2017Q1 Reports: EACL
EACL 2017Q1 Report, February 2017
Walter Daelemans, Chair
Sharon Goldwater, Chair-Elect
Lucia Specia, Secretary
Mike Rosner, Treasurer
The organization of EACL-2017 is now at full speed. Everything is going smoothly and according to plan. Some highlights are the following:
- Around 200 long and 120 short papers were accepted.
- Invited speakers: David Blei, Hinrich Schuetze, Devi Parikh.
- Programme will be created by end of February.
- Workshops have been decided and are listed on the conference website. One workshop did not receive enough submissions, even for a half day workshop.
For updates and extended information on the conference see the EACL-2017 website
Financial Report
2017 Chapter Finances (shadow accounting)
EXPENSES SEM Workshop Sponsorship EACL Sponsorship ESSLLI EACL Sponsorship EACL conference Bank Charges
Feb-17 balance
Mike Rosner
EACL Sponsorship
In 2017, EACL sponsorship has already been assigned to the EACL-2017 conference. In 2016, expenses were kept modest in order to save for the sponsorship of the EACL-2017 conference and its associated Student Research Workshop (SRW). The call was open to all students presenting at EACL, and not limited to SRW presenters. It was possible to finance 13 grants (from 27 applications). Barbara Plank (as faculty advisor), and the SRW committee (consisting of the EACL student board) carefully ranked and commented on the applications and proposed funding the first 13. The EACL board checked the proposal and accepted it.
EACL shorts
- EACL has elected a new student board member, Uxoa Inurrieta, to replace Mariona Coll Ardanuy and a new advisory board member, Ivan Titov, to replace Frank Keller. We thank Mariona and Frank for the excellent work they did for EACL, and Uxoa and Ivan for their willingness to serve.
EACL conference cycle
With Lluís Màrquez as chair, the EACL Board started analyzing the status of the EACL conference and discussing measures to better promote and to increase its visibility. The current 3-year cycle of the conference was perceived as a problem in this direction.
EACL Officers per February 10, 2017
The current officers are the following:
Chair: Lluís Màrquez (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar)
Chair-Elect: Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Secretary: Caroline Sporleder (Trier University, Germany)
Treasurer: Mike Rosner (University of Malta, Malta)
Advisory Board:
- Iryna Gurevych (Technical University Darmstadt, Germany)
- Frank Keller (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Roberto Navigli (University of Rome, Italy)
- Stephan Oepen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Student Board:
- Florian Kunneman (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- John Camilleri (Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg)
- Mariona Coll Ardanuy (Trier University, Germany)
Nominating Committee
- Sien Moens (KU Leuven, Belgium)
- Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Vivi Nastase (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)