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[http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=SIG_Creation_Guidelines ACL SIG Guidelines]
== Guidelines ==
[http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=SIG_Creation_Guidelines ACL SIG Creation Guidelines]
* [http://www.cs.vassar.edu/sigann/ website] [http://www.cs.vassar.edu/sigann/SIGANN-constitution.txt constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGANN 2012 report]
* Contacts: Nancy Ide, Adam Meyers: ide at cs.vassar.edu, meyers at cs.nyu.edu
* Last election: 2009
; SIGBioMed:
== List of SIGs ==
* [http://www.sigbiomed.org/ website] [http://www.sigbiomed.org/r02.01.11/index.php?title=BioMed_SIG_Constitution constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGBioMed 2011 report]
* Contacts: Kevin Bretonnel Cohen, Dina Demner-Fushman: Kevin.Cohen at gmail.com, ddemner at gmail.com
* Last election: 2009
=== SIGARAB: SIG on Arabic Natural Language Processing ===
* [http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~yarowsky/sigdat.html website] [http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~yarowsky/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGDAT 2011 report]
* Contacts: Yuji Matsumoto, Noah Smith: matsu at is.naist.jp, nasmith at cs.cmu.edu
* Last election:  2011
        '''web page''': http://www.sigarab.org/
* [http://www.sigdial.org/ website] [http://www.sigdial.org/content/sigdial-constitution constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGDIAL 2012 report]
        '''contacts''': president Nizar Habash (nizar.habash@nyu.edu), secretary Wassim El-Hajj (we07@aub.edu.lb), Mona Diab treasurer (mdiab@andrew.cmu.edu)
* Contacts: Tim Paek, Kristiina Jokinen: timpaek at microsoft.com, Kristiina_dot_Jokinen_at_helsinki_dot_fi
        '''members''': 841
* Last election: 2010
        '''elections (last,next)''': December 2022, December 2024
        '''events''':  [https://arabicnlp2024.sigarab.org/ ArabicNLP 2024], [https://arabicnlp2023.sigarab.org/ ArabicNLP 2023], [http://wanlp2022.arabic-nlp.net WANLP 2022], [https://osact5-lrec.github.io/ OSACT 2024], [https://osact-lrec.github.io/ OSACT 2022], [https://sites.google.com/view/arabicbigdata/home IWABigDAI 2022]; [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LGzh8jYAAAAJ ArabicNLP Scholar], [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YmKaJR4AAAAJ OSACT Scholar], [https://www.sigarab.org/arabic-nlp-archives Arabic NLP Archives]
* [https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/KitWiki/SIGFSM website] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGFSM 2012 report]
* Contacts: Anssi Yli-Jyra, Laurette Pretorius: anssi.yli-jyra at helsinki.fi, pretol at unisa.ac.za
* Last election: 2010
=== SIGANN: SIG on annotation ===
* [http://www.siggen.org/ website] [http://www.siggen.org/discussion/constitution/index.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGGEN 2011 report]
* Contacts: Ielka van der Sluis,  Kristina Striegnitz : ielka.vandersluis at scss.tcd.ie, striegnk at union.edu
* Last election: 2010
        '''web page''': https://sigann.github.io/  
* [http://www.sighan.org/ website] [http://www.sighan.org/constitution.htm constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGHAN 2012 report]
        '''contacts''': president Amir Zeldes (amir.zeldes@georgetown.edu), secretary Ines Rehbein (rehbein@uni-mannheim.de)
* Contacts: Hsin-hsi CHEN, Gina-Anne LEVOW:  hhchen at ntu.edu.tw, levow at uw.edu
        '''members''': 150
* Last election: 2011
        '''elections (last,next)''': Oct. 2021, 2024
        '''events''': LAW X at ACL 2016; LAW XI at EACL 2017; Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018) at Coling;  LAW XIII at ACL 2019;, LAW XIV at Coling 2020, LAW XV-DMR III at EMNLP 2021, LAW XVI at LREC 2022
=== SIGBioMed: SIG on biomedical natural language processing ===
*[http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGHUM 2012 report]
* Contacts: Caroline Sporleder csporled at coli.uni-sb.de
        '''web page''': http://aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGBIOMED
* [http://www.siglex.org/ website] [http://www.clres.com/SIGLEX%20Constitution.htm constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGLEX 2012 report]
        '''contacts''': chair Dina Demner-Fushman (ddemner@gmail.com),
* Contacts:  Eneko Agirre, Mona Diab: e.agirre at ehu.es, mdiab at ccls.columbia.edu
                  secretary Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (Kevin.Cohen@gmail.com)
* Last election: 2010
        '''members''': 224
        '''elections (last, next)''': June 2022, June 2025
        '''events''': Yearly BioNLP workshops
=== SIGDAT: SIG on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP ===
* [http://molweb.org/ website] [http://molweb.org/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGMOL 2012 report]
* Contacts: András Kornai, Marco Kuhlmann: andras at kornai.com, marco.kuhlmann at lingfil.uu.se
* Last election: 2012
        '''web page''': http://emnlp.org/
* [http://nlp.cs.swarthmore.edu/sigphon/index.php website] [http://salad.cs.swarthmore.edu/sigphon/constitution.php constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGMORPHON 2012 report]
        '''contacts''': president Mona Diab; Vice President: Isabelle Augenstein; Secretary: Chin-Yew Lin
* Contacts: Jason Eisner, Rich Wicentowski: jason at cs.jhu.edu, richardw at cs.swarthmore.edu
        '''members''': approx. 1200
* Last election: 2010
        '''elections (last, next)''': December 2023, December 2024
        '''events''': EMNLP every year
; SIGMT:  
=== SIGDIAL: SIG on discourse and dialogue ===
* [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGMT 2012 report]
* Newly formed; no elections yet
* Contacts: Philipp Koehn: pkoehn at inf.ed.ac.uk
        '''web page''': http://www.sigdial.org
* [http://ifarm.nl/signll/ website] [http://ifarm.nl/signll/about/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGNLL 2012 report]
        '''contacts''': president Gabriel Skantze (skantze@kth.se),
* Contacts: Alexander Clark, Xavier Carreras: alexc at cs.rhul.ac.uk, carreras at lsi.upc.edu 
                  secretary Vikram Ramanarayanan (vramanarayanan@ets.org)
* Last election: 2011
        '''members''': 581
        '''elections (last, next)''': March 2021, 2023
        '''events''': annual conference SIGDIAL; Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems (YRRSDS) annual event co-located with SIGDIAL
=== SIGEDU: SIG on building educational applications ===
* [http://slpat.org/ website] [http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~charlieg/slpat/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGSPLAT 2012 report]
*Contacts: Kathleen McCoy, Brian Roark: mccoy at cis.udel.edu, roarkb at ohsu.edu
        '''web page''': https://sig-edu.org/
* [http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/sigparse/ website] [http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/sigparse/constitution.html constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2011Q3_Reports:_SIGPARSE 2011 report]
        '''contacts''': president Jill Burstein (jill.burstein@ets.org), secretary Ekaterina Kochmar (Ekaterina.Kochmar@cl.cam.ac.uk)
* Contacts: Alon Lavie, John Carroll: alavie at cs.cmu.edu
        '''members''': 240
* Last election: 2008
        '''elections (last,next)''': March 2021, March 2024
        '''events''': Annual Workshops on Innovative Uses of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA)
=== SIGEL: SIG on endangered languages ===
* [http://www.sigsem.org/ website] [http://www.sigsem.org/wiki/SIGSEM:About constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGSEM 2012 report]
* Contacts: Johan Bos, Katrin Erk: bos at meaningfactory.com, katrin.erk at mail.utexas.edu. Other contacts at http://www.sigsem.org/wiki/Contact
* Last election: 2010
        '''web page''': https://acl-sigel.github.io/
* [http://www.semitic.tk/ website] [http://cl.haifa.ac.il/semitic/constitution.shtml constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIG_Semitic 2012 report]
        '''contacts''': president Sarah Moeller (smoeller@ufl.edu), secretary Aditi Chaudhary (aditi138831@gmail.com)
* Contacts: Mona Diab, Reut Tsarfaty: mdiab at ccls.columbia.edu, reut.tsarfaty at gmail.com
        '''members''': 116
* Last election: 2011
        '''elections (first,next)''': January 2021, January 2025
        '''events''': ComputEL
=== SIGFSM: SIG on finite state methods and models in natural language processing ===
* [http://www.sigwac.org.uk/ website] [http://www.sigwac.org.uk/attachment/wiki/WikiStart/constitution.txt?format=raw constitution] [http://aclweb.org/adminwiki/index.php?title=2012Q3_Reports:_SIGWAC 2012 report]
* Contacts: Serge Sharoff, Marco Baroni: s.sharoff at leeds.ac.uk, marco.baroni at unitn.it
        '''web page''': http://www.aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGFSM
* Last election: 2008
        '''contacts''': president Andreas Maletti (andreas.maletti@uni-leipzig.de),
                  secretary Bruce Watson (bruce@bruce-watson.com)
        '''members''': 131
        '''elections (last, next)''': Summer 2020, Summer 2023
        '''events''': FSMNLP 2021 (Stellenbosch, South Africa, canceled), FSMNLP 2023 (Stellenbosch, South Africa, canceled)
=== SIGGEN: SIG on natural language generation ===
        '''web page''': https://aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGGEN
        '''contacts''': Emiel van Miltenburg (c.w.j.vanmiltenburg@tilburguniversity.edu),
                  secretary  Chenghua Lin (c.lin@sheffield.ac.uk),
        '''members''': 490
        '''elections (last, next)''': December 2022, December 2024
        '''events''': WebNLG 2016 (endorsed); CC-NLG 2016 (endorsed); INLG 2016; CC-NLG 2017 (endorsed); LiRA 2017 (endorsed); RST 2017 (endorsed); XCI 2017 (endorsed); INLG 2017; CC-NLG2018 (endorsed); 2IS&NLG 2018 (endorsed); NLG4HRI 2018 (endorsed); ATA 2018 (endorsed); INLG2018; INLG2019; INLG2020; INLG2021; GEM 2022 workshop (endorsed); NLG4Health 2022 (supported); INLG2022
=== SIGHAN: SIG on Chinese language ===
        '''web page''': http://sighan.ling.washington.edu
        '''contacts''': chair Nianwen Xue (xuen@brandeis.edu),
                  secretary Gina-Anne Levow (levow@u.washington.edu)
        '''members''': 210
        '''elections (last, next)''': December  2022, December 2024
        '''events''': CIPS-SIGHAN 2014; SIGHAN Workshop 2015; SIGHAN Workshop 2017 at IJCNLP 2017
=== SIGHUM: SIG on language technologies for the socio-economic sciences and the humanities ===
        '''web page''': https://sighum.wordpress.com/
        '''contacts''': president Barbara McGillivray (barbara.mcgillivray@kcl.ac.uk), secretary Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb (s.degaetano@mx.uni-saarland.de), liaison representative Sara Tonelli (satonelli@fbk.eu)
        '''members''': 168
        '''elections (last, next)''': July 2022, July 2024
        '''events''':  LaTeCH at ACL 2016; LaTeCH-CLfL at ACL 2017; KnowRSH workshop at RANLP 2017; LaTeCH-CLfL at Coling 2018; Shared tasks in the Digital Humanities (https://sharedtasksinthedh.github.io/); 3rd Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature at NAACL 2019, LaTeCH-CLfL 2020, LaTeCH-CLfL 2021, LaTeCH-CLfL 2022, LaTeCH-CLfL 2023, LaTeCH-CLfL 2024.
=== SIGLEX: SIG on the lexicon ===
        '''web page''': http://www.siglex.org
        '''contacts''': president Steven Bethard (bethard@arizona.edu), secretary Ekaterina Shutova (shutova.e@gmail.com)
        '''members''': 485
        '''elections (last, next)''': September 2022, August 2024
        '''events''': Annual *SEM conference at NAACL 2024; Annual SemEval workshop at NAACL 2024; Annual MWE workshop at LREC-COLING 2024; Additional past sponsored and endorsed events are listed on the [https://aclanthology.org/sigs/siglex/ SIGLEX page of the ACL Anthology]
=== SIGMOL: SIG on mathematics of language ===
        '''web page''': http://www.molweb.org
        '''contacts''': president Henrik Björklund (henrikb@cs.umu.se), vice president Thomas Graf (mail@thomasgraf.net),
        '''members''': 333
        '''elections (last, next)''': May 2024, mid 2025
        '''events''': MOL 2017,  July 13–14, 2017 at Queen Mary University of London;  MOL 2019, July 18-19, 2017 at Toronto University; MOL 2021, December 2021 as part of Mathematical Linguistics (MALIN 2021, December 10–17, 2021) at University of Montpellier (online)
=== SIGMORPHON: SIG for computational morphology, phonology, and phonetics ===
        '''web page''': https://sigmorphon.github.io/
        '''contacts''': president Garett Nicolai (garrett.nicolai@ubc.ca), secretary Miikka Silvferberg (Miikka.Silfverberg@helsinki.fi)
        '''members''': 175
        '''elections (last, next)''': Feb 2023, Feb 2025
        '''events''': SIGMORPHON workshop at ACL 2016 including first shared task (Morphological Reinflection); the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 shared task (Universal Morphological Reinflection) at ACL 2017; SIGMORPHON at EMNLP 2018; the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 shared task at EMNLP 2018; SIGMORPHON at ACL 2019 including Crosslinguality and Context in Morphology shared task, SIGMORPHON 2020, SIGMORPHON 2021, SIGMORPHON 2022, SIGMORPHON 2023, SIGMORPHON 2024
=== SIGMT: SIG on machine translation ===
        '''web page''': https://www.sigmt.org
        '''contacts''': president Alexandra Birch (a.birch@ed.ac.uk), Secretary: Antonis Anastasopoulos, North America: Marine Carpuat, Europe: Ondrej Bojar, Asia: Masao Utiyama
        '''members''': 180
        '''elections (last)''': September 2021
        '''events''': WMT conference and SSST workshop each year
=== SIGNLL: SIG on natural language learning ===
        '''web page''': http://www.signll.org
        '''contacts''':  president Omri Abend (omri.abend@mail.huji.ac.il), secretary Antske Fokkens (antske.fokkens@vu.nl)
        '''members''': 380
        '''elections (last, next)''': August 2018, August 2021
        '''events''': CoNLL every year; CoNLL-2017 co-located with ACL; CONLL-2018 co-located with EMNLP 2018; CONLL-2019 co-located with EMNLP 2019, CoNLL-2020 co-located with EMNLP 2020, CoNLL 2021 co-located with EMNLP 2021, CoNLL 2022 co-located with EMNLP 2022, CoNLL 2023 co-located with EMNLP 2023, CoNLL 2024 co-located with EMNLP 2024
=== SIGPARSE: SIG on parsing ===
        '''web page''': https://www.sigparse.org
        '''contacts''': president Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no), secretary Kenji Sagae (sagae@ucdavis.edu),
        '''members''': 266
        '''elections (last, next)''': April 2019, April 2022
        '''events''':IWPT 2015; SPMRL 2015 (endorsed) co-located with IWPT 2015; IWPT 2017 co-located with DepLing; Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation (EPE) at IWPT/DepLing 2017; SyntaxFest 2019 (endorsed), IWPT 2020, IWPT 2021
=== SIGREP: SIG on representation learning ===
        '''web page''': http://www.sigrep.org
        '''contacts''': president Elena Voita (lena-voita@hotmail.com),
                  secretary Nora Kassner (kassner.nora@gmail.com)
        '''members''': 2000
        '''elections (last, next)''': October 2022, October 2024
        '''events''': Repl4NLP at ACL 2016, ACL 2017, ACL 2018, ACL 2019, ACL 2020, ACL 2021, ACL 2022, ACL 2023
=== SIGSEC: SIG on NLP security ===
        '''web page''': https://sig.llmsecurity.net
        '''contacts''': President: Leon Derczynski ld@itu.dk, Secretary: Muhao Chen, Jekaterina Novikova
        '''members''': 124
        '''elections (last,next)''': -, 2024
        '''events''': fortnightly talks - https://sig.llmsecurity.net/talks/
=== SIGSEM: SIG on computational semantics ===
        '''web page''': http://www.sigsem.org
        '''contacts''': president Sina Zarrieß (Sina.zarriess@uni-bielefeld.de),
                  secretary Stergios Chatzikyriakidis (stergios.chatzikyriakidis@uoc.gr)
        '''members''': 880
        '''elections (last,next)''': summer 2021, 2025
        '''events''': IWCS 2015, IWCS 2017, ICWS 2019; Annual *SEM conference (jointly with SIGLEX) at ACL 2016, ACL 2017, NAACL 2018, NAACL 2019, virtual events 2020 and 2021
=== SIGSLAV: SIG on Slavic natural language processing ===
        '''web page''': http://sigslav.cs.helsinki.fi/index.html
        '''contacts''': chair Tomaz Erjavec (tomaz.erjavec@ijs.si)
                  secretary Preslav Nakov (pnakov@qf.org.qa)
        '''members''': 110
        '''elections (first,last)''': Winter 2020, winter 2023
        '''events''': BSNLP at RANLP 2015; BSNLP at EACL 2017; Shared Task on Multilingual Named-entity Recognition and Cross-language Name Matching (loosely linked to BSNLP 2017); RUSSE 2018 Shared Task on Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation for the Russian Language; BSNLP at ACL 2019 including Shared Task on Multilingual NER for Slavic languages, BSNLP 2020
=== SIGSLPAT: SIG on speech and language processing for assistive technologies ===
        '''web page''': http://www.slpat.org
        '''contacts''': president Sarah Ebling (ebling@cl.uzh.ch), vice president Preethi Vaidyanathan (preethi@eyegaze.com), secretary-treasurer Emily Prud'hommeaux (prudhome@bc.edu), student member Zhengjun Yue (z.yue@sheffield.ac.uk)
        '''elections (last, next)''': Fall 2020, Fall 2022
        '''members''': 160
        '''events''': SLPAT16 at Interspeech 2016; RaPID at LREC 2016; SLPAT19 at NAACL 2019; SPAT22 at ACL 2022
=== SIGSLT: SIG on Spoken Language Translation ===
      '''web page''': http://www.iwslt.org
      '''contacts''':  president Marcello Federico (mrcfdr@gmail.com), secretary Sebastian Stüker (sebastian.stueker@kit.edu)
      '''members''':  144
      '''elections (first,next)''': First Oct 2022, every 2 years
        '''events''': IWSLT 2004-2023;
=== SIGSUMM: SIG on Summarization ===
      '''web page''': https://www.sigsumm.org/
      '''contacts''': Liaison representative Yue Dong yue.dong@ucr.edu
      '''members''':  82
      '''elections (first,next)''': first Aug. 2024; every 2 years
        '''events''': NewSumm EMNLP Workshop 2023
=== SIGTURK: SIG on Turkic Languages ===
      '''web page''': https://sigturk.com
      '''contacts''':  president Duygu Ataman (ataman@nyu.edu), secretary Sardana Ivanova (sardana.ivanova@helsinki.fi)
      '''members''': 136
      '''elections (first,next)''': Founded in 2022, elections every year
        '''events''': The First Workshop on Turkic Languages (SIGTURK 2024);
=== SIGTYP: SIG on Linguistic Typology ===
        '''web page''': https://sigtyp.github.io/
        '''contacts''': president Ekaterina Vylomova (ekaterina.vylomova@unimelb.edu.au), secretary Ryan Cotterell (ryan.cotterell@gmail.com)
        '''members''': 420
        '''elections (first,next)''': tbc
        '''events''': First workshop on Typology for Polyglot Natural Language Processing at ACL 2019; Second workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology at EMNLP 2020; Third workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP at NAACL 2021, SIGTYP 2022 (NAACL 2022), SIGTYP 2023 (EACL 2023), SIGTYP 2024 (EACL 2024)
=== SIGUR: SIG on Uralic languages ===
        '''web page''': https://acl-sigur.github.io/
        '''contacts''': chair  Mika Hämäläinen (mika.hamalainen@metropolia.fi),
                  secretary Francis Tyers (ftyers@prompsit.com)
        '''members''': 60
        '''elections (last, next)''': 2023, 2025
        '''events''': IWCLUL 2017, IWCLUL 2021, IWCLUL 2023
=== SIGWAC: SIG on web as corpus ===
        '''web page''': http://www.sigwac.org.uk
        '''contacts''': presidents: Nikola Ljubešić (nljubesi@gmail.com, Jožef Stefan Institute) and Benoît Sagot (benoit.sagot@inria.fr, INRIA); secretaries: Veronika Laippala (mavela@utu.fi, University of Turku) and Pedro Ortiz Suarez (pedro.ortiz@uni-mannheim.de, Mannheim University)
        '''members''': 178
        '''elections (last, next)''': January 2022, 2024
        '''events''': WAC-X at ACL 2016; WAC-XI at Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017, WAC-XII 2020
=== SIGWrit: SIG on writing systems and written language ===
        '''web page''':
        '''contacts''': president (pro-temp): Richard Sproat (rws@xoba.com); vice-president (pro-temp): Emily Prud’hommeaux (emilytucker@gmail.com); Secretary-Treasurer (pro-temp): Kyle Gorman (kylebgorman@gmail.com); Student-member (pro-temp): Noah Hermalin (nmhermalin@berkeley.edu)
        '''members''': 44 (indicated interest)
        '''elections (last, next)''': -, January 2025
        '''events''': CAWL at ACL 2023

Latest revision as of 13:55, 8 July 2024


ACL SIG Creation Guidelines

List of SIGs

SIGARAB: SIG on Arabic Natural Language Processing

       web page: http://www.sigarab.org/
       contacts: president Nizar Habash (nizar.habash@nyu.edu), secretary Wassim El-Hajj (we07@aub.edu.lb), Mona Diab treasurer (mdiab@andrew.cmu.edu)
       members: 841
       elections (last,next): December 2022, December 2024
       events:  ArabicNLP 2024, ArabicNLP 2023, WANLP 2022, OSACT 2024, OSACT 2022, IWABigDAI 2022; ArabicNLP Scholar, OSACT Scholar, Arabic NLP Archives

SIGANN: SIG on annotation

       web page: https://sigann.github.io/ 
       contacts: president Amir Zeldes (amir.zeldes@georgetown.edu), secretary Ines Rehbein (rehbein@uni-mannheim.de) 
       members: 150
       elections (last,next): Oct. 2021, 2024
       events: LAW X at ACL 2016; LAW XI at EACL 2017; Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions (LAW-MWE-CxG-2018) at Coling;  LAW XIII at ACL 2019;, LAW XIV at Coling 2020, LAW XV-DMR III at EMNLP 2021, LAW XVI at LREC 2022

SIGBioMed: SIG on biomedical natural language processing

       web page: http://aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGBIOMED
       contacts: chair Dina Demner-Fushman (ddemner@gmail.com),
                 secretary Kevin Bretonnel Cohen (Kevin.Cohen@gmail.com)
       members: 224
       elections (last, next): June 2022, June 2025
       events: Yearly BioNLP workshops

SIGDAT: SIG on linguistic data and corpus-based approaches to NLP

       web page: http://emnlp.org/
       contacts: president Mona Diab; Vice President: Isabelle Augenstein; Secretary: Chin-Yew Lin
       members: approx. 1200
       elections (last, next): December 2023, December 2024
       events: EMNLP every year

SIGDIAL: SIG on discourse and dialogue

       web page: http://www.sigdial.org
       contacts: president Gabriel Skantze (skantze@kth.se),
                 secretary Vikram Ramanarayanan (vramanarayanan@ets.org)
       members: 581
       elections (last, next): March 2021, 2023
       events: annual conference SIGDIAL; Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems (YRRSDS) annual event co-located with SIGDIAL

SIGEDU: SIG on building educational applications

       web page: https://sig-edu.org/
       contacts: president Jill Burstein (jill.burstein@ets.org), secretary Ekaterina Kochmar (Ekaterina.Kochmar@cl.cam.ac.uk)
       members: 240
       elections (last,next): March 2021, March 2024
       events: Annual Workshops on Innovative Uses of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA)

SIGEL: SIG on endangered languages

       web page: https://acl-sigel.github.io/
       contacts: president Sarah Moeller (smoeller@ufl.edu), secretary Aditi Chaudhary (aditi138831@gmail.com)
       members: 116
       elections (first,next): January 2021, January 2025
       events: ComputEL

SIGFSM: SIG on finite state methods and models in natural language processing

       web page: http://www.aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGFSM
       contacts: president Andreas Maletti (andreas.maletti@uni-leipzig.de),
                 secretary Bruce Watson (bruce@bruce-watson.com)
       members: 131
       elections (last, next): Summer 2020, Summer 2023 
       events: FSMNLP 2021 (Stellenbosch, South Africa, canceled), FSMNLP 2023 (Stellenbosch, South Africa, canceled)

SIGGEN: SIG on natural language generation

       web page: https://aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGGEN
       contacts: Emiel van Miltenburg (c.w.j.vanmiltenburg@tilburguniversity.edu),
                 secretary  Chenghua Lin (c.lin@sheffield.ac.uk),
       members: 490
       elections (last, next): December 2022, December 2024 
       events: WebNLG 2016 (endorsed); CC-NLG 2016 (endorsed); INLG 2016; CC-NLG 2017 (endorsed); LiRA 2017 (endorsed); RST 2017 (endorsed); XCI 2017 (endorsed); INLG 2017; CC-NLG2018 (endorsed); 2IS&NLG 2018 (endorsed); NLG4HRI 2018 (endorsed); ATA 2018 (endorsed); INLG2018; INLG2019; INLG2020; INLG2021; GEM 2022 workshop (endorsed); NLG4Health 2022 (supported); INLG2022

SIGHAN: SIG on Chinese language

       web page: http://sighan.ling.washington.edu 
       contacts: chair Nianwen Xue (xuen@brandeis.edu),
                 secretary Gina-Anne Levow (levow@u.washington.edu)
       members: 210
       elections (last, next): December  2022, December 2024
       events: CIPS-SIGHAN 2014; SIGHAN Workshop 2015; SIGHAN Workshop 2017 at IJCNLP 2017

SIGHUM: SIG on language technologies for the socio-economic sciences and the humanities

       web page: https://sighum.wordpress.com/
       contacts: president Barbara McGillivray (barbara.mcgillivray@kcl.ac.uk), secretary Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb (s.degaetano@mx.uni-saarland.de), liaison representative Sara Tonelli (satonelli@fbk.eu)
       members: 168
       elections (last, next): July 2022, July 2024
       events:  LaTeCH at ACL 2016; LaTeCH-CLfL at ACL 2017; KnowRSH workshop at RANLP 2017; LaTeCH-CLfL at Coling 2018; Shared tasks in the Digital Humanities (https://sharedtasksinthedh.github.io/); 3rd Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature at NAACL 2019, LaTeCH-CLfL 2020, LaTeCH-CLfL 2021, LaTeCH-CLfL 2022, LaTeCH-CLfL 2023, LaTeCH-CLfL 2024.

SIGLEX: SIG on the lexicon

       web page: http://www.siglex.org
       contacts: president Steven Bethard (bethard@arizona.edu), secretary Ekaterina Shutova (shutova.e@gmail.com)
       members: 485
       elections (last, next): September 2022, August 2024
       events: Annual *SEM conference at NAACL 2024; Annual SemEval workshop at NAACL 2024; Annual MWE workshop at LREC-COLING 2024; Additional past sponsored and endorsed events are listed on the SIGLEX page of the ACL Anthology

SIGMOL: SIG on mathematics of language

       web page: http://www.molweb.org
       contacts: president Henrik Björklund (henrikb@cs.umu.se), vice president Thomas Graf (mail@thomasgraf.net), 
       members: 333
       elections (last, next): May 2024, mid 2025
       events: MOL 2017,  July 13–14, 2017 at Queen Mary University of London;  MOL 2019, July 18-19, 2017 at Toronto University; MOL 2021, December 2021 as part of Mathematical Linguistics (MALIN 2021, December 10–17, 2021) at University of Montpellier (online)

SIGMORPHON: SIG for computational morphology, phonology, and phonetics

        web page: https://sigmorphon.github.io/
       contacts: president Garett Nicolai (garrett.nicolai@ubc.ca), secretary Miikka Silvferberg (Miikka.Silfverberg@helsinki.fi)
       members: 175
       elections (last, next): Feb 2023, Feb 2025
       events: SIGMORPHON workshop at ACL 2016 including first shared task (Morphological Reinflection); the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 shared task (Universal Morphological Reinflection) at ACL 2017; SIGMORPHON at EMNLP 2018; the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 shared task at EMNLP 2018; SIGMORPHON at ACL 2019 including Crosslinguality and Context in Morphology shared task, SIGMORPHON 2020, SIGMORPHON 2021, SIGMORPHON 2022, SIGMORPHON 2023, SIGMORPHON 2024

SIGMT: SIG on machine translation

       web page: https://www.sigmt.org
       contacts: president Alexandra Birch (a.birch@ed.ac.uk), Secretary: Antonis Anastasopoulos, North America: Marine Carpuat, Europe: Ondrej Bojar, Asia: Masao Utiyama
       members: 180
       elections (last): September 2021
       events: WMT conference and SSST workshop each year

SIGNLL: SIG on natural language learning

       web page: http://www.signll.org
       contacts:  president Omri Abend (omri.abend@mail.huji.ac.il), secretary Antske Fokkens (antske.fokkens@vu.nl)
       members: 380
       elections (last, next): August 2018, August 2021 
       events: CoNLL every year; CoNLL-2017 co-located with ACL; CONLL-2018 co-located with EMNLP 2018; CONLL-2019 co-located with EMNLP 2019, CoNLL-2020 co-located with EMNLP 2020, CoNLL 2021 co-located with EMNLP 2021, CoNLL 2022 co-located with EMNLP 2022, CoNLL 2023 co-located with EMNLP 2023, CoNLL 2024 co-located with EMNLP 2024

SIGPARSE: SIG on parsing

       web page: https://www.sigparse.org
       contacts: president Stephan Oepen (oe@ifi.uio.no), secretary Kenji Sagae (sagae@ucdavis.edu),
       members: 266
       elections (last, next): April 2019, April 2022 
       events:IWPT 2015; SPMRL 2015 (endorsed) co-located with IWPT 2015; IWPT 2017 co-located with DepLing; Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation (EPE) at IWPT/DepLing 2017; SyntaxFest 2019 (endorsed), IWPT 2020, IWPT 2021

SIGREP: SIG on representation learning

       web page: http://www.sigrep.org
       contacts: president Elena Voita (lena-voita@hotmail.com),
                 secretary Nora Kassner (kassner.nora@gmail.com)
       members: 2000
       elections (last, next): October 2022, October 2024 
       events: Repl4NLP at ACL 2016, ACL 2017, ACL 2018, ACL 2019, ACL 2020, ACL 2021, ACL 2022, ACL 2023

SIGSEC: SIG on NLP security

       web page: https://sig.llmsecurity.net
       contacts: President: Leon Derczynski ld@itu.dk, Secretary: Muhao Chen, Jekaterina Novikova
       members: 124
       elections (last,next): -, 2024
       events: fortnightly talks - https://sig.llmsecurity.net/talks/

SIGSEM: SIG on computational semantics

       web page: http://www.sigsem.org
       contacts: president Sina Zarrieß (Sina.zarriess@uni-bielefeld.de),
                 secretary Stergios Chatzikyriakidis (stergios.chatzikyriakidis@uoc.gr)
       members: 880
       elections (last,next): summer 2021, 2025
       events: IWCS 2015, IWCS 2017, ICWS 2019; Annual *SEM conference (jointly with SIGLEX) at ACL 2016, ACL 2017, NAACL 2018, NAACL 2019, virtual events 2020 and 2021

SIGSLAV: SIG on Slavic natural language processing

       web page: http://sigslav.cs.helsinki.fi/index.html
       contacts: chair Tomaz Erjavec (tomaz.erjavec@ijs.si)
                 secretary Preslav Nakov (pnakov@qf.org.qa)
       members: 110
       elections (first,last): Winter 2020, winter 2023
       events: BSNLP at RANLP 2015; BSNLP at EACL 2017; Shared Task on Multilingual Named-entity Recognition and Cross-language Name Matching (loosely linked to BSNLP 2017); RUSSE 2018 Shared Task on Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation for the Russian Language; BSNLP at ACL 2019 including Shared Task on Multilingual NER for Slavic languages, BSNLP 2020

SIGSLPAT: SIG on speech and language processing for assistive technologies

       web page: http://www.slpat.org
       contacts: president Sarah Ebling (ebling@cl.uzh.ch), vice president Preethi Vaidyanathan (preethi@eyegaze.com), secretary-treasurer Emily Prud'hommeaux (prudhome@bc.edu), student member Zhengjun Yue (z.yue@sheffield.ac.uk)
       elections (last, next): Fall 2020, Fall 2022
       members: 160
       events: SLPAT16 at Interspeech 2016; RaPID at LREC 2016; SLPAT19 at NAACL 2019; SPAT22 at ACL 2022

SIGSLT: SIG on Spoken Language Translation

      web page: http://www.iwslt.org
      contacts:  president Marcello Federico (mrcfdr@gmail.com), secretary Sebastian Stüker (sebastian.stueker@kit.edu)
      members:  144
      elections (first,next): First Oct 2022, every 2 years
       events: IWSLT 2004-2023;

SIGSUMM: SIG on Summarization

      web page: https://www.sigsumm.org/
      contacts: Liaison representative Yue Dong yue.dong@ucr.edu
      members:  82
      elections (first,next): first Aug. 2024; every 2 years
       events: NewSumm EMNLP Workshop 2023

SIGTURK: SIG on Turkic Languages

      web page: https://sigturk.com
      contacts:  president Duygu Ataman (ataman@nyu.edu), secretary Sardana Ivanova (sardana.ivanova@helsinki.fi)
      members:  136
      elections (first,next): Founded in 2022, elections every year
       events: The First Workshop on Turkic Languages (SIGTURK 2024);

SIGTYP: SIG on Linguistic Typology

       web page: https://sigtyp.github.io/
       contacts: president Ekaterina Vylomova (ekaterina.vylomova@unimelb.edu.au), secretary Ryan Cotterell (ryan.cotterell@gmail.com)
       members: 420
       elections (first,next): tbc
       events: First workshop on Typology for Polyglot Natural Language Processing at ACL 2019; Second workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology at EMNLP 2020; Third workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP at NAACL 2021, SIGTYP 2022 (NAACL 2022), SIGTYP 2023 (EACL 2023), SIGTYP 2024 (EACL 2024)

SIGUR: SIG on Uralic languages

       web page: https://acl-sigur.github.io/
       contacts: chair  Mika Hämäläinen (mika.hamalainen@metropolia.fi),
                 secretary Francis Tyers (ftyers@prompsit.com)
       members: 60
       elections (last, next): 2023, 2025
       events: IWCLUL 2017, IWCLUL 2021, IWCLUL 2023

SIGWAC: SIG on web as corpus

       web page: http://www.sigwac.org.uk
       contacts: presidents: Nikola Ljubešić (nljubesi@gmail.com, Jožef Stefan Institute) and Benoît Sagot (benoit.sagot@inria.fr, INRIA); secretaries: Veronika Laippala (mavela@utu.fi, University of Turku) and Pedro Ortiz Suarez (pedro.ortiz@uni-mannheim.de, Mannheim University)
       members: 178
       elections (last, next): January 2022, 2024
       events: WAC-X at ACL 2016; WAC-XI at Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017, WAC-XII 2020

SIGWrit: SIG on writing systems and written language

       web page: 
       contacts: president (pro-temp): Richard Sproat (rws@xoba.com); vice-president (pro-temp): Emily Prud’hommeaux (emilytucker@gmail.com); Secretary-Treasurer (pro-temp): Kyle Gorman (kylebgorman@gmail.com); Student-member (pro-temp): Noah Hermalin (nmhermalin@berkeley.edu)
       members: 44 (indicated interest)
       elections (last, next): -, January 2025
       events: CAWL at ACL 2023