William Chan


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Character-Aware Models Improve Visual Text Rendering
Rosanne Liu | Dan Garrette | Chitwan Saharia | William Chan | Adam Roberts | Sharan Narang | Irina Blok | Rj Mical | Mohammad Norouzi | Noah Constant
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Current image generation models struggle to reliably produce well-formed visual text. In this paper, we investigate a key contributing factor: popular text-to-image models lack character-level input features, making it much harder to predict a word’s visual makeup as a series of glyphs. To quantify this effect, we conduct a series of experiments comparing character-aware vs. character-blind text encoders. In the text-only domain, we find that character-aware models provide large gains on a novel spelling task (WikiSpell). Applying our learnings to the visual domain, we train a suite of image generation models, and show that character-aware variants outperform their character-blind counterparts across a range of novel text rendering tasks (our DrawText benchmark). Our models set a much higher state-of-the-art on visual spelling, with 30+ point accuracy gains over competitors on rare words, despite training on far fewer examples.


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Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation with Latent Alignments
Chitwan Saharia | William Chan | Saurabh Saxena | Mohammad Norouzi
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

This paper presents two strong methods, CTC and Imputer, for non-autoregressive machine translation that model latent alignments with dynamic programming. We revisit CTC for machine translation and demonstrate that a simple CTC model can achieve state-of-the-art for single-step non-autoregressive machine translation, contrary to what prior work indicates. In addition, we adapt the Imputer model for non-autoregressive machine translation and demonstrate that Imputer with just 4 generation steps can match the performance of an autoregressive Transformer baseline. Our latent alignment models are simpler than many existing non-autoregressive translation baselines; for example, we do not require target length prediction or re-scoring with an autoregressive model. On the competitive WMT’14 EnDe task, our CTC model achieves 25.7 BLEU with a single generation step, while Imputer achieves 27.5 BLEU with 2 generation steps, and 28.0 BLEU with 4 generation steps. This compares favourably to the autoregressive Transformer baseline at 27.8 BLEU.

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An Empirical Study of Generation Order for Machine Translation
William Chan | Mitchell Stern | Jamie Kiros | Jakob Uszkoreit
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

In this work, we present an empirical study of generation order for machine translation. Building on recent advances in insertion-based modeling, we first introduce a soft order-reward framework that enables us to train models to follow arbitrary oracle generation policies. We then make use of this framework to explore a large variety of generation orders, including uninformed orders, location-based orders, frequency-based orders, content-based orders, and model-based orders. Curiously, we find that for the WMT’14 English German and WMT’18 English Chinese translation tasks, order does not have a substantial impact on output quality. Moreover, for English German, we even discover that unintuitive orderings such as alphabetical and shortest-first can match the performance of a standard Transformer, suggesting that traditional left-to-right generation may not be necessary to achieve high performance.

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Multichannel Generative Language Model: Learning All Possible Factorizations Within and Across Channels
Harris Chan | Jamie Kiros | William Chan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

A channel corresponds to a viewpoint or transformation of an underlying meaning. A pair of parallel sentences in English and French express the same underlying meaning, but through two separate channels corresponding to their languages. In this work, we present the Multichannel Generative Language Model (MGLM). MGLM is a generative joint distribution model over channels. MGLM marginalizes over all possible factorizations within and across all channels. MGLM endows flexible inference, including unconditional generation, conditional generation (where 1 channel is observed and other channels are generated), and partially observed generation (where incomplete observations are spread across all the channels). We experiment with the Multi30K dataset containing English, French, Czech, and German. We demonstrate experiments with unconditional, conditional, and partially conditional generation. We provide qualitative samples sampled unconditionally from the generative joint distribution. We also quantitatively analyze the quality-diversity trade-offs and find MGLM outperforms traditional bilingual discriminative models.


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Big Bidirectional Insertion Representations for Documents
Lala Li | William Chan
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Neural Generation and Translation

The Insertion Transformer is well suited for long form text generation due to its parallel generation capabilities, requiring O(log2 n) generation steps to generate n tokens. However, modeling long sequences is difficult, as there is more ambiguity captured in the attention mechanism. This work proposes the Big Bidirectional Insertion Representations for Documents (Big BIRD), an insertion-based model for document-level translation tasks. We scale up the insertion-based models to long form documents. Our key contribution is introducing sentence alignment via sentence-positional embeddings between the source and target document. We show an improvement of +4.3 BLEU on the WMT’19 English->German document-level translation task compared with the Insertion Transformer baseline.


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InferLite: Simple Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data
Jamie Kiros | William Chan
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Natural language inference has been shown to be an effective supervised task for learning generic sentence embeddings. In order to better understand the components that lead to effective representations, we propose a lightweight version of InferSent, called InferLite, that does not use any recurrent layers and operates on a collection of pre-trained word embeddings. We show that a simple instance of our model that makes no use of context, word ordering or position can still obtain competitive performance on the majority of downstream prediction tasks, with most performance gaps being filled by adding local contextual information through temporal convolutions. Our models can be trained in under 1 hour on a single GPU and allows for fast inference of new representations. Finally we describe a semantic hashing layer that allows our model to learn generic binary codes for sentences.

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Illustrative Language Understanding: Large-Scale Visual Grounding with Image Search
Jamie Kiros | William Chan | Geoffrey Hinton
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We introduce Picturebook, a large-scale lookup operation to ground language via ‘snapshots’ of our physical world accessed through image search. For each word in a vocabulary, we extract the top-k images from Google image search and feed the images through a convolutional network to extract a word embedding. We introduce a multimodal gating function to fuse our Picturebook embeddings with other word representations. We also introduce Inverse Picturebook, a mechanism to map a Picturebook embedding back into words. We experiment and report results across a wide range of tasks: word similarity, natural language inference, semantic relatedness, sentiment/topic classification, image-sentence ranking and machine translation. We also show that gate activations corresponding to Picturebook embeddings are highly correlated to human judgments of concreteness ratings.