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ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Generation

Siggen logo small.png

Welcome to the home page of the Association for Computational Linguistics Special Interest Group on Natural Language Generation. SIGGEN [ˈsɪɡ.ʤɛn] is a special interest group of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). It provides a forum for the discussion, dissemination and archiving of research topics and results in the field of text generation.

What is Natural Language Generation?

Natural language generation (NLG) focuses on algorithms and models for producing texts in English or other natural languages. NLG systems generally produce summaries, explanations, descriptions, etc of non-linguistic data from databases, knowledge bases, sensors, and so forth. Good sources to learn about NLG include

NLG Data Sets and Other Resources

Natural Language Generation Resources

Upcoming Events

Next INLG conference will be held jointly with SIGDIAL, September 11-15, 2023, in Prague: (Official conference website and further details are coming soon!)

In addition, SIGGEN is running a webinar series. We're looking for talks on anything of interest to SIGGEN/NLG community, including research, tutorials, and commercial projects. If you have an idea for a webinar, please send an email to siggen-board (ta) googlegroups (dot) com.

Mailing List

Joining the mailing list:

The SIGGEN mailing list is currently going through a transition.
To sign up, view preferences, change preferences, or unsubscribe, go to:
If there are any issues, e-mail: siggen-webmaster (ta) aclweb (dot) org.

Posting messages to the mailing list

Please join the mailing list first (see above). Then you may use the email alias siggen-list (ta) aclweb (dot) org to post e-mails to the list.

Recent Events

You can see all previous events at Previous related events


You can see the current SIGGEN board members at SIGGEN-BOARD.


Workshop Proceedings

