SIGDAT - 2002 Annual Report
(Ken Church, David Yarowsky)
SIGDAT is ACL's special interest group for linguistic data and
corpus-based approaches to NLP.
In 2002, SIGDAT organized the 2-day Conference on Empirical Methods
in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-2002). The meeting was scheduled
immediately prior to ACL-02 at the University of Pennsylvania
in Philadelphia on July 6 and 7.
Jan Hajic served as conference chair and Yuji Matusumoto served
as co-chair. 35 papers were accepted for presentation out of 142
submissions (a 24.6% acceptance rate), yielding a program and
proceedings equivalent in size to full ACL conferences before 1997.
Preregistration to EMNLP-2002 exceeds 215 persons. Generous sponsorship
was received from Justsystem Corporation and CLAIRVOYANCE Corporation.
SIGDAT also co-sponsored the Sixth Conference on Natural Language Learning,
with SIGNLL, to be held in Taipei on August 31-September 1.
Dan Roth, Antal van den Bosch and Erik Tjong Kim Sang are co-chairs.