Textual Entailment Resource Pool
Textual entailment systems rely on many different types of NLP resources, including term banks, paraphrase lists, parsers, named-entity recognizers, etc. With so many resources being continuously released and improved, it can be difficult to know which particular resource to use when developing a system.
In response, the Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) shared task community initiated a new activity for building this Textual Entailment Resource Pool. RTE participants and any other member of the NLP community are encouraged to contribute to the pool.
In an effort to determine the relative impact of the resources, RTE participants are strongly encouraged to report, whenever possible, the contribution to the overall performance of each utilized resource. Formal qualitative and quantitative results should be included in a separate section of the system report as well as posted on the talk pages of this Textual Entailment Resource Pool.
Adding a new resource is very easy. See how to use existing templates to do this in Help:Using Templates.
- Manually Word Aligned RTE 2006 Data Sets. Provided by the Natural Language Processing Group, Microsoft Research.
- Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus.
Knowledge Collections
- C&C parser for Combinatory Categorial Grammar
- Minipar
- Shalmaneser
- CCG Semantic Role Labeller - see a web demo of this tool
- CCG Shallow Parser - see a web demo of this tool
Entity Recognition Tools
- CCG Named Entity Tagger - see a web demo of this tool
- CCG Multi-lingual Named Entity Discovery Tool - see a web demo of this tool
- Textual Entailment site by Johan Bos
- Textual Entailment at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- CCG Textual Entailment demo
- CCG Textual Entailment System Component demos北京万达火车票预定中心
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