Report from NAACL, June 2004 Graeme Hirst, Chair 1. Elections The NAACL election was held electronically in the Fall of 2003. Graeme Hirst (University of Toronto) was elected unopposed as Chair, replacing Diane Litman (ineligible for re-election), who becomes Past Chair. Lillian Lee (Cornell) was elected Secretary, replacing Claire Cardie (ineligible for re-election). Dragomir Radev was re-elected Treasurer. For the two open two-year Chapter Board positions, Ellen Riloff (University of Utah) and Janyce Wiebe (University of Pittsburgh) were elected, replacing Owen Rambow and Lynette Hirschman, neither of whom stood for re-election. As Graeme Hirst was a regular member of the Board with one year left in his term, his position became vacant upon his election as Chair. Under the constitution, the Board must appoint a replacement, subject to ratification by the ACL Executive, until the next election. Robert Frederking was nominated and ratified. Ellen Riloff has agreed to take the place of Lynette Hirschman as one of our three representatives on the HLT Advisory Board. (Graeme Hirst and Dragomir Radev continue.) 2. Executive Committee Meetings The Board met by conference call on 2004-02-21 and in person at the HLT-NAACL conference in Boston on 2004-05-02. The minutes of the meetings are available on the NAACL website. 3. Shadow Account Status See separate report by the NAACL Treasurer, Dragomir Radev. 4. HLT-NAACL 2004 The Chapter Board and the HLT Advisory Board agreed that the merged HLT-NAACL 2003 conference in Edmonton (see Diane Litman's report in July 2003) was enough of a success that the merged conference should be repeated in 2004. The conference was held in Boston, at the Park Plaza Hotel, in the first week of May. As in 2003, the conference style was a fusion of the (NA)ACL and HLT styles (e.g., plenary demos, highly referred long papers, late-breaking short papers/posters, student workshop and tutorials, etc.), and it also spanned several previously relatively independent subareas of human language technology. The conference was designed to especially encourage reports of work on synergistic combinations of language technologies. The conference was generally held to have been very successful. Despite competition from a greater-than-usual number of CL, NLP, IR, and related conferences in 2004, HLT-NAACL attracted 168 full paper and 84 short paper submissions; 43 and 40, respectively, were selected. There were 22 demo submissions, of which 19 were selected. In addition, there were 10 workshops and 6 tutorials. There were 10 corporate or institutional sponsors for a total of $25,000. Much of the success of the conference can be attributed to the hard work of the chairs, especially the general chair, program co-chairs, and local arrangements chair. The conference website ( contains full details regarding the conference. The general chair's full report is available on the NAACL website. The organizers were as follows: General chair: Julia Hirschberg, Columbia University Program co-chairs: Daniel Marcu, USC/ISI Salim Roukos, IBM Susan Dumais, Microsoft Local arrangements chair: Christy Doran, Mitre Tutorials Chairs: Alex Acero, Microsoft Jamie Callan, CMU Andy Kehler, UCSD Workshops Chairs: Bhuvana Ramabhadran, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Alan Smeaton, Dublin City University Richard Sproat, University of Illinois Demo co-chairs: David Palmer, Virage Joe Polifroni, Unveil Technologies Deb Roy, MIT Media Lab Publications co-chairs: Katrin Kirchoff, University of Washington Gina-Anne Levow, University of Chicago Miles Osborne, Edinburgh Publicity Chairs: Peter Anick, Overture Peter Heeman, OGI Shri Narayanan, USC Sponsorships and Exhibits Chairs: Doug Jones, MIT Lincoln Labs Roberto Pieraccini, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Student Workshop Faculty Advisors: Lisa Ballesteros, Mount Holyoke College Eric Fosler-Lussier, OSU Amanda Stent, Stony Brook University Student Workshop Chairs: Ani Nenkova, Columbia University Nicola Stokes, University College Dublin Karen Livescu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5. ACL 2005 The international ACL conference will be held in North America in 2005, with NAACL as the host. The site selected is the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, MI, with local arrangements by Dragomir Radev and Richmond Thomason. As the ACL Exec has decided that this will not be a merged meeting with HLT. The Chapter Board, the HLT Advisory Board, and SIGDAT are presently discussing the possibility of a different kind of joint conference. 6. NAACL 2006 A call for bids to host the chapter's 2006 conference was published in early May. Janyce Wiebe is the Chapter Board member responsible for coordinating the search for a site. 7. Support for Summer Schools 2004 is the third and final year of our agreement with Johns Hopkins University in which we sponsor students to attend their summer courses in computational linguistics. We received applications from 16 students, of whom 10 were selected by a sub-committee of the Chapter Board (Dekang Lin (chair), Ellen Riloff, and Robert Frederking). The total cost to NAACL will be something less than $10,000. The number of applicants was only half of that in 2003; it is unclear what the reason for that is. We have been approached by the Linguistic Society of America to sponsor or subsidize courses on computational linguistics at the LSA summer school in Cambridge, MA, in summer 2005. NAACL will provide $3000 of support to the LSA provided that the LSA offers at least three computationally-oriented courses that the NAACL exec approves of --- in terms of instructor, topic, or both --- subject to NAACL budget constraints. $1000 of the $3000 must be reserved to fund a 10% tuition discount for any ACL student members who attend; any unused portion of the discount fund will revert back to the NAACL. 8. Debugging the NAACL Constitution The NAACL Executive Board proposes to amend the NAACL constitution as detailed below in order to remove a some unclarities and anomalies. This will be put to the membership along with the elections in October. .................................................................. Article 5.1 TEXT OF PRESENT ARTICLE AND CHANGES PROPOSED: The administration of the Chapter shall be conducted by the Chapter Board, which shall consist of a Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the most recent past Chair (provided he or she completed a term of duty), and four (4) Board members. The [** DELETE: Secretary-] Treasurer of the ACL shall ex-officio be a member of the Chapter Board. Except for the past Chair they shall be elected by the Chapter Members for a two-year term of office. If vacancies occur, the Chapter Board shall appoint replacements, subject to approval by the Association Executive Committee, to serve until the next election. Except for the Treasurer, no Board member shall serve more than two (2) terms in any single [** ADD: elected] office, [** REPLACE: and no longer than six (6) consecutive years on the Board WITH: and no more than three (3) terms in any elected office]. The Treasurer may serve for a maximum of ten (10) years in that position, subject to the satisfaction of the Board, the Members, and the Association Executive Committee. After the first Chair, every Chair must have served on the Board for at least one year during the past five years. RATIONALE: (1) The ACL has split the position of Secretary-Treasurer into two positions. The Treasurer is the more appropriate to continue ex officio on the Chapter Board because of the very close financial working between NAACL and ACL. (2) The present six-year limitation leads to anomalies. The Past Chair is supposed to provide experience and corporate memory, and yet might have to step down early in his or her term if he or she had spent six years, or nearly that as President or Board Member, only to be replaced by an inexperienced appointee. Similarly, the ACL Treasurer might spend more than six years in that office and hence should be available for more than six years as an ex officio member of the Chapter Board. The new wording tries to capture what is assumed to be the intent of the original wording, a limitation on re-election, while not restricting the terms of unelected members of the Chapter Board. Article 5.4 TEXT OF PRESENT ARTICLE AND PROPOSED CHANGES: To oversee the elections, there shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of at least three members, who shall each serve a three year term. Retiring members of the Chapter Board who are not re-elected to positions as officers or board members become new members of the Nominating Committee. [** ADD: Any member of the Nominating Committee who is elected to the Chapter Board shall stand down from the Committee.] If the size of the Nominating Committee falls below three, the requisite number of new members shall be elected by the Members as part of the elections of new officers. Nominating Committee members must be Chapter Members in good standing. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be determined by random draw from among the members of the Nominating Committee whose terms are about to expire. The [** REPLACE: outgoing WITH: Past] Chair of the Chapter Board shall meet with the Nominating Committee in an ex officio capacity to provide advice about potential nominees. RATIONALE: (1) Nothing at present prevents the Nominating Committee from nominating its own members if they are eligible. Such a situation might or might not be a Good Thing. At the very least, a member of the committee who is re-elected should stand down from the committee. (2) There is only a neutral "outgoing" Chair in years when the Chair's term has expired and the incumbent is ineligible for re-election or doesn't wish to stand for re-election. Article 5.5 TEXT OF PRESENT ARTICLE AND PROPOSED CHANGES: Elections shall be conducted annually as follows: the Nominating Committee shall by the first of September preceding the end of a term of office nominate at least one person for each position to be filled, including [** REPLACE: a WITH: any necessary] new [** REPLACE: Nominations WITH Nominating] Committee member. RATIONALE: (1) Clarification and correction of typo. ..................................................................