ACL Conference Proceedings
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title: ACL 2017 book information for workshop chairs
updated: 23 may by mmitchell
notes: Changed + to ! in order file markup.
This page is intended for Book Chairs: Conference, Workshop, and Demo chairs who need to put together a book for inclusion in the ACL proceedings.
How to produce proceedings for ACL Conferences and Workshops
Previous document: I’m a Book Chair, so what am I supposed to do?
Table of Contents
Step 1: Generate Tab (Initial Generation)
Step 6: CDROM Tab (Online Proceedings Tab)
Table 1: Files used in Book Proceedings Generation
Table 2: Files used in Online Proceedings Generation
Table 3: Softconf ACLPUB Proceedings Generator Tabs
Your goal is to get to the last step, Generate All
, under the Generate tab, without any errors.
Image of last Generate tab view, with 'All' button producing successful proceedings.
👉 👉 It has to look good and abide by the ACL paper and style guidelines. It’s up to you to make sure it does. 👈 👈 👌 👍
Important Details
- Your Softconf workshop abbreviation is on this spreadsheet, under “Softconf”.
- Check that spreadsheet to make sure your workshop name is the precise name of the workshop, in order to get the ISBN.
- Based on the finalized workshop name, we will update the spreadsheet to give you your ISBN.