Workshops in 2008

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For more information, see Conferences and workshops.

Short name Long name Description Location Date
CFILTSummerSchool Summer Workshop on Ontology, NLP, Personalization and IE/IR Mumbai, India 16-18 July

KGNLPSchool08 Summer School on Natural Language Processing and Text Mining Kharagpur, India 24 June
IASNLP08 Advanced School on Natural Language Processing Hyderabad, India 26 May
NLP-LPL 2008 NLP for Less Privileged Languages 2008 held in conjunction with IJCNLP 2008 Hyderabad, India 11 January
SIGHAN6 2008 The Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing 2008 held in conjunction with IJCNLP 2008 Hyderabad, India 11-12 January
ALR6 2008 The 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources 2008 held in conjunction with IJCNLP 2008 Hyderabad, India 11-12 January
CLIA 2008 Cross Language Information Access 2008 held in conjunction with IJCNLP 2008 Hyderabad, India 12 January
NER-SSEAL 2008 Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages 2008 held in conjunction with IJCNLP 2008 Hyderabad, India 12 January
CSKGOI 2008 Common Sense Knowledge and Goal-Oriented Interfaces held in conjunction with IUI 2008 Canary Islands, Spain 13 January
MMIU Metadata Mining for Image Understanding A workshop of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP 2008 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

22-25 January

MATMT08 Mixing Approaches to Machine Translation IXA Group - University of the Basque Country (OpenMT project) Donostia - Basque Country. 14 February
DrMED@MIE 2008 1st International Workshop on Describing Medical Web Resources held in conjunction with MIE 2008 Goteborg, Sweden 25-28 May
SALTMIL-08 Collaboration: interoperability between people in the creation of language resources for less-resourced languages Workshop at LREC 2008 Conference organized by ISCA SIG on "Speech and Language Technology for Minority Languages" (SALTMIL) Marrakech, Morocco 27 May
IIS-CLARIN 2008 Interoperable European Language Resources and Technology IIS 2008 Zakopane, Poland 18 June
IIS-LUNA 2008 Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue Systems IIS 2008 Zakopane, Poland 18 June
CAFFEi-08 Comp. Aspects of Affectual and Emotional Interaction 2008 held in conjunction with ECAI-08 Patras, Greece 21-22 July
CID08 Constraints in Discourse 2008 CID08 Potsdam, Germany 30 July - 1 August
LDALSK 2008 Language Diversity and the Acquisition of Linguistic Semantic Knowledge MISSI 2008 Wroclaw, Poland 18 September
STEP 2008 Semantics in Text Processing Venice, Italy 22-24 September