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Isabelle Augenstein is a Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, where she heads the Copenhagen Natural Language Understanding research group as well as the Natural Language Processing section. Her main research interests are fair and accountable NLP, including challenges such as explainability, factuality and bias detection. Prior to starting a faculty position, she was a postdoctoral researcher at University College London, and before that a PhD student at the University of Sheffield. In October 2022, Isabelle Augenstein became Denmark’s youngest ever female full professor. She currently holds a prestigious ERC Starting Grant on 'Explainable and Robust Automatic Fact Checking', as well as the Danish equivalent of that, a DFF Sapere Aude Research Leader fellowship on 'Learning to Explain Attitudes on Social Media’. She is a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, and President of SIGDAT, which organises the EMNLP conference series.