Unsupervised Bilingual Morpheme Segmentation and Alignment with Context-rich Hidden Semi-Markov Models

Jason Naradowsky1 and Kristina Toutanova2
1University of Massachusetts, 2Microsoft


This paper describes an unsupervised dynamic graphical model for morphological segmentation and bilingual morpheme alignment for statistical machine translation. The model extends Hidden Semi-Markov chain models by using factored output nodes and special structures for its conditional probability distributions. It relies on morpho-syntactic and lexical source-side information (part-of-speech, morphological segmentation) while learning a morpheme segmentation over the target language. Our model outperforms a competitive word alignment system in alignment quality. Used in a monolingual morphological segmentation setting it substantially improves accuracy over previous state-of-the-art models on three Arabic and Hebrew datasets.

Full paper: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P11/P11-1090.pdf