ACL Secretary Report: Sandra Carberry ------------------------------------- The ACL election web page is being set up. Greg Silber is handling the election software, and the election will be overseen by Greg, Dmitriy Genzel, and me. Drago Radev is continuing to serve as "technical webmaster" with responsibility for a variety of items, including the ACL Universe and maintaining the email aliases. The annual newsletter was sent out to the membership. Besides announciong the new officers, it included short articles on the following: 1) the ACL Lifetime Acievement Award presented to Makoto Nagao at ACL-03. 2) the next ACL conference in Barcelona, Spain. 3) an article on the ACL Anthology 4) the ACL course survey conducted by Mary Taffet and Robert Dale The ACL officers and Executive Board members have been given a template for recording their duties along with a timetable and suggestions for the person following them in office. The officers have been asked to submit this information by the end of August so that it can be stored on the ACL web site for access by future officers. We have purchased a license for the START electronic reviewing software. It appears to be running smoothly, and based on feedback from the conference chairs, we will decide whether to continue using it.