Corpora, datasets, lexicons
- American National Corpus (ANC)
- Biomedical corpora
- The Oslo Corpus of Bosnian
- British National Corpus (BNC)
- Brown Corpus
- Collins Wordbanks
- Croatian National Corpus (HNK)
- Czech National Corpus (CNC)
- David Lee's Bookmarks for Corpus-based Linguists
- Gutenberg
- Hungarian National Corpus
- IPI PAN Corpus of Polish
- Oxford English Corpus
- Portuguese Corpus
- Russian National Corpus (RNK)
- Slovak National Corpus (SNK)
- Slovenian Corpus FIDA and FIDA+
- Spanish Corpus
- Bank of Swedish
- WebCorp
- Edinburgh Associative Thesaurus (EAT)
- Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC)
- MRC Psycholinguistic Database
- Noun Compound Repository
- Reuters-21578 Text Categorization Collection
- University of South Florida Free Association Norms
- WordSimilarity-353 Test Collection
- Catvar 2.0: The Categorial Variation Database
- General Inquirer
- LCS Database: Lexical Conceptual Structures
- Moby lexicon project
- ThoughtTreasure
WordNet and enhancements
- WordNet - the original
- eXtended WordNet - glosses are syntactically parsed, transformed into logic forms, and content words are semantically disambiguated
- WordNet Domains - augmented with Domain Labels, such as POLITICS, ECONOMY, SPORT
- SentiWordNet - assigns to each synset of WordNet three sentiment scores: positivity, negativity, objectivity