SUMMARY AND STATUS OF REPORTS +-- received? | |+- representative at exec dinner? || vv 1. REPORTS FROM ACL MANAGEMENT Y+ President's report (Philip R. Cohen) Y+ Secretary Treasurer's report (Kathleen F. McCoy) Y+ NACLA (Marilyn A. Walker, Eduard Hovy, Sandra Carberry) Y+ EACL (Donia Scott with Susan Armstrong and Mike Rosner) Y+ Nominating Committee (Oliviero Stock, Mitch Marcus, Eva Hajicova) Y+ Walker Fund (Anna Korhonen) 2. ACL-99 Y+ ACL-99 Program Chair (Robert Dale, Kenneth W. Church) Y+ ACL-99 Local Arrangements (Bonnie Dorr, Gina Levow, David Traum) Y ACL-99 Tutorials (Richard Sproat) Y+ ACL-99 Student Session (Melanie Baljko) Y+ ACL-99 Workshop Chair (Susan Armstrong) 3. JOURNAL AND PUBLICATIONS Y+ Computational Linguistics Journal (Julia Hirschberg) Y+ Computational Linguistics Book Reviews (Graeme Hirst) Y+ Computational Linguistics Squibs and Comments (Pierre Isabelle) Y Cambridge University Book Series (Bran Boguraev) 4. RECENT CONFERENCES ??? Anybody volunteer a name? 5. FUTURE CONFERENCES Y+ ACL-2000 (Philip R. Cohen) Y+ NACLA/ANLP-2000 (Philip R. Cohen) Y+ Future ACL/ANLP Conferences (Wolfgang Wahlster) 6. SIGs Y+ General (Wolfgang Wahlster as Vice President) Y+ SIGDAT (David Yarowsky) Y+ SIGdial (Susann LuperFoy) Y+ SIGGEN (Ehud Reiter, Daniel Marcu) Y+ SIGLEX (Martha Palmer) Y SIGMEDIA (Elisabeth Andre) Y+ SIGMOL (Aravind Joshi) Y+ SIGNLL (Antal van den Bosch, Walter Daelemans, Michael Brent) Y SIGPARSE (Harry Bunt) Y+ SIGPHON (John Coleman, Stephen Bird) Y+ SIGSEM (Patrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent) 7. Organizations/Initiatives Y+ ACL WWW page (Dragomir Radev) Computation and Language E-Print Archive (Stuart Shieber) Y NLP Software Registry (Thierry Declerck) Y+ Text Encoding Initiative (Nancy Ide) [1999 will be the last time] ****************************************************************************** LIST OF RESPONSIBLE PERSONS RESPONSIBLE PARTY: REPORT(S): Elisabeth Andre SIGMEDIA Susan Armstrong ACL-99 Workshops Melanie Baljko ACL-99 Student Session Bran Boguraev Cambridge Univ Book Series Harry Bunt SIGPARSE Philip R. Cohen President's, ACL-2000, NACLA/ANLP-2000 John Coleman SIGPHON Robert Dale ACL-99 Program Bonnie Dorr ACL-99 Local Arrangements Ehud Reiter SIGGEN Thierry Declerck NLP Software Registry Patrick Blackburn SIGSEM Julia Hirschberg CL Editor's Graeme Hirst CL Book Reviews Nancy Ide TEI Pierre Isabelle CL Squibs and Discussions Aravind Joshi SIGMOL Anna Korhonen Walker Fund Susann LuperFoy SIGdial Kathleen F. McCoy Secretary Treasurer's Martha Palmer SIGLEX Dragomir Radev ACL web site Donia Scott EACL Stuart Shieber Computation and Language E-Print Archive Richard Sproat ACL-99 Tutorials Oliverio Stock Nominating Committee's Antal van den Bosch SIGNLL Wolfgang Wahlster Future Conferences, SIGs Marilyn A. Walker NACLA David Yarowsky SIGDAT ****************************************************************************** DISTRIBUTION LIST PERSON: REPORT? DINNER? Elisabeth Andre ( Y - Susan Armstrong ( Y Y Melanie Baljko ( Y Y Stephen Bird ( - Y Patrick Blackburn ( Y - Bran Boguraev ( Y - Harry Bunt ( Y - Sandra Carberry ( - - Kenneth W. Church ( - Y Philip R. Cohen ( Y Y John Coleman ( Y - Robert Dale ( Y Y (veg) Thierry Declerck ( Y - Bonnie Dorr ( Y Y Claire Gardent ( - - Eva Hajicova ( - Y Julia Hirschberg ( Y Y Graeme Hirst ( Y Y Eduard Hovy ( - Y Nancy Ide ( Y Y Pierre Isabelle ( Y Y Aravind Joshi ( Y Y Anna Korhonen ( Y Y Alon Lavie ( - Y Gina Levow ( - Y Susann LuperFoy ( Y Y Daniel Marcu ( - Y Mitch Marcus ( - Y (veg) Kathleen F. McCoy ( Y Y Marie Meteer ( - Y Martha Palmer ( Y Y Stephen G. Pulman ( - - Dragomir Radev ( Y Y Priscilla Rasmussen ( - Y Ehud Reiter ( Y - Mike Rosner ( Y - Donia Scott ( - Y Stuart Shieber ( - Richard Sproat ( Y - Oliviero Stock ( Y Y Henry Thompson ( - - David Traum ( - Y Antal van den Bosch ( Y Y Wolfgang Wahlster ( Y Y Marilyn A. Walker ( Y Y Dekai Wu ( - Y David Yarowsky ( Y Y (veg) 33 (incl 3 veg) EMAIL LIST:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ****************************************************************************** * 1. REPORTS FROM ACL MANAGEMENT * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** PRESIDENT'S REPORT (Philip R. Cohen) Time of excitement but great change w/in ACL Meeting is a major success - all concerned are to be congratulated! 1. Streamlining, bolstering, and broadening ACL operations 2. Democratization 3. Internationalization 4. Protecting and expanding "ACL market" Difficult constraint satisfaction problem Progress: 1. Streamlining, bolstering, and broadening ACL operations General Problems: * Lack of "corporate ACL memory" - officers, conf. org., * Overwork * Rationalization of job roles * Missing job roles Approach: * Start v.p. earlier - V.P. in-waiting => Constitutional change V.P. in-waiting => v.p. => Pres. => Past pres.-4yr. commitment on Exec * Separate Secretary & Treasurer roles ; 5 year terms; * Standing Committees * Finance * Conference * Sponsorships * Publicity 2. Democratization Elect officials; ballots (electronic if possible) 3. Internationalization Name change - International Association for Computational Linguistics Traditional acronym will be retained - "ACL" 3 chapters - Europe, NA, Asia NA is forming now - Sandee Carberry, Ed Hovy, Lyn Walker Proto-constitution; comments; vote scheduled Asia - still in discussion stage; many constituencies; ACL2000 intended as a catalyst 4. Protecting and expanding "ACL market" CL is becoming more important to different disciplines --IR, Speech, HCI, Web search, Cog. sci. ... Many meetings. Is ACL meeting the need? E.g., Why the spoken dialogue meeting in Europe now? Why not SIGDIAL in the future? Themes->SIGs for conference sessions? Joint meetings w/other societies? ****************************************************************************** SECRETARY TREASURER'S REPORT (Kathleen F. McCoy) ACL MEMBERSHIP STATUS YEAR PERSONAL REGULAR STUDENT INSTITUTIONAL 1977 500 201 1978 444 218 1979/80 658 249 1981 1208 264 1982 1545 296 1983 1384 319 1984 1355 325 1985 1969 366 1986 1960 410 1987 2104 1786 318 454 1988 1959 1690 269 (408) 1989 2001 1729 272 (538) 1990 1932 1656 276 (564) 1991 2065 1744 321 (620) 1992 1991 1705 279 (???) 1993 1807 1503 297 (???) 1994 1699 1399 300 (???) 1995 1511 1255 256 (???) 1996 1336 1099 237 (???) 1997 1701 1395 306 (???) 1998 1577 1347 230 (???) 1999 1086 904 182 (???) ACL MEMBERSHIP DISTRIBUTION YEAR US CANADA EUROPE OTHER PACIFIC RIM ASIA/AFRICA/SA 1987 63% 4% 25% 9% 1988 63% 4% 25% 9% 1989 57% 4% 29% 9% 1990 57% 4% 30% 9% 1991 53% 4% 34% 8% 1% 1992 51% 4% 34% 10% 1% 1993 46% 4% 39% 10% 1% 1994 52% 4% 32% 11% 1% 1995 47% 4% 36% 12% 1% 1996 43% 4% 38% 11% 4% 1997 47% 3% 36% 11% 3% 1998 46% 5% 33% 13% 3% 1999 51% 4% 29% 12% 4% SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT -- PROJECTED BUDGET FOR 1999 Kathleen F. McCoy -- 6/24/99 Projected Income vs. Spending Converted to base currency: US Dollar 1/1/98 Through 3/1/99 -- Projected -- 1999 Projected Projected 1998 Categories 1998 Totals 1999 Categories 1999 Totals Income Categories TOTAL OFFICE 86,158 150,998 Membership 68,776 126,990 Membership 3&5 Yrs 1,320 8,420 Dividends/interest/ 14,776 15,588 donations/misc Label Rental 1,286 - PUBLICATIONS 41,213 39,662 Journal 12,028 2,830 Proceedings Sales 29,185 36,832 MEETINGS 13,674 47,865 ACL99 35,000 Previous Meetings 13,674 12,865 FUNDS 2,425 2,340 International Fund 1,250 480 Walker Fund 1,175 1,860 Total Income 143,470 240,865 Categories Projected Projected 1998 Categories 1998 Totals 1999 Categories 1999 Totals Expense Categories TOTAL OFFICE 88,311 97,537 Salaries 59,404 58,313 Other (rent, 28,907 39,224 furniture, supplies) PUBLICATIONS 21,782 165,471 Journal - 148,768 partial 20:3-22:2; full 22:3 - 24:2 Journal -- Salaries/postage/etc 9,420 4,333 Postage/Supplies/ 12,363 12,370 Salaries/Misc MEETINGS 47,501 42,199 Earlier Meetings 14,929 - 99 Linguistics Inst 9,000 - ACL'99 Advances 22,072 12,199 Advances for 2000 30,000 meetings FUNDS 1,500 1,500 Coling-ACL'98 Walker 1,500 - Fund Payments EACL/ACL99 Walker 1,500 Fund Payments Total Expense 157,594 306,707 Categories Grand Total (14,124) (65,842) ASSETS Real Real Real Projected 12/31/97 12/31/98 2/28/99 12/31/99 414,464 400,340 302,821 334,499 Walker Fund Totals 22,889.59 24,217.19 25,544.64 PROPOSED CONSTITUTION CHANGES Presented at Executive Committee Dinner; 6/24/99 Summary of Changes 1. Introducing the office of the Vice-President-elect. 2. Specifying a succession of offices from Vice-President-elect to Vice President, to President. 3. Specifying new voting procedures (including elections voted on by entire membership rather than by just those at the business meeting). 4. Specifying new amendment procedure. 5. Splitting the office of the Secretary-Treasurer into two positions: a Secretary and a Treasurer. 6. Changing the name to the International Association for Computational Linguistics. Summary Justification - give the President time to understand the workings of the Association before taking office - allow the election of officers to be done in a more democratic fashion - recognize that the workload on a single person as Secretary-Treasurer is too much and that the association would be better served by having two people in that position - reflect the evolving nature of the society toward international interests Constitution Changes Current Section V. 1. - does not include a Vice-President-elect and specifies a Secretary-Treasurer. Proposed: The officers of the Association shall be: a President, a Vice- President, a Vice-President-elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The President, Vice-President, and Vice-President-elect represent a succession of offices each held for 1 year. The Vice-President- elect is elected by the members of the Association at the Annual Business meeting (or via an email vote) for a 1-year term. The next year, and with the approval of the executive committee, the person holding the Vice-President-elect position will become the Vice-President, and the one holding the Vice-President position will become the President. In cases where an individual cannot fulfill his/her succession through the offices, a replacement will be appointed by the Executive Committee until the 1st of January after the next Association Business Meeting where an election will be held to fill the vacancy (where appropriate). Current Section V. 7. - nominates one candidate for each open position and stipulates voting to be done at the Annual Business Meeting Proposed: Elections shall be conducted as follows: the Nominating Committee shall strive to nominate two people who are willing to serve in each position to be filled at an annual election. The Secretary shall, at least two months before the close of voting, mail (electronically when possible) to the membership notices of these nominations. Additional nominations may be made during the first month after notices have been mailed provided that two members of the association second each such nomination, and provided that evidence is presented that such a nominee will serve if elected. After the 1-month period, the Secretary will mail an electronic (when possible) ballot containing the final list of nominees for each position. Ballots will be collected and counted secretly. Any nominee receiving a majority of the votes will be declared elected at the Annual Business Meeting. Those elected shall take office on the first of January following the vote and serve until succeeded. Current Section VI Amendments - calls for the voting on constitution changes at the Annual Business Meeting. Proposed: Amendments to the Constitution must be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee or proposed by not less than ten members, have notice mailed to the membership at least two months prior to a vote on the matter, and ratified by a majority of those members voting. ****************************************************************************** NACLA (Marilyn A. Walker, Eduard Hovy, Sandra Carberry) Report, 1999 NACLA Setup Committee Sandra Carberry, Eduard Hovy, Marilyn Walker The NACLA Setup Committee was established by the ACL Exec in 1998 to form the North American chapter of the ACL. The brief of this committee was: - to name the new chapter - to create a draft version of the constitution - to lay out a plan for creating the chapter - to participate in the planning of the upcoming NACLA conference 1. Name The chapter was named the North American Computational Linguistics Association (NACLA). 2. Constitution Starting with the EACL constitution, the committee made appropriate changes. The draft was to the ACL Exec in January 1998. A final version of the draft will be made public. 3. Plan for creating chapter The following plan has been adopted. 3.1 NACLA formation - discussion of the NACLA, and if necessary establishment of a mailing list - a date for voting on any issues, should voting be required - by Dec 99, ratification by ACL Exec of final constitution 3.2 Election of officers - calls for nominations at ACL-99 - close of nominations by, say, Sept 30 - ratification of candidates by ACL Exec - elections by email before Nov 15 - announcement of new officers on Jan 1 The Nomination Board is Carberry, Hovy, and Walker. 4 NACLA-2000 conference On request of the ACL Exec, the committee nominated Janyce Wiebe of NMSU to head the Program Committee of the first NACLA conference. ****************************************************************************** EACL (Donia Scott with Susan Armstrong and Mike Rosner) Report from EACL The EACL board met twice this year, once in Geneva, once in Bergen at the EACL conference in Bergen. Issues discussed were: * EACL Conference * Activities in Europe * Role of EACL * Administrative matters The EACL conference was held in Bergen in June of this year. It was a relatively small, but very successful conference. There were 175 attendees (lower than usual due to timing w.r.t. ACL and deadlines for European project proposals). The tutorials and workshops were well attended; over 50% of the registrants attended one of the workshops. The somewhat longer paper slots (30 minutes) provided a much appreciated platform for more discussion and interaction among participants. Preliminary accounts show that the conference broke even. An important role of the EACL board is to better support and strengthen activities in Europe both in terms of research and applications. One step towards this will be through a new format and orientation of the conference to attract wider participation both of academics and industry. EACL has been strengthening links in Europe with other national and regional organizations by establishing a board of affiliate members to facilitate better interaction and communication in Europe. The board is also active in following and supporting the various educational programs and initiatives in the field. A introductory course in computational linguistics at the ESSLI summer school was funded by EACL; in return, ACL attendees will receive a reduced registration rate. Donia Scott, as president of EACL, has been working actively with the ACL exec to formulate and implement the internationalization of ACL. A more detailed report (Minutes from the Bergen meeting of June 1999) can be found on the EACL web page at Part 1: COMBINED SWISS AND FRENCH ACCOUNTS 1998 (IN EURO) Rates of Exchange: CHF->EUR 0.626891 FRF->EUR 0.152449 1.1.1998 38,362 INCOME publications 4,391 dues 2,492 interest 2,746 mail 396 late fee 121 funds 24 bond repayment 50,151 total income 60,322 EXPENSES travel 901 investments 75,827 bank charges 172 total expenses 76,900 31.12.1998 21,783 ============================================================================ Part 2: STATEMENT OF ASSETS 1995-1998 (IN EUR0) Swiss Current French Deposit Swiss Investment TOTAL 31.12.1995 25,631 8,336 77,392 111,360 31.12.1996 24,848 9,107 90,072 124,027 31.12.1997 28,933 9,429 89,817 128,179 31.12.1998 12,791 8,993 113,669 135,452 Michael Rosner, Malta, June 1999 ****************************************************************************** NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Oliviero Stock, Mitch Marcus, Eva Hajicova) ACL Nominating Committee Report Oliviero Stock The Nominating Committee (Eva Haijcova, Mitch Marcus, Oliviero Stock chair) had to make propositions while there is still some decision to be made about the terms of the positions. The two main options to be decided at the ACL meeting; are: a) from year 2000 a president will be for two years. And so would be the vicepresident. b) we go on as now, but with a vicepresident elect that before becoming vicepresident stays for one year in the exec. This would not affect the case of the vicepresident for year 2000 that becomes immediately effective. Of course, as tradition goes, the vicepresident becomes then president. As a solution, after having consulted with the president, we have decided to nominate a vicepresident and a vicepresident elect irrespectively of the length of mandate. All positions are since January 2000. Nominations: Vicepresident Ed Hovy Eduard Hovy is the director of the Natural Language Group at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California, and is a member of the Computer Science Departments of USC and of the University of Waterloo. He completed a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) at Yale University in 1987. His research focuses on machine translation, automated text summarization, text planning and generation, and the semi-automated construction of large lexicons and terminology banks; the Natural Language Group at ISI currently has projects in most of these areas. He is the author or editor of four books and over 100 technical articles. Currently, Dr. Hovy serves as the President of the Association of Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA). He has served on the Executive Board of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) and on the editorial boards of the journals Computational Linguistics and the Journal of the Society of Natural Language Processing of Japan. He has been program chair for the past two conferences of AMTA in 1996 and 1998, as well as chaired or helped organize numerous conferences and workshops since 1991. Dr. Hovy regularly co-teaches the Natural Language Processing course at the University of Southern California, as well as an occasional three-days course on MT at UCLA. He has served on the Ph.D. and M.S. committees for students at USC, Carnegie Mellon University, the Universities of Toronto, Pennsylvania, Stockholm, Waterloo, Nijmegen, Pretoria, and Ho Chi Minh City. Vicepresident elect John Nerbonne John Nerbonne studied Philosophy and Math at Amherst, and Germanic Philology in Freiburg. He completed an MS in Computer Science and a P.h.D. in Linguistics at the Ohio State University (1984), before joining the NLP group at Hewlett Packard Labs from 1985-90, during which time he was an associate at CSLI and an adjunct visiting professor in Linguistics and Symbolic Systems at Stanford. He moved to the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in 1990, and from there to his current position as Professor of Computational Linguistics at Groningen in The Netherlands in 1993. He has worked on grammar and semantics, and on applications in database interface, speech-language systems and computer-assisted language learning. His current interests include applications of machine learning to language, and applications of computational methods to dialectology. He has served as Chair of the EACL (1997-98), chair of the HPSG standing committee (1995-1998), and has been on the board of the Dutch NSF (Language, Speech and Logic Area), and on the board of the European Foundation for Language, Logic and Information. Two other new members for the exec were required, in replacement of Henry Thompson and Bonnie Dorr. New members of the Exec: Maria Felisa Verdejo David Yarowsky ****************************************************************************** WALKER FUND (Anna Korhonen) This year the Walker Fund had $1500 to award. We received 18 applications from students this year. Eleven of the applicants had papers to present in the student session; one applicant was involved in a workshop session. All were first authors of their papers. Six applicants did not have papers but had submitted to the student session. Twelve of the applicants were going to attend the ACL and six the EACL conference. Roughly half of the applicants requested assistance for over US$1000; the total amount of requested was US$16,873. The decision was extremely difficult. After reviewing them thoroughly, we decided to split the $1500 that we have from the Walker Fund three ways and award $500 to each of the three strongest applications. We followed several criteria in deciding which students should receive the awards (in no specific order): 1. First authors of student session / regular session / workshop papers 2. Preference to a. authors of student session papers b. worst financial situations c. applicants from isolated research groups 3. Balance between geographical areas (Americas, Europe, Asia/Australia/NZ) 4. Balance between ACL and EACL 5. Strong recommendations from advisors 6. No preference to authors from committee members' institutions We awarded US$500 to: Iryna Gurevych (Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet-Gesamthochschule Duisburg, Germany/Ukraine) Stefan Kaufman (University of Standford, USA) Justin Picard (Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland) In addition to Walker grants we also had 3 IBM sponsored grants this year. Each award was $500 and we followed the above criteria in deciding which students should receive these awards. We awarded the 3 IBM grants to: Zvika Marx (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) Burcu Karagol-Ayan (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) Patrick Caudal (University of Paris 7, France) In addition, 2 applicants were given priority as volunteers in order to gain a conference fee waiver from the ACL99 Local Organizing Committee: Ed Kaiser (Oregon Graduate Institute, USA) Sergey Pakhomov (University of Minnesota, USA) Melanie Baljko & Anna Korhonen ACL'99 Student Session Co-chairs ****************************************************************************** * 2. ACL-99 * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ACL-99 PROGRAM CHAIR (Robert Dale, Kenneth W. Church) ACL 99 Program Chairs Report Robert Dale and Ken Church 17th June 1999 1 The Program For this year's ACL, 293 submissions were received. Of these, 168 were submitted to the main session, and 125 to theme sessions, a new element of the program introduced this year. A total of 70 papers were accepted, 42 from the main session submissions and 28 from the thematic session submissions; so, the main session acceptance rate was 25%, and thematic session acceptance rate was 22.6%. Some thematic sessions were cancelled because they had too few papers; shifting these papers into the main sessions meant we had 47 main session presentations and 23 thematic session presentations. The program itself consisted of 83 presentations in total: 3 invited talks, the 70 papers just mentioned (except that one dropped out at a very late stage, and a reserve student paper was substituted), and 10 student papers. It might be useful to adopt EACL's tradition of always having a reserve paper in the proceedings for such circumstances. Providing a detailed country breakdown for submissions and acceptances is hard because many papers are multi-authored. However, a rough idea can be gained from the data we have on host countries of the contact authors. This gives us a submission profile of 138 papers from North America (47% of the total received), 93 from Europe (32%), 58 from Asia including Australia (20%) and 3 others (from Brazil). With regard to accepted papers in the program, we have 38 from North America (thus 28% percent of submissions from that region were accepted), 21 from Europe (23% of those submitted), and 11 from Asia (19% of those submitted). Regional breakdown for the papers that make up the program is as follows: North America 54%; Europe 30%; Asia 16%. All of the above information will be available at the Exec meeting in a more useful tabulated form. 2 The Process Community-proposed Thematic Sessions were a new innovation this year. We think it's a good idea, but we got some things wrong, and it needs some careful fine-tuning. We look forward to receiving feedback on this aspect of the program in particular. Reviewing was not blind this year, which attracted a small amount of critiscism. Reviewing was driven by a program committee of six, who reviewed the results of a total of 210 reviewers (of whom 112 were from North America [53%], 64 from Europe [30%], and 33 were from Asia [16%]). For the theme sessions, these reviews were subjected to an intermediate level of review by a committee of 12 thematic session chairs. We used hard copy for paper distribution and electronic mail for review submission. Distributing papers by courier services imposed a high cost: at last count, we had spent around $3.5k, but the real cost is higher because substantial proportion of the distribution was covered by PC members' internal subsidies. 3 Things that went well: Everyone involved, without exception, pulled together and did a great job: the PC members, all the reviewers, Priscilla, and local assistance the chairs had at AT&T and Macquarie University. A special thanks is due to Ken for hosting an excellent PC meeting at AT&T. 4 Things that went wrong: Although there were moments of stress, there were no real disasters. The major problem was an absence of guidelines and institutional memory, which meant that some things only got done at the last minute simply because they were not even recognised as tasks earlier in the piece. We would strongly suggest that the Web be used as a repository for historical information such as numbers of papers received, accepted and so on, possibly with a secure site for data such as budget information. There was sometimes an unclear delimitation of responsibilities, which on occasions meant we had to ask the entire Exec for feedback on some decision---this is not an ideal means of decision making. All of the problems we faced point to the need to have a well-documented set of procedures covering all aspects of the conference organisation. A similar sentiment was expressed by the organisers of this year's EACL. Constructing such a resource, however, is a task of considerable magnitude, and it would be worth considering allocating some resources to this. ****************************************************************************** ACL-99 LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS (Bonnie Dorr, Gina Levow, David Traum) The 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics is taking place at the Inn and Conference Center at the University of Maryland, College Park, June 20-26. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I want to express our pleasure in hosting this major event. It has been a rewarding challenge for every one of the local arrangements team. I am indebted to the tremendous staff support that has been provided, primarily, by the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (particularly, Cecilia Kullman). In addition, this year (for the first time), the Local Organization Committee established four new chairships, something we recommend highly for future ACL events: Local Sponsorship Chair: John White ( Local Publishers/Exhibits Chair: Edna Walker ( Local Demonstrations Chair: David Traum ( Local Publicity Chair: Amy Weinberg ( We had two organizing positions beyond these (also recommended for future ACL events): Local Organisation Webmaster/Coordinator (in this case, Gina Levow, and Banquet entertainment (in this case, Philip Resnik, Finally, we recommend that the ACL adopt a General Chair who oversees both the Local Area Chair (in this case, Bonnie Dorr) and the Program Chair(s) (in this case, Robert Dale and Ken Church). Local arrangements for ACL'99 have included initial contact with the conference facilities (contracting was handled by Priscilla Rasmusssen); contracting for accommodations in dormitories and local hotels; processing dormitory reservations and payments; coordinating exhibits and demos; maintained the local arrangements web site; designed and implemented interactive forms for on-line registration; compiled travel and hotel information and reservation forms for both web site and preregistration brochure; coordinating AV equipment; selecting banquet facilities and coordinating all aspects of the banquet including caterer, music, entertainment, AV equipment and buses. Coordination with Main Programme web site, maintained by Maria Milosavljevic, went very smoothly. Some of the more time consuming tasks include the production of the program brochure, getting sponsorship logos that are fit for printing, and the dormitory reservations. We were prepared to handle hand-outs about local directions, dining, etc, but were not aware that we were supposed to produce the entire program brochure until very late in the process. We received the sponsorship logos late - almost too late to be able to order the bags and t-shirts - and several were not of reproducing quality. There was poor coordination between the various ACL committees regarding the over-all color scheme, ACL logo, and sponsorship logos. The dormitory reservations were more complex and time-consuming than necessary due to constraints caused by limited dormitory space and discrepancies between the hardcopy and the webpage versions of the reservation form. Besides a high-quality technical conference with two parallel sessions, the program includes 7 workshops, 6 tutorials, 20 demonstrations, and an exhibit area. In addition, we are holding the banquet on Wednesday night, at the Galleria in Dupont Circle; we have arranged for a high-quality swing band and dance instruction. Despite some initial concerns about the close timing of ACL-99 to EACL-99, the number of participants has largely surpassed the most optimistic estimates, with 400 preregistrants (and 300 banquet ticket holders!). We have gathered information for, and designed layout of, a brochure containing all local ACL'99 information including the program, directions, dining options, entertainment, etc. Other tasks have included designing and ordering bags, t-shirts and signage and obtaining corporate sponsorship logos for these items. We have produced badges based on information provided by Priscilla Rasmussen and included tickets for proceedings, tutorials, workshops and banquet as appropriate. We have also coordinated more than 30 student volunteers and produced an on-line volunteer schedule. Sponsorship for ACL-99 has included University of Maryland (2000), Microsoft Research (5000), General Electric CR&D (2500), IBM Research (2500), Ergo Linguistic Technologies (2000), Sun Labs (2000), AT&T Resarch (1000), and Logos (1000), totaling 18K. The publishers we contacted initially were: Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Morgan Kaufmann, Kluwer Academic Press, The MIT Press, Oxford University, Springer Verlag, and John Benjamins. Kluwer Academic Press and Cambridge University Press will participate, although Cambridge's exhibit will be set up and manned by student volunteers. John Benjamins will send books and flyers for display. The MIT Press and Walter de Gruyter are also sending flyers. Exhibits will run from 9am-3pm/5pm, June 23-26. This year, for the first time, we established a secure Web server for ACL-99 registration, something we recommend highly for future ACL events. However, we advise against using a secure server on a system halfway around the world (where you don't have an account!); the best situation is to have a local server on which the local arrangements committee has accounts. Fortunately, the delays in setting this up did not seem to have a large impact on the number of preregistrants (see the numbers above) and the kinks were, ultimately, ironed out intime for ACL-99. This year, despite a fairly late start, we will have 20 demos, presented in two different styles. Probably the most difficult part of the demo chair responsibilities was the uncertainty involved with who would make which decisions and who to interact with on which matters (program selection, advertising, budget, AV/local logistics). This will be alleviated by having a global conference chair who can help direct matters as appropriate. It would also be a good idea to set up a budget for demos well in advance, and choose a demo chair/committee early enough to have a call out in the fall, at roughly the same times as the other calls (though having the demo call still be open after the time in which regular papers had been accepted allowed for some people to provide demo adjuncts to their paper presentations). The selection process for research demos was rather informal, checking only to make sure that proposed presentations were relevant and not embarrassing to ACL or the presenters (hopefully this will prove successful!). One issue for the future is to what extent a demo program should be blended in with the main program, either as an option on regular paper submissions, or separate reviewing committee track (like the student session), or remain relatively open, informal, and accessible. It would not be strictly necessary to have a demo chair part of the local arrangements committee, for selection purposes, but there will need to be strong local arrangements involvement, to be able to capitalize on available A/V, internet, and computer facilities available locally, as well as coordinating these issues on site. Regarding publicity, Lee Tune of media relations at the University was contacted; he will send out a News Alert to local and national media about the ACL on Monday or Tuesday. He will follow up with calls and emails to get media coverage of specific events. I hope you enjoy your stay while attending ACL-99 conference at the University of Maryland! Bonnie Dorr Local Arrangements Chair ****************************************************************************** ACL-99 TUTORIALS (Richard Sproat) Tutorials, ACL 99 Richard Sproat Proposals for tutorials for ACL 99 were solicited by a public announcement, and by a few private invitations. 14 proposals were received by the December 1998 deadline. Of these I selected six tutorials, in consultation with Robert Dale and Ken Church. The six selected ones are: 1. Computational Approaches to Gesture and Natural Language Justine Cassell, MIT Media Lab 2. Lexicography for Computationalists Adam Kilgarriff (University of Brighton) and Michael Rundell (Lexicography Master Class & Managing Editor, LDOCE) 3. Symbolic Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing Raymond Mooney (UT Austin) and Claire Cardie (Cornell University) 4. Models of Memory and Analogy for Natural Language Learning and Processing Antal van den Bosch, Tilburg University 5. Spoken Dialogue Systems Bob Carpenter and Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories 6. Probabilistic Models for Artificial Intelligence Michael Kearns, AT&T Labs Full details can be found at The decision to go with six rather than the normal four was motivated by two considerations. First, there were six proposals that seemed worth having. Second, this seems to be an experimental year for ACL anyway, what with the thematic sessions, and moving the workshops between the tutorials and the main session. Note that if it turns out that ACL loses money (or doesn't make as much money) on the tutorials, it will be hard to assign blame: was it because we had more tutorials than the market could bear, or was it because the tutorials were moved to a Sunday (Father's day, as it turns out), two days before the beginning of the main session? One other experimental move was to have the tutorial materials available via the web, rather than the usual boxloads of printed materials that one typically has at tutorials. Five out of the six sets of presenters provided their materials on the web, and Priscilla is in charge of making sure that the web information goes out only to the registered attendees. For the remaining tutorial, and for any attendee who cannot access the web materials, hardcopies will be made available. Hopefully this should save the ACL some money, not to mention save some trees. ****************************************************************************** ACL-99 STUDENT SESSION (Melanie Baljko) The co-chairs of the ACL-99 Student Sessions, Melanie Baljko (University of Toronto) and Anna Korhonen (University of Cambridge) were nominated by last year's co-chairs, Dragomir Radev and Maria Milosavljevic, and approved by the ACL executive committee. The 16 student and the 15 non-student members on the committee were chosen by the co-chairs from among the volunteers at the 1998 COLING-ACL conference and from personal recommendations. The non-student members were approved by the ACL Executive Committee. No special reviews had to be arranged this year. Of the 31 reviewers, 15 were from Europe, 12 from North America, 1 from South America, 2 from Asia and 1from Australia. Thirty papers were submitted to the Student Session and we accepted ten of these. In addition, we were able to offer one alternative paper a presentation slot. Each paper was assigned two student reviewers, and one non-student reviewer. Of the accepted papers, three were in the area of semantics, discourse and pragmatics, three were about statistical language processing, two were in the area of spoken language, two were concerned with grammar, parsing and syntax. Like last year's sessions, we decided to continue with paper presentations instead of posters. We were also able to give students a full 25 minutes each for their presentations. --- Total number of submissions: 30 Submissions by Country (based on authors' affiliation): USA 9 30.00% France 7 23.33% UK 3 10.00% Canada 2 6.67% Japan 2 6.67% Czech Republic 1 3.33% Denmark 1 3.33% Ukraine 1 3.33% Turkey 1 3.33% Italy 1 3.33% Australia 1 3.33% Spain 1 3.33% Submissions by Geographical Area: Europe 16 53.33% North America 11 36.67% Asia 2 6.67% Australia 1 3.33% Total number of papers accepted: 10 Acceptance Rate: 63.64% North America 33.33% Asia 12.50% Europe Acceptances by Geographical Area: North America 7 70% Europe 2 20% Asia 1 10% Submissions by Gender (subject to error): 63.33% Male 36.67% Female Acceptances by Gender (subject to error): Male 7 70% Female 3 30% Submissions by Topics: 1 Syntax and parsing 26% 2 Knowledge acquisition/extraction 6% 3 Generation 4% 4 Statistical language processing 6% 5 Natural language systems 2% 6 Discourse and pragmatics 17% 7 Grammar 6% 8 Semantics 10% 9 Corpus Analysis 2% 10 Machine translation 2% 11 Speech 6% 12 Other (specify) 13% Accepted papers by Topics: 1 Syntax and parsing 21% 2 Knowledge acquisition/extraction 6% 3 Generation - 4 Statistical language processing 17% 5 Natural language systems 6% 6 Discourse and pragmatics 21% 7 Grammar 6% 8 Semantics 6% 9 Corpus Analysis 6% 10 Machine translation 6% 11 Speech 6% 12 Other (specify) - Melanie Baljko & Anna Korhonen ACL'99 Student Session Co-chairs ****************************************************************************** ACL-99 WORKSHOP CHAIR (Susan Armstrong) Seven workshops were held Monday and Tuesday prior to the conference (6 at the conference center, 4 one-day and 2 two-day; one on campus as a joint workshop with the IALL conference). The workshops were well attended, as follows (pre-final statistics): * Unsupervised Learning in NLP : 66 Org: A. Kehler, A. Stolcke * Discourse/Dialog Structure and Reference: 77 Org: D. Cristea, N. Ide, D. Marcu * Coreference and Its Applications: 56 Org: A. Bagga, B. Baldwin, S. Shelton * Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging: 46 Org: M. Walker, M. Danieli, J.Moore, B. Eugenio * Computer-Mediated Language Assessment and Evaluation in NLP: 20 Org: Mari Bromen Olsen * Joint SIGDAT Conference on EMNLP/VLC-99: 134 Org.: P. Fung, J. Zhou * SIGLEX '99 - Standardizing Lexical Resources: 70 Org.: M. Palmer ****************************************************************************** * 3. JOURNAL AND PUBLICATIONS * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS JOURNAL (Julia Hirschberg) Report for Computational Linguistics (June 1999) Julia Hirschberg Forty eight manuscripts were submitted to CL in 1998. Fifteen manuscripts were submited to the special issue on Finite State Techniques (guest editors Lauri Karttunen and Kemal Oflazer) in 1998; two other manuscripts to this special issue were submitted in 1999; no decisions have been made for this issue, accounting for the large number of 1998 manuscripts still undecided for 1998. Mean time from receipt of manuscript to first decision was 184 days, down from 185 in 1997. Type of first decision made for 1998 submissions is shown below, and compared with previous years' reports at the time of the annual meeting in the next calendar year: Disposition of Manuscripts as of Annual Mtg 1998 1997 1996 Submitted 48 69 57 Accepted 9 21 9 Rejected 7 15 15 Resubmission 4 27 26 No decision yet 28 5 6 Withdrawn 1 1 The distribution of 1998 submissions by country (by first author's location) was as follows: Area Country Total ASIA New Zealand 1 Japan 2 Taiwan 1 Total 4 EUROPE France 5 Germany 3 Greece 2 Netherlands 3 Poland 1 Spain 2 Switzerland 1 Ukraine 1 UK 6 Total 24 NORTH AMERICA USA 17 Canada 1 Mexico 1 Total 19 SOUTH AMERICA Argentina 1 ****************************************************************************** COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS BOOK REVIEWS (Graeme Hirst) Computational Linguistics Book Review Editor's report Graeme Hirst June 1999 TIMELINESS OF PUBLICATION We are continuing to get most reviews published in a timely manner -- that is, within 12 months of receipt of the book. This allows six months for the reviewer (many take less) and five months for journal production. MATERIAL REVIEWED I am continuing to be fairly strict in deciding if a book is to be reviewed, but try to include all books that are in "core" computational linguistics, as well as a variety of books from adjacent and overlapping disciplines that are likely to be useful in CL. We do not review doctoral theses, conference proceedings, or workshop proceedings, except if revised for publication as a book by a recognized publisher. PRODUCTION MATTERS I am indebted to Nadia Talent for long hours of reading out loud with me to check the galleys. ****************************************************************************** COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS SQUIBS AND COMMENTS (Pierre Isabelle) Report from the Squibs editor for 1998 The number of submissions in the category Squibs & Discussions was very low in 1998: only 7 new submissions were received. Moreover, thus far there is no evidence that the situation will improve in 1999. We are currently examining various options to try to alleviate this important problem. ****************************************************************************** CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY BOOK SERIES (Bran Boguraev) CUP/ACL Book Series "Studies in Natural Language Processing" ------------------------------------------------------------ I should not make public, without consulting with CUP, data concerning sales figures, print runs, and distributions. The series is, however, progressing on its agenda of seeking, and publishing, work representative of the state-of-the-art in a number of topics of interest to the CL/NLP community. Feedback from sales suggests that interest in the community is maintained at level similar to prior years; levels of sales are in line with the types of scholarly books that have been published recently. Below is an enumeration of on-going projects, at different stages of progress: 1. Books that were published since the last report * Cole,R. et al. (eds.), "Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology" Note: This book won the 1998 PRIX LOGOS of the European Association for Linguistics and Language. * Bosch,P. & van der Sandt,R. (eds.), "Focus: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Computational Perspective" 2. The following new projects have been approved (Syndicated and contracted) over the last period: * Busa,F. & Bouillon,P., "The Language of Word Meaning" * Carter,D. & Rayner,M., "The Spoken Language Translator" * Kornai,A. (ed.), "Extended Finite State Models for NLP" * Wilks,Y., "Machine Translation" * Sproat,R., "A Computaitonal Theory of Writing Systems" 3. Other new projects that were Syndicated before last period, but not yet have been announced to the ACL Executive: * Asher,N. & Lascarides,A., "Lexical Disambiguation in a Discourse Context" * Basili,R. et al., "Lexical Acquisition for Practical NLP Systems" * Carroll,J., "Practical Natural Language Parsing" * Ellison,M., "Machine Learning of Phonological Structure" * Kiraz,G., "Computational Approaches to Nonlinear Models of Morphology" * Reiter,E. & Dale,R., "Building Practical Text Generating Systems" 4. Books currently in production (and scheduled to appear in 1999): * Kornai,A. (ed.), "Extended Finite State Models for NLP" > Note: This book is an interesting experiment, where a volume in a book series is closely tied in, in a complementary way, to a special issue of a journal ("Natural Language Engineering; special issue on FS Models of Language") * Kiraz,G., "Computational Approaches to Nonlinear Models of Morphology" * Reiter,E. & Dale,R., "Building Practical Text Generating Systems" ****************************************************************************** * 4. RECENT CONFERENCES * ****************************************************************************** [no report received] ****************************************************************************** * 5. FUTURE CONFERENCES * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ACL-2000 (Philip R. Cohen) Early October - Hong Kong * Main conference - 3-6 October - Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center * Pre/post-conference workshops - HKUST Local Arrangements: Dekai Wu ****************************************************************************** NACLA/ANLP-2000 (Philip R. Cohen) April 29- May 3, 2000 Westin Hotel, Seattle General chair: Marie Meteer Prog. Chair- ANLP - Sergei Nierenburg - NMSU Prog. Chair- NACLA- Janyce Wiebe - NMSU Local Arrangements: Rick Wojcik - Boeing; George Heidorn - Microsoft Call for Papers soon Papers Due: ****************************************************************************** FUTURE ACL/ANLP CONFERENCES (Wolfgang Wahlster) Report on ACL/EACL 2001 Wolfgang Wahlster I posted a Call for Bids to Host the 39th Annual Meeting of the ACL together with the 10th Conference of the European Chapter in Europe (including neighboring countries like Israel and Turkey) on the web and via email. The proposal submission process is in two stages. Draft proposals were due on 15 June 1999. I received 5 draft proposals from Edinburgh (UK), Hammamet (Tunesia), Heidelberg (Germany), Prague (Czech Republic) and Toulouse (France). The proposals together with a map of previous ACL-sponsored conferences and COLINGs in Europe can in found at We were pleased that there is so much interest in hosting the meeting in Europe. The proposals offer a range of exciting possibilities. After a first round of email discussion of all proposals by the Executive Boards of ACL and EACL, the proposals were discussed during the ACL Executive Board Meeting on Tuesday, 22 June 1999, where Donia Scott and Claire Gardent represented EACL. The decision was to ask Edinburgh and Toulouse to prepare full proposals. The deadline for full proposals is 15 August 1999. After another round of email discussions between the EACL and ACL Executive Boards the final site selection vote will close on 1 September 1999. ****************************************************************************** * 6. SIGs * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** GENERAL (Wolfgang Wahlster as Vice President) Report on the SIGs Wolfgang Wahlster The ten Special Interest Groups of ACL are the main forum for technical work in the most important subareas of Computational Linguistics. I think ACL can be proud of the level of activity and the high-quality meetings organized by the SIGs. In fact, some of the SIGs like SIGDAT are now organizing joint conferences, that have a attendance similar to regular Chapter Meetings and are as selective as the main ACL conference. We appreciate very much the work of the SIGs and think that without the SIG activities ACL would be much less attractive for its members. However, from an organizational point of view there is room for some improvements: - the portal pages on the web should become more uniform for all SIGs, so that ACL member can get a quick overview. There should be the same sort of information on each intro page (Logo, Goals, Officers, Events, Contact). - a more consistent terminology should be used. Some SIGs have Presidents and Vice-Presidents, others have only Coordinators, some have only a Board, others list key members as "Others". - The terms of office and the procedures for elections should be made more transparent and uniform in the SIGs. - It should be decided, whether commercial ads are allowed on SIG pages and whether SIGs can have there on ORG domains. - In the long run SIGs should have virtual accounts like the chapters to save any surplus from their activities for future events or sponsorships. I feel that it is very important that we have many SIG events before or after our next international ACL Meeting in Hong Kong. It is important to note that all SIG events have to be approved by the ACL Executive Board in order to avoid an overlap or unreasonable competition between ACL events. ****************************************************************************** SIGDAT (Kenneth W. Church, David Yarowsky) SIGDAT - 1999 Annual Report SIGDAT is ACL's special interest group for linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP. In 1999, SIGDAT is organizing the 2-day Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora (EMNLP/VLC-99). The meeting will be held immediately prior to ACL-99 in College Park, MD, USA, on June 21-22. Pascale Fung served as conference chair and Joe Zhou as co-chair. 25 papers were accepted for presentation out of over 80 submissions, consistent with the typical 25-30% acceptance rate of SIGDAT conferences and workshops. Invited speakers include Ken Church and Richard Schwartz. A panel addressed the topic of "The Future of Language Technologies: Research, Development and Marketing". Lexis-Nexis provided industrial sponsorship. EMNLP/VLC-99 is a temporary merger of SIGDAT's two thriving meeting series, the Conference on Empirical Methods in NLP and the Workshop on Very Large Corpora, now in their 7th and 4th year respectively. After our 1998 annual report was submitted, SIGDAT also sponsored the Sixth Workshop on Very Large Corpora (WVLC-6) in Montreal, Canada, immediately following COLING-ACL '98 (August 15-16). Eugene Charniak served as program chair. The two-day program included 26 full papers and invited talks by Jan Pedersen (on ``The Role of NLP in an Internet Search Engine'') and Ellisa Newport (on ``Statistical Language Learning in Biological Devices''). The West Group provided industrial sponsorship. - David Yarowsky ****************************************************************************** SIGdial (Susann LuperFoy) (1) Brief History of SIGdial ---------------------------- SIGdial was created in the spring of 1997. During our first, formative year we established a constitution, recruited officers and a 12-member Science Advisory Committee, and appointed a Student Liaison to coordinate our outreach to the SIGdial student community. Additional liaisons were recruited to keep SIGdial members up to date while also representing SIGdial in related organizations, including ESCA, AAAI, ACM's SIGCHI, and ICSLP. We established a membership mailing list and a web site complete with SIGdial logo (designed by L. Harper) and announced our existence to the NLP and HCI communities. (2) Web Site and Mailing List ----------------------------- During 1998-99 since the last ACL meeting our membership grew to 178 members. We have set up robust procedures and technical infrastructure to manage our essential interaction. First, we converted our mailing list to a listserv account with approval-based subscription and posting by members only to prevent spamming. Next, we moved the SIGdial web site from an experimental machine at Georgetown University, to a more reliable machine inside the fire wall at IET. This move was part of an overhauling of the site and a conversion to database-driven pages for automatic updating of presented material whenever databases get updated. We established a web-based membership profiling facility so that members can encode their individual information, and we experimented with a chat facility in continued efforts to include all interested members in discussions while minimizing the amount of email traffic to the entire membership. The URL for our web site is (3) SIGdial Endorsement of Discourse and Dialogue Events -------------------------------------------------------- The membership discussed options for judging the suitability of any given event for SIGdial endorsement and arrived at the following proposal. Rather than defining an elaborate set of criteria and assigning a special committee to review each proposal against those criteria, we decided that each SAC member would be asked to apply their own criteria (which they would also be free to make known to others of course), thus : (a) a workshop description is presented to SIGDial, through the President (b) The President presents the workshop description to the SAC with deadline for voting (c) SAC members vote YES/NO deeming whether the workshop "has purposes and content central to the SIGDial charter" based on their own judgement (d) After seven days or as soon as all SAC members have responded, votes are tallied by the President and workshop is officially accepted/rejected (e) The result is reported to workshop organizers (f) A SIGDial web page for "SIGDial Sponsored Workshops" having been created, now links to the workshop web page. The calendar page is updated by the Information Officer, and workshop organizers are welcomed to list SIGDial as a supporter/endorser of their workshop in their broadcast announcements. Following this procedure, these meetings have been endorsed by SIGdial. 1999 Meetings May 7-9 Amstelogue'99: Amsterdam Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Amsterdam,Holland) May 19-21 15th Twente Workshop on Language Technology: Interaction in Virtual Worlds (Enschede, The Netherlands) June 21 ACL Workshop on the Relationship Between Discourse/Dialogue Structure and Reference (College Park, Maryland, USA) June 21 evening SIGDIAL Business Meeting and Student Poster Session June 22 ACL Workshop: Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging (College Park, Maryland, USA) August 2 IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems (Stockholm, Sweden) November 5-7 AAAI Fall Symposium on Psychological Models of Communication in Collaborative Systems (North Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA) 2000 - Calls for papers Submission Deadline April 15 Third Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation (Bellagio, Italy) 2000 - Meetings March 20-22 AAAI Spring Symposium, My Dinner with R2D2: Natural Dialogues with Practical Robotic Devices (Stanford, California) July 10-12 Third Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation (Bellagio, Italy) (4) 1999 SIGdial Business Meeting --------------------------------- Our annual business meeting took place yesterday, in conjunction with ACL 99 at University of Maryland Date: Monday 21 June Room: 2110 at the Inn and Conference Center Schedule: 17:15-17:30 posters set up 17:30-18:15 poster reception with wine and cheese 18:15- 19:45 business meeting 19:45 - 20:30 adjourn to posters (and clean-up) (5) Election Procedure ---------------------- The SIGdial Election Committee, with help from the Science Advisory Committee have developed the following plan for our first SIGdial election. In the course of our discussions several important issues were raised that may require changes to the SIGdial constitution. Rather than delay the election for the deliberation and ratification processes we will go ahead and elect new officers who will have dealing with those issues as their first responsibility of office. The election will be conducted electronically immediately following ACL-99. We will allow time at the business meeting to discuss open positions, duties of each office, and the election procedure. The results of those discussions will be summarized to the mailing list as part of the minutes for the business meeting. SCHEDULE --------- Nominations Accepted: 8 June until 5 July Ballots Announced: 12 July Votes Accepted: 13 July - 27 July Results Announced: 30 July ELECTED OFFICERS TERM OF OFFICE ---------------- -------------- President 2 years Vice President 2 years Secretary 2 years SAC Member 1 1 year* SAC Member 2 1 year* SAC Member 3 1 year * * successor elected in 2000 for 2-year term APPOINTED BY NEW PRESIDENT TERM OF OFFICE -------------- -------------- SAC Member 4 2 years SAC Member 5 2 years SAC Member 6 2 years Info Officer 2 years In this way, we stagger SAC terms so that each year we have a 50% turnover and three SAC members persist after each election. This means, the President takes office and appoints three new SAC members in year n, while three additional (elected) SAC members from year n-1 remain until year n+1 when a SAC election replaces those three. So it's just this special case in 1999 when we elect three SAC members for a one-year term to bootstrap the process. Current position holders until July 1999 are as follows. President Susann LuperFoy Vice President David Traum Secretary Morena Danieli ACL Student Liaison Lisa Harper Information Officers Bonnie Webber Candy Sidner Sandra Carberry Jennifer Chu-Carroll Barbara Di Eugenio David Traum ICSLP Liason Science Advisory Committee Jens Allwood Sandra Carberry Jennifer Chu-Carroll Barbara Di Eugenio Masato Ishizaki Johanna Moore David Novick Norbert Reithinger David Sadek Candy Sidner Oliviero Stock Bonnie Webber Organization Liaisons ICSLP Julia Hirschberg ESCACHI David Novick AAAI Diane Litman Committees Bibliography Florence Reeder Carol Van Ess Dykema Susann LuperFoy David Traum Marilyn Walker Rebecca Walther Election Kristiina Jokinen Susann LuperFoy David Traum (6) Evaluation Survey --------------------- We will circulate a survey to all members to solicit suggestions for improving the SIG. This will include opportunities for critiquing procedures and decisions that have been made in these first two years. (7) Subcommittees ----------------- Discussion topics and potential subcommittees that will be carried over into the new term include (a) Should we have an annual SIGdial workshop? (b) Standardizing dialogue systems (e) Outreach to related communities (e.g., speech processing, CHI, etc.) (f) Dialogue/discourse corpus and tagset development (g) Software tools for coding or facilitating/supporting dialogue (h) Research and system building (i) Planning specific future specialized discourse/dialogue events (j) Academic coursework/training in discourse/dialogue areas (k) SIGdial service to the international community (S. LuperFoy) ****************************************************************************** SIGGEN (Ehud Reiter, Daniel Marcu) Report on SIGGEN 98-99 An election for SIGGEN board was held in October 1998, via email. There were 6 candidates for regular board member, of which 4 were elected, and 2 candidates for student board member, of which one was elected. The new board members are Irene Langkilde (ISI, USA; student member), Daniel Marcu (ISI, USA), Maria Milosavljevic (Dynamic Multimedia Pty Ltd, Australia), Ehud Reiter (Univ of Aberdeen, UK), and Keith Vander Linden (Calvin College, USA). None of the new members had previously served on the SIGGEN board. Activities after the election include * a new and expanded Web site ( * a new-look email newsletter (back issues available on the Web page) * an open discussion (again via the Web page) on the future of the International Natural Language Generation Workshop (INLGW) and other NLG events. Future plans include creating an archive of NLG material, both technical (eg, an NLG bibliography) and organisational (eg, information on the organisation of NLG workshops). ****************************************************************************** SIGLEX (Martha Palmer) SIGLEX Report - 1999 - Martha Palmer The special issue of Natural Language Engineering that includes papers from the Siglex semantic tagging workshop at ANLP97 is in progress. The revised versions of the papers have been received and are undergoing a final review process. Editors Martha Palmer and Marc Light. SENSEVAL and ROMANSEVAL, were held at Herstmonceux Castle in early September, 1998. There were 54 participants, 24 systems, 3 languages: 35 English words and 60 French and Italian words. Training data and test data was prepared for the English words, basd on the Hector corpus, with approx 200 corpus instances for each word for training purposes, and dozens of additional instances for testing purposes. The workshop participants were quite enthusiastic about the usefulness of this exercise, and pleased with the system performances. The human annotator agreement was over 90% while the systems approached Precision and recall figures in the low-80% range. However, there was general agreement that the next evaluation should include taggged running text, and that the sense inventory being used should include sense distinctions with clear relevance to applications such as machine translation and information retrieval. The proceedings will appear as a special issue of Computers and the Humanities., and the acceptance notices for the papers have just gone out. Editors: Adam Kilgarriff and Martha Palmer. ACL99 is the site for SIGLEX99, the 6th SIGLEX workshop, In addition to papers we have working sessions for the discussion of samples of sense tagged running text. We are also discussing how WordNet could be revised to make it more suitable for sense tagging purposes, and will be planning our next Senseval around our conclusions, presumably Siglex2K. We are also continuing our discussions of American involvement in EAGLES, now know as ISLE, International Standards for Language Engineering. The new agenda for ISLE will be extending standards for lexical semantics based on American feedback, and including standards for linking entries in multilingual lexicons. Finally, SIGLEX99 will be having a business meeting to discuss the election of officers and the adoption of a constitution. ****************************************************************************** SIGMEDIA (Elisabeth Andre) ANNUAL REPORT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON MULTIMEDIA LANGUAGE PROCESSING (SIGMEDIA) June 11th 1999 CHAIR: Elisabeth Andre (DFKI GmbH, Germany, MAILING ADDRESSES:, (administrative matters) URL: During the last period, SIGMEDIA has been involved as a cosponsor for the following workshops: - CVIR: COLING/ACL-98 Workshop on Content Visualization and Intermedia Representations (Chair: James Pustejovsky, Venue: Montreal, Canada, Date: August 15 1998) - ECAI-98 Workshop: Combining AI and Graphics for the Interface of the Future (Chair: Thomas Rist, Venue: Brigthon, UK, Date: August 24 1998) - I3 Workshop: Behavior Planning for Lifelike Characters and Avatars (Chair: Elisabeth Andre, Venue: Barcelona, Spain, Date: March 9th-10th 1999) There has been a slight increase in membership due to the links to the Electronic Transactions of Artificial Intelligence (ETAI, Area: Intelligent User Interfaces). SIGMEDIA and the Intelligent User Interfaces Area also maintain a common webpage for conferences and workshops now (see Links to the European I3 Network (Intelligent Information Interfaces) have been strengthened by the organization of a common workshop at the i3 Spring Days in Barcelona, Spain (see above). ****************************************************************************** SIGMOL (Aravind Joshi) REPORT ON SIGMOL (SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON MATHEMATICS OF LANGUAGE) Report submitted by Aravind Joshi Current Officers: President: Aravind K. Joshi, University of Pennsylvania Vice-President: Larry Moss, Indiana University Local Arrangements Chair: Jim Rogers, University of Central Florida MOL-5 was held at Dagstuhl, Germany, August 25-28, 1997 MOL-6 will be held at University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida, July 23-25, 1999 Program Committee for MOL-6: Tilman Becker (DFKI) Patrick Blackburn (University of Saarland) Christophe Fouquere (Paris 13) David Johnson (IBM Yorktown Heights) Mark Johnson (Brown University) Aravind Joshi, Co-Chair (UPENN) Andras Kornai (BBN) Uli Krieger (DFKI) Natasha Kurtonina (Utrecht/UPENN) Alain Lecomte (Grenoble U.) Carlos Martin-Vide (GRLMC/Tarragona) Mehryar Mohri (AT&T) Larry Moss, Co-Chair (Indiana) Mark-Jan Nederhof (DFKI) Richard Oehrle (University of Arizona) Fernando Pereira (AT&T) James Rogers (UCF) Giorgio Satta (Padua) Walt Savitch (UCSD) Mark Steedmnan (Edinburgh) David Weir (Sussex) K. Vijayshanker (U. Del.) Program for MOL-6 THURSDAY 7/22 6:00 pm Opening Reception, Harley Hotel FRIDAY 7/23 9:00- 9:30 Generative Capacity of Multi-modal Categorial Grammars Gerhard Jager, Zentrum fur Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 9:30-10:00 Some remarks on the geometry of grammar Marc Dymetman, Xerox Research Center 10:00-10:30 Partial Proof-Nets and minimalist representations Alain Lecomte, UPMF, Grenoble, France 10:30-11:00 AM Break 11:00-11:30 A cubic Time Extension of Context-Free Grammars Pierre Boullier, INRIA, France 11:30-12:00 Context Free Recognition with Weighted Automata Corinna Cortes and Meyryar Mohri, AT&T Labs 12:00-12:30 Modularized Context-Free Grammars Shuly Wintner, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (IRCS), U. Penn 12:30- 2:00 LUNCH Break 2:00- 2:30 Relaxing Underspecified Semantic Representations for Reinterpretation Alexander Koller, Joachim Niehren, Kristina Striegnitz Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, Germany 2:30- 3:00 On Conditional Information in Feature-Based Theories Rainer Osswald, University of Hagen, Germany 3:00- 3:30 A Quasi-Ring Construction for Compiling Attributed Type Signatures Gerald Penn, Universitat Tubingen 3:30- 4:00 PM Break 4:00- 4:30 Taming Complexity: Constraint-Based Dependency Parsing Denys Duchier, Univeristy of the Saarland 4:30- 5:00 Tabulation of Automata for Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages Miguel A. Pardo, David Cabrero Souto (Universidad de La Coruna, Spain) Eric de la Clergerie (INRIA, France) 5:00- 5:30 Models of tabulation for TAG parsing Mark-Jan Nederhof, Saarbrucken, Germany 5:30- 7:30 Educational Session Co-Chairs: Robin Clark, UPENN and Larry Moss, Indiana University SATURDAY 7/24 9:00- 9:30 Variables, interpretations and Quine-like combinators Robin Clark, Dept. of Linguistics, U. Penn. and Natasha Kurtonina, IRCS 9:30-10:00 The Algebraic Semantics of Questions Rani Nelken and Nissim Francez, Dept. of Computer Science, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology 10:00-10:30 A note on a certain class of quantifier denotations in natural language Robin Clark, Dept. of Linguistics, U. Penn. and Tom Morton, Computer Science, U. Penn. 10:30-11:00 AM Break 11:00-11:30 Generalized Tree Adjoining Grammar James Rogers, School of Computer Science, University of Central Florida 11:30-12:00 C-Command and Extraction in Tree Adjoining Grammar Robert Frank (Dept. of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins) Seth Kulick (IRCS), K. Vijay-Shanker (U. Delaware) 12:00-12:30 Exploring the Underspecified World of Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars K. Vijay-Shanker (U. Del), David Weir (Univ. of Sussex) 12:30- 2:00 LUNCH Break 2:00- 2:30 Context-sensitive node admissibility revisited Dick Oehrle, Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science program, University of Arizona 2:30- 3:00 Synchronous Parallelism Between Different Grammar Formalisms Mark Dras, Dept. of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia 3:00- 3:30 A Dynamic Event Semantics for the Analysis of Verbs and Voice-Affixes in Tagalog Ralf Naumann, Anja Latrouite, Seminar fur Algemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Germany 3:30- 4:00 PM Break 4:00- 4:30 Regular Description of Cross-Serial Dependencies Hans-Peter Kolb, Uwe Moennich, and Frank Morawietz 4:30- 5:00 Propositional Tense Logic for Trees Adi Palm, Dept. of General Linguistics, Univ. of Passau 5:00- 5:30 The Horn Subset of systemic networks Jo Calder, HCRC, University of Edinburgh 7:00 pm Banquet Dinner and Business Meeting, Harley Hotel SUNDAY 7/25 9:30-10:00 Contextual Automata Carlos Martin-Vide, Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics and Language Engineering, Spain 10:00-10:30 A Polynomial Parser for Contextual Grammars Karin Harbusch, Univ. of Koblenz-Landau, Germany 10:30-11:00 Combing Contextual Grammars and Tree Adjoining Grammars Martin Kappes, Fachbereich Informatik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat, Germany 11:00-11:30 AM Break 11:30-12:00 Zipf's law outside the middle range Andras Kornai, HAS Institute of Linguistics 12:00-12:30 A Selectionist Model of Language Acquisition Charles Yang, AI Lab MIT and Sam Gutmann, Dept. of Mathematics, Northeastern Univ. ILLC, University of Amsterdam 12:30- 1:00 A Local Maxima method and a Fair Dispersion Normalization for extracting multi-word units from corpora Jaoquim Ferreira de Silva and Gabriel Pereira Lopes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa ****************************************************************************** SIGNLL (Antal van den Bosch, Walter Daelemans, Michael Brent) ACL SIGNLL - President and Secretary's Report 1999 In 1998-9, SIGNLL has grown from 290 to 315 members and our web pages are relatively frequently browsed (5 to 10 external hits per day). Joining SIGNLL is possible via the SIGNLL home page located at URL (an ACL alias, thanks to Dragomir Radev - the local URL is The membership of SIGNLL is diverse both in nationality and in research area indicated (psychology, linguistics, machine learning, computational linguistics, grammar induction, and other more peripheral areas). Last year's complete update of the web pages has provided more ease for members to add, update, and remove membership records themselves, with minimal supervision by the SIGNLL website administrator. Apart from the membership pages, the site continuously offers the latest information on SIGNLL-sponsored and related events, and hosts a comprehensive and updated list of links to relevant assocations, networks, research cooperations, research departments, groups, institutes, individuals, mailing lists, archives, journals, bulletins, conference reports, online papers, online courses and slides, bibliographies, software, corpora, companies, meta-information sources etc. Information relevant to the NLL community is regularly distributed through an email list derived from the membership records. SIGNLL has through its officebearers continued working on its goal of bringing the Natural Language Learning (NLL) community together by being involved in the organization and sponsoring of events. The main event this year was the third CoNLL, organized in the context of the EACL'99, the European Chapter of the ACL's conference held in Bergen, Norway, June 1999. Erik Tjong Kim Sang (U. of Antwerpen, former Information Officer of SIGNLL) and Miles Osborne (U. of Groningen) chaired the successful CoNLL workshop, which drew an actively participating audience of about 40. It remains our intention to let CoNLL become an annual conference with its own workshops and tutorials, bringing together a large number of researchers working in the intersection of language and learning. As a sidenote, we mention that chairs Tjong Kim Sang and Osborne are both postdoc researchers financed by the Esprit TMR (Training and Mobility of Researchers) programme "Learning Computational Grammar" --a theme central to SIGNLL's area of interest-- which was initiated in 1999 by a group of researchers partly composed of SIGNLL members (including Secretary Walter Daelemans). We think SIGNLL is still unique in its multiple focus (computational models of language learning both for language engineering and for testing psycholinguistic and linguistic theories; formal and empirical aspects of learning of both artificial and natural languages). However, we are aware of the enormous competition of conferences and workshops addressing similar issues, though in a less integrated and multidiciplinary way (EMNLP/VLC, NeMLaP, ICGI, Computational Psycholinguistics, and also the mainstream CL and ML conferences). We will therefore continue to piggypack or colocate CoNLL with other relevant events and to investigate whether combining or even merging CoNLL with other events is feasible and advisable. Michael Brent Walter Daelemans Tilburg, 22 June 1999 ****************************************************************************** SIGPARSE (Harry Bunt) 1998-'99 report from SIGPARSE ----------------------------- Over the period June 1998 - June 1999, as usual, the activities of SIGPARSE have focussed on matters concerning the biennial `International Workshop on Parsing Technologies' (IWPT) series. Preparations have started for the publication of an edited selection of papers, presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'97) which was held in Cambridge, Mass., September 17-21, 1997. This book is to be a sequel to the two volumes that were published earlier, based on workshops in the IWPT series: "Current Issues in Parsing Technology" (Masaru Tomita, ed.; Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht 1991) and "Recent Advances in Parsing Technology" (Harry Bunt and Masaru Tomita, eds.; Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht 1996). For the new volume, Harry Bunt and Anton Nijholt (general chair and program chair of IWPT'97, respectively) have made a selection of the papers published in the workshop proceedings. The corresponding book proposal is currently under review at Kluwer, with an expected positive outcome. The next, Sixth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT'99) will be held in Trento, Italy. The organization is in the hands of Harry Bunt, general chair; John Carroll, program chair, and Alberto Lavelli, local arrangements chair. It was recently decided to move the workshop dates from December 20-22, 1999 to February 23-25, 2000, since the proximity of the original dates with the millenium change was felt to be inconvenient. During the period reported here, Harry Bunt (Tilburg University) has continued as SIGPARSE officer. Alon Lavie at CMU has been most helpful in continuing to maintain the active SIGPARSE email list (`'). A SIGPARSE website has been set up and maintained at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands. This site can be found at `'. Harry Bunt. ****************************************************************************** SIGPHON (John Coleman) SIGPHON has elected a new executive committee: Steven Bird, Secretary John Coleman, President Alain Theriault, Liaison Rep Jason Eisner Dan Jurafsky Lauri Kartunnen SIGPHON is currently considering its next workshop. In order to build stronger links with the theoretical phonology community, it is expected that this will be separate from an ACL meeting. Preparation of a book building on some of the papers from previous SIGPHON meetings and documenting the state of the art in computational phonology is also currently being planned. ****************************************************************************** SIGSEM (Patrick Blackburn, Claire Gardent) Report on SIGSEM Patrick Blackburn and Claire Gardent The idea of establishing SIGSEM, an ACL special interest group in computational semantics, was first proposed towards the end of 1998 by the authors of this report. Preliminary inquiries indicated that the idea was of interest to many researchers (we received more than 100 responses, many highly enthusiastic). The proposal was further discussed at the 3rd International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS), which was held in Tilburg in January 1999. At a well-attended meeting, the consensus was that it was worthwhile trying to establish such a SIG. Accordingly, a draft constitution was prepared, circulated to prospective members for comments, and (about two months later) changed in the light of suggestion received and submitted to the ACL for approval. Approval was recently granted, and we are currently organising the first SIGSEM elections, and are about to start a membership drive. As regards the elections, Ewan Klein has recently agreed to act as an "honest broker" for the first elections. That is, he has agreed to receive nominations, announce the candidates, and collect and count votes. The exact timetable is still being discussed with him, but we hope to have completed the entire election process by the end of October 1999. As regards the membership drive, during the ESSLLI summer school (which will be held in Utrecht) a one day workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS) is being organised in Amsterdam. We expect this will attract a number of summer school participants, and will take the opportunity to further publicise SIGSEM. The longer term prospects are also good. For example, Harry Bunt, the founder of the IWCS (which until recently was the only event exclusively devoted to computational semantics) has expressed his support for the new SIG and volunteered assistance in a number of ways (such as organising a web site). Thus SIGSEM should be able to establish a useful presence relatively quickly. While it is early days yet, we are confident that SIGSEM will provide a useful forum for computational linguists interested in semantics. Both in Europe and America there are clear signs that a new generation of researchers interested in semantical issues is emerging. Interesting new work is appearing and (in Europe) a number of EU research proposals of direct relevance to SIGSEM have been submitted to the European commission (under the new "Fifth Framework" program). We hope that SIGSEM will build on such developments to become a genuinely international forum for computational semantics. ****************************************************************************** * 7. ORGANIZATIONS/INITIATIVES * ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ACL WWW PAGE (Dragomir Radev) The ACL Internet site ( July 1, 1998 - June 10, 1999 Report by Dragomir R. Radev ( INTRODUCTION o The ACL Web site has become significantly more popular after the acquisition of the ACLWEB domain name. From July 1, 1998 to June 9, 1999, the top-level page has been accessed 80,943 times. That is an average of 271 hits (accesses) per day (or an increase of 21.5% over last year). THE ACL NLP/CL UNIVERSE o The ACL NLP/CL Universe, the catalog of Web-based NLP/CL resources, has grown at a steady rate. Since last year there has been an 9.1% increase in the number of pointers, bringing their total from 1754 to 1913. There are now 303 personal pages, 476 pointers to various resources (corpora, software, etc.), 306 academic or industrial labs, departments, and institutes, etc. OTHER FEATURES AT ACLWEB.ORG o The mailing list acl-news is used to announce new additions to the NLP/CL Universe. Currently, the list includes 435 subscribers (a 44.5% increase from last year). The list is posted automatically to the only NLP-related newsgroup on Usenet - In the last eleven months, the newsletter appeared seven times. o The unofficial Natural Language Processing FAQ (list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers) is still available through the ACL page. Volunteers are sought to contribute to the list. A new release of the FAQ is planned for the summer of 1999. o The ACL office has now persistent E-mail addresses: {acl,president,vice-president,secretary-treasurer,webmaster,comments} o The NLP/CL Dissertation page is about to be announced publicly. Stay tuned! o The Web site will soon feature a facility for ACL membership updates and material ordering. The site will be functional in July. ANNOUNCEMENTS o ACL members should make an attempt to announce all events, resources, or personal and lab pages to the site using the on-line URL submission mechanism. Please feel free to send me mail with suggestions, comments, or offers ( ****************************************************************************** COMPUTATION AND LANGUAGE E-PRINT ARCHIVE (Stuart Shieber) [no report received] ****************************************************************************** NLP SOFTWARE REGISTRY (Thierry Declerck) The 4th edition of the Natural Language Software Registry (Thierry Declerck and Alexander Werner Jachmann, DFKI Saarbruecken) In the following short text we will report on recent activities related to the Natural Language Software Registry (NLSR), an initiative of ACL hosted at DFKI. The NLSR offers a concise summary of the capabilities of language processing software available to researchers. It comprises academic, commercial and proprietary software with theory, specifications and terms on which it can be acquired clearly indicated. The actual version can be accessed at following address: Due to the fact that some functionalities had to be added to the actual edition, and that we also wanted to radically update the taxonomy of the products to be submitted, we decided to work on a new edition of the NLSR. This edition (the 4th) will be very soon delivered and some public announcements will be made. The two most salient modifications of the NLSR are on the one hand the design and implementation of a database allowing standard queries to the software listed in the Registry. With this he user will be able to access the information contained in the ACL Registry not only by browsing, but also by querying: it will be for example possible to query for all freely available morphological analyzer for Spanish running on a specific platform. This will reduce considerably the consultation time. On the other hand we have designed a new classification for the NL products to be submitted. This classification aims at better reflecting the state of the art in NL processing. The new taxonomy is among others based on the book ``Survey of the State of the Art in the Human Language Technology'' ed. by G.B. Varile and A. Zampolli, Linguistica Computazionale, volume XII - XIII. Apart of this we have been adding some functionalities, so for example checking the actuality of some entries (the actual version contain a certain amount of no longer available or not updated products). In the 4th edition the user will also find a unified presentation of all listed products (there are actually still some entries displayed in the format of previous editions). We also have put some effort in easing the maintenance of the NLSR, so that new entries can be very fast checked on their relevance for the NLSR and added to the Registry. We are actually working on a new design for the Web pages and we hope to deliver the 4th Edition before the ACL conference. The work of the NLSR has been presented at the EPSRC Workshop on NLP Architectures and Language Resources (Baslow, December 1998). This Workshop also offered to the Registry Team the opportunity to exchange informations with related initiatives and projects. Furhter an exchange of experience and information with ELRA in Paris has taken place in March 1999. The 4th Edition has been produced by the Language Technology Lab. of the DFKI inc. under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hans Uszkoreit. Currently involved researchers and research assistants are Thierry Declerck (contact person) and Alexander Werner Jachmann. Recent discussions with members of the NLP community have raised the question of "programmatic access" to some products listed in the NLSR (within a general NLP architecture). This point is very interesting, but for sure this would require some concertations with the concerned sites. ****************************************************************************** TEXT ENCODING INITIATIVE (Nancy Ide) A new consortium has been formed for the maintenance and continuing work of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The TEI is an international project to develop guidelines for the encoding of textual material in electronic form for research purposes; until now, it had been organized as a simple cooperative effort of the three sponsors, and funded solely by grant funds. Now four universities have agreed to serve as hosts for the new consortium, and the three organizations which founded the TEI and have governed it until now have agreed to transfer the responsibility for maintaining and revising the TEI Guidelines to the new consortium. See the "Consortium Agreement" below for detailed description of the plans for the consortium; information on how to join, on services for members, and on how to participate as a member or non-member, coming soon. The full text of the agreement is found at