Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Short papers

Claire Gardent, Christian Retoré (Editors)

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Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Short papers
Claire Gardent | Christian Retoré

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Towards Universal Semantic Tagging
Lasha Abzianidze | Johan Bos

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Propbank Annotation of Danish Noun Frames
Eckhard Bick

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Deep Learning of Binary and Gradient Judgements for Semantic Paraphrase
Yuri Bizzoni | Shalom Lappin

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Living a discrete life in a continuous world: Reference in cross-modal entity tracking
Gemma Boleda | Sebastian Padó | Nghia The Pham | Marco Baroni

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Indexicals and Compositionality: Inside-Out or Outside-In?
Johan Bos

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A Semantically-Based Computational Approach to Narrative Structure
Rodolfo Delmonte | Giulia Marchesini

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Graph Databases for Designing High-Performance Speech Recognition Grammars
Maria Di Maro | Marco Valentino | Anna Riccio | Antonio Origlia

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Bigger does not mean better! We prefer specificity
Emmanuelle Dusserre | Muntsa Padró

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Utilizing Automatic Predicate-Argument Analysis for Concept Map Mining
Tobias Falke | Iryna Gurevych

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Contextual Characteristics of Concrete and Abstract Words
Diego Frassinelli | Daniela Naumann | Jason Utt | Sabine Schulte m Walde

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Surprisal and Satisfaction: Towards an Information-theoretic Characterization of Presuppositions with a Diachronic Application
Remus Gergel | Martin Kopf-Giammanco | Julia Masloh

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Incorporating visual features into word embeddings: A bimodal autoencoder-based approach
Mika Hasegawa | Tetsunori Kobayashi | Yoshihiko Hayashi

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Feedback relevance spaces: The organisation of increments in conversation
Christine Howes | Arash Eshghi

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Modeling Quantification with Polysemous Nouns
Laura Kallmeyer | Rainer Osswald

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Textual Inference: getting logic from humans
Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli | Livy Real | Valeria de Paiva

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Situating Word Senses in their Historical Context with Linked Data
Fahad Khan | Jack Bowers | Francesca Frontini

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An Object-oriented Model of Role Framing and Attitude Prediction
Manfred Klenner

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Argument Structure and Referent Systems
Marcus Kracht | Yousuf Aboamer

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Communicating and Acting: Understanding Gesture in Simulation Semantics
Nikhil Krishnaswamy | Pradyumna Narayana | Isaac Wang | Kyeongmin Rim | Rahul Bangar | Dhruva Patil | Gururaj Mulay | Ross Beveridge | Jaime Ruiz | Bruce Draper | James Pustejovsky

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Ambiguss, a game for building a Sense Annotated Corpus for French
Mathieu Lafourcade | Nathalie Le Brun

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The Pragmatics of Indirect Commands in Collaborative Discourse
Matthew Lamm | Mihail Eric

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Are doggies really nicer than dogs? The impact of morphological derivation on emotional valence in German
Gabriella Lapesa | Sebastian Padó | Tillmann Pross | Antje Rossdeutscher

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Compositionality for perceptual classification
Staffan Larsson

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Dual Embeddings and Metrics for Relational Similarity
Dandan Li | Douglas Summers-Stay

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Action Languages and Question Answering
Yuliya Lierler | Daniela Inclezan | Michael Gelfond

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Using Neural Word Embeddings in the Analysis of the Clinical Semantic Verbal Fluency Task
Nicklas Linz | Johannes Tröger | Jan Alexandersson | Alexandra König

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Neural Disambiguation of Causal Lexical Markers Based on Context
Eugenio Martínez-Cámara | Vered Shwartz | Iryna Gurevych | Ido Dagan

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Modeling Derivational Morphology in Ukrainian
Mariia Melymuka | Gabriella Lapesa | Max Kisselew | Sebastian Padó

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Evaluation Metrics for Automatically Generated Metaphorical Expressions
Akira Miyazawa | Yusuke Miyao

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Network Visualisations for Exploring Political Concepts
Paul Nulty

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Distributional Lesk: Effective Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Dieke Oele | Gertjan van Noord

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Unsupervised Induction of Compositional Types for English Adjective-Noun Pairs
Wiebke Petersen | Oliver Hellwig

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There’s no ‘Count or Predict’ but task-based selection for distributional models
Martin Riedl | Chris Biemann

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Role Semantics for Better Models of Implicit Discourse Relations
Michael Roth

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Representation Learning for Answer Selection with LSTM-Based Importance Weighting
Andreas Rücklé | Iryna Gurevych

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Skip-Prop: Representing Sentences with One Vector Per Proposition
Rachel Rudinger | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme

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Handling Multiword Expressions in Causality Estimation
Shota Sasaki | Sho Takase | Naoya Inoue | Naoaki Okazaki | Kentaro Inui

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Vision and Language Integration: Moving beyond Objects
Ravi Shekhar | Sandro Pezzelle | Aurélie Herbelot | Moin Nabi | Enver Sangineto | Raffaella Bernardi

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Can You See the (Linguistic) Difference? Exploring Mass/Count Distinction in Vision
David Addison Smith | Sandro Pezzelle | Francesca Franzon | Chiara Zanini | Raffaella Bernardi

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Sense Embeddings in Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Loïc Vial | Benjamin Lecouteux | Didier Schwab

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LexSubNC: A Dataset of Lexical Substitution for Nominal Compounds
Rodrigo Wilkens | Leonardo Zilio | Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro | Felipe Paula | Carlos Ramisch | Marco Idiart | Aline Villavicencio

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Exploring Soft-Clustering for German (Particle) Verbs across Frequency Ranges
Moritz Wittmann | Maximilian Köper | Sabine Schulte im Walde

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Towards Semantic Modeling of Contradictions and Disagreements: A Case Study of Medical Guidelines
Wlodek Zadrozny | Hossein Hematialam | Luciana Garbayo

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An Evaluation of PredPatt and Open IE via Stage 1 Semantic Role Labeling
Sheng Zhang | Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme