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Wei Xu is an assistant professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University. Her research lies at the intersections of machine learning, natural language processing, and social media. She received her PhD in Computer Science from New York University where she was a MacCracken fellow. Between 2014 and 2016, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. She recently received the NSF CRII Award, Criteo Faculty Research Award, CrowdFlower AI for Everyone Award, Best Paper Award at COLING 2018, as well as research funds from DARPA. She is serving as an area chair for ACL 2019, NAACL 2019, EMNLP 2018 and 2016; the publicity chair for EMNLP 2019, NAACL 2018 and 2016; and a workshop co-chair for ACL 2017.