Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

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Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

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Instance-Based Natural Language Generation
Sebastian Varges | Chris Mellish

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Corpus-based NP Modifier Generation
Hua Cheng | Massimo Poesio | Renate Henschel | Chris Mellish

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SPoT: A Trainable Sentence Planner
Marilyn A. Walker | Owen Rambow | Monica Rogati

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Why Inverse Document Frequency?
Kishore Papineni

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Question Answering Using Maximum-Entropy Components
Abraham Ittycheriah | Martin Franz | Wei-Jing Zhu | Adwait Ratnaparkhi

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Transformation Based Learning in the Fast Lane
Grace Ngai | Radu Florian

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Unsupervised Learning of Name Structure From Coreference Data
Eugene Charniak

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Text and Knowledge Mining for Coreference Resolution
Sanda M. Harabagiu | Razvan C. Bunescu | Steven J. Maiorano

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A Corpus-based Account of Regular Polysemy: The Case of Context-sensitive Adjectives
Maria Lapata

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Tree-Cut and a Lexicon Based on Systematic Polysemy
Noriko Tomuro

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A Decision Tree of Bigrams is an Accurate Predictor of Word Sense
Ted Pedersen

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An Algorithm for Aspects of Semantic Interpretation Using an Enhanced WordNet
Fernando Gomez

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Class-Based Probability Estimation Using a Semantic Hierarchy
Stephen Clark | David Weir

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Identifying Cognates by Phonetic and Semantic Similarity
Grzegorz Kondrak

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Re-Engineering Letter-to-Sound Rules
Martin Jansche

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Edit Detection and Parsing for Transcribed Speech
Eugene Charniak | Mark Johnson

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Generating Training Data for Medical Dictations
Sergey Pakhomov | Michael Schonwetter | Joan Bachenko

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A Finite-State Approach to Machine Translation
Srinivas Bangalore | Giuseppe Riccardi

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Information-Based Machine Translation
Keiko Horiguchi

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Multipath Translation Lexicon Induction via Bridge Languages
Gideon S. Mann | David Yarowsky

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A Probabilistic Earley Parser as a Psycholinguistic Model
John Hale

Refining Tabular Parsers for TAGs
Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie

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Applying Co-Training Methods to Statistical Parsing
Anoop Sarkar

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Knowledge-Free Induction of Inflectional Morphologies
Patrick Schone | Daniel Jurafsky

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Chunking with Support Vector Machines
Taku Kudo | Yuji Matsumoto

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Inducing Multilingual POS Taggers and NP Bracketers via Robust Projection Across Aligned Corpora
David Yarowsky | Grace Ngai

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Identifying User Corrections Automatically in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Julia Hirschberg | Diane Litman | Marc Swerts

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Learning Optimal Dialogue Management Rules by Using Reinforcement Learning and Inductive Logic Programming
Renaud Lecoeuche

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A Structured Language Model Based on Context-Sensitive Probabilistic Left-Corner Parsing
Dong Hoon Van Uytsel | Filip Van Aelten | Dirk Van Compernolle

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Do CFG-Based Language Models Need Agreement Constraints?
Manny Rayner | Genevieve Gorrell | Beth Ann Hockey | John Dowding | Johan Boye

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You’re Not From ’Round Here, Are You? Naive Bayes Detection of Non-Native Utterances
Laura Mayfield Tomokiyo | Rosie Jones