First CFP: SemEval Shared Task 11 (Bridging the Gap in Text-Base Emotion Detection)

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Participation
Abbreviated Title: 
First CFP: SemEval Shared Task 11
SemEval task 11 organisers

Dear everyone,

We are glad to announce SemEval shared task 11: Bridging the Gap in Text-Based Emotion Detection. New textual datasets will be provided for 33 languages: Afrikaans, Algerian Arabic, Amharic, Hausa, Igbo, Kinyarwanda, Moroccan Arabic, Mozambican Portuguese, Nigerian-Pidgin, Oromo, Setswana, Somali, Swahili, Tigrinya,Xitsonga, isiXhosa, Yoruba, isiZulu, Modern Standard Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Javanese, Marathi English, German, Romanian, Russian, Latin American Spanish, Tatar, Ukrainian, Swedish Brazilian Portuguese.

This shared task is on perceived emotion and focuses on:
- Determining what emotion most people will think the speaker may be feeling given a sentence or short text snippet uttered by the speaker.

The task is not about:
- The emotion evoked in the reader.
- The emotion of someone else mentioned in the text.
- Or even the true emotion of the speaker (which cannot be definitively known from just a short text snippet).

We acknowledge the importance of this distinction as perceived emotions can differ from actual emotions due to various factors such as cultural context, individual differences in emotional expression, and the limitations of text-based communication. (See more here:

Participants can participate in one or more of the following tracks:

- Track A: Multi-label Emotion Detection: Given a target text snippet, predict the perceived emotion(s) of the speaker. A training dataset with gold emotion labels will be provided for this track.

- Track B: Emotion Intensity: Given a target text and a target perceived emotion, predict the intensity for each of the classes.

- Track C: Cross-lingual Emotion Detection: Given a labeled training set in one of the languages, predict the perceived emotion labels of a new text instance in a different target language.

Note that our task is inclusive and junior-friendly. We will organise a QA session with the participants before the competition starts and we will organise a system description writing tutorial.

Useful Links for the participants
- Contact Organisers emotion-semeval-2025-organisers [at]

- Twitter/X @EmoSemEval2025

- FAQs and Terms and Conditions

- Competition webpage

- Discord

- Google Group emotion-semeval-2025-participants [at]

Best regards,

The Organisers: Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad, Seid Muhie Yimam , Nedjma Ousidhoum, Idris Abdulmumin, David Ifeoluwa Adelani, Ibrahim Said Ahmad, Alham Fikri Aji, Felermino Ali, Vladimir Araujo, Abinew Ali Ayele, Tadesse Destaw Belay, Meriem Beloucif, Christine de Kock, Oana Ignat, Vukosi Marivate, Alexander Panchenko, Terry Ruas, Nirmal Surange, Daniela Teodorescu, Jan Philip Wahle, Yi Zhou, Saif M. Mohammad.