2010Q3 Reports: Publicity Chairs
By the end of Q1, all CFPs had been sent out, as well as two newsletters.
In Q2, the main task was to provide information about the program, registration and practical matters. Newsletter 3 was sent out in early April with info mainly about tutorials and accommodation. Newsletter 4 was sent out in early May mainly about registration and program. Newsletter 5 was sent out in early June mainly with reminders about registration and accommodation, instructions for presenters, and information on internet access.
Dissemination was through mailing lists including Corpora, CLUK, SIGANN, ELSNET, SIGIR, SIG Semitic, LR egroup, NoDaLi, Bio NLP, SentProc, AMLAP, ISCA Speech, SIGSEM, Connectionists list announcer, and to the ACL membership via Priscilla. Mailings included references to the conference website, where further information can be found.