Call for Bids to Host ACL/EACL '01

The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) hereby invites proposals to
host the 39th Annual Meeting of the ACL (ACL'01) together with the 10th
Conference of its European Chapter in Europe (including neigbouring countries
like Israel or Turkey).  International ACL conferences are usually held at the
end of July.

The proposal submission process is in two stages. First, draft proposals are
sought from prospective proposers. Based on the evaluation of the draft
proposals, selected proposers will be invited to submit full proposals. The
intent of a request for draft proposals is to minimize the labor and costs
associated with the production of full proposals.

Draft proposals are due on 15 June 1999. Draft proposals are evaluated
competitively at the ACL Executive Meeting on 22 June 1999 after consultation
with the EACL Board. Selected proposers will be informed electronically before
26 June 1999. Full proposals are due on 15 August 1999.

Draft proposals should include:

- - Location (accessibility, conference venue, hotels, student dorms)
- - Local CL Community
- - Proposed Date
- - Meeting Space (space for plenary sessions, tutorials, workshops, 
    posters, exhibits, demos and small meetings)
- - A/V equipment
- - Food/Entertainment/Banquet/Receptions
- - Local Arrangements (chairs, committee, volunteer labor, registration
- - Sponsorships
- - Budget estimates

Proposals will be evaluated in relation to a number of site selection
criteria (unordered):

- - Experience of Local Arrangement team.
- - Local CL community support.
- - Local government and industry support.
- - Accessibility and  attractiveness of proposed site.
- - Appropriateness of proposed dates.
- - Adequacy of conference and exhibit facilities for the anticipated
    number of registrants 
- - Adequacy of residence accommodations and food services in a range of
    price categories and close to the conference facilities.
- - Adequacy of budget projections and expected surplus.
- - Balance with regard to the geographical distribution of previous

Draft proposals should be sent electronically to 
the ACL Vice-President:

Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster
German Research Center for AI, DFKI GmbH
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbrcken, Germany
Fax: +49 681 302 5341

Submission Dates: 
Draft proposals are due on 15 June 1999; 
Full proposals are due on 15 August 1999.