Instructions for Authors for Camera-Ready Final Versions of ACL-04 Main Conference Papers

These instructions are only for authors of the papers accepted to the main sessions of the ACL-04 conference. Authors of papers for workshops and EMNLP are asked to consult the web pages of their respective events.

A.  Information about copyright transfer can be found hereRead this page carefully as early as possible (NOW).

B. Papers should be prepared according to the following guidelines:

The maximum length of a paper is 8 pages.  Submission is electronic (see below).  Format for A4 size paper. 

Formatting instructions: The format of the camera-ready papers is that of the Coling submission, which is described here.  Templates for Latex and MS Word can be downloaded here.  For Latex, use BibTex file acl.bst (included in the tmplate package).  Note that the font size must be 11pt and the font Times-Roman. Do NOT use the ACL submission style file!

Important: Use A4 Size!  The style files will produce A4-formatted text, but if you use conversion programs, you may need to specify A4 again.  For example, if you use latex to produce a dvi file and then dvips to produce a ps file, do not forget to specify option -ta4 in the dvips command.  Command ps2pdf maintains the right format and does not require an option.  Before submitting the file electronically, please print out the file and make sure it is A4 format.
C. The ACL proceedings will also be available on a CD-ROM. Therefore, in addition to the pdf file in the specified format, you are also required to provide a postscript version of your paper (same format as above), as well as a single-column pdf version.  The single-column paper is for prople to read the paper on a laptop, and for using the papper as data -- so there is no need to worry about formatting niceties for the one-column version.   (Remove the \twocolumn instruction from two locations in colacl.sty or use this file: colacl-onecolumn.sty.)

D. Papers must be submitted electronically no later than June 1, 2004 .  The deadline is 8 pm (20.00 hours), New York time (EDT).  This is midnight GMT.  The pdf (and postscript) files for the CD-ROM proceedings must also be submitted by the camrea-ready deadline of June1 , 2004 .

Submission is electronic.   Go to and follow instrcutions there.  Do not email us the files. 

The authors are responsible for ensuring that the suitable fonts are included when necessary in preparing the pdf file.   (This typically happens automatically when using ps2pdf; when using Distiller, you need to choose the appropriate options.)  If you are unable to produce pdf and postscript versions of your paper, please contact the program chairs as soon as possible.

Please note that we are working on a short time-line and the papers will need to be sent to the publisher soon after receipt. In order to guarantee that your paper is included in the final proceedings, we ask that you take care to ensure that the paper is RECEIVED by the  deadline. 

E. Any enquiries regarding the submission of files should be addressed to Please include your paper id-code in the Subject line of your message.