2016Q1 Schedule
Agenda of ACL Winter Teleconference – Feb. 27, 2016
1. OFFICER REPORTS (60 minutes)
EACL – Lluis (5 minutes)
NAACL – Emily (5 minutes)
AFNLP – Haifeng (5 minutes)
Office – Priscilla (10 minutes)
Secretary - Drago (past secretary) (5 minutes)
Treasurer – Graeme (10 minutes)
Info Officer - Jing-Shin (5 minutes)
SIG Officer – Hermann (5 minutes)
Conference Officer – Yejin (5 minutes)
ACL 2016 – Chris (30 minutes, includes the local chairs, general chair, etc.) (starting at 1 hour after the start of the meeting)
TACL journal - Lillian and Kristina (10 minutes) (starting at 1.5 hours after the start of the meeting)
ACL 2017 – Pushpak (10 minutes)
ACL 2018 – Joakim (5 minutes)
ACL 2019 – Marti (5 minutes)
CL journal – Paola (10 minutes)
3. OTHER UPDATES (15 minutes)
LTA – Pushpak (5 minutes)
nominations for the exec - Chris (chair of the exec nominating committee) (5 minutes)
ACL fellows - Chris (as the most senior member of the exec who is also on this committee) (5 minutes)
4. OTHER TOPICS (30 minutes)
- Joakim
give a brief report from the ad hoc committee to review nomination practices (10 minutes)
- Marti
future IT enhancements and registration changes, such as rotating year (10 minutes)
- Drago
How to assign workshops to conferences? This year there were something like 65 workshop proposals (10 minutes)