2015 S.-Y. Kuroda Prize Awarded to Edward L. Keenan

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2015 S.-Y. Kuroda Award
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Makoto Kanazawa

2015 SIGMOL S.-Y. Kuroda Prize Awarded to Edward L. Keenan

We are pleased to announce that the 2015 S.-Y. Kuroda Prize for Lasting Contributions to the Mathematics of Language has been awarded to Edward L. Keenan (University of California, Los Angeles). Keenan’s academic career has been driven by a strong determination to contribute to formal models and studies of natural language. His 1985 book (with Leonard M. Faltz) “Boolean Semantics for Natural Language” established a whole new field. His extensive work on generalized quantifiers has inspired generations of academics working on this topic; as of this year, his 1986 article (with Jonathan Stavi) “A Semantic Characterization of Natural Language Determiners” has been cited more than 600 times. His contributions to the interactions of mathematical logic with linguistics and to formal models of syntax are widely acknowledged. In awarding the S.-Y. Kuroda Prize to Edward L. Keenan, the Association for Mathematics of Language (SIGMOL) acknowledges his enduring and irreplaceable contributions to mathematical linguistics.

The official citation for the award is available at http://www.molweb.org/award-2015.html.

Established in 2013, the S.-Y. Kuroda Prize commemorates the legacy of S.-Y. Kuroda, whose groundbreaking work characterizing the class of context−sensitive languages in terms of linear bounded automata opened up theoretical territory which has informed a wide range of research in computational linguistics, formal language theory, and the theory of computation. The Kuroda Prize is awarded to those whose work has had similar impact than Kuroda’s—work that has spawned a broad area of research in the Mathematics of Language.

The Association for Mathematics of Language (SIGMOL) is a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics and aims to promote interest in mathematical structures and methods that are of importance to the study of language. The association organizes biennial meetings and sponsors other meetings and workshops in the area of mathematics of language.

The Association for Mathematics of Language (SIGMOL)