Table of Contents -- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language -- David Crystal

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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language
by David Crystal
Cambridge University Press 


I. Popular Ideas about language (16 pgs)

1. The prescriptive tradition (4 pgs)		
2. The equality of languages (2 pgs)			
3. The magic of languages (2 pgs)			
4. The function of language (4 pgs)			
5. Language and thought (3 pgs)			      

II. Language and identity (74 pgs)

6. Physical identity (4 pgs)				
7. Psychological language (2 pgs)			
8. Geographical identity (10 pgs)			
9. Ethnic and national identity (4 pgs)		
10. Social identity (10 pgs)				
11. Contextual identity (18 pgs)			
12. Stylistic identity and literature (15 pgs)		

III. The structure of language (42 pgs)

13. Linguistic levels (2 pgs)			
14. Typology and universals (2 pgs)			
15. The statistical structure of language (2 pgs)	
16. Grammar (12 pgs)					
17. Semantics (8 pgs)				
18. Dictionaries (4 pgs)				
19. Names (4 pgs)					
20. Discourse and text (4 pgs)				
21. Pragmatics (3 pgs)					

IV. The medium of language: speaking and listening (54 pgs)

22. The anatomy and physiology of speech (8 pgs)	
23. The acoustics of speech (6 pgs)			
24. The instrumental analysis of speech (4 pgs)		
25. Speech reception (7 pgs				
26. Speech interaction with machines (3 pgs)		
27. The sounds of speech (8 pgs)			
28. The linguistic use of sound (9 pgs)		
29. Supersegmentals (5 pgs)				
30. Sound symbolism (3 pgs)				

V. The medium of language: writing and reading (43 pgs)

31. Written and spoken language (4 pgs)	
32. Graphic expression (12 pgs)			
33. Graphology (14 pgs)					
34. The process of reading and writing (11 pgs)		

VI. The medium of language: signing and seeing (8 pgs)

35. Sign language (2 pgs)			
36. Sign language structure (2 pgs)			
37. Types of sign language (3 pgs)			

VII. Child language acquisition (30 pgs)

38. Investigating children's language (8 pgs)		
39. The first year (4 pgs)				
40. Phonological development (2 pgs)			
41. Grammatical development (2 pgs)			
42. Semantic development (2 pgs)			
43. Pragmatic development (2 pgs)			
44. Language development in school (9 pgs)		

VIII. Language, brain, and handicap (26 pgs)

45. Language and the brain (6 pgs)			
46. Language handicap (19 pgs)	

IX. The languages of the world (58 pgs)

47. How many languages?	(2 pgs)			
48. How many speakers? (2 pgs)			
49. The origins of language (5 pgs)			
50. Families of language (4 pgs)			
51. The Indo-European family (8 pgs)			
52. Other families (22 pgs)			        
53. Language isolates (2 pgs)				
54. Language change (6 pgs)				
55. Pidgins and creoles (7 pgs)			

X. Language in the world (54 pgs)

56. The language barrier (2 pgs)			
57. Translating and interpreting (8 pgs)		
58. Artificial languages (3 pgs)			
59. World languages (3 pgs)				
60, Multilingualism (4 pgs)				
61. Language planning (4 pgs)				
62. Foreign language learning and teaching (10 pgs)	
63. Language for special purposes (17 pgs)		

XI. Language and communication (18 pgs)

64. Language and other communication systems (8 pgs)	
65. Linguistics (9 pgs)