Efficient NLP Survey

Event Notification Type: 
Contact Email: 
Roy Schwartz

Dear ACL Members,

The amount of computation put into training NLP models has grown tremendously in recent years. This trend raises the bar for participation in NLP research, excluding large parts of the community from experimenting with state-of-the-art models. It also creates potential environmental concerns due to the rising amounts of energy used in training large NLP models.

In this survey, we would like to ask your opinion about several aspects of this trend. We are interested to know how much of a concern these topics are to members of the community, and receive feedback on potential ways to mitigate these concerns. The purpose of this survey is to provide information about opinions of the ACL membership to the ACL Exec, which will help guide decisions about these topics in the future. Your input will remain anonymous and the responses will also be summarized in aggregate form for the ACL membership at ACL 2021. The likely outcome is that there will be a range of views and a general perspective, aggregating the preferences or opinions expressed by any particular individual. Although the results of the survey will not determine the policy, they will provide important information about the memberships' priorities both for the membership itself and for helping to inform planning by ACL leadership.

You may find a link to the survey below:

This survey contains 19 questions and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. In order to compile the survey results in time for ACL, we will accept responses until Friday, July 23rd (23:59 anywhere on earth).

Best regards,
Yuki Arase, Phil Blunsom, Mona Diab, Jesse Dodge, Iryna Gurevych, Percy Liang, Colin Raffel, Andreas Rücklé, Roy Schwartz, Noah A. Smith, Emma Strubell and Yue Zhang