SocialNLP EmotionX 2019 Shared Task @ IJCAI

Event Notification Type: 
Call for Participation
Abbreviated Title: 
EmotionX 2019 @ IJCAI
Venetian Macau
Monday, 12 August 2019
Boaz Shmueli
Chao-Chun Hsu
Lun-Wei Ku
Submission Deadline: 
Thursday, 16 May 2019

EmotionX 2019

Welcome to EmotionX 2019, the shared task of SocialNLP 2019!

Participants are challenged to predict the emotions induced by dialogue utterances by classifying each utterance into one of four label candidates: joy, sadness, anger, and neutral. We include both spoken and chat-based dialogues. Read more about the task.

NEW! For 2019, we used Google Translate to augment our data using double-translated utterances.

Important Dates

March 26, 2019 : Registration Open, Data Available
May 14, 2019 : Test Data Released
May 16, 2019 : Labeled Test Data Due
May 23, 2019 : Evaluation Results Released
May 28, 2019 : Draft Technical Report Due
June 2, 2019 : Evaluation Notification
June 9, 2019 : Final Technical Report Due

Participants must register in order to participate.

Note: Technical Papers for this task will not be archived