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Since 2013 Assistant Professor for Applied Computational Linguistics at the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics of the Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany (

2012 Visiting Researcher at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California (ISI/USC, with Ed Hovy). Investigating unsupervised techniques to infer discourse relations.

2010 Founding member of the Open Linguistics Working Group of the Open Knowledge Foundation. In this context investigating the application of the Linked Data Paradigm to linguistic data, especially, annotated corpora.

2010 Dr.phil. from the Universität Potsdam, Germany. PhD thesis on "Mental Salience and Grammatical Form. Toward a Framework for Salience Metrics in Natural Language Generation".

2006-2011 Research Associate at the Applied Computational Linguistics Lab of the University Potsdam, Germany (with Manfred Stede). Different projects in Collaborative Research Centers 441 "Linguistic Data Structures" (2006-2008, with participation of Universität Tübingen and Universität Hamburg) and 632 "Information Structure" (2007-2011, with participation of Humboldt-Universität Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin). Research on (1) the computational modelling of discourse phenomena for NLP applications, annotation of coreference, information status and information structure, (2) NLP and annotation interoperability, and (3) NLP pipelines and corpus information systems.

2004-2006 Graduate school "Economy and complexity in language" at Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany and Universität Potsdam, Germany. Research on coreference, discourse structure, and natural language generation.

2003-2004 Scholarship at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences in the context of the project "Collocations in the dictionary" (with Christiane Fellbaum and Alexander Geyken). Research on collocation clustering for idiom detection.

2004 MA (Magister) in linguistics from the Technical University Berlin, Germany. Thesis on salience in discourse, anaphoric expressions, word order and grammatical role assignment in German.

2003 MA (Diplom) in computer science from the Technical University Berlin, Germany. Thesis on Natural Language Generation.