Conference publicity Felisa Verdejo Conference Publicity has been carried out using a variety of channels, listed below: 1- Newsletters . Three newsletters dedicated to inform timely on the issues related to the ACL04 event have been produced. These newsletters have been distributed electronically to ACL membership, to the following international professional lists: ELSNET, ISCA, IEEE Speech Technical Committee,, ATALA( as well as to the following Spanishs Institutions or associations: Instituto Cervantes (Oficina de la Sociedad de la Informacion, SEPLN ( AEPIA. These newsletters have also been posted on the ACL04 web site. 2- Posters announcing the Conference have been produced and distributed (500 ) to selected Institutions in a list provided by P.Rasmussen, to ELSNET Institutions and other Universities. 3- The ACL04 web-site 4- The FORUM publicity: - Announcements in Spanish Journals, mainly on Sundays have appeared several times, including the ACL04 Conference. - The web site of the FORUM Other chairs (students, workshops) have also take actions on their own. Recommended for the future: to have (and enrich) the list of potential electronic addresses to distribute the newsletter to related organizations or communities