Registration Guidelines for IJCNLP-05



On-line Registration is highly recommended at the official website,
If on-line registration is not available, please contact the secretariat
After completing the registration form, you can only modify your personal information. If you want to change or cancel your registration, please contact the secretariat by email
( or fax (+82-2-783-3475). You can check the status of your registration and change your personal information on the "On-line registration" when you login.

On-line registration will be closed on September 22, 2005 . You will be required to register on-site after September 22, 2005 . (Any registration via e-mail or fax will not be accepted)

▶ When you register, please be sure to finish the registration at once including payment stage.
▶ Once you have registered, the system remembers your email address
    even if you DID NOT finish the whole registration process.
▶ If you fail to register before the payment stage, you won't be able to pay your registration fee
    with your email address that you have entered.
▶ So, please use another email address for sign-up and inform the Secretariat that you have

※ If you have never used INIPAY on your computer before, please download INIPAY PLUGIN.
    After running this program, please go through the on-line registration as normal.


Main conference Registration fees


All registration fees are quoted in US dollar (USD) & Korean Won

($1=₩1,000 as of May 2005)
(By August 20, 2005)
(After September 22, 2005)
Regular participant
US$ 400 (₩400,000)
US$ 500 (₩500,000)
US$ 550 (₩550,000)
US$ 180 (₩180,000)
US$ 225 (₩225,000)
US$ 250 (₩250,000)

* Students are required to send a photocopy of a certificate or student ID card approved by your school to the Secretariat.

Regular Participant
Conference kit (including a copy of Proceedings), Admission to all sessions, Exhibition, Coffee breaks, 3-day lunch, Reception, and Banquet
Conference kit (including a copy of Proceedings), Admission to all sessions, Exhibition, Coffee breaks and 3-day lunch

Registration Guidelines for Tutorials and Workshops


Registration for Tutorials & Workshops will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis because of the limited seating.
- A registration to tutorials or workshops can be made without the registration to the main conference. But notice that those attendees, who register to tutorials or workshops only, will NOT be permitted to all sessions of the main conference, IJCNLP-05


($1=₩1,000 as of May 2005)
Date & Time
Early & Late
Tutorial I
October 10th
All day (I + II)
Statistical Machine Translation
Part I: Hands-on Introduction
(by Stephan Vogel),
Part II: Tree-oriented SMT
(by Dekai Wu)
US$ 150
US$ 200
Tutorial II
October 10th
Half day (Morning)
Automated Text Summarization
(by Chin-Yew Lin)
US$ 100
US$ 125


($1=₩1,000 as of May 2005)
One-day workshop Workshop 2,3,4 & 5 US$ 100 (₩100,000) US$ 120 (₩120,000)
Two-day workshop Workshop 1 US$ 150 (₩150,000) US$ 200 (₩200,000)
  ☞ Registration fees for Workshop 2 have been revised (Early: $30, Late: $50), thanks to an earmarked fund from Japan

Payment Information

- Registration will not be processed until full payment is received.
- Confirmation will be sent upon clearance of payment.
- Payment will be accepted by the following method;

Credit card
Credit card payment is possible only by on-line registration

Bank Transfer
- Bank transfers should be made to the following account.
- A copy of the remittance receipt should be faxed to the secretariat.
- All bank charges for the remittance must be paid by the registrant.
- If sender’s name is different from the participant’s, please send the bank transfer slip to the secretariat.

     ◆ Bank account information

Bank Name
 Woori Bank
Branch Name
 POSTECH sub-branch
Account No
Account Holder
 Lee, JongHyeok (이종혁)
 san 31 Hyoja-dong Nam-gu, Pohang 790-784, R. of KOREA

Cancellation and Refund Policy

- Cancellation must be notified to the secretariat via e-mail ( or fax (+82-2-783-3475) by September 22, 2005.
- All refunds will be made after the conference for administrative reasons.
- All bank service charges will be deducted from the refunded amount.

Please refer to the following dates for cancellation.

Until August 20, 2005
August 21 ~ September 22
After September 22
Full Refund
50% Refund
No Refund

Registration Acknowledgement

- Registration acknowledgement will be sent to you via e-mail when your on-line registration has been submitted.

Registration Confirmation

- Registration confirmation will be sent to you via e-mail upon clearing up appropriate payment.


- After payment by online, you will receive an email below. Although it is only written in Korean,
  you will see a sales slip written in Korean & English by clicking the button on the right top.