kenji Araki | Yoshio Momouchi | Koji Tochinai

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The implementation of a computational grammar of French using the Grammar Development Environment
Louisette Emirkanian | Lyne Da Sylva | Lorne H. Bouchard

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Efficient Integrated Tagging of Word Constructs
Andrew Bredenkamp | Frederik Fouvry | Thierry Declerck | Bradley Music

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NKRL, a Knowledge Representation Language for Narrative Natural Language Processing
Gian Piero Zarri

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Formal Description of Multi-Word Lexemes with the Finite-State Formalism IDAREX
Elisabeth Breidt | Frederique Segond | Giuseppe Valetto

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Motivations and Methods for Text Simplification
R. Chandrasekar | Christine Doran | B. Srinivas

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Segmentation Standard for Chinese Natural Language Processing
Chu-Ren Huang | Keh-jiann Chen | Li-Li Chang

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Korean Language Engineering: Current Status of the Information Platform
Seongyong Kim | Key-Sun Choi

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Distributing and Porting General Linguistic Tools
Damien Genthial | Jacques Courtin | Jacques Menezo

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GATE-a General Architecture for Text Engineering
Hamish Cunningham | Yorick Wilks | Robert J. Gaizauskas

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Corpus-based annotated test set for Machine Translation evaluation by an Industrial User
Eva Dauphin | Veronika Lux

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Using sentence connectors for evaluating MT output
Eric M. Visser | Masaru Fuji

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Prepositional Phrase Attachment Through A Hybrid Disambiguation Model
Haodong Wu | Teiji Furugori

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Spoken-Language Translation Method Using Examples
Hitoshi Iida | Eiichiro Sumita | Osamu Furuse

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Tagging Spoken Language Using Written Language Statistics
Joakim Nivre | Leif Gronqvist | Malin Gustafsson | TorbjSrn Lager | Sylvana Sofkova

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Senses of Polysemous Nouns: Building a Computational Lexicon of Basic Japanese Nouns
Wakako Kuwahata | Minako Hasimoto

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A Gradual Refinement Model for A Robust Thai Morphological Analyzer
Asanee Kawtrakul | Chalatip Thumkanon | Thitima Jamjanya | Parinee Muangyunnan | Kritsada Poolwan

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An Overview of the EDR Electronic Dictionary and the Current Status of Its Utilization
Hideo Miyoshi | Kenji Sugiyama | Masahiro Kobayashi | Takano Ogino

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Parsing Plans Situation-Dependently in Dialogues
Kiyoshi Kogure | Akira Shimazu | Mikio Nakano

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An Education and Research Tool for Computational Semantics
Karsten Konrad | Holger Maier | David Milward | Manfred Pinkal

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Learning Morphology: Algorithms for the Identification of the Stem Changes
Evelin Kuusik

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Structured lexical data: how to make them widely available, useful and reasonably protected? A practicalexample with a trilingual dictionary
Mathieu Lafourcade

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Chinese String Searching Using the KMP Algorithm
Robert W.P. Luk

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PaTrans- A Patent Translation System
Bjarne Orsnes | Bradley Music | Bente Maegaard

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Word Extraction from Corpora and Its Part-of-Speech Estimation Using Distributional Analysis
Shinsuke Mori | Makoto Nagao

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Morphological Analyzer as Syntactic Parser
Gábor Prószéky

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Constructing Verb Semantic Classes for French: Methods and Evaluation
Patrick Saint-Dizier

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Redefining similarity in a thesaurus by using corpora
Hiroyuki Shinnou

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Processing Homonyms in the Kana-to-Kanji Conversion
Masahito Takahashi | Tsuyoshi Shinchu | Kenji Yoshimura | Kosho Shudo

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How the Linguistic Negation Can Have an Effect in Object-Based Knowledge Representation Model
Lahcene Si Ameur | Jacques Rouault

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The Automatic Extraction of Open Compounds from Text Corpora
Virach Sornlertlamvanich | Hozumi Tanaka

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A tagger/lemmatiser for Dutch medical language
Peter Spyns

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A Distributed Architecture for Text Analysis in French: An Application to Complex Linguistic Phenomena Processing
Marie-Helene Stefanini | Karine Warren

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Pattern-Based Machine Translation
Koichi Takeda

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Hierarchical Clustering of Words
Akira Ushioda

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Using a Hybrid System of Corpus- and Knowledge-Based Techniques to Automate the Induction of a Lexical Sublanguage Grammar
Geert Jan Wilms

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Author Index

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Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Disambiguation by means of Tree-Grammars
Khalil Sima’an