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Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
- 04:50, 20 May 2024 Dina talk contribs uploaded File:CL4Health2024.jpg (First workshop on Patient-oriented language processing)
- 18:37, 16 July 2023 Dina talk contribs uploaded File:Ambulance3.jpg
- 18:36, 16 July 2023 Dina talk contribs uploaded File:Ambulance2.jpg
- 18:35, 16 July 2023 Dina talk contribs uploaded File:Ambulance1.jpg
- 17:40, 16 July 2023 Dina talk contribs uploaded File:BioNLP2023.jpg
- 17:20, 16 July 2023 Dina talk contribs uploaded File:KevinCohen2023.jpg
- 11:10, 23 December 2022 Raquelhb talk contribs uploaded File:Siggen logo small.png
- 03:48, 4 May 2020 Torres talk contribs uploaded File:Logo corpus.png (The Portuguese/Spanish corpus of Multi-Sentence Fusion | Corpus portugais/espagnol de Fusion Multi-phrases)
- 20:34, 21 October 2015 X talk contribs uploaded File:Siggen logo small.JPG
- 05:03, 21 October 2015 Pranav talk contribs uploaded File:Logo.png (testing images upload)
- 10:17, 10 March 2014 Biem talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:ParticipantSubmissionsDISCO2011.tar.gz (Submissions of Participants for shared task)
- 10:16, 10 March 2014 Biem talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:AnnotationJudgmentsDiISCO2011.tar.gz ((not used for task) sentence level judgments)
- 10:09, 10 March 2014 Biem talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:Disco2011-shared-task-complete-dataset.zip (DISCO 2011 Complete Dataset (Training and Test Data, Eval Scripts) )
- 09:40, 23 April 2013 Leondz talk contribs uploaded File:ADCR2013T001.tar.gz (The TempEval-3 annotations and evaluation tools)
- 04:02, 13 December 2012 Oceanography talk contribs uploaded File:Conf.logo.jpg
- 09:56, 6 December 2011 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:ParticipantSubmissionsDISCO2011.tar.gz (Submissions of the participating systems for the DISCO 2011 shared task.)
- 09:53, 6 December 2011 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:AnnotationJudgmentsDiISCO2011.tar.gz (This archive contains the sentence-level judgments as obtained using Mturk. From these, the scores for the shared task were aggregated.)
- 08:38, 31 October 2011 Euroscript talk contribs uploaded File:Euroscript-logo.jpg
- 11:10, 14 September 2011 BostonWatson1 talk contribs uploaded File:Turkey Property 3115.jpg
- 21:57, 13 September 2011 VernKenney6 talk contribs uploaded File:Turkey Property 2006.jpg
- 07:04, 12 September 2011 BeckyMaher2 talk contribs uploaded File:Puppies For sale 1793.jpg
- 14:31, 9 September 2011 AssumptionIrvin talk contribs uploaded File:Personal Loans 4679.jpg
- 12:01, 9 September 2011 ClaudieBernal talk contribs uploaded File:Zing 1710.jpg
- 15:26, 8 September 2011 CarolynRoe2 talk contribs uploaded File:Payday loans 3642.jpg
- 14:23, 6 September 2011 CharityMcelroy talk contribs uploaded File:Gold Bullion Silver Coins 3091.jpg
- 11:17, 6 September 2011 MartinMora7 talk contribs uploaded File:Gold Bullion Silver Coins 3783.jpg
- 01:59, 30 June 2011 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:Disco2011-shared-task-complete-dataset.zip (This archive contains data sets for compositionality judgments for English and German as well as the official scoring scripts. The data was collected from Amazon turk. Workers were presented a sentence with a bolded target phrase and were asked to score h)
- 13:57, 18 October 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:Turkboot615 N-Z.zip (This file describes the data format of the TWSI (Turk bootstrap Word Sense Inventory) version 2.0. This is the second part, target letters N-Z. For the description of the process, please consult the paper for further documentation. In short, three Mturk)
- 13:56, 18 October 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:Turkboot615 A-M.zip (TWSI (Turk bootstrap Word Sense Inventory) version 2.0. This is the first part, target letters A-M. For the description of the process, please consult the paper for further documentation. In short, three Mturk tasks were used to yield the data provided)
- 13:53, 18 October 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:TWST615 source sentences 2.zip (Supplementary data for the TWSI Turk Bootstrap Word Sense Inventory TWSI 2.0 Part 2/2: concatenate parts to get full file. The file "wiki_title_sent.txt" in this archive contains 4 tab-separated columns: - sentence-id from corpus as referenced through)
- 13:53, 18 October 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:TWSI615 source sentences 1.zip (Supplementary data for the TWSI Turk Bootstrap Word Sense Inventory TWSI 2.0 Part 1/2: concatenate parts to get full file. The file "wiki_title_sent.txt" in this archive contains 4 tab-separated columns: - sentence-id from corpus as referenced through)
- 13:42, 18 June 2010 AssaSom talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:12345.JPG
- 06:48, 18 June 2010 AssaSom talk contribs uploaded File:12345.JPG
- 10:04, 7 June 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:TWSI397 source sentences.zip (Supplementary data for the TWSI Turk Bootstrap Word Sense Inventory TWSI 1.0 The file "wiki_title_sent.txt" in this Archive is an extended version of the file "corpus/wiki_titles.txt" in the TWSI 1.0. It contains 4 tab-separated columns: - sentence-id f)
- 05:56, 5 March 2010 Gboleda talk contribs uploaded File:DCA v1.zip
- 18:22, 1 February 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:TWSI397.zip (The TWSI is organized by target word: For the most frequent 397 nouns in English Wikipedia (dump used from January 3rd, 2008), all targets are organized into senses. With each sense, there are associated substitutions and sentences where the target word w)
- 17:05, 1 February 2010 Biem talk contribs uploaded File:TWSI397.zip (This file describes the data format of the TWSI (Turk bootstrap Word Sense Inventory) version 1.0. For the description of the process, please consult the paper for further documentation. In short, three Mturk tasks were used to yield the data provided he)
- 21:32, 9 April 2009 Buckets of Lol talk contribs uploaded File:Internet.jpg
- 09:43, 19 February 2009 Rondelmo talk contribs uploaded File:Stories3.pdf.zip (In this paper we will focus on the notion of “implicit” or lexically unexpressed linguistic elements that are nonetheless necessary for a complete semantic interpretation of a text or dialogue. We referred to “entities” and “events” because th)
- 12:03, 7 February 2009 ChristianPietsch talk contribs uploaded File:Siggen-logo.gif (logo of ACL SIGGEN)
- 17:40, 20 October 2008 Loenneker talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:BoulderBearPeak.jpg
- 17:36, 20 October 2008 Loenneker talk contribs uploaded File:BoulderBearPeak.jpg (View of Boulder from Bear Peak, the second highest point in the Boulder Mountain Parks. University of Colorado at the far left. From Wikipedia.)
- 01:07, 12 August 2008 Ioan talk contribs uploaded File:Steedman2001.jpg
- 17:36, 24 June 2008 Diarmuid talk contribs uploaded File:1443 Compounds.tar.gz (1,443 noun-noun compounds annotated for semantic relations.)
- 13:36, 11 June 2008 Pdturney talk contribs uploaded File:MegaM 5B.tar.gz (MEGA Model Optimization Package (Maximum Entropy GA Model))
- 13:30, 11 June 2008 Pdturney talk contribs uploaded File:HBC 0 7.tar.gz (HBC: Hierarchical Bayes Compiler version 0.7)
- 11:20, 11 June 2008 Pdturney talk contribs uploaded File:HBC.tar.gz (HBC: Hierarchical Bayes Compiler)
- 11:18, 11 June 2008 Pdturney talk contribs uploaded File:Megam.tar.gz (MEGA Model Optimization Package (Maximum Entropy GA Model))
- 17:47, 8 June 2008 Pdturney talk contribs uploaded File:FRAUD.gz (CLAIR collection of fraud email (Repository))