Computational Linguistics Journal Editorial Report Robert Dale 1 SUMMARY All is stable and going well, but big changes may be in the offing. 2 HIGHLIGHTS 2.1 Last Words column now running in every issue. 2.2 Survey Articles category being redefined to clarify its aim. 2.3 Stephen Wan has stepped down after two and a half years of excellent service as editorial assistant, to be replaced by Mary Gardiner, who carried out the role (also excellently!) in 2003-2004. 2.4 Mary is currently undertaking a detailed exploration of online review management systems so we can improve our processes. 2.5 Blackwell have approached us in an attempt to entice us away from MIT Press. 2.6 Talk of Open Access is all the rage (and being taken into account in 2.4). Important: Note that my five year tenure as editor ends mid 2008. I'm happy to serve another five years, as both Julia Hirschberg and James Allen did, but this would be at the Executive's pleasure. 3 STATISTICS Time to first decision for new submissions: For 2001 papers: 110 days For 2002 papers: 127 days For 2003 papers: 129 days For 2004 papers: 131 days For 2005 papers: 146 days For 2006 papers: 125 days[*] [*] The 2006 number excludes special issue papers (we do not have all the data), proposals for survey articles, and one paper on which we do not have a decision. Excluding special issue submissions, we had: 69 submissions consisting of 52 New (+2 same year revision of a submission in 2006) and 15 resubmissions. Special issue submissions were another 31 New submissions. Here's the traditional 'disposition by first decision' table (2006 excludes special issue submissions): Decision 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Submitted 52 62 53 65 65 57 64 47 Accept 2 13 11 16 23 18 15 13 Reject 21 29 22 20 20 12 11 9 Resubmit as squib 1 0 3 2 2 2 1 3 Revise and resubmit 27 37 23 25 18 22 27 12 Withdrawn 0 0 1 0 2 3 3 2 No decision 1 1 2 2 0 0 7 8 At the time of writing, for 2007 we have the following: 22 Submissions total, consisting of 12 New and 10 resubmissions. Average time to date to decisions for New submissions: no new submissions have decisions yet. 2007 Decisions: Submitted 22 Accept 5 Reject 1 Revise and resubmit 0 No decision yet 16 (At the time of this report in 2006 we had 31 submissions for that year,and in 2004 we had 42.)