Binarized Forest to String Translation

Hao Zhang1,  Licheng Fang2,  Peng Xu1,  Xiaoyun Wu1
1Google, 2University of Rochester


Tree-to-string translation is syntax-aware and efficient but sensitive to parsing errors. Forest-to-string translation approaches mitigate the risk of propagating parser errors into translation errors by considering a forest of alternative trees, as generated by a source language parser. We propose an alternative approach to generating forests that is based combining sub-trees within the first best parse through binarization. Provably, our binarization forest can cover any non-consitituent phrases in a sentence but maintains the desirable property that for each span there is at most one nonterminal so that the grammar constant for decoding is relatively small. For the purpose of reducing search errors, we apply the synchronous binarization technique to forest-to-string decoding. Combining the two techniques, we show that using a fast shift-reduce parser we can achieve significant quality gains in NIST 2008 English-to-Chinese track (1.3 BLEU points over a phrase-based system, 0.8 BLEU points over a hierarchical phrase-based system). Consistent and significant gains are also shown in WMT 2010 in the English to German, French, Spanish and Czech tracks.

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