Journals currently calling for papers

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Please post your Call for Papers (CFP) below. CFPs are listed in chronological order of posting. Please remove your posting when the deadline has passed. Please include the following information:

  • Topic of Special Issue
  • Journal
  • Submission deadline
  • Link to website

CFP: Linguamática, 7.1 (2015)

Linguamática, Journal of Automatic Processing of Iberian Languages (ISSN 1647-0818,, is open for reception of articles for the 7th volume, 1st issue, which will be published in June 2015.

Papers will be published in electronic form and freely available online under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Topics of interest:

  • Computational morphology, syntax and semantics
  • Machine translation and computer-assisted translation
  • Computational terminology and lexicography
  • Speech analysis and synthesis
  • Information extraction
  • Question answering systems
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Digital libraries
  • Evaluation of natural language processing systems
  • Public or cooperative linguistic tools and resources
  • Linguistic services on the Internet
  • Ontologies and knowledge representation
  • Statistical methods in natural language processing
  • Computer-assisted language learning


Authors should send the originals in electronic format as a PDF file through Linguamática site ( Submissions should not exceed 20 pages and must include authors identification. Equally, reviewers will sign their comments.

Submissions should be written in one of the main languages of the Iberian Peninsula (Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Basque or Catalan), or in English. Authors able to write in one of the Iberian languages are encouraged to do so. Articles written in English will only be published in the case that none of the authors is competent in any of the Journal's preferred languages (Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Basque and Catalan) and provided that the editors consider the article to be relevant to the Journal.

Make sure the submitted file follows the formating rules of the Journal. Check the LaTeX, Microsoft Word or OpenOffice templates at Linguamática site (


  • Deadline for submitting papers: 30 april 2015
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 may 2015
  • Deadline for submitting the final version: 31 may 2015
  • Publication date: june 2015


  • Alberto Simões (Universidade do Minho)
  • José João Almeida (Universidade do Minho)
  • Xavier Gómez Guinovart (Universidade de Vigo)


For more information please e-mail:

CFP: TAL 53-2 Special Issue: Processing of temporal and spatial information in language

  • Submission in English or French; deadline: 15 march, 2012

Direction : Inderjeet Mani & Philippe Muller.

Information in natural language is almost always located in time and/or space. The coherence of a document also results from a coherent temporal perspective, and in certain cases from the coherence of the spatial frame.

Beyond specific applications where this information is obviously central (navigation systems, scene visualization, geo-localization, chronology extraction, etc), time and space also play an important part in other related tasks, such as information extraction where they constrain the validity of most facts, or in summarization and question-answering where temporal coherence is important. From a more fundamental perspective, temporal and spatial modifications have a pervasive influence in semantic and pragmatic representations. It is natural that they motivate a growing number of projects, specific annotated corpora, which in turn lead to specification and normalization efforts, such as the ISO-TimeML and ISO-Space standards.

All this have helped to move from essentially theoretical models in the 1990s, to arrive at a body of work with better empirically justified foundations. This can be shown with recent evaluation campaigns for some sub-tasks (Tempeval) within the Semeval campaigns.

Expressions of time and space also have some specific aspects that set them apart from other semantic tasks in natural language processing. A notable aspect is the importance of the underlying semantics of temporal and spatial predicates, as is noted in several studies that take their inferential properties into account, especially when considered at the level of a document. Evaluation of the resulting representations is then not a trivial matter.

The objective of this special issue is to present new developments in the processing of temporal and spatial information in language, from theoretical, practical and methodological point of views. Spatial processing has been of increasing interest lately, and raises specific issues, and we encourage work that focus on this aspect, in isolation or in relation with temporal information. Presentation of the importance of such information in applications is also encouraged.

We encourage submission on any aspect related to the processing of temporal and spatial information in natural language, especially on the following issues and tasks:

  • temporal information extraction : date and event extraction, event anchoring, relating events within a text or a text collection
  • spatial information extraction: spatial entity recognition, geolocalisation, relating spatial entities
  • temporal/spatial question-answering
  • joint processing of temporal and spatial information, motion description, route description
  • representation and reasoning issues, in particular interoperability of temporal/spatial representations
  • generation of scene and image description
  • information extraction and monitoring in specific domains, such as the medical domain
  • joint processing of time and modality
  • annotation scheme for time and space
  • creation and use of resources for temporal and spatial processing
  • specificities of evaluation procedures for temporal/spatial annotation schemes, resources and processes


  • Nicholas Asher
  • Jason Baldridge
  • John Bateman
  • Delphine Battistelli
  • Nate Blaylock
  • Robert J. Bobrow
  • Harry Bunt
  • Pascal Denis
  • Christy Doran
  • Patrice Enjalbert
  • Michel Gagnon
  • Mauro Gaio
  • Robert Gaizauskas
  • Laurent Gosselin
  • Caroline Hagège
  • Oliver Lemon
  • Gérard Ligozat
  • Laurent Prévot
  • James Pustejovsky
  • Xavier Tannier
  • Marc Verhagen
  • Annie Zaenen


  • Deadline for submission: March 15th, 2012
  • List of papers selected: July 2012
  • Deadline for camera ready papers: September 2012
  • Publication on line: end of 2012


TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues / Natural Language Processing) is a forty year old international journal published by ATALA (French Association for Natural Language Processing) with the support of CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research). It has moved to an electronic mode of publication, with printing on demand. This affects in no way its reviewing and selection process.


Authors intending to submit a paper are encouraged to contact the guest editors of the issue: Inderjeet Mani (inderjeet.mani at and Philippe Muller (philippe.muller at

Contributions (around 25 pages, PDF format) must be uploaded at

Style sheets are available for download on the Web site of the journal :

The journal only publishes original contributions in French or in English.