Special interest groups
Revision as of 15:01, 25 January 2009 by ChristianPietsch (talk | contribs) (Some SIGs are not ACL SIGs. Shall we also add relevant ACM SIGs?)
- ACL SIGANN - Linguistic Annotation of Natural Language Corpora for NLP
- ACL SIGBIOMED - Biomedical Natural Language Processing
- ACL SIGDAT - Linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP
- ACL & ISCA SIGDIAL - Discourse and Dialogue Processing
- ACL SIGGEN - Natural Language Generation
- ACL SIGHAN - Chinese Language Processing
- ACL SIGLEX - Lexicon
- ACL SIGMOL - Mathematics of Language
- ACL SIGMORPHON - Computational Morphology and Phonology
- ACL SIGNLL - Natural Language Learning
- ACL SIGPARSE - Natural Language Parsing
- ACL SIGSEM - Computational Semantics
- ACL SIGWAC - Web as Corpus
- ACL SEMITIC - Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages
- ISCA SALTMIL - Speech and Language Technology for Minority Languages