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Homepages of researchers in Computational Linguistics, in the form last name, first name. Most of the early additions have been moved here from the ACL NLP/CL Universe.
- Abaitua, Joseba, Universidad de Deusto
- Adamic, Lada, University of Michigan
- Adar, Eytan, University of Washington
- Alexandersson, Jan, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Alcázar, Asier, University of Southern California
- Allen, James, University of Rochester
- Alonso, Miguel A.
- Asudeh, Ash, Carleton University
- Avgustinova, Tania, Universität des Saarlandes
- Baker, Kathryn, Carnegie Mellon University
- Baldridge, Jason, University of Texas at Austin
- Baldwin, Timothy, University of Melbourne
- Ball, Catherine, Georgetown University
- Batalla,Jordi Atserias, UPC, Spain
- Batliner, Anton, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Becker, Tilman, DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany
- Bender, Emily, University of Washington
- Bird, Steven, University of Melbourne
- Blanco, Xavier, Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Blaschke, Christian
- Boncheva, Kalina, Univ. of Sheffield
- Bond, Francis, NTT Communication Science Laboratories
- Bos, Johan, University of the Saarland
- Boufaden, Narjès, University of Montreal
- Bouma, Gosse, RU Groningen
- Branco, Antonio, University of Lisbon
- Branting, Karl
- Brants, Thorsten, University of Saarland
- Brawer, Sascha, University of the Saarland
- Breck, Eric
- Breen, Jim, Monash University
- Brewka, Gerhard, University of Leipzig
- Brill, Eric
- Briscoe, Ted, University of Cambridge
- Buitelaar, Paul, DFKI
- Bunescu, Razvan, University of Texas at Austin
- Caldwell, Price, Meisei University
- Califf,Mary Elaine, Illinois State University
- Canisius, Sander, Tilburg University
- Carberry, Sandra, Univ. of Delaware, Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Cardie, Claire, Cornell University
- Carroll, John, University of Sussex
- Celik, Tantek, Technorati
- Cer, Daniel, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Chali, Yllias, University of Lethbridge
- Charniak, Eugene, Brown University
- Chiari, Isabella, University "La Sapienza" of Rome
- Choi, Key-Sun, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Chomsky, Noam, MIT
- Ciravegna, Fabio, University of Sheffield
- Clark, Stephen, University of Edinburgh
- Cohen, Kevin Bretonnel, U. Colorado School of Medicine
- Collins, Michael, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- Copestake, Ann, University of Cambridge
- Coppen, Peter-Arno, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Cormack, Gordon University of Waterloo
- Cowie, Roddy Queen's University/Belfast
- Craven, Mark, University of Wisconsin
- Crescenzi, Valter, Universitá Roma Tre
- Crowe, Jeremy, Harlequin Ltd.
- Cunningham, Hamish, University of Sheffield
- Cussens, James University of York
- Dal, Georgette, Universite de Lille
- Dale, Robert, Centre for Language Technology, Macquarie University
- Daumé III, Hal, University of Utah
- Davies, Mark, Brigham Young University
- Delannoy, Jean-Francois, University of Ottawa
- Derzhanski, Ivan, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Detmar Meurers, Walt, OH State Linguistics
- Devillers, Laurence, LIMSI
- Dorr, Bonnie, University of Maryland
- Dougherty, Ray, New York University
- Dowding, John, SRI
- Ebert, Christian, University of Bielefeld
- Eckle-Kohler, Judith
- Edmonds, Philip, University of Toronto
- Elhadad, Michael, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Ellison, T. Mark, University of Edinburgh
- Enguehard, Chantal, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes Atlantique
- Erbach, Gregor, Universität des Saarlandes
- Erjavec, Tomaz
- Erk, Katrin, University of Texas at Austin
- Evert, Stefan University of Osnabrück
- Fakotakis, Nikos, University of Patras
- Fang, Alex Chengyu, University College London
- Fellbaum, Christiane, Princeton University
- Feng, Zhiwei, IAL of China
- Finin, Tim University of Maryland
- Flickinger, Dan, CSLI, Stanford University
- Fosler, Eric, ICSI, University of California at Berkeley
- Fouvry, Frederik
- Francez, Nissim, Technion, Israel
- Frederking, Robert, Carnegie-Mellon University
- Fung, Pascale, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Gabrilovich, Evgeniy
- Gaizauskas, Rob, University of Sheffield
- Gamback, Bjorn, Swedish Institute of Computer Science
- Gelbukh, Alexander, CIC-IPN
- Germann, Ulrich, ISI
- Giuliano, Claudio, ITC-irst
- Gomez-Hidalgo, Jose-Maria, UEM
- Grishman, Ralph, New York University
- Grosz, Barbara, Harvard University
- Gruber, Tom, Stanford University
- Guinn, Curry I., Duke U.
- Gurevych, Iryna, Darmstadt University of Technology
- Guvenir, Altay, Bilkent University
- Hacken, Pius ten, Swansea University
- Hahn, Udo, University of Freiburg
- Hang, Cui, (National University of Singapore)
- Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Universität des Saarlandes
- Harvey, Terry
- Hausser, Roland, University of Erlangen/Germany
- Hearst, Marti, UC Berkeley
- Heeman, Peter, OGI
- Henderson, James, University of Edinburgh
- Hermansky, Hynek, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
- Hermjakob, Ulf, USC/ISI
- Hidalgo, JosÈ MarÌa GÛmez, Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Hess, Michael, Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland
- Hirst, Graeme, University of Toronto
- Hogan, Christopher, Carnegie-Mellon University
- Hovy, Eduard, ISI
- Huang, Chu-Ren, Academica Sinica
- Hull, Richard, University of Central Florida
- Hunter, Larry, U. Colorado School of Medicine
- Hurst, Matthew, BuzzMetrics
- Hutchins, John
- Jacobs, Paul, General Electric
- Jaeger, T. Flroian Stanford University
- Jansen, Jim, Penn State
- Jönsson, Arne, Linkoping University
- Johnson, Mark, Brown University
- Kameyama, Megumi, SRI International
- Kan, Min-Yen, National University of Singapore
- Karhumaki, Juhani University of Turku
- Karlgren, Jussi, SICS, Sweden
- Karttunen, Lauri
- Kaszubski, Przemysław, Adam Mickiewicz University
- Kate, Rohit J., University of Texas at Austin
- Kazakov, Dimitar, University of York
- Keller, Frank, University of Edinburgh
- Kilgarriff, Adam, University of Brighton
- Klein, Sheldon, University of Wisconsin
- Knight, Kevin, ISI
- Koehn, Philipp, University of Edinburgh
- Kokkinakis, Dimitrios, Göteborg University
- Kordoni, Valia, Universität des Saarlandes
- Kornai, Andras
- Koskenniemi, Kimmo, University of Helsinki
- Kraaij, Wessel, TNO
- Krauwer, Steven, ELSNET, Utrecht University
- Kuehnlein, Peter Bielefeld University
- Kushmerick, Nicholas, University College, Dublin
- Lager, Torbjörn, Göteborg University
- Lampert, Andrew, CSIRO ICT Centre / Macquarie University
- Lavelli, Alberto ITC-IRST
- Lawler, John, University of Michigan
- Lee, Geunbae, POSTECH
- Lee, Mark, University of Birmingham
- Leech, Geoffrey, Professor LAMEL, Lancaster University, UK
- Leidner, Jochen L.
- Lemon, Oliver
- Lenci, Alessandro, Universitá di Pisa
- Levow, Gina-Anne, University of Chicago
- Lee, Lillian, Cornell University
- Lin, Dekang, University of Manitoba
- Liu, Haitao, Communication University of China
- Loupy, Claude de, Universite de Paris X Nanterre
- Lu, Xiaofei Ohio State
- MacFarlane, Andrew, City University of London
- Magerman, David, Stanford University
- Magnini, Alberto, ITC-IRST
- Malkar, Karacay, Webportal
- Malouf, Rob, San Diego State University
- Manning, Christopher, University of Sydney
- Marcu, Daniel, USC/ISI
- Marlow, Cameron, Yahoo! Research
- Martin,Jean-Claude, LIMSI
- Moirón, Begoña Villada, University of Groningen
- Mazur, Pawel
- McCarthy, Diana University of Sussex
- McKoy, Kathy, University of Delaware
- Melamed, I. Dan, New York University
- Mihalcea, Rada, University of North Texas
- Miltsakaki, Eleni, University of Pennsylvania
- Minor, Joshua T., Cataphora, Inc.
- Mishne, Gilad, University of Amsterdam
- Mitkov, Ruslan, University of Wolverhampton
- Molla-Aliod, Diego
- Monz, Christof, University of Amsterdam (ILLC)
- Mooney, Raymond J., University of Texas at Austin
- Mueller, Erik, IBM Research
- Müler, Stefan, Universität Bremen
- Muñoz, Rafael, University of Alicante
- Nahm, Un Yong, University of Texas, Austin
- Namer, Fiammetta, University of Nancy
- Nanno, Tomoyuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Nerbonne, John, RU Groningen
- Neumann, Guenter, DFKI, Saarbruecken
- Ng, Hwee Tou, National University of Singapore
- Nightingale, Stephen, ATR Institute International
- Niu, Zheng-Yu, NU Singapore
- Nivre, Joakim, Växjö University
- Norvig, Peter
- Oberlander, Jon, U. Edinburgh
- Oflazer, Kemal, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Oltramari, Alessandro, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Italian National Research Council
- Orasan, Constantin, University of Wolverhampton
- Osenova, Petya, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Paggio, Patrizia University of Copenhagen
- Paik, Kyonghee, ATR Spoken Language Translation Research Laboratories
- Pang, Bo, Cornell University
- Pantel, Patrick ISI/University of Southern California
- Pedersen, Ted, University of Minnesota, Duluth
- Perry, John, UCLA
- Pianesi, Fabio, ITC-irst
- Poesio, Massimo
- Polguere, Alain, Université de Montréal
- Popowich, Fred, Simon Fraser University
- Przepiórkowski, Adam (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
- Pulman, Stephen (Oxford University)
- Pustejovsky, James (Brandeis University)
- Radev, Dragomir, University of Michigan
- Rapp, Reinhard, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz
- Rapaport, William J., SUNY Buffalo
- Rau, Lisa
- Rayson, Paul, Lancaster University
- Reiter, Ehud, University of Aberdeen
- Reithinger, Norbert, Universität des Saarlandes
- Reitter, David, University of Edinburgh
- Rennie, Jason, MIT
- Resnik, Philip University of Maryland, College Park
- Riloff, Ellen, University of Utah
- Ringger,Eric, University of Rochester
- Robin, Jacques, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil.
- Rocio, Vitor, Open University, Lisbon
- Roth, Dan, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
- Roussinov, Dmitri, Arizona State University
- Römer, Ute, University of Hanover
- Sarkar, Anoop, University of Pennsylvania
- Schaefer, Ulrich, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Scheler, Gabriele, TU München
- Schiehlen, Michael, University of Stuttgart
- Schmid, Helmut, University of Stuttgart
- Schmitz, Christoph, Universität Kassel
- Schulte, Sabine, im Walde
- Scott, Donia, The Open University
- Shieber, Stuart, Harvard University
- Sikorski, Teresa, University of Rochester
- Silvonen, Mikko, Lingsoft, Inc.
- Simov, Kiril, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Smolensky, Paul, Johns Hopkins University
- Sproat, Richard, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
- Staab, Steffen, Freiburg University
- Stabler, Edward, UCLA
- Stamatatos, Efstathios, University of Patras
- Suzanne Stevenson (University of Toronto)
- Stiefelhagen, Rainer, Universitaet Karlsruhe
- Strube, Michael, University of Freiburg
- Szpakowicz, Stan, University of Ottawa
- Taboada, Maite, Simon Fraser University
- Tadic, Marko, University of Zagreb
- Tapanainen, Pasi, University of Helsinki
- Thabet, Iman, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Thompson, Craig, Object Services and Consulting, Inc.
- Tiedemann, Jörg ,University of Groningen
- Traum, David, TECFA, Universite de Geneve
- Trosterud, Trond, University of Tromsø
- Tufis, Dan, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Romanian Academy
- Turney, Peter, National Research Council of Canada
- van de Burgt, Stan P.,
- van den Bosch, Antal, Tilburg University
- Van Dyke, Neil, MIT Media Lab
- Vargas, Chelo, Sierra Universidad de Alicante
- Verhagen, Marc, Brandeis University
- Véronis, Jean, Université de Provence
- Vicedo, Jose Luis, Alicante University
- Vieira, Renata, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil
- Villavicencio, Aline, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Voutilainen, Atro, University of Helsinki
- Wahlster, Wolfgang, Universität des Saarlandes
- Wallace, Manolis, National Technical University of Athens
- Ward, Nigel
- Webb, Nick, SUNY Albany
- Weber, Rosina, Drexel University
- Weerasinghe, Ruvan, University of Colombo School of Computing
- Weisweber, Wilhelm, Technical University of Berlin
- Weimer, Markus, University of Technology Darmstadt
- Webber, Bonnie Lynn, University of Pennsylvania
- Wilks, Yorick, University of Sheffield
- Wintner, Shuly, University of Haifa, Israel
- Wong, Kam-Fai, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Wong, Yuk Wah, University of Texas at Austin
- Wroe, Chris, University of Manchester
- Wu, Dekai, HKUST
- Yangarber, Roman, University of Helsinki
- Yarowsky, David, University of Pennsylvania
- Yuret, Deniz, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory