This page contains sample calls for
bids to host the conference .
The Exec's nominee (currently, the
VP) makes a general call for bids to the international community.
He or she collects the responses and presents them to the Exec. Final selection
usually involves a site visit by members of the Exec to the location(s)
of interest.
At this time, we seek draft proposals from prospective bidders. Based on an evaluation of the draft proposals received, promising bidders will be asked to provide additional information as needed for the final selection.
A Conference Coordinating Committee will be appointed by the ACL and NAACL executive committees. The Coordinating Committee will select the General Chair, Program Committee Co-Chairs and all other Chairs for the conference (e.g., Tutorial Chair, Demo Chair, Publications Chair, Student Co-Chairs), except the Local Arrangements Chair.
Draft proposals should identify a Local Arrangements Chair, who will be responsible for activities such as arranging meeting rooms, equipment, refreshments, housing, on-site registration, participant e-mail access, security for equipment, the reception, the banquet, and working with the General Chair and the Conference Coordinating Committee to develop the budget and registration materials.
Draft proposals are due on September 15, 2003. They will be evaluated by the Coordinating Committee by October 31, 2003. Promising bidders will then be contacted and asked to provide further information due by December 1, 2003. The final bid will be chosen early in 2004.
The conference should take place during June or July 2005, avoiding national holidays of Canada and the USA.
Draft proposals should include information on:
Successful sample bids for previous conferences may be found at:
Please send draft proposals electronically to the ACL Vice President:
Johanna D. Moore
University of Edinburgh
2 Buccleuch Place
Edinburgh EH8 9LW
United Kingdom
tel: +44 131 651 1336
fax: +44 131 650 4587
Important Dates:
September 15, 2003 Draft proposals
October 15, 2003 ACL Executive Board
evaluates proposals
December 1, 2003 Promising bidders
provide any requested information
January 15, 2004 Bid selected
Author: Johanna Moore, October
9, 2002
Call for Bids to Host ACL-02
The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) hereby invites proposals to host the annual conference in North America. This conference, which marks the 40th anniversary of the ACL, will simultaneously be the 3rd annual conference of the ACL chapter for North America (NAACL).
Draft proposals are being sought from prospective bidders. Based on an evaluation of the draft proposals, promising bidders will be asked to provide additional information as needed for the final selection.
Bids for Local Arrangements Chair can include suggestions for General Chair, which must be someone other than the Local Arrangements Chair but could be at the same institution.
The General Chair will be responsible for overseeing operations of the conference, including working with the Executives of the ACL and the NAACL and liaising with the Local Arrangements Chair to develop the budget and registration materials; working with the Program and Local Arrangements Chairs to develop the schedule and program; working with the ACL Executive Board to appoint supporting chairs to obtain outside funding, publicize the conference, and organize workshops, tutorials, student events, and demonstrations (none of these supporting nominations need to be included in the proposal); and coordinating the activities of the various chairs and their committees.
The Local Arrangements Chair will be responsible for the activities such as arranging meeting rooms, equipment, refreshments, housing, on-site registration, participant e-mail access, security for equipment, the reception, the banquet, and working with the General Chair, the ACL, and the NAACL to develop the budget and registration materials.
The ACL Executive Board will select the Program Committee Chair, who will be responsible for the processes of soliciting, receiving, and reviewing submissions; selecting the papers to be presented at the conference; notifying authors of acceptance or rejection; and developing the conference program.
Draft proposals are due on September 15, 2000. They will be evaluated by the ACL Executive Board by October 31, 2000. Promising bidders will then be contacted and asked to provide further information due by December 1, 2000. The final bid will be chosen by the Executive Boards early in 2001.
The conference should take place during June or July 2002, avoiding the national days of Canada and the USA.
Given that this conference will mark the 40th anniversary of ACL, we welcome bids that include some special event or activity to honor this achievement.
Draft proposals should include information on:
Important Dates:
September 15, 2000 Draft proposals
October 15, 2000 ACL Executive Board
evaluates proposals
December 1, 2000 Promising bidders
provide any requested information
January 15, 2001 Bid selected
Author: Eduard Hovy, 2000
Call for Bids to Host ACL/EACL'01
The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) hereby invites proposals to host the 39th Annual Meeting of the ACL (ACL'01) together with the 10th Conference of its European Chapter in Europe (including neighboring countries like Israel or Turkey). International ACL conferences are usually held at the end of July.
The proposal submission process is in two stages. First, draft proposals are sought from prospective proposers. Based on the evaluation of the draft proposals, selected proposers will be invited to submit full proposals. The intent of a request for draft proposals is to minimize the labor and costs associated with the production of full proposals.
Draft proposals are due on 15 June 1999. Draft proposals are evaluated competitively at the ACL Executive Meeting on 22 June 1999 after consultation with the EACL Board. Selected proposers will be informed electronically before 26 June 1999. Full proposals are due on 15 August 1999.
Draft proposals should include:
Proposals will be evaluated in relation to a number of site selection criteria (unordered):Location (accessibility, conference venue, hotels, student dorms) Local CL Community Proposed Date Meeting Space (space for plenary sessions, tutorials, workshops, posters, exhibits, demos and small meetings) A/V equipment Food/Entertainment/Banquet/Receptions Local Arrangements (chairs, committee, volunteer labor, registration handling) Sponsorships Budget estimates
Draft proposals should be sent
electronically to the ACL Vice-President:
Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster
German Research Center for AI, DFKI
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbrücken
Fax: +49 681 302 5341
Submission Dates:
Draft proposals are due on 15 June
Full proposals are due on 15 August
Author: Wolfgang Wahlster, 2000