NAACL Treasurer Dragomir R. Radev The balance sheets of NAACL are in the black. Our current balance (before a number of pending adjustments) is just below $16K. We started 2003 with a balance of $21,861.26. Our major expenses for 2003 are all related to the JHU-NAACL summer school (, According to an agreement between JHU and NAACL, NAACL is sponsoring approximately 10 students per year to attend the summer school. This agreement was in its second year in 2003. This year (2004) is the last one unless the agreement is extended. We received $4,023.82 from ACL 02 (that conference was held jointly by ACL and NAACL so we received half of the income). The balance as of March 2004 is $15,844.33. Expected income: HLT-NAACL 2003 (surplus expected), HLT-NAACL 2004 Expected expenses: NAACL board meeting 2004, JHU summer school 2004